
JCSSContinuing Education & Advanced School

Structural Reliability and Probabilistic Model Code & Risk Informed Decision Making and Decision Analysis

Organized by:·The Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS)·Tongji University·Harbin Institute of Technology·Beijing University of TechnologyCo�/organized by:·Committee on Random Vibration, Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering (CSVE)

Increased Interest In Risk and Reliability

Methods of reliability, risk and safety assessment are increasingly gaining importance as decision support tools in various fields of engineering. In order to utilize these methods and to exploit their potential in industrial applications, an understanding of the fundamental principles is necessary. The Advanced School aims at educating engineers and researchers to work more efficiently in supporting decision makers and clients for a sustainable societal development.


The JCSS is a committee in the field of Structural related Risk and Reliability, acting on behalf of the Liaison Committee of the following six international professional associations:·CIB International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction·ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork·fib International Federation for Structural Concrete·IABSE International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering·RILEM Reunion internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Materiaux·IASS International Association for Shell and Spatial structures

The goals of the JCSS are:·To provide general knowledge and decision support for the life�/cycle based management of safety, reliability, risk, robustness, durability, resilience and sustainability for the built environment, on the basis of sound scientific principles and with an open eye for the applications in practice.·To take care that inter�/associational pre�/normative research in the field of Risk and Reliability is performed in an effective and adequate way.·To strive for coordination between the interassociational pre�/normative research and normalization activities in ISO, Eurocode etc.·To provide appropriate support and technical co�/ordination for the work of the Member Associations.

JCSS Advanced School Description

The JCSS Continuing Education and Advanced School provides a deep and thorough insight in the latest developments in the concepts and tools for probabilistic structural reliability engineering and risk informed decision making. The advanced school consists of 3 courses which will be held consecutively:Part 1: Probabilistic Modelling and Risk Analysis in Engineering (28 June – 3 July 2018, Tongji

University, Shanghai, China)Part 2: The JCSS Probabilistic Model Code (29 June – 4 July 2019, Tongji University, Shanghai,China)Part 3: Risk Informed Decision Making and Decision Analysis (29 June – 4 July 2019, TongjiUniversity, Shanghai, China)


The participants benefit by becoming able to master the methods of reliability, risk and safety assessment for engineering projects. Furthermore, the participants can offer clients new services in the perspective of benefit and risk informed decision support.

Who should attend?

Engineers involved in probabilistic structural analysis, design and reliability assessment, as well as engineering supervisors and managers will benefit from this course. Further, master and PhD students and academics working in the field of structural risk assessment will profit from this course. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge on basic probability theory, statistics, linear algebra and elementary structural analysis (static/dynamic).

Information and course plan Part 2 & Part 3Structural Reliability and JCSS Probabilistic Model Code & Risk Informed Decision Making and Decision Analysis

Time and Location

The course on Structural Reliability and JCSS Probabilistic Model Code & Risk Informed Decision Making and Decision Analysis will be held from the29 June to 4 July 2019. The course location will atTongji University.

Learning Methods and Activities

Learning methods and activities comprise lectures, practical exercises and self�/studies. Self�/study assignments will typically consist of calculations that develop understanding of the materials presented in class. Participants will be made familiar with the state�/of�/the�/art computational methods and software in this field.

Evaluation and Diploma

Course Diplomas are issued by the JCSS on the basis of active course participation and a positive evaluation of the provided material by the participant.

Course Materials

Course compendium, books, selected research reports and papers from journals and conferences.




Costs and Registration

Due to the sponsorship of Tongji University a reduced attendance fee applies for all participants. The reduced attendance fee is2400 RMB Yuan per person for regular participant and 1800 RMBYuan per person for PhD/graduate studentsand includes lecture materials. Tea breaks between the lectures are provided. Registration form is required via email to Mr. Jiashu Yang (E�/mail:jiashuyang@tongji.edu.cnby25 May 2019.


Mr. Jiashu Yang, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, P.R.China

Tel: 18717811089

E�/mail:jiashuyang@tongji.edu.cnYongbo Peng, Research Professor, Shanghai Institute of Disaster Prevention and Relief,

Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, P.R.China

E�/mail:pengyongbo@tongji.edu.cnJianbing Chen, Professor, International Joint Research Center for Engineering Reliability and Stochastic Mechanics, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, P.R.China


Course Plan (Tentative)

07:30�/18:00, 29 June 2019, Registration, Venue: Civil Engineering Building A101



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