

Before 1957, our planet Earth only had a natural satellite: the moon. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world’s first artificial satellite. Since then, about 8,900 satellites from more than 40 countries have been launched.

乙 EFORE 1957年,我们的地球只有一个天然卫星:月亮。 1957年10月4日, 苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造卫星。 自那时以来,已经发射了来自40多个国家的约8,900颗卫星。

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Photo by NASA on Unsplash

These satellites help us in monitoring, communication, navigation, and much more. The nations also use the satellite to keep an eye on another nation’s land and its movements, to estimate their economy and power. However, all the nations hide their information from one another.

这些卫星可以帮助我们进行监视,通信,导航等等。 各国还利用卫星监视另一国的土地及其动向,以估算其经济和实力。 但是,所有国家彼此之间都隐藏着自己的信息。

Likewise, the global oil market is not entirely transparent. Almost all oil-producing nations make an effort to hide their total production, consumption, and storage. Nations do this to indirectly conceal their actual economy from outside and empower their defense system. This practice might lead to a threat to other nations.

同样,全球石油市场也不是完全透明的。 几乎所有产油国都在努力隐藏其总产量,消耗量和储存量。 各国这样做是为了从外部间接掩盖其实际经济状况并增强其国防系统的能力。 这种做法可能导致对其他国家的威胁。

For this reason, many startups companies like Planet and Orbital Insight came out to keep eyes on such kind of activities of the nations by satellite imagery. Thye collects satellite imagery of oil storage tanks and estimates reserve volumes.

因此,许多新兴公司如PlanetOrbital Insight都通过卫星图像关注此类国家的活动。 Thye收集了储油罐的卫星图像并估计了储油量。

But the question is, how can one estimate the volume of a tank by just a satellite image? Well, this will only be possible when oil is stored in the floating roof/head tank. This particular type of tank is specially designed to store large quantities of petroleum products such as crude oil or condensate. It consists of the top head that sits directly on the top of the oil, which rises or falls with the volume of oil in the tank and makes two shadows around it. As you can see the below image, the shadow on the north side

但是问题是,如何仅凭卫星图像就能估算出坦克的容积? 好吧,这只有在将油储存在浮动顶盖/顶盖油箱中时才有可能。 这种特殊类型的油箱经过专门设计,可存储大量石油产品,例如原油或冷凝水。 它由直接位于机油顶部的顶盖组成,该顶盖随油箱中的油量上升或下降,并在其周围形成两个阴影。 如您所见,下图是北侧的阴影

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source 资源

(exterior shadow) of the tank refers to the total height of the tank while the shadow within the tank (interior shadow) shows the depth of the floating head/roof(i.e how much empty tank is). And the volume will be estimated as 1-(Area of Interior Shadow/Area of Exterior Shadow).

水箱的(外部阴影)是指水箱的总高度,而水箱内的阴影(内部阴影)表示浮头/屋顶的深度(即多少空水箱)。 体积估计为1-(内部阴影区域/外部阴影区域)。

In this blog, we are going to implement the complete model to estimate the occupied volumes of tanks with the help of satellite images in python language using Tensorflow2.x framework, from scratch.


GitHub回购 (GitHub Repo)

Everything on this article and the entire code is available in this github repository

这篇文章,整个代码上的一切都在提供这种 github上库

Here is the list of contents that are followed in this blog. We would explore each one by one.

这是此博客中遵循的内容列表。 我们将一一探讨。

目录 (Table of Contents)

  1. Problem Statement, Dataset, and Evaluation metric


  2. Existing Approaches


  3. Related Research Works


  4. Useful Blogs and Research Papers


  5. Our Contribution


  6. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)


  7. First Cut Approach


  8. Data Preprocessing, Augmentation and TFRecords


  9. Object Detection using YoloV3


  10. Reserved Volume Estimation


  11. Result


  12. Conclusion


  13. Future Work


1.问题陈述,数据集和评估指标。 (1. Problem Statement, Dataset, and Evaluation metric.)

问题陈述: (Problem Statement:)

Detection of the floating head tank and estimation of the reserved/occupied volume of oil present in it. Followed by reassembling image patches into the full-size image with volume estimations added.

检测浮头油箱并估算其中的油的保留/占用量。 然后将图像块重新组装为完整尺寸的图像,并添加体积估计。

资料集: (Dataset:)

dataset link: https://www.kaggle.com/towardsentropy/oil-storage-tanks?

数据集链接: https : //www.kaggle.com/towardsentropy/oil-storage-tanks

The dataset contains a bounding box annotated, satellite images were taken from Google Earth of the tank containing industrial areas around the world. There are 2 folders and 3 files in the datasets. Let’s see each of them one by one.

数据集包含带注释的边界框,卫星图像是从Google Earth拍摄的,其中包含世界各地的工业区。 数据集中有2个文件夹和3个文件。 让我们一一看一下。

  • large_images: This is a folder/directory that contains 100 satellite raw images of size 4800x4800 each. All the images are named in id_large.jpg format.

    large_images:这是一个文件夹/目录,其中包含100个大小为4800x4800的卫星原始图像。 所有图像均以id_large.jpg格式命名。

  • Image_patches: The image_patches directory contains 512x512 patches generated from the large image. Each large image is split into 100, 512x512 patches with an overlap of 37 pixels between patches on both axes. Image patches are named following an id_row_column.jpg format

    Image_patches: image_patches目录包含从大图像生成的512x512补丁。 每个大图像都分成100个512x512色块,两个轴上的色块之间有37个像素的重叠。 图像补丁以id_row_column.jpg格式命名

  • labels.json: It contains labels for all images. Labels are stored as a list of dictionaries, one for each image. Images that do not contain any floating head tanks are given a label of ‘skip’. Bounding box labels are in the format of (x, y) coordinate pairs of the four corners of the bounding box.

    labels.json:它包含所有图像的标签。 标签存储为字典列表,每个图像一个。 不包含任何浮动水箱的图像将带有“跳过”标签。 边界框标签的格式为边界框四个角的(x,y)坐标对。

  • labels_coco.json: It contains the same labels as the previous file, converted into COCO label format. Here bounding boxes are formatted as [x_min, y_min, width, height].

    labels_coco.json:它包含与上一个文件相同的标签,并转换为COCO标签格式。 在此,边界框的格式为[x_min,y_min,宽度,高度]。

  • large_image_data.csv: It contains metadata about the large image files, including coordinates of the center of each image and the altitude.


评估指标: (Evaluation Metric:)

For the detection of tanks, we will use the Average Precision(AP) for each type of tank and mAP(Mean Average Precision) for all kinds of tanks. There is no metric for the estimated volume of the floating head tank.

对于罐的检测,我们将对每种类型的罐使用平均精度(AP),对所有类型的罐使用mAP(平均平均精度) 。 浮头水箱的估计体积没有度量标准。

the mAP is the standard evaluation

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