

Enterprises are much more overwhelmed with conversations than ever before. Not only do they have to actively respond to customers over a myriad of channels like email, phone, social and livechat, they’re expected to give personal, relevant and fast responses.

企业比以往任何时候都更加不知所措。 他们不仅必须通过电子邮件,电话,社交和实时聊天等众多渠道积极回应客户,而且还希望他们做出个人,相关且快速的响应。

To tackle this problem, many organizations are looking at new technology to help them meet customer expectations. Some of the most notable are AI chatbots, self-service knowledge bases and good old Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems.

为了解决这个问题,许多组织正在寻找新技术来帮助他们满足客户的期望。 其中最著名的是AI聊天机器人,自助服务知识库和良好的旧式交互式语音响应(IVR)系统。

The problem? These all aim to lessen the time customers spend with agents.

问题? 这些都是为了减少客户在代理商上花费的时间。

While people do like self service for speed and convenience, majority still want to be able to talk to a person in times of need, or at important turning points in their life. Curiously, while we’re moving more towards a more digital and self-service world, most consumers still want the ‘human touch’ in their service communications.

尽管人们喜欢自助服务以提高速度和便利性,但大多数人仍然希望能够在需要时或生活中的重要转折点与人交谈。 奇怪的是,尽管我们正朝着一个更加数字化和自助的世界迈进,但大多数消费者仍然希望他们的服务通信具有“人性化”的感觉。

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The challenge is to provide highly personalized and relevant offerings to meet both customer and business goals, all the while delivering the experience through the customer’s natural mediums of interaction. Counterintuitively, the likeliest solution to bring the human element back into customer conversations is though technology and big data.

挑战在于提供高度个性化的相关产品以满足客户和业务目标,同时始终通过客户的自然互动媒介提供体验。 与直觉相反,通过技术和大数据将人为因素带回客户对话的最可能解决方案是。

So, what should you look for in a technology that will give you both customer satisfaction and maximize revenue?


多渠道对话 (Multichannel Conversations)

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At the basics, an organization’s communication channels should be in one view. That means a business should be able to see and reply to customers by email, phone, livechat, social media, forums and wherever they could be talking to you, or about you, on one platform.

从根本上讲,组织的沟通渠道应该是一种观点。 这意味着企业应该能够在一个平台上通过电子邮件,电话,实时聊天,社交媒体,论坛以及他们与您或与您交谈的任何地方来查看和回复客户。

Why? Convenience and transparency.

为什么? 方便和透明

便捷对话 (Convenient Conversations)

A single platform for the entire range of conversation channels is much more efficient for customer-facing agents. Often, they have to switch between multiple channels to check for new customer interactions, and unfortunately, miss some communications here and there. With one view for conversations, they save on time, and reduces the chance they will miss communications from less monitored channels.

对于面向客户的座席而言,用于整个会话渠道的单个平台效率更高。 通常,他们必须在多个渠道之间切换以检查是否有新的客户互动,但是不幸的是,他们错过了一些到处的交流。 通过单一视图进行对话,他们节省了时间,并减少了他们错过来自较少受监视的渠道的通信的机会。

The convenience isn’t just for agents. Customers want to interact with brands through their medium of choice. 51% of U.S. consumers are loyal to brands that interact with them through their preferred channels of communication. Younger consumers especially, want to interact with large organizations via instant messaging channels where they can use natural language. Having all channels on one platform allows agents to have visibility across all channels, instead of doing well on a few and lagging on others.

便利不仅限于代理商。 客户希望通过他们选择的媒介与品牌互动。 51%的美国消费者忠于通过首选的传播渠道与他们互动的品牌。 尤其是年轻的消费者,希望通过可以使用自然语言的即时消息传递渠道与大型组织进行交互。 将所有渠道都放在一个平台上可以使座席在所有渠道上具有可见性,而不是在少数几个渠道上表现出色,而在其他渠道上则落后。

透明对话 (Transparent Conversations)

In so many organizations, a different team handles a different channel. They are responsible for that channel, and that channel only. But the customer is dynamic. They might reach out on one channel, and upon finding that it isn’t fast enough or substantial enough to resolve their problems, they will switch channels.

在这么多的组织中,不同的团队处理不同的渠道。 他们负责该渠道,并且仅负责该渠道。 但是客户是动态的。 他们可能会在一个渠道上伸出援手,一旦发现解决问题的速度或速度不够快,他们就会切换渠道。

The ‘different team, different channel’ approach doesn’t account for the customer’s flexibility, resulting in multiple replies or inconsistent replies from two different people, both creating bad customer experiences. With multiple channels on one view, conversations are transparent. Conversations from the same customer are stitched together, and the same person can handle issues without making the customer’s journey difficult.

“不同的团队,不同的渠道”方法并不能说明客户的灵活性,从而导致来自两个不同人员的多次答复或不一致的答复,都会造成不良的客户体验。 在一个视图上有多个渠道,对话是透明的。 来自同一位客户的对话被组合在一起,并且同一个人可以处理问题,而不会增加客户的旅程难度。

整体客户观点 (Holistic Customer View)

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In an enterprise with multiple departments, systems and channels, it’s necessary to have a collective view of the customer.


A single customer view (or a 360 degree view) is a complete profile of a customer, created from aggregated data points within an organization’s systems and channels. It collates data from multichannel communications and customer data platforms (like CRMs, analytics, marketing and legacy systems).

单个客户视图(或360度视图)是根据组织系统和渠道内的汇总数据点创建的客户的完整档案。 它可以整理来自多渠道通信和客户数据平台(例如CRM,分析,营销和遗留系统)的数据。

Customers often complain about the lack of continuity in their conversations and having to repeat themselves. Problems like this arise because agents have no visibility on what customers have said on a separate channel, or what customer information exists on a separate system. As such, interactions are treated as a completely new “ticket”, and in the worst cases, existing customers are seen as a new customer.

客户经常抱怨他们的对话缺乏连续性 ,不得不重复自己。 之所以会出现这样的问题,是因为代理商无法了解客户在单独的渠道上所说的话,或者客户的信息在单独的系统上是否存在。 因此,交互被视为全新的“门票”,在最坏的情况下,现有客户被视为新客户。

With a single customer view, an agent can see a given customer’s conversational, transactional and behavioral data in one place. This not only improves time-to-answer by 20% — 80%, it also ensures customer information flow is consistent and continuous, reducing awkward moments like the ones above.

使用单个客户视图,座席可以在一处查看给定客户的对话,交易和行为数据。 这不仅将响应时间缩短了20%-80% ,而且还确保了客户信息流的连续性和连续性,从而减少了上述尴尬的时刻。

The use of a single customer view can even go beyond customer care activities. Integrated systems mean that there could be a seamless blend of sales, marketing and service activities through conversation.

使用单个客户视图甚至可以超出客户服务活动的范围。 集成系统意味着可以通过对话将销售,市场营销和服务活动无缝地融合在一起。

Having this feature marks the start of being able to use critical sources of data collectively. The key however, lies in how the customer intelligence is used. The following presents ways customer intelligence can be used to take control of conversations in providing exceptional customer experience and maximize revenue.

具有此功能标志着开始能够集体使用关键数据源。 但是,关键在于如何使用客户智能。 以下内容介绍了如何利用客户智能来控制对话,从而提供卓越的客户体验并最大化收益。

AI辅助代理商 (AI-assisted agents)

Use of artificial intelligence (AI) in enterprises is not new. For decades they have been used to automate heavily manual processes to increase efficiency, accuracy and decrease costs. What is new, is the use of AI beyond processes to interactions.

在企业中使用人工智能(AI)并不新鲜。 几十年来,它们一直被用来使大量的手动过程自动化,以提高效率,准确性并降低成本。 新颖的是,从流程到交互都使用了AI。

Use of AI opens up the potential to deliver personalized interactions and hyper-relevant offerings that are scalable.


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Whether it’s the AI itself doing the talking, or an algorithm providing assistance to a human representative, online, or face-to-face, AI holds incredible potential to re-establish the human-to-human connection in an increasingly digital world. Check out some examples below.

无论是AI本身在讲话,还是为人类代表,在线或面对面提供帮助的算法,AI都具有巨大的潜力,可以在日益数字化的世界中重新建立人与人之间的联系。 在下面查看一些示例。

通过AI提供相关内容和信息 (Deliver relevant content and information with AI)

Many organizations have invested heavily into user experience, self-service and knowledge management tools. Yet, it is still difficult and time-consuming for customers to find the right information when they need it.

许多组织已在用户体验,自助服务和知识管理工具上投入了大量资金。 然而,对于客户来说,在需要时找到正确的信息仍然困难且耗时的。

Companies like Zendesk have developed AI-powered virtual assistants that help customers self-serve. By processing natural language, the technology suggests articles in the knowledge base to help them resolve their problems on their own. Research has found that most people are open to using self-serve AI technology like this, and see it as faster and more convenient.

诸如Zendesk之类的公司已经开发了AI驱动的虚拟助手,可以帮助客户自助服务。 通过处理自然语言,该技术可以为知识库中的文章提供建议,以帮助他们自行解决问题。 研究发现,大多数人都愿意使用这种自助服务的AI技术 ,并认为它更快,更方便。

Other organizations like Woveon have built AI-powered response assistants to help agents have more productive conversations in real-time. As agents talk with customers, the response assistance helps guide conversations so better results can be achieved for both the customer and the business. It would suggest opportunities like ‘other customers like her also bought’, or ‘he mentioned credit cards, link to these articles from our blog to help him decide’.

Woveon等其他组织也构建了AI驱动的响应助手,以帮助座席实时进行更有成效的对话。 在座席与客户交谈时,响应帮助可帮助指导对话,因此可以为客户和企业带来更好的结果。 这将建议诸如“其他像她一样的其他顾客也购买过”或“他提到信用卡的机会”链接到我们博客中的这些文章,以帮助他做出决定。

加快解决时间 (Speed up resolution times)

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On average, a customer care specialist spends 20% of their time looking for information and context to resolve a customer’s problem. That’s one whole day in a work week!

平均而言,客户服务专员会花费20%的时间来寻找信息和环境来解决客户的问题。 那是一周工作的一天!

AI can help organize information so that it’s easily digestible and relevant to a customer’s enquiry. Woveon’s Intelligent Response framework for example, will change the information it displays to assist agents based on the flow of conversation. If a customer talks about their personal loan, their loan details pop up. If the conversation shifts to their lost credit card, their shipping details will surface and agents are prompted to cancel the lost card.

人工智能可以帮助组织信息,使其易于消化并与客户的查询相关。 例如,Woveon的智能响应框架将根据对话流更改其显示的信息,以帮助座席。 如果客户谈论其个人贷款,则会弹出其贷款详细信息。 如果对话转移到他们的丢失的信用卡,他们的运输详细信息将浮出水面,并提示代理商取消丢失的卡。

Instead of wasting time looking for information, AI assistance leave agents more time to build a relationship and take up on untapped customer opportunities. Customers also love a quick and productive interaction. 69% attributed their good customer service experience to quick resolution of their problem.

AI援助不会浪费时间寻找信息,而是为代理商提供了更多时间来建立关系并抓住未开发的客户机会。 客户也喜欢快速而富有成效的互动。 69%的人将其良好的客户服务经验归功于快速解决问题。

减少重复的管理任务,为更高价值的互动打开大门 (Reduce repetitive admin tasks to open doors for higher value interactions)

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Administrative tasks like After-call work (ACW) have been a constant headache for employees in customer-facing roles. Though they are necessary, it’s tedious, repetitive and and takes up too much time. Technology can help to reduce time spent on these menial tasks, leaving agents more time to build customer relationships and, in the process, make their jobs more productive and meaningful.

诸如呼叫后工作(ACW)之类的管理任务一直是面向客户角色的员工的头疼问题。 尽管它们是必需的,但它很乏味,重复且占用太多时间。 技术可以帮助减少花在这些琐碎任务上的时间,从而使代理商有更多时间建立客户关系,并在此过程中使他们的工作更具生产力和意义。

For example, Avaya has a natural language summarization tool to help agents process customer information post-call. Talkdesk automates call routing, where the customer is automatically paired with an agent with the best ability to solve their problem. Woveon can prioritize conversations real-time, based on customer importance, value, urgency, or a mixture of all factors.

例如,Avaya具有自然语言汇总工具,可帮助座席处理呼叫后的客户信息。 Talkdesk自动执行呼叫路由,在此情况下,客户将自动与最能解决问题的代理配对。 Woveon可以根据客户的重要性,价值,紧迫性或所有因素的混合,实时确定对话的优先级。

Freeing up employee time away from menial tasks allow them to participate in higher-value activities.


智能分析 (Intelligent Analytics)

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There’s no doubt that data analytics is incredibly beneficial for customer conversations. The trick is knowing what data to use, how, and when.

毫无疑问,数据分析对客户对话非常有益。 诀窍是知道要使用什么数据,如何使用以及何时使用。

What data is being used matters because not all data is created equal. For example, rather than looking at metrics at a point in time (customer rated the agent 4 out of 5 for resolution), it’s much more important to look at the larger picture (that it took 3 calls and an hour on hold to get there).

使用什么数据很重要,因为并非所有数据都相等。 例如,与其查看某个时间点的指标(客户在5分中将座席评级为5分,代表座席),不如查看更大的画面 (花了3个电话和一个小时的等待时间才能到达目的地) )。

How data is used is arguably more critical to conversational success. The key lies in knowing what datapoints to tie together, and what analysis to draw from it. A mesh of marketing and service data can show how a recent marketing campaign has affected conversation volume and NPS. A cluster analysis of related keywords in customer conversations can lead to discovery of a huge logistics flaw.

可以说, 如何使用数据对会话成功至关重要。 关键在于知道将哪些数据点关联在一起,以及从中得出哪些分析结果。 营销和服务数据网格可以显示最近的营销活动如何影响对话量和NPS。 客户对话中相关关键字的聚类分析可导致发现巨大的物流缺陷。

When to use what data is of particular importance to customer-facing agents. 74% of Millennial banking customers for example, want their financial institutions to send them information about services exactly when they need to see it. This could be information about personal loans when they’re starting to look for a house, or travel insurance before they intend to travel.

何时使用什么数据对于面向客户的代理商尤为重要。 例如, 74%的千禧一代银行客户希望他们的金融机构在需要时准确地向他们发送有关服务的信息。 这可能是有关他们开始寻找房屋时的个人贷款的信息,或者是他们打算旅行之前的旅行保险。

Companies these days have a wealth of data on their customers. In theory, organizations should have the ability to know who they are, what they need and what makes them defect to another company. However, lack of visibility on the holistic customer journey and customer intelligence tools stunt their ability to provide such excellence.

如今,公司拥有大量有关客户的数据。 从理论上讲,组织应该有能力知道自己是谁,需要什么以及使他们对另一家公司不利的原因。 但是,缺乏整体客户旅程的可见性和客户智能工具阻碍了它们提供卓越服务的能力。

The following section will delve into three types of analytics particularly useful for managing customer conversations — predictive, clustering and revenue-generating.


预测分析 (Predictive Analytics)

Predictive analytics provide foresight into potential customer problems and opportunities. Extracted from existing historical conversational, transactional and behavioral data, it can help agents better prepare for customer outcomes and trends.

预测分析提供了对潜在客户问题和机会的预见。 它从现有的历史对话,交易和行为数据中提取,可以帮助代理商更好地为客户的结果和趋势做准备。

A pretty common example is prediction of when influxes of customer conversations come in. For eCommerce businesses, holiday seasons generally see a spike in customer conversations and steadily reduces till the next holiday season. In a more complex scenario, predictive analytics can find that customers with a particular occupation, a certain concern and at a similar stage in their lives is actually a niche the organization hasn’t capitalized on.

一个很常见的例子是预测何时会出现客户对话涌入。对于电子商务企业来说,假期通常会在客户对话中激增,并持续减少直到下一个假期。 在更复杂的情况下,预测分析可以发现具有特定职业,某种关注并处于人生相似阶段的客户实际上是组织没有利用的利基市场。

聚类分析 (Cluster Analysis)

Now this one isn’t as common in a conversational technology, but is definitely worth mentioning. Cluster analysis involves conversations and customer information to be tagged, then for similar or related tags to be clustered together to draw insights.

现在,这一功能在对话技术中并不常见,但绝对值得一提。 聚类分析涉及对会话和客户信息进行标记,然后将相似或相关的标记聚类在一起以得出见解。

Cluster analysis can draw out how topics in conversations can be relevant, or how particular customer segments can be feel about a product. This customer intelligence can then feed into other parts of the business. It could be used to help create a new automated customer workflow for upsells, or contribute to a new marketing campaign for a newly discovered customer segment.

聚类分析可以确定对话中的主题如何相关,或者特定客户群对产品的感觉如何。 然后,这种客户情报可以纳入业务的其他部分。 它可用于帮助为加售创建新的自动化客户工作流程,或有助于为新发现的客户群进行新的营销活动。

创收分析 (Revenue-generating analytics)

As repetitive and menial conversations are moving towards being solved by self-service solutions, agents must also move from a traditional support role to a hybrid service-to-sales model. This category of analysis is as the name suggests, analysis that serves to generate revenue for the business within conversations.

随着重复性和私密性对话正逐渐通过自助服务解决方案解决,代理商还必须从传统的支持角色转变为服务到销售的混合模型。 顾名思义,这种分析类别有助于在对话中为企业产生收入。

For example, Woveon’s Intelligent Response Framework suggests ways customer specialist representatives in banks can sell more products to their customers. A customer who fits the profile of ‘customers who typically get a black American express card’ will prompt a suggestion for the agent to talk the customer into an upgrade from their current card. A customer who is at a stage in their life where ‘customers like him are looking at buying a property’ will prompt a suggestion to link some home loan webpages, or a free session with a financial planner.

例如,Woveon的智能响应框架提出了银行客户专家代表可以向其客户出售更多产品的方式的建议。 符合“通常会获得黑色美国运通卡的客户”个人资料的客户将提示代理商建议该客户说服他们从当前卡升级。 如果某个客户处于其生活中的某个阶段,“像他这样的客户正在考虑购买房地产”,则会提示您建议链接一些房屋贷款网页,或者与理财师进行免费会议。

Marketo research shows that only 10% of B2B companies’ revenue comes from initial sales. 90% of the revenue comes from following sales.

Marketo研究表明,B2B公司的收入中只有10%来自初始销售。 收入的90%来自后续销售

In the best possible scenario, this analysis is also delivered at the right time for an agent to capitalize on the opportunity, like in an intelligent response framework.


成为数据极客,而不是蠕变 (Be a data geek, not creep)

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Of course, it’s important to know that use of data should be “cool”, not “creepy”. There’s a fine line between the two that should never be crossed. Also, everyone’s fine line is drawn differently, so what one customer may think is cool, can be perceived as creepy by someone else.

当然,重要的是要知道数据的使用应该是“酷”的,而不是“令人毛骨悚然的”。 两者之间有一条不容错过的细线。 同样,每个人的分界线也不同,因此一个客户可能认为很酷的东西,可能会被其他人视为令人毛骨悚然。

Enterprises should have enough data about their customers to track and understand individual preferences, and see how customers respond to different use of their information at different points in the customer journey. Conversational intelligence and analysis tools can help create better relationships without overstepping the customer’s boundaries.

企业应该拥有有关客户的足够数据,以跟踪和理解个人偏好,并了解客户在客户旅程中不同点如何响应其信息的不同使用。 会话智能和分析工具可以帮助建立更好的关系,而不会超越客户的界限。

On a whole, customers don’t mind companies using their data for personalizing their experience and suggesting products and services that benefit them.


While human contact is diminishing in volume, the quality and importance of each interaction increases. Forward-thinking organizations should be balancing quantity with quality to maintain a competitive advantage in customer experience. Technology can be a great booster to that end.

尽管人与人之间的交流在减少,但每次互动的质量和重要性却在增加。 有远见的组织应在数量与质量之间取得平衡,以保持客户体验的竞争优势。 技术可以大大促进这一目标。

Originally written for Woveon.

最初是为 Woveon 写的

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/a-guide-to-excellent-conversation-management-e3f7bce69336






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