主要的high level file I/O routines 是LOAD 和 SAVE函数。LOAD
可以读MAT-file data或者用空格间隔的格式相似的ASCII data. SAVE可以将MATLAB变量写入MAT-file格式或者空格间隔的ASCII data。大多数情况下,语法相当简单。下面的例子用到数值由空格间隔的ASCII file sample_file.txt :
1 5 4 16 8
5 43 2 6 8
6 8 4 32 1
90 7 8 7 6
5 9 81 2 3
用 LOAD and SAVE 读写数据
% Load the file to the matrix, M :
M = load('sample_file.txt')
% Add 5 to M :
M = M +5
% Save M to a .mat file called 'sample_file_plus5.mat':
save sample_file_plus5 M
% Save M to an ASCII .txt file called 'sample_file_plus5.txt' :
save sample_file_plus5.txt M -ascii
UIGETFILE/UIPUTFILE是基于图形用户界面(GUI)的。会弹出对话框,列出当前目录的文件和目录,提示你选择一个文件。UIGETFILE让你选择一个文件来写(类似Windows ‘另存为’选项?)。用UIGETFILE,可以选择已存在的文件改写,也可以输入新的文件名。两个函数的返回值是所选文件名和路径。
用 UIGETFILE 从当前目录选择一个 M-file
% This command lists all the M-files in the current directory and
% returns the name and path of the selected file
[fname,pname] = uigetfile('*.m','Sample Dialog Box')
注意: UIGETFILE 一次只能选择一个文件。
UIIMPORT是一个功能强大,易于使用的基于GUI的high level routine,用于读complex data files。文件也必须是homogeneous。
IMPORTDATA形成UIIMPORT的功能,不打开GUI。可以将IMPORTDATA用于函数或者脚本中,因为在函数或者脚本中基于GUI的文件导入机制并不理想。下面的例子用到包含几行文件头和文本、数值数据的文件'sample_file2.txt' :
This is a file header.
This is file is an example.
col1 col2 col3 col4
A 1 4 612.000
B 1 4 613.000
C 1 4 614.000
D 1 4 615.000
Example: Using IMPORTDATA to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data
% This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a
% structure D that contains both data and text data.
% Note the IMPORTDATA command specifies a white space
% as the delimiter of the file, but IMPORTDATA can usually
% detect this on its own
D = importdata('sample_file2.txt','') % 原文有误?
D = importdata('sample_file2.txt')
data = D.data
text = D.textdata
注意: 对于 ASCII data, 你必须检验导入向导正确的识别了列分隔符。
TEXTREAD 是一个强大的动态high level routine,设计用来读ASCII格式的文本和/或数值数据文件。STRREAD除是从字符串而不是文件读以外,类似于TEXTREAD。
“两全其美”的方法,因为他们可以用一个命令读入混合的ASCII和数值数据(high level routines的做法),并且你可以改变他们以匹配你特定的应用(如同low level routines做到的)。例子:
Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array
% This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file
file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace','');
Example 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line
% This command uses the cell array created in Example 1 to
% read in each word of line 28 in 'file' to a cell array, words
words = strread(file{28},