jsf ajax event,JsDoc Reference - jsf.ajax

If there is no XML response returned, signal an emptyResponse

error. If the XML response does not follow the format as outlined

in Appendix A of the spec prose document linked in the

overview summary signal a malformedError error. Refer to

section "Signaling Errors" in Chapter 13 of the spec prose document linked in the

overview summary.

If the response was successfully processed, send a success

event as outlined in Chapter 13 "Sending Events" section of the spec prose

document linked in the

overview summary.

Update Element Processing

The update element is used to update a single DOM element. The

"id" attribute of the update element refers to the DOM element that

will be updated. The contents of the CDATA section is the data that

will be used when updating the contents of the DOM element as specified by the

element identifier.

If an element is found in the response

with the identifier javax.faces.ViewRoot:

Update the entire DOM replacing the appropriate head and/or

body sections with the content from the response.

If an

element is found in the

response with an identifier containing


locate and update the submitting form's

javax.faces.ViewState value with the

CDATA contents from the response.


is the return from

UIViewRoot.getContainerClientId() on the

view from whence this state originated.

is a number that must be

unique within this view, but must not be included in the

view state. This requirement is simply to satisfy XML

correctness in parity with what is done in the

corresponding non-partial JSF view. Locate and update

the javax.faces.ViewState value for all

forms specified in the render target


If an

update element is found in the response with

an identifier containing


locate and update the submitting form's

javax.faces.ClientWindow value with the

CDATA contents from the response.


is the return from

UIViewRoot.getContainerClientId() on the

view from whence this state originated.

is a number that must be

unique within this view, but must not be included in the

view state. This requirement is simply to satisfy XML

correctness in parity with what is done in the

corresponding non-partial JSF view. Locate and update

the javax.faces.ClientWindow value for all

forms specified in the render target


If an update element is found in the response with the identifier


update the document's head section with the CDATA

contents from the response.

If an update element is found in the response with the identifier


update the document's body section with the CDATA

contents from the response.

For any other element:

Find the DOM element with the identifier that matches the

element identifier, and replace its contents with

the element's CDATA contents.

Insert Element Processing

If an element is found in

the response with a nested


Extract this element's CDATA contents

from the response.

Find the DOM element whose identifier matches before id and insert

the element's CDATA content before

the DOM element in the document.

If an element is found in

the response with a nested


Extract this element's CDATA contents

from the response.

Find the DOM element whose identifier matches after id and insert

the element's CDATA content after

the DOM element in the document.

Delete Element Processing

If a element is found in the response:

Find the DOM element whose identifier matches delete id and remove it

from the DOM.

Element Attribute Update Processing

If an element is found in the response:



Find the DOM element that matches the identifier.

For each nested element in ,

update the DOM element attribute value (whose name matches attribute name),

with attribute value.

JavaScript Processing

If an element is found in the response:

Extract this element's CDATA contents

from the response and execute it as if it were JavaScript code.

Redirect Processing

If a element is found in the response:

Cause a redirect to the url redirect url.

Error Processing

If an element is found in the response:

..fully qualified class name string...

Extract this element's error-name contents

and the error-message contents. Signal a serverError passing

the errorName and errorMessage. Refer to

section "Signaling Errors" in Chapter 13 of the spec prose document linked in the

overview summary.


The element provides a way for framework

implementations to provide their own information.

The implementation must check if elements in the response can

be automatically run, as some browsers support this feature and some do not.

If they can not be run, then scripts should be extracted from the response and

run separately.

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vc++全版本组件大全 VC++运行时(Visual C++ Runtime)是VC++开发环境中用于支持C和C++程序运行的基础库集合。这些库包含了执行C/C++程序所必需的基本函数和数据结构,例如内存管理、字符串操作、输入输出处理、异常处理等。VC++运行时库分为静态库和动态库两种形式,以适应不同类型的项目需求。 静态链接库 vs 动态链接库 静态链接库(Static Linking Libraries):在编译时,静态库的代码会被直接嵌入到最终生成的可执行文件中。这意味着每个使用静态库的程序都会包含库代码的一个副本,导致最终程序的体积较大,但不需要外部库文件支持即可独立运行。在VC++中,静态链接库的例子有LIBC.lib(用于单线程程序)和LIBCMT.lib(用于多线程程序)。 动态链接库(Dynamic Link Libraries):与静态链接相反,动态库的代码并不直接加入到应用程序中,而是在程序运行时被加载。这使得多个程序可以共享同一份库代码,节省了系统资源。VC++的动态运行时库主要通过msvcrt.dll(或其变体,如MSVCRTD.dll用于调试版本)实现,与之配套的导入库(Import Library)如CRTDLL.lib用于链接阶段。 运行时库的版本 VC++运行时库随着Visual Studio版本的更新而发展,每个版本都可能引入新的特性和优化,同时保持向后兼容性。例如,有VC++ 2005、2008、2010直至2019等多个版本的运行时库,每个版本都对应着特定的开发环境和Windows操作系统。 重要性 VC++运行时对于确保程序正确运行至关重要。当程序在没有安装相应运行时库的计算机上执行时,可能会遇到因缺失DLL文件(如MSVCP*.dll, VCRUNTIME*.dll等)而导致的错误。因此,开发完成后,通常需要分发相应的VC++ Redistributable Packages给最终用户安装,以确保程序能够在目标系统上顺利运行。 安装与部署 安装VC++运行时库通常是通过Microsoft提供的Redistributable Packages完成的,这是一个简单的过程,用户只需运行安装程序即可自动安装所需组件。对于开发者而言,了解和管理不同版本的运行时库对于确保应用程序的广泛兼容性和可靠性是必要的。


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