java中成员产量不能new,在Java中,下列( )语句不能通过编译。

在Java中,下列( )语句不能通过编译。

2021-01-27 11:46

在Java中,下列( )语句不能通过编译。

下列不属于生物器官的是()A.植物的叶B.人的心脏C.一个西瓜D.植物的叶肉细胞哪些地区可以进行国际商务策划师申报?目的基因与运载体结合所需的条件是①同一种限制酶 ②具有标记基因的质粒 ③RNA聚合酶 ④目的基因 ⑤DNA连接酶 ⑥阅读理解。 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Listening某DNA分子中A+T占整个DNA分子碱基总数的44%,其中一条链(a)上的G占该链碱基总数的21%,那么,对应的另一条互补 Do you know where Mary is?--- She has gone away ____ the weekend.A.atB.onC.duringD.for科学家将雌黑鼠乳腺细胞的细胞核移入白鼠去核的卵细胞内,待发育成早期胚胎后移入褐鼠的子宫内,该褐鼠产下一完形填空 The trip to that city was eyeopening for everyone,and near its end,all the young people inExtra lessons on Sundays put ______ pressure on students, who already have______ homework.[ ]A. moreI seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot. _______.A.So do IB.Neither do I C.Im the sameD.Would you mind _____me a sweater? I feel a little cold. [ ]A. got B. to get C. get D. getting下列关于人体内水的说法中,不正确的是()A.水是人体内含量最多的物质B.水具有运输营养物质的作用C.水是人我国的羊毛主要出产在哪里(2009山东烟台检测) Hey, please do mefavor. I must get some money fromATM machine.A.the; a B.a; the C维生素A只存在动物性食物中,但素食者(如和尚)却很少患有夜盲症的,这是因为()A.其他维生素可以替代维生素A“Does anybody know the definition of Nerd?”the host seated in the ask据测量,亚洲和非洲之间的红海在不断扩张.有人预言,几千万年后红海将成为新的大洋.根据板块运动论的观点,这下列属于季风区和非季风去分界线的是()A.大兴安岭阴山贺兰山B.昆仑山阿尔金山横断山C.大兴安岭太行山地图中的指向标一般指向[ ]A、东B、南C、西D、北In some countries, poisonous snakes can be used to ________ the jewels in the shop at night.[ ]A.wat“四大家鱼”可以混合放养,这样的优势很多。下列叙述中不正确的是[ ]A.可以提高鱼的产量B.充分利用水体空间C.照相机的成像原理是物理中的透镜成像原理,眼球和装有胶卷的照相机相似,说出照相机的镜头相当于______,光圈I seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot. _______.A.So do IB.Neither do I C.Im the sameD.科学家将雌黑鼠乳腺细胞的细胞核移入白鼠去核的卵细胞内,待发育成早期胚胎后移入褐鼠的子宫内,该褐鼠产下一If you watch ads on TV , you may find some of the ads make you feeling 1.uncomfortable. Companies spIn some countries, poisonous snakes can be used to ________ the jewels in the shop at night.[ ]A.wat在日常生活中,我们要注意做到合理膳食.合理膳食是指()A.多吃一些为人体提供能量的糖类物质B.多吃一些含蛋八.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)One day I took several pairs of shoes to the shoemaker to be下列属于季风区和非季风去分界线的是()A.大兴安岭阴山贺兰山B.昆仑山阿尔金山横断山C.大兴安岭太行山下列有关生物膜系统的叙述中,不正确的是[ ]A.细胞膜使细胞有相对稳定的内环境B.高尔基体膜与细胞膜是直接联 Do you know where Mary is?--- She has gone away ____ the weekend.A.atB.onC.duringD.for连线: 大脑 传导神经冲动 小脑 反射和传导中枢神经系统 脑干 具有感觉运动、语言等多种神经中枢,调节人体生-------How did you find your missing pen? -------___________A.I found it in my bagB.Quite by accidenExtra lessons on Sundays put ______ pressure on students, who already have______ homework.[ ]A. moreThe teacher urged that all the students ________ their papers carefully.[ ]A. must check B. checked单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释提示,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单--Mary, what made you so sad ? --- _____ .[ ]A. To lose my bookB. Lost my bookC. Because losing my bMy son isn’t feeling well, so I’ll get him ________ in the hospital. exami根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我有一个红色的字母e。 I __________ a __________e.2. 我可以有两支钢笔吗? _____________ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.(2013四川,6)A.WhenB.HowC下列不属于生物器官的是()A.植物的叶B.人的心脏C.一个西瓜D.植物的叶肉细胞In some countries, poisonous snakes can be used to ________ the jewels in the shop at night.[ ]A.wat句型转换(每空 0.5 分,满分 10分)小题1:The United States is a country which is made up of fifty statesThe average person tells three lies in ten minutes of a conversation. How can you tell if someone is完形填空 The trip to that city was eyeopening for everyone,and near its end,all the young people inHe felt very sad that though he worked very___indeed,he was not able to jump____.A.hardly; highB.har观察菜豆种子和玉米种子结构图,依图回答下列问题(8分)(1)用图中数字回答:胚根:和; 胚芽:和;子叶:和; 胚乳:(老张最近时常感觉腿疼,经医生检查后发现老张患了骨质疏松症,医生建议除药物治疗外进行食补.下面为4种食品所关于人物的歇后语 董永葬父歇后语及历史故事________ his lessons , he failed in the exam. A.Not reviewingB.Having not reviewedC.Not reviewedD.No生活在海滩泥沙中的沙蚕(俗名水百脚),其外形很像蜈蚣(俗名百脚),但它与蜈蚣却有着本质的区别,这是因为它(有些人在狂笑时由于用力过猛以致上下颌不能合拢,这是由于()A.关节头从关节囊中脱出B.关节腔内可能积液C.关阅读理解。 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Listening地图中的指向标一般指向[ ]A、东B、南C、西D、北On snowy days, you have to drive very _____to avoid traffic accidents. [ ]A. cautiously B. neatly C.老张最近时常感觉腿疼,经医生检查后发现老张患了骨质疏松症,医生建议除药物治疗外进行食补.下面为4种食品所It is reported that a bus went out of ________ control on a highway ________ south of the city last如图是桃花的结构图,请据图回答下列问题:(1)一朵花的主要结构是花蕊,包括______和______两部分.(2)图中①___在青少年和儿童中,发病率最高的恶性肿瘤是 [ ]A.肺癌B.胃癌 C.白血病 D.肝癌I seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot. _______.A.So do IB.Neither do I C.Im the sameD.





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