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# The following options will be read by the MySQL Server. Make sure that

# you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this

# file.



# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on


#Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this.

basedir="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/"

#Path to the database root

datadir="C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/Data/"

# The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is

# created and no character set is defined


# The default storage engine that will be used when create new tables when


# Set the SQL mode to strict


# The maximum amount of concurrent sessions the MySQL server will

# allow. One of these connections will be reserved for a user with

# SUPER privileges to allow the administrator to login even if the

# connection limit has been reached.


# Query cache is used to cache SELECT results and later return them

# without actual executing the same query once again. Having the query

# cache enabled may result in significant speed improvements, if your

# have a lot of identical queries and rarely changing tables. See the

# "Qcache_lowmem_prunes" status variable to check if the current value

# is high enough for your load.

# Note: In case your tables change very often or if your queries are

# textually different every time, the query cache may result in a

# slowdown instead of a performance improvement.


# The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value

# increases the number of file descriptors that mysqld requires.

# Therefore you have to make sure to set the amount of open files

# allowed to at least 4096 in the variable "open-files-limit" in

# section [mysqld_safe]


# Maximum size for internal (in-memory) temporary tables. If a table

# grows larger than this value, it is automatically converted to disk

# based table This limitation is for a single table. There can be many

# of them.


# How many threads we should keep in a cache for reuse. When a client

# disconnects, the client's threads are put in the cache if there aren't

# more than thread_cache_size threads from before.   This greatly reduces

# the amount of thread creations needed if you have a lot of new

# connections. (Normally this doesn't give a notable performance

# improvement if you have a good thread implementation.)


#*** MyISAM Specific options

# The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while

# recreating the index (during REPAIR, ALTER TABLE or LOAD DATA INFILE.

# If the file-size would be bigger than this, the index will be created

# through the key cache (which is slower).


# If the temporary file used for fast index creation would be bigger

# than using the key cache by the amount specified here, then prefer the

# key cache method.   This is mainly used to force long character keys in

# large tables to use the slower key cache method to create the index.


# Size of the Key Buffer, used to cache index blocks for MyISAM tables.

# Do not set it larger than 30% of your available memory, as some memory

# is also required by the OS to cache rows. Even if you're not using

# MyISAM tables, you should still set it to 8-64M as it will also be

# used for internal temporary disk tables.


# Size of the buffer used for doing full table scans of MyISAM tables.

# Allocated per thread, if a full scan is needed.



# This buffer is allocated when MySQL needs to rebuild the index in

# REPAIR, OPTIMZE, ALTER table statements as well as in LOAD DATA INFILE

# into an empty table. It is allocated per thread so be careful with

# large settings.


以下是对提供的参考资料的总结,按照要求结构化多个要点分条输: 4G/5G无线网络优化与网规案例分析: NSA站点下终端掉4G问题:部分用户反馈NSA终端频繁掉4G,主要因终端主动发起SCGfail导致。分析显示,在信号较好的环境下,终端可能因节能、过热保护等原因主动释放连接。解决方案建议终端侧进行分析处理,尝试关闭节电开关等。 RSSI算法识别天馈遮挡:通过计算RSSI平均值及差值识别天馈遮挡,差值大于3dB则认定有遮挡。不同设备分组规则不同,如64T和32T。此方法可有效帮助现场人员识别因环境变化引起的网络问题。 5G 160M组网小区CA不生效:某5G站点开启100M+60M CA功能后,测试发现UE无法正常使用CA功能。问题原因在于CA频点集标识配置错误,修正后测试正常。 5G网络优化与策略: CCE映射方式优化:针对诺基亚站点覆盖农村区域,通过优化CCE资源映射方式(交织、非交织),提升RRC连接建立成功率和无线接通率。非交织方式相比交织方式有显著提升。 5G AAU两扇区组网:与三扇区组网相比,AAU两扇区组网在RSRP、SINR、下载速率和上传速率上表现不同,需根据具体场景选择适合的组网方式。 5G语音解决方案:包括沿用4G语音解决方案、EPS Fallback方案和VoNR方案。不同方案适用于不同的5G组网策略,如NSA和SA,并影响语音连续性和网络覆盖。 4G网络优化与资源利用: 4G室分设备利旧:面对4G网络投资压减与资源需求矛盾,提利旧多维度调优策略,包括资源整合、统筹调配既有资源,以满足新增需求和提质增效。 宏站RRU设备1托N射灯:针对5G深度覆盖需求,研究使用宏站AAU结合1托N射灯方案,快速便捷地开通5G站点,提升深度覆盖能力。 基站与流程管理: 爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程:提供具体内容,但通常涉及邻区规划、参数配置、测试验证等步骤,以确保基站间顺畅切换和覆盖连续性。 网络规划与策略: 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点:虽提供详细内容,但可推测涉及高铁跨海大桥区域的4G/5G网络覆盖规划,需考虑信号穿透、移动性管理、网络容量等因素。 总结: 提供的参考资料涵盖了4G/5G无线网络优化、网规案例分析、网络优化策略、资源利用、基站管理等多个方面。 通过具体案例分析,展示了无线网络优化中的常见问题及解决方案,如NSA终端掉4G、RSSI识别天馈遮挡、CA不生效等。 强调了5G网络优化与策略的重要性,包括CCE映射方式优化、5G语音解决方案、AAU扇区组网选择等。 提了4G网络优化与资源利用的策略,如室分设备利旧、宏站RRU设备1托N射灯等。 基站与流程管理方面,提到了爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程,但具体细节。 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点展示了特殊场景下的网络规划需求。




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