sql 12天内的数据_想要在12周内成为数据科学家吗?

sql 12天内的数据

重点 (Top highlight)

I see many ads that claim to make you a data scientist in 12 weeks. They say they can teach you Python programming, python libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn, another visualization tool like Tableau, SQL, and probably more. After 12 weeks, you will get a job that will earn you about 100,000 USD. But before that, you have to pay a good amount to take those classes. How realistic they are?

我看到许多广告声称可以在12周内使您成为数据科学家。 他们说他们可以教您Python编程,Pandas,Matplotlib等python库和scikit-learn,Tableau,SQL等其他可视化工具。 12周后,您将获得一份可为您赚取约100,000美元的工作。 但在此之前,您必须支付大量费用才能参加这些课程。 它们有多现实?

他们现实吗? (Are They Realistic?)

It depends on which level you are in. If you already know a programming language and switch to Python for a new career, then you can learn all this in three months if you work hard. But if you do not have any programming background, then it will be too ambitious to think that you can learn all this in three months even if you do not have another job and you focus only on study.

这取决于您所处的级别。如果您已经知道一种编程语言并转而使用Python从事新的职业,那么如果您努力工作,则可以在三个月内学到所有这一切。 但是,如果您没有任何编程背景,那么即使您没有其他工作并且只专注于学习,也很难想到您可以在三个月内学会所有这些知识。

合理的时间表 (A Reasonable TimeFrame)

If you want to become a data scientist, you need to learn at least one of these two languages. And learning programming languages does not mean just learning if/else statement and loops. It is more than that. You need to learn the data structures and programming problem-solving which takes some time. You should dedicate at least three months to learn a language only. If you do not and rush into learning libraries, databases all at once, you may end up learning everything to an extent that it will not be useful. I am not saying you need to be an absolute expert in programming before you can start learning anything else. But you need to be at least comfortable writing some code solving problems. There are a lot of programming problems out there to test yourself. I suggest, try leetcode. They have three different categories of problems in leetcode, easy, medium, and hard. See if you can solve some easy problems. Then move on to learn the libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, seaborn, scikit-learn, and others.

如果您想成为数据科学家,则需要至少学习这两种语言中的一种。 学习编程语言并不意味着只学习if / else语句和循环。 不仅如此。 您需要学习数据结构和编程问题解决,这需要一些时间。 您应该花至少三个月的时间只学习一种语言。 如果您不这样做而立即进入所有的学习库和数据库,那么您可能最终会学到一切都将无用的程度。 我并不是说您需要成为编程方面的绝对专家,然后才能开始学习其他内容。 但是您至少需要习惯于编写一些解决问题的代码。 有很多编程问题可以测试自己。 我建议尝试使用leetcode 。 他们在leetcode中有三类不同的问题,简单,中等和困难。 看看是否可以解决一些简单的问题。 然后继续学习Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,seaborn,scikit-learn等库。

Learning just a few of those libraries should take another three months. It takes some time to practice and grasp the ideas of Exploratory Data Analysis and do it yourself. Learning SQL should not take too much time because you will find lots of similarities between Pandas and SQL. But still, even if you learn fast, learning to use several big datasets and intermediate level complex queries, organizing and setting up datasets will be a couple of months. So, I am talking about at least eight months.

仅学习其中一些图书馆还需要三个月的时间。 练习和掌握探索性数据分析的想法并自行完成需要一些时间。 学习SQL不需要花费太多时间,因为您会发现Pandas和SQL之间有很多相似之处。 但是,即使您学得很快,学会使用多个大型数据集和中级复杂查询,组织和设置数据集也要花费几个月的时间。 因此,我至少要谈论八个月。

这些只是最低要求 (These Are Just The Minimum)

If you have good contacts and you are lucky enough, you will find a job after that. But you need to keep in mind that you have to keep learning more tools. More concepts. You need to keep improving your programming skills. One important thing is statistics. If you are already good at it, great! Otherwise, at least learn some beginner level inferential statistics and model fitting and learn to implement them in Python or R. Python’s scikit-learn library is just a tool for machine learning. But learning some genuine concepts will be useful. Also, I see Data Mining as an important skill. There is so much data out there. We need to extract them. Lots of job opening ask for it as well.

如果您有良好的联系并且很幸运,那么您将找到一份工作。 但是您需要记住,您必须继续学习更多工具。 更多概念。 您需要不断提高自己的编程技能。 重要的一件事是统计。 如果您已经很擅长,那就太好了! 否则,至少要学习一些初学者的推理统计数据和模型拟合,并学习在Python或R中实现它们。Python的scikit-learn库只是用于机器学习的工具。 但是学习一些真正的概念将是有用的。 另外,我将数据挖掘视为一项重要技能。 那里有很多数据。 我们需要提取它们。 许多职位空缺也要求它。

I do not want to be discouraging. If you can develop all those skills, you will be in demand in the job market. So, spending a year or two is not a bad idea at all. It will add so much value to your life.

我不想气disc。 如果您能开发所有这些技能,那么就业市场将是您的需求。 因此,花费一两年根本不是一个坏主意。 它会为您的生活增添很多价值。

12周到18周的合理时间 (What Is Reasonable In 12 Weeks To 18 Weeks)

It looks too tough to become a data scientist in 12 weeks. But if you do not have that much time and want to get a job soon, probably becoming a Data Analyst will be a decent goal. If you are a college graduate or a college student, I am sure, you know excel.

看起来很难在12周内成为一名数据科学家。 但是,如果您没有那么多时间并且想尽快找到工作,那么成为数据分析师可能是一个不错的目标。 如果您是大学毕业生或大学生,我相信您会知道。

  1. Polish your excel skills some more. Learn some advanced techniques like v-lookup, pivot table, Macros, visual basic. I think it will be faster to pick up for you. Excel is so advanced right now. There are a lot of data analyst roles that want advanced excel skills.

    进一步提高您的Excel技能。 了解一些高级技术,例如v查找,数据透视表,宏,Visual Basic。 我认为接您的速度会更快。 Excel现在是如此先进。 有许多数据分析师角色需要高级excel技能。
  2. Learn a good data visualization tool like Tableau. You can do quite a lot of visualization without writing any programming logic or any code. It has so many in-built options. Simple drag and drop can make complex visualizations.

    了解像Tableau这样的优质数据可视化工具。 您无需编写任何编程逻辑或任何代码即可进行大量可视化。 它具有许多内置选项。 简单的拖放可以使复杂的可视化成为可能。
  3. Learn SQL. Learning SQL can be easier than learning a programming language. SQL queries are like regular language. So it’s easier to grasp. Plus it is an invaluable skill in the job market. I meet so many people in different conferences who are working as SQL developers for the last 10 years.

    学习SQL 。 学习SQL比学习编程语言更容易。 SQL查询就像常规语言一样。 因此更容易掌握。 另外,它是就业市场中的一项宝贵技能。 在过去的十年中,我在不同的会议上遇到了很多人,他们都是SQL开发人员。

  4. Start learning a programming language like Python or R. But you have to keep practicing it for a while to learn it well if this is your first language.


发展软技能 (Develop Soft Skills)

These three skills together should make you employable. But we focus too much on learning the tools but we forget to spend some time on developing soft skills.

这三项技能加在一起就可以使您就业。 但是我们过于专注于学习工具,却忘记花一些时间来开发软技能。

  1. It is important to develop some business insights where you will use those tools. Without some good real-world knowledge, it will be hard to use those tools effectively. So, read articles, books, or newspapers to stay updated and develop some real-world knowledge. So, you can talk about how to use those tools in a crowd or an interview.

    开发一些业务见解以使用这些工具很重要。 没有一些实际的良好知识,将很难有效地使用这些工具。 因此,请阅读文章,书籍或报纸以保持更新并发展一些现实世界的知识。 因此,您可以讨论如何在人群或访谈中使用这些工具。
  2. Networking is another valuable skill. Attend meetups, go to seminars, conferences, listen to experienced people talk. That’s a good way to develop knowledge and also make contacts.

    联网是另一项宝贵的技能。 参加聚会,参加研讨会,会议,听取经验丰富的人的讲话。 这是发展知识并建立联系的好方法。
  3. Engage with the community in Stack Overflow, Stack Exchange, and Slack Channels. That will keep you updated about the job market, recent technologies, and improve your soft skills.

    与社区一起参与Stack Overflow,Stack Exchange和Slack Channels。 这样可以使您随时了解就业市场,最新技术并提高您的软技能。

结论 (Conclusion)

I am not against Bootcamps. I started my journey with a Bootcamp and I am grateful to that Bootcamp. But it was a six months long Bootcamp to learn programming concepts and SQL only which was realistic. We learned the basics of a few programming languages. More importantly, it was free. It was from LaunchCode. If you are in the US, please check. They are good. I am sure they are still free. My suggestion is, start taking free courses. It is even not necessary at all to pay for learning programming languages. There are a lot of great free courses out there. Coursera, edx, udacity have some good quality free courses. Try some of those free courses first. That will give you some insights. Probably, you will make better decisions about which boot camps to pay your or your parents’ hard-earned money. Otherwise, you might end up becoming another victim. Here is an article I wrote that gives you some free courses links:

我不反对训练营。 我从一个Bootcamp开始了我的旅程,并对该Bootcamp表示感谢。 但是,只有六个月的Bootcamp学习编程概念和SQL才是现实的。 我们学习了一些编程语言的基础。 更重要的是,它是免费的。 它来自LaunchCode。 如果您在美国,请检查。 他们很好。 我相信他们仍然有空。 我的建议是,开始学习免费课程。 甚至根本不需要为学习编程语言付费。 这里有很多很棒的免费课程。 Courseraedxudacity有一些高质量的免费课程。 首先尝试一些免费课程。 这将为您提供一些见解。 也许,您将更好地决定要向哪个新兵训练营支付您或您父母的血汗钱。 否则,您可能最终成为另一个受害者。 这是我写的一篇文章,为您提供一些免费的课程链接:

Recommended Reading:


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/want-to-become-a-data-scientist-in-12-weeks-3926d8eacee2

sql 12天内的数据





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