linux 编译caffe失败,编译 – 使用cudnn编译好Caffe但是runtest失败并出现错误:CUDNN_STATUS_ARCH_MISMATCH...

当使用caffe运行make runtest时,我得到以下输出,它与Cudnn编译完好没有提供错误,我还包括build_release / tools / caffe device_query -gpu< 0,1>的输出.对于运行Cuda驱动程序和运行时版本7.0的NVidia Tesla GPU.有人可以帮忙吗?

[----------] 1 test from SolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice

[ RUN ] SolverTest/0.TestInitTrainTestNets

F0907 18:53:28.279698 309 cudnn_softmax_layer.cpp:19] Check failed: status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS (6 vs. 0) CUDNN_STATUS_ARCH_MISMATCH

*** Check failure stack trace: ***

@ 0x2b8a426cfdaa (unknown)

@ 0x2b8a426cfce4 (unknown)

@ 0x2b8a426cf6e6 (unknown)

@ 0x2b8a426d2687 (unknown)

@ 0x2b8a4404b3c5 caffe::CuDNNSoftmaxLayer<>::LayerSetUp()

@ 0x2b8a440bf8a7 caffe::SoftmaxWithLossLayer<>::LayerSetUp()

@ 0x2b8a440eb9dd caffe::Net<>::Init()

@ 0x2b8a440eca25 caffe::Net<>::Net()

@ 0x2b8a4410335a caffe::Solver<>::InitTrainNet()

@ 0x2b8a44104354 caffe::Solver<>::Init()

@ 0x2b8a44104659 caffe::Solver<>::Solver()

@ 0x787e9c caffe::SolverTest<>::InitSolverFromProtoString()

@ 0x785170 caffe::SolverTest_TestInitTrainTestNets_Test<>::TestBody()

@ 0x7e9943 testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()

@ 0x7e0627 testing::Test::Run()

@ 0x7e06ce testing::TestInfo::Run()

@ 0x7e07d5 testing::TestCase::Run()

@ 0x7e3b18 testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()

@ 0x7e3da7 testing::UnitTest::Run()

@ 0x45552a main

@ 0x2b8a44d70ec5 (unknown)

@ 0x45bd69 (unknown)

@ (nil) (unknown)

make: *** [runtest] Aborted (core dumped)

% ./build_release/tools/caffe device_query -gpu 0

I0907 18:55:04.830653 729 caffe.cpp:111] Querying GPUs 0

I0907 18:55:05.037142 729 common.cpp:168] Device id: 0

I0907 18:55:05.037195 729 common.cpp:169] Major revision number: 2

I0907 18:55:05.037201 729 common.cpp:170] Minor revision number: 0

I0907 18:55:05.037207 729 common.cpp:171] Name: Tesla M2090

I0907 18:55:05.037214 729 common.cpp:172] Total global memory: 5636554752

I0907 18:55:05.037220 729 common.cpp:173] Total shared memory per block: 49152

I0907 18:55:05.037225 729 common.cpp:174] Total registers per block: 32768

I0907 18:55:05.037231 729 common.cpp:175] Warp size: 32

I0907 18:55:05.037236 729 common.cpp:176] Maximum memory pitch: 2147483647

I0907 18:55:05.037241 729 common.cpp:177] Maximum threads per block: 1024

I0907 18:55:05.037246 729 common.cpp:178] Maximum dimension of block: 1024, 1024, 64

I0907 18:55:05.037253 729 common.cpp:181] Maximum dimension of grid: 65535, 65535, 65535

I0907 18:55:05.037258 729 common.cpp:184] Clock rate: 1301000

I0907 18:55:05.037263 729 common.cpp:185] Total constant memory: 65536

I0907 18:55:05.037268 729 common.cpp:186] Texture alignment: 512

I0907 18:55:05.037272 729 common.cpp:187] Concurrent copy and execution: Yes

I0907 18:55:05.037278 729 common.cpp:189] Number of multiprocessors: 16

I0907 18:55:05.037283 729 common.cpp:190] Kernel execution timeout: No

% ./build_release/tools/caffe device_query -gpu 1

I0907 18:55:15.162884 784 caffe.cpp:111] Querying GPUs 1

I0907 18:55:20.532964 784 common.cpp:168] Device id: 1

I0907 18:55:20.533093 784 common.cpp:169] Major revision number: 2

I0907 18:55:20.533129 784 common.cpp:170] Minor revision number: 0

I0907 18:55:20.533161 784 common.cpp:171] Name: Tesla M2090

I0907 18:55:20.533193 784 common.cpp:172] Total global memory: 5636554752

I0907 18:55:20.533227 784 common.cpp:173] Total shared memory per block: 49152

I0907 18:55:20.533252 784 common.cpp:174] Total registers per block: 32768

I0907 18:55:20.533277 784 common.cpp:175] Warp size: 32

I0907 18:55:20.533298 784 common.cpp:176] Maximum memory pitch: 2147483647

I0907 18:55:20.533323 784 common.cpp:177] Maximum threads per block: 1024

I0907 18:55:20.533345 784 common.cpp:178] Maximum dimension of block: 1024, 1024, 64

I0907 18:55:20.533371 784 common.cpp:181] Maximum dimension of grid: 65535, 65535, 65535

I0907 18:55:20.533404 784 common.cpp:184] Clock rate: 1301000

I0907 18:55:20.533428 784 common.cpp:185] Total constant memory: 65536

I0907 18:55:20.533452 784 common.cpp:186] Texture alignment: 512

I0907 18:55:20.533476 784 common.cpp:187] Concurrent copy and execution: Yes

I0907 18:55:20.533500 784 common.cpp:189] Number of multiprocessors: 16

I0907 18:55:20.533524 784 common.cpp:190] Kernel execution timeout: No


requires a GPU of compute capability 3.0 or higher:

Supported on Windows, Linux and MacOS systems with Kepler, Maxwell or Tegra K1 GPUs.

您的Fermi M2090是一款计算能力2.0 GPU:

I0907 18:55:05.037195 729 common.cpp:169] Major revision number: 2

I0907 18:55:05.037201 729 common.cpp:170] Minor revision number: 0

I0907 18:55:05.037207 729 common.cpp:171] Name: Tesla M2090

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