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The user starts with 100 dollars, and is able to bet and guess until they quit or have no more money. In each turn, they are asked for a bet. If they enter 0, then the program should give a farewell message and quit.

The bet must be positive and within their available balance, If they enter incorrectly, the program should set the bet to their balance and tell them this. Once a bet is entered, they must pick a number between 1 and 10 (you do not need to errorcheck or correct this). This guess is then compared to a number the computer randomly generates each time (also between 1 and 10).

If the guess is correct, the user wins the amount of their bet. If the guess is incorrect, the user will lose their bet divided by 5 and multiplied by the distance from the correct number - e.g. if the bet is 50, the computer’s number is 5 and the user guesses 7, then the user will lose 20 dollars( 50/5 * (7-5) = 20 ). However, they should not lose more than their balance, so if their balance is 50, the bet is 40, the computer’s number is 1 and the user guesses 10, (40/5 * (10-1) = 72 > 50 )then they should lose 50. After each turn, the program should display that turn's winnings (or loss amount) and the new balance,and then repeat the game until the user either quits or has no money left.

Dollar values should be formatted in the standard way with two decimal places and a $ in front.

Sample output from the program is below. You should make your program match this exactly (except for your name).

An appropriate welcome message with your name in it should be shown at the start of the program.Assignment 1 : Guessing Game

Written by yourname

Please enter your bet (up to $100.00): $50

Guess a number between 1 and 10: 5


You win $50.00

Your new balance is $150.00

Please enter your bet (up to $150.00): $200

Your bet is $150.00

Guess a number between 1 and 10: 6

Wrong! The computer chose: 4

You lose $60.00

Your new balance is $90.00

Please enter your bet (up to $90.00): $80

Guess a number between 1 and 10: 1

Wrong! The computer chose: 7

You lose $90.00

Thank you for playing!

Press any key to continue . . .

Another Sample:

CP1200 Guessing Game

Written by Lindsay Ward

Please enter your bet (up to $100.00): $-20

Your bet is $100.00

Guess a number between 1 and 10: 5

Wrong! The computer chose: 2

You lose $60.00

Your new balance is $40.00

Please enter your bet (up to $40.00): $10.50

Guess a number between 1 and 10: 12

Wrong! The computer chose: 2

You lose $21.00

Your new balance is $19.00

Please enter your bet (up to $19.00): $0

Thank you for playing!#include

randomize( );   初始化

computerNumber = 1 + random(10);   产生随机数

printf(“.2f”, balance) ; 控制输出显示2位小数

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