

It’s every coffee drinker's favorite time of the year! With PSL season underway, the Starbucks menu has been updated to include all sorts of fall goodies. As a Starbucks connoisseur myself, I’m back to switching up my daily order to get into the autumn spirit.

这是一年中每个咖啡饮用者最喜欢的时间! 随着PSL季节的到来,星巴克菜单已更新,包括各种秋季食品。 作为我自己的星巴克鉴赏家,我回到日常工作中来,融入秋天的精神。

Whether your goal is to satisfy your sweet tooth or fulfill your much-needed caffeine, Starbucks has you covered. The coffee chain has an extensive list of sugary and caffeinated beverages that can satisfy anything you are craving for right when you walk through the door (or pull up to the drive-thru). Using Starbucks nutrition data scraped from its website, let’s take a look at how impactful your cup of coffee is in your daily diet, and tips to make your drink healthier.

无论您的目标是满足您的爱吃甜食还是满足您急需的咖啡因,星巴克都能满足您的需求。 咖啡链上有大量含糖和含咖啡因的饮料,可以满足您在走进门(或拉直驶)时所需要的一切。 使用从其网站上搜集的星巴克营养数据,让我们看看您的日常饮食中咖啡的影响力,以及使饮料更健康的提示。

关于数据 (About the data)

Starbucks provides a nutrition analysis of its menu items on its website to help you balance your Starbucks order with other foods you eat. Their goal is to provide you with the information you need to make sensible decisions about balance, variety, and moderation in your diet.

星巴克在其网站上提供菜单项的营养分析,以帮助您平衡星巴克的定单与您食用的其他食物。 他们的目标是为您提供所需的信息,以便您对饮食中的平衡,多样化和节制做出明智的决策。

I first scraped JSON data from the online Starbucks drinks menu and saved it as a CSV on September 2, 2020. The data file contains the following variables: drink name, type, size, calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, sugar, protein, and caffeine. You can find my scraper here if you wish to pull an updated dataset.

我首先从在线星巴克饮料菜单中抓取了JSON数据,并于2020年9月2日将其保存为CSV。数据文件包含以下变量:饮料名称类型大小卡路里脂肪胆固醇碳水化合物蛋白质咖啡因。 如果要提取更新的数据集,可以在这里找到我的刮板

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A look at the dataset, pre-cleaned

All drinks from the Starbucks online main menu (collected in Fall 2020) are included, with the exception of Clover® Brewed Coffees, Coffee Travelers, Iced Clover® Brewed Coffees, Bottled Teas, Milk, Sparkling Water, and Water. There are 11 columns and 525 rows.

包括星巴克在线主菜单中的所有饮料(于2020年秋季收集),三叶草®煮咖啡,咖啡旅行者,冰三叶草®煮咖啡,瓶装茶,牛奶,苏打水和水除外。 有11列525行

For the purpose of this analysis, I filtered the dataset to only include drinks in grande (16oz) size. Therefore, each line is a unique drink with a unique drink name. I also omitted drinks in which grande size nutrition data was not provided on the Starbucks online menu. After data cleaning, we will be analyzing a total of 139 rows (unique drinks).

为了进行此分析,我对数据集进行了过滤,以仅包括大瓶装(16盎司)的饮料。 因此,每行都是具有唯一饮料名称的唯一饮料。 我还省略了星巴克在线菜单上未提供盛大营养数据的饮料。 清理数据后,我们将分析总共139行(独特的饮料)

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After data cleaning

最不健康的饮料,定义为(The most unhealthy drinks, defined)

重点:卡路里,糖和咖啡因(Focus: Calories, Sugar, & Caffeine)

Why are we looking mostly at calories and sugar?


According to NPD’s Health Aspirations and Behavioral Tracking Service, the top two items consumers look for on nutrition labels are sugars and calories. I also want to discuss caffeine as it is in over 85% of items on the drinks menu, and it is a hot topic in today’s nutrition and health discussions.

根据NPD的“健康愿望和行为跟踪服务” ,消费者在营养标签上寻找的前两个项目是糖和卡路里。 我还想讨论咖啡因,因为它在饮料菜单中占超过85%的比例,这是当今营养与健康讨论中的热门话题

营养分配 (Nutrition distribution)

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Starbucks drink distribution shows a slight left-skew in all nutrition types

The distributions show that Starbucks drinks are slightly left-skewed for calories, sugar, and caffeine. This makes sense as Starbucks does offer a number of zero-calorie and zero-sugar drinks, mostly falling in the tea category. It also offers a good amount of non-coffee and decaf drinks.

分布情况表明,星巴克饮料的卡路里,糖和咖啡因含量略微偏左。 这很有意义,因为星巴克确实提供了许多零卡路里和零糖饮料,其中大多数属于茶类。 它还提供了大量的非咖啡和无咖啡因饮料。

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The above scatterplot and linear regression show the relationship between calories and sugar in all Starbucks drinks. Caffeine is denoted by color, where darker color means more caffeine. As expected, there is a clear and consistent positive relationship between calories and sugar. Caffeine looks to have no clear relationship with the other two variables, with the exception where drinks with very little to no calories and sugar contain a high amount of caffeine. This makes sense — coffee roasts, which do not have any milk or sugar added, have a very high amount of caffeine relative to other drinks.

上面的散点图和线性回归显示了所有星巴克饮料中卡路里和糖之间的关系。 咖啡因用颜色表示,深色表示更多的咖啡因。 正如预期的那样,卡路里和糖之间存在明显且一致的正相关关系。 咖啡因似乎与其他两个变量没有明确的关系,不同之处在于,卡路里和糖分很少甚至没有的饮料都含有大量咖啡因。 这是有道理的-与其他饮料相比,没有添加任何牛奶或糖的咖啡烘焙物中咖啡因的含量非常高。

Let’s look into drink categories to see if we can uncover deeper patterns in these three nutrition types.


分析饮料类别 (Analyzing drink categories)

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We can use the categorical linear regressions above to compare calories to sugar in Starbucks drinks. For each and every drink category, we can see that as the number of calories increase, sugar increases. Using color to show the relationships by drink category, we can see that data points in the Frappuccino category tend to be placed higher in calories and sugar relative to the other categories. Data points in the Hot Tea category tend to be in the lower ranges of calories and sugar. Finally, the Hot Coffee and Cold Coffee categories have a very wide distribution in this plot. This shows that the drink’s nutrition in these categories are not dependent on the category, but instead on other variables that make up the drink.

我们可以使用上面的分类线性回归来比较星巴克饮料中的卡路里与糖的热量。 对于每种饮料类别,我们可以看到,随着卡路里数量的增加,糖分也随之增加。 使用颜色显示饮料类别之间的关系,我们可以看到星冰乐类别中的数据点相对于其他类别而言,其卡路里和糖分含量较高。 “热茶”类别中的数据点往往位于较低的卡路里和糖分范围内。 最后,在此图中,“热咖啡”和“冷咖啡”类别分布非常广泛。 这表明这些类别中的饮料营养与类别无关,而是取决于构成饮料的其他变量。

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Caffeine is most apparent in Hot Coffee and Cold Coffee, with most points falling at or above 150mg. Many drinks in other categories contain caffeine but fall at or below the lower end of the Coffee categories.

咖啡因在热咖啡和冷咖啡中最明显,大多数点在150mg或以上。 其他类别的许多饮料中都含有咖啡因,但属于或低于咖啡类别的下限。

Caffeine for a grande drink can go up to 360mg. It is generally recommended to not go over 400mg a day.

重度饮料的咖啡因含量最高可达360mg。 通常建议每天不要超过400mg。

您日常饮食中的星巴克 (Starbucks in your daily diet)

Looking at g/mg values for all of the nutrition types doesn’t tell us much because we cannot compare the amounts of each nutrition type with different scales. To standardize this, I wanted to know how the nutrition values for each type compare to the daily suggested intake.

查看所有营养类型的g / mg值并不能告诉我们太多,因为我们无法比较每种营养类型与不同比例的含量。 为了对此进行标准化,我想知道每种类型的营养价值与每日建议摄入量的比较。

As Specified by the FDA Based on a 2,000 Calorie Intake for Adults and Children 4 or More Years of Age:


  • Calories: 2000

  • Fat: 78g

  • Cholesterol: 300mg

  • Sodium: 2300mg

  • Carbohydrates: 275g

  • Sugar: ?? → “There is no Daily Value for total sugars because no recommendation has been made for the total amount to eat in a day.” — (FDA)

    糖: ?? →“总糖没有每日价值,因为没有建议每天吃多少糖。” — (FDA)

  • Protein: 50g


Source: https://www.fda.gov/media/135301/download (updated March 2020)

来源: https : //www.fda.gov/media/135301/download (2020年3月更新)

For healthy adults, it is generally recommended to not go over 400mg a day, an amount not associated with negative affects — (FDA)

对于健康的成年人,通常建议每天不要超过400毫克,该量与负面影响无关- (FDA)

  • Caffeine: 400mg


After this transformation, I wanted to see how nutrition types compare to each other now. What is the average daily intake percentage of each nutrition type for Starbucks drink items?

进行此转换后,我想看看营养类型现在如何相互比较。 星巴克饮料中每种营养类型的平均每日摄入量是多少?

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Average of daily percentage broken down by nutrition type and category

A high level of caffeine intake is apparent in this heatmap for the categories Cold Coffee and Hot Coffee. This further supports the observations that caffeine is most apparent in the variant Nitro Cold Brew drinks (Cold Coffee) and the variant “roast” drinks (Hot Coffee).

在此热图中,冷咖啡和热咖啡类别的咖啡因摄入量很高。 这进一步支持了以下观察结果:咖啡因在各种Nitro Cold Brew饮料(冷咖啡)和其他“焙烧”饮料(热咖啡)中最明显。

On a positive note, it is very good to see little darkness in the other nutrition types. With the other nutrition types, we need to worry about how they add up when we start concerning our daily meal intake as well. Having a lighter value lets us save the bulk of our calorie intake for the meals that fuel us. On the other hand, we don’t have to worry about caffeine intake for the rest of the day… unless you are someone who has multiple cups of coffee a day.

从积极的方面来看,很高兴看到其他营养类型几乎没有黑暗。 至于其他营养类型,我们也需要担心它们在我们开始每天的膳食摄入量时会如何增加。 拥有更轻的价值,可以让我们节省大量的卡路里摄入量,从而为我们加油。 另一方面,我们不必担心一天剩下的时间里的咖啡因摄入量……除非您每天要喝多杯咖啡。

最不健康的饮料是… (And the most unhealthy drinks are…)

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Top 5 drinks in calories, sugar, and caffeine respectively

With the Salted Caramel flavor making its appearance three times between two categories, it’s very unfortunate that it is one of my absolute favorites. :(

咸焦糖口味在两个类别之间出现了三遍,非常不幸的是它是我绝对的最爱之一。 :(

使您的饮料更健康的提示 (Tips to make your drink healthier)

There are plenty of healthy options or customization tips to make your drink fall more on the healthy side of the Starbucks spectrum. Here are a few quick tips:

有很多健康的选择自定义提示,可让您的饮品在星巴克的健康形象上更加突出。 以下是一些快速提示:

  • Request nonfat milk

  • Select a sugar-free syrup for great flavor without added calories or sugar

  • Ask for less whip or no whip to save anywhere from 80–110 calories

  • Choose a size that matches your calorie budget

  • Pick your espresso intensity by adding an extra shot, or try decaf


Want to play around with this data? You can find it in my Github repo here → data collected from https://www.starbucks.com/menu on September 2, 2020.

想玩这些数据吗? 你可以找到它在我的GitHub库这里→从收集的数据https://www.starbucks.com/menu于2020年9月2日。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@yazihejazi/how-unhealthy-is-your-starbucks-drink-55b23ae371d6






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