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翻译 alfred 开发_适用于开发人员设计师和博客的7种Alfred工作流程
alfred 开发Alfred is one of the best productivity apps for macOS. It lets you reduce dependency on the trackpad thereby accelerating your speed. Alfred是适用于macOS的最佳生产力应用程序之一。 它使您可以减少对触控板的依赖性,从而加快速度。 By ...
2020-09-13 17:06:28 1005
翻译 如何在swiftui中打开相机和照片库
Today's life mobile cameras are playing a very important role in almost every application. Some examples are Updating profile Pics, Sending Photos, Scanning PDFs, etc. So, for an iOS developer, it is ...
2020-09-11 17:29:01 1869
翻译 swift和swiftui_深入了解swiftui的状态和性能
swift和swiftuiQuite a few people have written articles on SwiftUI, SwiftUI state management, and on SwiftUI application architecture. And quite a few of those articles were written by people eager to t...
2020-09-11 17:19:19 1260
翻译 核心位置如何使用clgeocoder显示人类可读的地址
Exordium (Exordium)In a previous post, I wrote about setting up Core Location in a UIKit application. I covered adding the usage descriptions to the Info.plist file, requesting location authorizatio...
2020-09-11 17:09:12 401
翻译 苹果应用商店应用截图尺寸_向苹果应用商店提交博览会应用
苹果应用商店应用截图尺寸After weeks for design, development, and testing, it was time for me to submit my first app to the Apple app store. I used Expo / React Native to develop, and found the submission process ...
2020-09-11 16:59:30 73
翻译 pt1和pt2滤波_利用后台执行力pt 1
pt1和pt2滤波How to effectively distribute and defer work from the foreground to the background. 如何有效地分配工作并将工作从前台推迟到后台。 Last year Apple's Software Battery Life Team introduced in the WWDC the brand new B...
2020-09-11 16:49:25 817
翻译 编写用户故事模板_编写踢屁股用户故事
编写用户故事模板TL;DR Well-written user stories are the backbone of an efficient agile software development process. When done poorly, the wrong thing gets built and teams waste enormous amounts of time on co...
2020-09-09 10:41:33 565
翻译 在Swift 5中使用nscache在uicollectionview中缓存图像
Today, we will learn how to use NSCache in Swift to cache images inside a UICollectionView. 今天,我们将学习如何使用NSCache斯威夫特缓存图像内UICollectionView 。 In short, this is what you will master in this tutorial: 简而言...
2020-09-05 22:37:00 486
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