C语言格式转换大全,c语言转换格式符大全(C language format conversion operator).doc...

c语言转换格式符大全(C language format conversion operator)

c语言转换格式符大全(C language format conversion operator)

%c character

%d decimal integer

The%e floating point,%s string e index

The%E floating point, E index form%u unsigned decimal integer

%f floating point decimal form output of%g%f and%e shorter

%o unsigned octal integer%G output%F and%E shorter

%x unsigned sixteen hexadecimal integer, with 0 ~ F%X unsigned hexadecimal integer from 0 to sixteen, F said

%l long before, in addition to D, O, u, x, X, such as%ld (%l English letter L, not the number 1) int printf (const char *format, [argument]);

The format parameter output format definition format:

%[flags][width][.perc] [F|N|h|l]type

The specified data output, as follows:

The meaning of 1.type is as follows:

D signed 10 hexadecimal integer

I signed 10 hexadecimal integer

O signed 8 hexadecimal integer

U unsigned hexadecimal integer 10

X unsigned 16 hexadecimal numbers, and said with a small ABCDEF

X unsigned 16 hexadecimal numbers, and said with a big ABCDEF

F/f floating point

E/e scientific floating-point representation format

The use of G%f and%e said the total numbers of the shortest representation of floating-point G with G format, but expressed as index

C single character

S String

% per cent shows itself

P shows a pointer to near pointer, expressed as: XXXX

The far pointer is XXXX:YYYY

N connected parameter is a pointer, which store the number of characters has been written

The provisions of 2.flags output format, values and meanings are as follows:

No right, on the left with 0 spaces and

Fill in the blanks with the right - left,

+ + or add a sign in front of the number -

A space to display negative numbers symbols

# when type=c, s, D, I, u had no effect

Type=o, x, X,'0'were increased in value, "0x", "0X"

Type=e, E, F, always use the decimal point

Type=g, G, in addition to the numerical 0 always show the decimal point 3.width is used to control the display width of the numerical value and meaning, the following n (n=1,2,3...) width of at least N, enough to fill the sp





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


