理论声学与计算声学 sci_听您的管道或如何使用声学测量来定位漏水

理论声学与计算声学 sci

We have all heard it, and the UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 highlights it — clean (drinking) water is a scarce source that we need to protect. But how are leaks in pipe networks actually discovered if the leak does not manifest itself as a new water fountain in Mrs Smith’s backyard?

我们都听说过,联合国可持续发展目标6突出强调了这一点-清洁(饮用水)水是我们需要保护的稀缺水源。 但是,如果泄漏不会在史密斯太太的后院中表现为新的饮水器,那么如何真正发现管网中的泄漏呢?

Multiple techniques ranging from radioactive isotopes over interferometry to satellite-based radars are used to find leaks in pipe networks. However, acoustics is one of the most applied methods owing to its simplicity.

从干涉法中的放射性同位素到基于卫星的雷达,多种技术被用于查找管网中的泄漏。 但是,由于其简单性,声学是最常用的方法之一。

泄漏的物理 (The Physics of Leaks)

When a fluid exits a pressurized pipe, acoustic noise is generated. This fact has been known for more than a hundred years and been used extensively for detecting leaks in fluid systems containing pressurized medias such as oil, gas and water. We now know, that the source of the noise is mostly due to turbulence and cavitation bobbles generated, where the fluid exits.

当流体离开加压管道时,会产生声响。 这个事实已经有一百多年的历史了,已被广泛用于检测含有加压介质(如油,气和水)的流体系统中的泄漏。 现在我们知道,噪声的来源主要是由于湍流和产生的汽蚀气泡,流体从此处排出。

However, many parameters influence the noise generation such as pipe diameter, leak size and fluid pressure. Furthermore, the pipe material and its surroundings determine how the noise is propagated in the grid. The main part of the acoustic spectrum of the generated noise has frequencies in the range from 0–2 kHz, which facilitate multiple resonances like pipe circumference modes and longitudinal pipe bending modes.

但是,许多参数会影响噪声的产生,例如管道直径,泄漏尺寸和流体压力。 此外,管道材料及其周围环境决定了噪声如何在网格中传播。 所产生的噪声的声谱的主要部分的频率范围为0–2 kHz,这有助于多重共振,例如管道圆周模式和纵向管道弯曲模式。

To sum up; this is a highly complex system, where a full mathematical description is unpractical for even a small distribution grid having a 1 km mainline and 50–100 service lines to consumers. Fortunately, a full understanding is not necessary to utilize the generated noise as a tool for finding leaks in the grid. Knowing that pipes work like low pass filters and plastic pipes (PE and PVC) introduce remarkable more damping compared to metal-based pipes will get you far.

总结一下; 这是一个高度复杂的系统,即使对于只有1公里主干线和50-100条通往消费者的服务线的小型配电网,完整的数学描述也不可行。 幸运的是,没有必要完全理解将产生的噪声用作发现电网中泄漏的工具。 与基于金属的管道相比,知道管道像低通滤波器和塑料管道(PE和PVC)一样工作时,会带来明显更大的阻尼效果。

使用声学的基本泄漏检测 (Basic Leak Detection using Acoustics)

In many cases, a simple listening device placed on a curb stop (valve at beginning of service line) close to the leak is enough to hear and recognize the fizzling sound of a leak. Historically, a simple stick was actually used, much like the stethoscope used by a midwife. Present day instruments are more advanced and often implement either accelerometers or hydrophones (underwater microphones). Furthermore, many systems exist, where the listening devices are permanently installed in the grid and offer constant monitoring. This makes it possible to discover evolving leaks before they become severe. Here a good coupling between the pipe and the sensor is required. Therefore, the sensor is often either equipped with a strong magnet (accelerometers) or integrated directly into the pipe (hydrophones).

在许多情况下,放置在靠近泄漏点的路缘挡块(服务线起点处的阀门)上的简单聆听设备足以听到并识别泄漏点的嘶嘶声。 从历史上看,实际上使用了一个简单的棍子,就像助产士使用的听诊器一样。 当今的仪器更加先进,通常使用加速度计或水听器(水下麦克风)。 此外,存在许多系统,其中侦听设备永久安装在网格中并提供持续监控。 这样就可以在泄漏变得严重之前发现不断演变的泄漏。 在此,需要在管道和传感器之间建立良好的连接。 因此,传感器通常配备强磁体(加速度计)或直接集成到管道中(水听器)。

充分利用数据 (Getting More Out of Data)

To get most out of data, some systems also introduce advanced data treatment like frequency analysis and cross-correlation techniques. The former enables filtering away unwanted (known) ambient noise sources by comparing spectral components. Cross-correlation, in principle, facilitates leak pinpointing, i.e. finding the exact location of the leak. This requires two sensors, where the leak must be located between the sensors (See figure 2). Performing a cross-correlation of simultaneously captured measurements will give the time delay of the leak noise between the sensors. If the speed of sound in the pipe is known, this delay can be converted into a distance, i.e. the location of the leak.

为了充分利用数据,某些系统还引入了高级数据处理,例如频率分析和互相关技术。 前者可以通过比较频谱分量来滤除不需要的(已知)环境噪声源。 原则上,互相关有助于精确定位泄漏,即找到泄漏的确切位置。 这需要两个传感器,泄漏必须位于两个传感器之间(请参见图2)。 执行同时捕获的测量的互相关将给出传感器之间泄漏噪声的时间延迟。 如果知道管道中的声速,则可以将此延迟转换为距离,即泄漏的位置。

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Figure 2. Leak found by correlation method. The times t1 and t2 is a result of the cross-correlation between simultaneously captured noise data at sensor 1 and sensor 2.
图2.通过相关方法发现的泄漏。 时间t1和t2是传感器1和传感器2同时捕获的噪声数据之间互相关的结果。

Especially noise correlation has proven its worth during the last two decades. However, several pitfalls exist using this kind of analysis. As stated earlier, very local conditions can affect both the noise generation and its propagation, making it hard either to make exact frequency filters or calculate the required speed of sound. Furthermore, the massive introduction of PE based pipes require existing sensors to be located closer as the generated leak noise will be damped more. There are many ways of targeting these issues; adaptive frequency filters, active speed of sound measurements, cloud-based artificial intelligence and sensor sensitivity improvement to mention a few. Often these methods require massive calculations (= higher current consumption) or better equipment (= more expensive). However, another simple approach could be to flood the grid with sensors. If sensors are placed closely throughout the grid, leak noise will not have to propagate far before detected by a sensor.

特别是在过去的二十年中,噪声相关已经证明了其价值。 但是,使用这种分析存在一些陷阱。 如前所述,非常局部的条件会影响噪声的产生及其传播,这使得很难制作精确的频率滤波器或计算所需的声音速度。 此外,大量引入基于PE的管道需要将现有的传感器放置得更近,因为所产生的泄漏噪声将得到更大的阻尼。 针对这些问题有很多方法。 自适应频率滤波器,声音测量的主动速度,基于云的人工智能和传感器灵敏度的提高仅举几例。 这些方法通常需要大量的计算(=更高的电流消耗)或更好的设备(=更昂贵)。 但是,另一种简单的方法可能是用传感器淹没网格。 如果将传感器紧密放置在整个网格中,则泄漏噪声不必在传感器检测到之前就传播很远。

解决复杂问题的简单方法 (A Simple Approach to a Complicated Problem)

Integrating an acoustic noise sensor into a water meter is one way of solving this task. Meters are often placed at the end of every service connection which facilitates a very good coverage of the grid. The sensor will get an inherent optimal coupling to the grid, since a water meter is an integrated part of the pipe. Furthermore, modern smart meters all have a wireless transmission of data, which the acoustic sensor can piggyback on. However, to succeed with this tactic, the acoustic sensor must be cheap such that the combined price of the water meter is acceptable to the customers. Furthermore, the acoustic sensor should have a low current consumption since water meters often need to run on a battery for more than 15 years. Our newest water meter developed here in Denmark by Kamstrup actually introduced this novel technique without compromising any of the existing features of the meter. To reduce data transmission, a single measure of the acoustic noise level at the meter is returned once a day to either a central or local system.

将声噪声传感器集成到水表中是解决此任务的一种方法。 电表通常放置在每个服务连接的末端,这有助于很好地覆盖电网。 由于水表是管道的组成部分,因此传感器将获得与网格的固有最佳耦合。 此外,现代智能电表均具有无线传输数据的功能,声学传感器可以将其无线传输。 但是,为了成功实施该策略,声学传感器必须便宜,以使水表的综合价格为客户所接受。 此外,由于水表通常需要依靠电池运行超过15年,因此声传感器应具有较低的电流消耗。 实际上,由Kamstrup在丹麦在这里开发的最新水表实际上是在不损害水表任何现有功能的前提下介绍了这项新颖的技术。 为了减少数据传输,每天一次将仪表上的噪音水平的单个度量值返回到中央或本地系统。

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Figure 3. Map showing the locations of water meters equipped with an acoustic noise sensor. A red dot means that the noise level is high, and the reason could be a leak. Data is by curtesy of VandCenter Syd.
图3.显示配备声噪声传感器的水表位置的地图。 红点表示噪声水平高,原因可能是泄漏。 数据由VandCenter Syd提供。

现实生活中的测试 (Testing in Real Life)

Figure 3 shows a map, where every dot marks an acoustic sensor integrated into a water meter. Within a radius of 250 meters, this amounts to more than 250 sensors monitoring the grid for leaks. During a test trial period (half a year) six previously unknown leaks were found in the shown area. These were all on the service lines and none could be heard on the curb stops, where you normally would listen for leaks, i.e. the leaks were only found owing to the acoustic sensor integrated into the water meter.

图3显示了一个地图,其中每个点都标记了集成到水表中的声学传感器。 在250米的半径内,共有250个以上的传感器监视着电网是否泄漏。 在测试试用期间(半年),在所示区域中发现了六个先前未知的泄漏。 这些都在维修线路上,在路缘挡块上听不到任何声音,您通常会在那儿听泄漏,即发现泄漏仅是由于集成在水表中的声音传感器。

Meter-based noise measurements also create new challenges. The main one being that meters are often installed inside houses, where ambient noise sources like pumps and district or central heating are more likely to cause acoustic interference. This is, fortunately, a local challenge and as seen in the top panel in figure 4, the noise pattern from a pump is often very different from a leak, making it possible to distinguish most leaks from pumps based on post data analysis.

基于仪表的噪声测量也带来了新的挑战。 主要的原因是电表通常安装在房屋内,那里的环境噪声源(如泵和区域或中央供暖系统)更可能引起声音干扰。 幸运的是,这是一个局部挑战,如图4的顶部面板所示,来自泵的噪声模式通常与泄漏有很大不同,从而可以基于后期数据分析来区分大多数泄漏与泵。

Our initial test showed that many leaks can only be detected by the nearest meter. However, in some cases, multiple meters detect the leak. This is often seen as very similar noise graphs (Figure 4 bottom panel). The similarity rises as the sensors register the same noise source and are mostly seen in metal-based pipes, where the noise can travel far, or for leaks on the mainline where the noise source is close to multiple sensors.

我们的初始测试表明,只有最近的电表才能检测到许多泄漏。 但是,在某些情况下,多个仪表会检测到泄漏。 通常将其视为非常相似的噪声图(图4底部面板)。 随着传感器记录相同的噪声源,这种相似性会提高,并且通常会出现在金属管道中,在该管道中噪声可能传播得很远,或者在噪声源靠近多个传感器的干线上泄漏。

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Figure 4. Top panel shows noise graphs from a metal pipe leak (orange), a PE pipe leak (green) and pump noise (purple). Bottom panel shows a large correlation between three installations meaning that the register the same noise source. This is mostly seen for noisy leaks and leaks on mains.
图4.顶部面板显示了金属管泄漏(橙色),PE管泄漏(绿色)和泵噪声(紫色)的噪声图。 底部面板显示了三个安装之间的很大相关性,这意味着记录了相同的噪声源。 这通常是因为嘈杂的泄漏和主电源泄漏引起的。

To sum up, acoustic measurements are a great and simple tool for leak detection. Several technologies exist and have been used with success for the last decades. The newest step forward is water meters equipped with acoustic noise sensors. This is a simple approach to a complicated problem and even though simple, it is striking how far you get simply by the power of many.

综上所述,声学测量是用于泄漏检测的出色且简单的工具。 在过去的几十年中,已经存在多种技术,并且已经成功使用了这些技术。 最新的进步是配备噪声传感器的水表。 这是解决复杂问题的一种简单方法,即使简单,也令人吃惊的是,仅凭许多人的力量,您能走多远。

By Sune Dupont,Development Engineer, Kamstrup

Kamstrup开发工程师Sune Dupont

关于我 (About me)

I am a Development Engineer at Kamstrup in the R&D Hardware Department for water meters. My work is primarily focused on sensor technology based in the actual meter. I have a background in physics and together with my colleagues, we constantly try to push the limit of what’s possible in our edge-based technology facing constraints like current consumption and long lifetime (> 15 years) with no option of changes once the meter is installed.

我是研发硬件部门Kamstrup的水表开发工程师。 我的工作主要集中在基于实际电表的传感器技术上。 我拥有物理学背景,并且与同事一起,我们不断努力突破基于边缘的技术所能达到的极限,这些技术面临着诸如电流消耗和长寿命(> 15年)之类的限制,一旦电表被更换,就无法进行任何更改。已安装。

翻译自: https://medium.com/destinationaarhus-techblog/listen-to-your-pipes-or-how-acoustic-measurements-are-used-to-locate-water-leaks-4298462bd1e3

理论声学与计算声学 sci

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