drupal maintenance-page.tpl.php,hktv2.info · Terry Chan/drupal_less_fix - Gitee.com

; Drupal's .info files allow themers to easily specify some of the static

; properties of your theme. Properties such as its name, stylesheets,

; javascripts, and block regions.


; Drupal 7 stores a cache of the data in this .info files. If you modify any

; lines in this file, you MUST refresh Drupal 7's cache by simply visiting the

; Appearance page at admin/appearance.

; The name, description and screenshot used for this theme on the Appearance

; page at admin/appearance.

screenshot = screenshot.png

name = 猫咪盒子v0.1

description = 猫咪盒子v0.1

; This theme is compatible with Drupal 7 core. And it is a sub-theme of Zen.

core = 7.x

base theme = zen

; This section controls the CSS files for your theme. There are 3 different

; things you can do with a "stylesheets" line:

; - Add a new stylesheet for your theme.

; - Override a module's stylesheet. If the stylesheet you are adding uses the

; same filename as a stylesheet from a Drupal core or contrib module, your CSS

; file will be used instead of the module's file.

; - Remove a module's stylesheet. If you specify the name of a Drupal core or

; contrib module's stylesheets, Drupal will remove that stylesheet if you do

; NOT include a file with that name with your theme.


; stylesheets[MEDIA][] = FILE


; The "FILE" is the name of the stylesheet to add/override/remove.

; The "MEDIA" in the first set of brackets is a media type or a media query.

; Typical CSS media types include "all", "screen", "print", and "handheld". A

; typical media query is "screen and (max-width: 320px)".


; CSS2.1 media types: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/media.html#media-types

; CSS3 media queries: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/

; First we remove the system's menu and message styling since Zen has its own.

;stylesheets[all][] = system.menus.css

;stylesheets[all][] = system.messages.css

;stylesheets[all][] = system.theme.css

; Then we add our own stylesheet.

;stylesheets[all][] = assets/css/cascade/production/build-full.min.css

stylesheets[all][] = libs/animate.css

;stylesheets[all][] = css/style.css

less[sheets][] = css/style.css.less

; Built-in conditional stylesheet support has been removed from Zen 7.x-5.x.

; Instead, Zen now adds conditional-comment-included classes to the html

; element, such as .lt-ie9, .lt-ie8, .lt-ie7. More information on this

; technique can be found at:

; http://paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/


; If you still wish to use conditional stylesheets, you must install the

; conditional stylesheets module: https://drupal.org/project/conditional_styles

;stylesheets-conditional[lte IE 8][all][] = css/ie8.css

; Optionally add some JavaScripts to your theme.

;scripts[] = js/script.js

;scripts[] = assets/js/app.js

;scripts[] = assets/js/app.js

scripts[] = assets/js/app.js

scripts[] = js/buttons.js

scripts[] = libs/ckplayer/ckplayer.js

;scripts[] = libs/jquery.lazyload.js

scripts[] = js/terry.js

; This section lists the regions defined in Zen's default page.tpl.php and

; maintenance-page.tpl.php files. The name in brackets is the machine name of

; the region. The text after the equals sign is a descriptive text used on the

; admin/structure/blocks page.


; In the page.tpl, the contents of the region are output with a

; $page['MACHINE-NAME'] variable and, in the maintenance-page.tpl, the region is

; output with a $MACHINE-NAME variable. For example, with this line in the .info

; file:

; regions[header_top] = Header top

; You'll use this variable in page.tpl.php:

; <?php print render($page['header_top']); ?>

; And you'll use this variable in maintenance-page.tpl.php:

; <?php print $header_top; ?>

regions[header] = Header

regions[navigation] = Navigation bar

regions[highlighted] = Highlighted

regions[help] = Help

regions[content] = Content

regions[sidebar_first] = First sidebar

regions[sidebar_second] = Second sidebar

regions[footer] = Footer

regions[bottom] = Page bottom

regions[page_main] = Page-main

; 首页区块注册

regions[f-tuijian1] = 首页推荐1

regions[f-tuijian2] = 首页推荐2

regions[f-tuijian3] = 首页推荐3

; The page_top and page_bottom regions are hidden, which means they will not

; show up on the blocks administration page. But they are required in order for

; the html.tpl.php to work properly, so do not delete them.

regions[page_top] = Page top

regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom

; Various page elements output by the theme can be toggled on and off. The

; "features" control which of these check boxes display on the

; admin/appearance config page. This is useful for suppressing check boxes

; for elements not used by your sub-theme. To suppress a check box, omit the

; entry for it below. See the Drupal 7 Theme Guide for more info:

; https://drupal.org/node/171205#features

features[] = logo

features[] = name

features[] = slogan

features[] = node_user_picture

features[] = comment_user_picture

features[] = favicon

features[] = main_menu

features[] = secondary_menu

; Set the default values of settings on the theme-settings.php form.

settings[zen_breadcrumb] = yes

settings[zen_breadcrumb_separator] = ' › '

settings[zen_breadcrumb_home] = 1

settings[zen_breadcrumb_trailing] = 0

settings[zen_breadcrumb_title] = 0

settings[zen_skip_link_anchor] = main-menu

settings[zen_skip_link_text] = Jump to navigation

settings[zen_html5_respond_meta][] = respond

settings[zen_html5_respond_meta][] = html5

settings[zen_html5_respond_meta][] = meta

settings[zen_rebuild_registry] = 1

settings[zen_wireframes] = 0

; To make this sub-theme an admin theme with shortcut links next to titles,

; uncomment the line below.

;settings[shortcut_module_link] = 1

; To add a Panels layout (which can also be used by Display Suite), uncomment

; the line below and see the documentation at: https://drupal.org/node/495654

;plugins[panels][layouts] = panels-layouts







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