
Computer Delivered Testing

System Requirements and Installation Instructions

Pearson's Computer Delivered Test (CDT) program, using patented Ordinate® speech processing technology,

enables test administrators to deliver Versant language tests on a test center computer and upload completed

tests for scoring.

1. System Requirements

To install the CDT test delivery program, your computer must meet the following requirements:

Windows® XP SP3+, Vista, 7, 8, 10

Pentium® III at 600 MHz or higher

5 GB free disk space

Web browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 (or higher)

Soundcard / audio driver that can play audio (headphones recommended)

Broadband Internet connection

512 MB of RAM

Screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768

Network security access to allow CdtClient.exe application to access https://www.versanttest.com

(port 443)

For speaking tests, you must also have:

Soundcard / audio driver with recording and playback capabilities that has been certified to work with

the version of Windows being run on the test computer (Note: the following audio drivers may not work:

Conexant HD)

Head-mounted USB headset with microphone and headphones must be compatible with the requirements below:

Headphone features

Sound mode


Ear piece


Driver Unit Size

32 mm

Frequency Response

20 - 20000 Hz


32 ohms

Microphone features

Frequency response

100 - 12000 Hz


3320 ohms

2. Calculate and Verify Bandwidth for Expected Testing Volumes

The CDT program operates by downloading a test to the local machine and then uploading the responses once

the test is complete for scoring. This requires network access to an Internet connection of sufficient

bandwidth to accommodate the volume of concurrent testing that you plan to conduct in your test center.

(Note: In addition to a real-time mode, CDT also supports an option that allows you to pre-load tests,

complete the tests offline, and then reconnect later to upload results for scoring). To ensure your test

center has adequate Internet bandwidth, please consult the document

Network and Bandwidth Requirements.

3. Installing CDT

Before testing can begin, you must download and install the CDT client from Pearson's website onto all of the

computers that you plan to use for Versant testing. The whole process typically only takes a few minutes per

computer. Follow these steps for each computer:

3.1 Download the Required Components

Click the following button to download the CDT Client application (approx. 10 MB



When the dialogue box appears, select Run to download and install CDT on the


Click Next in each of the following dialog boxes until the installation is


Once installation of the CDT client is complete, an icon will automatically appear on your desktop and in

the Start Menu.

4. Verifying CDT Operation

After installing CDT onto a computer, you should complete a sample test, making sure to check the headset audio

and microphone, so that you can verify CDT is working properly before you arrange for live testing with


4.1 Launch CDT and Download a Test

Ensure your computer is connected to the Internet.

Start CDT by double-clicking the CDT Client icon on your

desktop or from the Start Menu.


Enter the Test Identification Number for a sample test (your account manager can provide samples for

verifying CDT installations).

Monitor the test download progress on the screen to determine the typical download speed for your Internet


4.2 Check Audio and Headset

Check that your headset and microphone are plugged in, configured

properly, and that the sound and volume are turned on and up.


Follow the instructions for the audio check to ensure your computer can play the test audio at an

acceptable level for completing the test.


For speaking tests, follow the instructions to check that your microphone is functioning properly.

4.3 Complete a Test and Verify Uploading of Responses

With your computer connected to the Internet, complete a sample test and click Finish.

Monitor the test upload in the Administrator menu to determine the typical upload speed for your Internet


Check the score on www.VersantTest.com or in your ScoreKeeper account to ensure the test

was properly

uploaded and scored.

Click here to download a copy of this guide. For

additional test administrator functions, download the

CDT Test Administrator's Guide.

If you encounter any problems, contact our Technical

Support team at support@pearsonkt.com.

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