matlab Presentation,Create a Presentation Generator

Create a Presentation Generator

You can use the MATLAB® API for PowerPoint® (PPT API) to update and create PowerPoint presentations programmatically. For example, this MATLAB script creates a presentation that has a title page and one content slide

with a bulleted list.

import mlreportgen.ppt.*;

slidesFile = 'mySlides.pptx';

slides = Presentation(slidesFile);

slide1 = add(slides,'Title Slide');

replace(slide1,'Title','My Presentation');

replace(slide1,'Subtitle','Create a Presentation Program');

slide2 = add(slides,'Title and Content');

para = Paragraph('First Content Slide');

para.FontColor = 'blue';


replace(slide2,'Content',{'First item','Second item','Third item'});


After you create the presentation, which is named MySlides.pptx,

you can open it. On a Windows® platform, you can open the presentation in MATLAB:

if ispc



The generated presentation MySlides.pptx includes these two


98a05c7fadacd0d6f0da1899b5ecb0af.pngUpdate Presentation Content

PPT API programs generally include code that:

Imports the mlreportgen.ppt API package. To omit the

package name when you invoke PPT API object constructors and method, import

the package.

import mlreportgen.ppt.*;

Creates a Presentation object to:

Hold the presentation contents

Specify the output location for the generated presentation

Indicate the PowerPoint template

The following code creates a presentation using the template from

the presentation in the file mySlides.pptx and

overwrites mySlides.pptx with the new


slidesFile = 'mySlides.pptx';

slides = Presentation(slidesFile, slidesFile);


Adds or replaces slide content.

slide2 = slides.Children(2);

contents = find(slide2,'Title');

replace(contents,Paragraph('Modified Content Slide'));

contents = find(slide2,'Content');

datePara = Paragraph('Fourth item: Updated item');


The PPT API replaces PowerPoint template placeholders with content defined in the program. In

the template, you can interactively add placeholders or rename placeholders

for your program to interact with.

Closes the presentation, which generates the content and formatting of the



You can include code to open the presentation on Windows platforms. Use winopen with the name of the file,

which in this case is stored in the slidesFile variable.

if ispc



The updated slide looks like this:


To see another example of a PPT API program in MATLAB, enter population_slides. (To run this example on

Linux®, you must have Open Office software installed.)Two Ways to Use the PPT API

You can create a PPT API program that:

Replaces content in, or adds content to, an existing PowerPoint presentation

Generates a complete PowerPoint presentationAdd Content to an Existing Presentation

To add or update content to an existing presentation without manually updating

the presentation each time content changes, use the PPT API. This approach is

useful when you want to use most of the content and formatting in an existing


You can use the PPT API and MATLAB functions to generate content for a presentation from

MATLAB code and Simulink® models.

You can update a presentation by overwriting the presentation file or

create a separate version of the presentation with a different

presentation name.Create a Complete Presentation

To create a complete presentation when you want to use the same content using

multiple PowerPoint templates, use the PPT API.PPT API Applications and PowerPoint Templates

The PPT API uses PowerPoint presentations as templates to generate presentations. Templates allow you to

specify the fixed content and default layout and appearance of the slides in your

presentations. Your MATLAB program can use the PPT API to override the default layout and format of

specific slides.

The template can be an empty presentation or a presentation with slides. You can use the

following as templates for a PPT API presentation:

The default PPT API PowerPoint template

A customized copy of the default PPT API PowerPoint template

An existing PowerPoint presentation whose content

you want to update

A PowerPoint template that you create or update interactively in PowerPointTemplate Elements

PowerPoint templates include several elements that the

PPT API uses to generate a presentation. To customize formatting defined

in a template, modify one or more of these template elements.

PowerPoint Template ElementPurposeSlide mastersApplies the slide master formatting globally to the presentation.

Specifies a layout and formats common to a set of slide layouts

Slide layoutsSpecifies a variant of a slide master layout.

Table stylesSpecifies the default appearance of a table. PowerPoint defines

a standard set of table styles. You cannot modify these styles but

you can use the PPT API to apply these styles to tables you create

and override the styles for particular tables.

PlaceholdersSpecifies an area of a slide layout that you can replace

with text, a list, picture, table, or other content. Every placeholder

has a name. You can use PowerPoint interactively to assign a

name to a placeholder. You can then use the name in your PPT program

to replace the placeholder with content.

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