mysql 不同步存储过程_mysql5.6 主从不同步 存储过程大事务导致


1 遇到的问题经营计划主从不同步,从库sql和io进程双YES,但是Seconds_Behind_Master不为0

2 重建从库,进行主从同步,观察周六日是正常,在周一上午使用业务后,再次导致主从不同步

3 经分析relay-log,mysql_binlog

4 发现是大事务导致,大量的插入,更新,删除,这是导致主从不同步的根本原因,也有可能某些表没有主键导致,慢查询

5 大事务是研发业务问题,数据库系统一共有89个存储过程,研发需要调整业务,对于研发来说应该规定不要使用存储过程了

6 从运维角度来说优化数据库的参数已没有意义了,问题出在存储过程和业务,慢查询等

7 对于运维来说可以考虑更换到mysql 5.7版本,mysql5.7对于并行复制有很大优化,但是因为存储过程太多89个,太长,更换版本不一定能保证主从同步一致

8 此阶段测试期间,周五周六周日没出现同不延迟问题,周一早上大事务过程中还是出现同步延迟情况,优化数据参数后,周二和三早上同步自动恢复,都同步正常,判断此为周期性的延迟,等类似的周一上午的大事务出现还是会出现延迟情况的

9 目前,因为大事务存储过程的增删改导致主从不同步,影响无法做正常的读写分离,优化最好从研发角度,减少存储过程和优化业务,运维角度更换5.7版本,还有优化慢查询语句。

10 观察慢语句记录,整理可以优化的慢查询记录(备份原有慢查询,清空后研究新出现的慢查询,研究目前周一早上会出现大事务,考虑查询问题,除增删改)

mysqldumpslow -s r -t 20 mysql_slow.log  > slow_report.log    以下为原来的慢查询记录(已隐藏IP)

Count: 4 Time=93.44s (373s) Lock=0.01s (0s) Rows=990309.8 (3961239), myq[myq]@[172XX]

SELECT * FROM `bp_plan_project_tjx_detail`

Count: 2 Time=101.80s (203s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=1073778.0 (2147556), myq[myq]@[172XX]

SELECT * FROM `bp_plan_project_tjx_detail_2016_1`

Count: 1 Time=278.12s (278s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=995923.0 (995923), myq[myq]@[172XX]

select * from bp_projectreportdetail where v_jldw is not null

Count: 2 Time=81.46s (162s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=386903.0 (773806), myq[myq]@[172XX]

SELECT * FROM `bp_projectreport`

Count: 9 Time=23.04s (207s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=64041.6 (576374), myq[myq]@[隐藏业务175]                -------------------------此为业务大事务查询

select deptid,deptid as orgid,deptname,N as pro_type,v_tjxcode,n_monthvalue,n_yearvalue,

n_totalvalue,n_monthplan,n_yearplan,n_totalplan,type from (

-- 部门

select e.deptid,e.deptname,r.v_tjxcode,r.n_monthvalue ,r.n_yearvalue,

r.n_totalvalue,r.n_monthplan,r.n_yearplan,r.n_totalplan ,N as type from

(select deptid ,deptname ,depttype from eadept ea where

ea.deptid like concat('S','S' ) and

case when 'S' in (N) then ea.depttype in(N)

when 'S' in (N) then ea.depttype in(N,N)

when 'S' in (N) then ea.depttype in(N) end

and ea.ENABLED = 'S' ) e

left join


select report.v_unitid,report.v_filldate ,report.v_depttype ,

detail.v_tjxcode,if(report.v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),detail.n_monthvalue,null) as n_monthvalue,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S' ,detail.n_yearvalue,null) as n_yearvalue,


if(report.v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),detail.n_monthplan,null) as n_monthplan,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S',detail.n_yearplan,null) as n_yearplan,


from (

select report1.* from

(select bp.* from bp_projectreport bp

where case when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N)

when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N,N)

when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N) end

and bp.v_unitid like concat('S','S')

and bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

order by bp.v_unitid, bp.v_filldate desc ) report1 group by report1.v_unitid) report

JOIN bp_projectreportdetail detail ON detail.v_reportid =

JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S' ) r

on e.deptid = r.v_unitid and r.v_depttype = e.depttype

union all

-- 局指指挥部

select m.deptid,m.deptname,n.v_tjxcode,sum(n.n_monthvalue) as n_monthvalue,

sum(n.n_yearvalue) as n_yearvalue,sum(n.n_totalvalue) as n_totalvalue,

sum(n.n_monthplan) as n_monthplan,sum(n.n_yearplan) as n_yearplan,

sum(n.n_totalplan) as n_totalplan,N as type from (

select e.*,v.FPROJECTID from (select deptid ,deptname ,depttype from eadept ea where

ea.deptid like concat('S','S' ) and

case when 'S' in (N,N) then ea.depttype in ('S')

else N= N end

and ea.ENABLED = 'S' ) e

left join project_view v on v.FUNITID = e.deptid and e.depttype = N and v.projectcat = 'S'

) m

left join (

select u.PARENTPROJECTID,u.v_filldate,u.parentname ,u.v_tjxcode ,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),u.n_monthvalue,null)) as n_monthvalue,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate,N,N) ='S',u.n_yearvalue,null)) as n_yearvalue,

sum(u.n_totalvalue) as n_totalvalue,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),u.n_monthplan,null)) as n_monthplan,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate,N,N) ='S',u.n_yearplan,null)) as n_yearplan,

sum(u.n_totalplan) as n_totalplan

from (

select pro.*,report.v_unitid,report.v_projectid,report.v_depttype,report.v_filldate,detail.v_tjxcode,detail.v_tjxmc,detail.v_jldw,

detail.n_monthvalue ,detail.n_yearvalue,detail.n_totalvalue,detail.n_monthplan,detail.n_yearplan,detail.n_totalplan from (

select id,v_unitid,v_projectid,v_depttype,v_filldate from (


id, v_unitid, v_projectid,v_depttype, v_filldate


bp_projectreport bp


bp.v_depttype = 'S' and

bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

ORDER BY bp.v_projectid , bp.v_filldate DESC )

p group by v_unitid ,v_projectid , v_depttype

) report

join (

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,pi.FPROJECTID,pi.FPROJECTNAME,pi.funitid,pi.funit,pi.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

join project_info pi on v.FPROJECTID=pi.PARENTPROJECTID

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE='S' and (

v.FUNITID like concat('S','S' ) or v.forgid = 'S') and v.projectcat='S' and pi.pro_type ='S'

union ALL

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid ,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.FPROJECTID,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.funitid,v.funit,v.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE in ('S') and ( v.FUNITID like concat('S','S') or v.forgid = 'S')and v.projectcat='S'

) pro on report.v_depttype ='S' and report.v_projectid = pro.FPROJECTID

JOIN bp_projectreportdetail detail ON detail.v_reportid =

JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S' ) u group by u.parentprojectid , u.v_tjxcode

) n on n.PARENTPROJECTID = m.fprojectid

group by m.deptid ,n.v_tjxcode ) k

union all

-- 项目

select deptid ,orgid,fprojectname,pro_type,v_tjxcode,n_monthvalue,n_yearvalue,n_totalvalue,

n_monthplan,n_yearplan,n_totalplan,type from (

select o.deptid,o.fprojectid as orgid,g.fprojectname,pro_type,g.v_tjxcode,g.n_monthvalue,

g.n_yearvalue,g.n_totalvalue,g.n_monthplan,g.n_yearplan,g.n_totalplan ,N as type from (

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select i1.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from eadept ea

join project_view v on ea.deptid = v.funitid

join project_info i on i.fprojectid = v.fprojectid and i.pro_type = 'S'

join project_info i1 on i1.PARENTPROJECTID = i.fprojectid and i1.pro_type = 'S'

where ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.depttype = N and ea.enabled = 'S'

) o left join (

-- 局指项目 (汇总自己跟工区的数据)

select t1.parentprojectid as fprojectid,pro_view.FPROJECTNAME,pro_view.funitid ,N as pro_type,t1.v_tjxcode , t1.n_monthvalue ,t1.n_yearvalue,

t1.n_totalvalue,t1.n_monthplan,t1.n_yearplan,t1.n_totalplan from (

select parentprojectid ,v_tjxcode,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),n_monthvalue,null)) as n_monthvalue,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate ,N,N)= 'S',n_yearvalue,null)) as n_yearvalue,

sum(n_totalvalue) as n_totalvalue,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),n_monthplan,null)) as n_monthplan,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate ,N,N)= 'S',n_yearplan,null)) as n_yearplan,

sum(n_totalplan) as n_totalplan,

N as type from (

select pro.parentprojectid ,pro.parentname,





( select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,pi.FPROJECTID,pi.FPROJECTNAME,pi.funitid,pi.funit,pi.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

join project_info pi on v.FPROJECTID=pi.PARENTPROJECTID

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE='S' and (

v.FUNITID like concat('S','S' ) or v.forgid = 'S') and v.projectcat='S' and pi.pro_type ='S'

union ALL

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid ,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.FPROJECTID,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.funitid,v.funit,v.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE in ('S') and ( v.FUNITID like concat('S','S') or v.forgid = 'S')and v.projectcat='S'

) pro

left join (

select report1.* from

(select * from bp_projectreport bp

where bp.v_depttype = 'S'

and bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

order by bp.v_projectid, bp.v_filldate desc ) report1 group by report1.v_projectid

) report on pro.fprojectid = report.v_projectid

left join bp_projectreportdetail detail on detail.v_reportid =

left JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S' ) p group by PARENTPROJECTID,v_tjxcode

) t1

join project_view pro_view on pro_view.fprojectid = t1.parentprojectid

union all

-- 工区 跟 标准项目数据




if(report.v_filldate = concat('S','S','S') ,detail.n_monthvalue,null ) as n_monthvalue,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S',detail.n_yearvalue,null) as n_yearvalue,


if(report.v_filldate = concat('S','S','S') ,detail.n_monthplan,null ) as n_monthplan,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S',detail.n_yearplan,null) as n_yearplan,



( select

v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,pi.FPROJECTID,pi.FPROJECTNAME,pi.funitid,pi.funit,pi.pro_type

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

join project_info pi on v.FPROJECTID=pi.PARENTPROJECTID

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE='S' and (

case when 'S' in('S') then pi.FUNITID else v.FUNITID end like concat('S','S' ) or v.forgid = 'S') and v.projectcat='S' and pi.pro_type ='S'

union all

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid ,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,v.FPROJECTID,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.funitid,v.funit,i.pro_type

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE in ('S') and ( v.FUNITID like concat('S','S') or v.forgid = 'S')and v.projectcat='S'

) pro

left join (

select report1.* from

(select * from bp_projectreport bp

where bp.v_depttype = 'S'

and bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

order by bp.v_projectid, bp.v_filldate desc ) report1 group by report1.v_projectid

) report on pro.fprojectid = report.v_projectid

left join bp_projectreportdetail detail on detail.v_reportid =

left JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S'

) g on g.fprojectid = o.fprojectid ) k where N= N

order by deptid,type,pro_type,orgid

Count: 1 Time=11.97s (11s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=370378.0 (370378), myq[myq]@[]

select,r.v_projectid,r.v_filldate from bp_projectreport r where r.v_depttype='S'

order by r.v_projectid,r.v_filldate DESC

Count: 1 Time=70.42s (70s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=368976.0 (368976), myq[myq]@[]

select bp.* from bp_projectreport bp

where case when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N)

when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N)

when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N) end

and bp.v_unitid like concat('S','S')

and bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

order by bp.v_projectid, bp.v_filldate desc

Count: 1 Time=46.79s (46s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=364236.0 (364236), myq[myq]@[172XX]


from bp_projectreport p

where p.v_status='S' and p.v_depttype='S' and p.v_filldate<=concat('S','S','S')

order by p.v_projectid,p.v_filldate desc

Count: 1 Time=19.03s (19s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=362918.0 (362918), myq[myq]@[172XX]

select,p.v_filldate,p.v_projectidfrom bp_projectreportdetail yb join bp_projectreport p on

where p.v_depttype=N and v_tjxcode = 'S'and yb.v_filldate<='S'

Count: 2 Time=27.98s (55s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=135532.0 (271064), myq[myq]@[隐藏175业务]

select deptid,deptid as orgid,deptname,N as pro_type,v_tjxcode,n_monthvalue,n_yearvalue,

n_totalvalue,n_monthplan,n_yearplan,n_totalplan,type from (

-- 部门

select e.deptid,e.deptname,r.v_tjxcode,r.n_monthvalue ,r.n_yearvalue,

r.n_totalvalue,r.n_monthplan,r.n_yearplan,r.n_totalplan ,N as type from

(select deptid ,deptname ,depttype from eadept ea where

ea.deptid like concat('S','S' ) and

case when 'S' in (N) then ea.depttype in(N)

when 'S' in (N) then ea.depttype in(N,N)

when 'S' in (N) then ea.depttype in(N) end

and ea.ENABLED = 'S' ) e

left join


select report.v_unitid,report.v_filldate ,report.v_depttype ,

detail.v_tjxcode,if(report.v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),detail.n_monthvalue,null) as n_monthvalue,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S' ,detail.n_yearvalue,null) as n_yearvalue,


if(report.v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),detail.n_monthplan,null) as n_monthplan,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S',detail.n_yearplan,null) as n_yearplan,


from (

select report1.* from

(select bp.* from bp_projectreport bp

where case when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N)

when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N,N)

when 'S' in (N) then bp.v_depttype in(N) end

and bp.v_unitid like concat('S','S')

-- and bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

order by bp.v_unitid, bp.v_filldate desc ) report1 group by report1.v_unitid) report

JOIN bp_projectreportdetail detail ON detail.v_reportid =

JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S' ) r

on e.deptid = r.v_unitid and r.v_depttype = e.depttype

union all

-- 局指指挥部

select m.deptid,m.deptname,n.v_tjxcode,sum(n.n_monthvalue) as n_monthvalue,

sum(n.n_yearvalue) as n_yearvalue,sum(n.n_totalvalue) as n_totalvalue,

sum(n.n_monthplan) as n_monthplan,sum(n.n_yearplan) as n_yearplan,

sum(n.n_totalplan) as n_totalplan,N as type from (

select e.*,v.FPROJECTID from (select deptid ,deptname ,depttype from eadept ea where

ea.deptid like concat('S','S' ) and

case when 'S' in (N,N) then ea.depttype in ('S')

else N= N end

and ea.ENABLED = 'S' ) e

left join project_view v on v.FUNITID = e.deptid and e.depttype = N and v.projectcat = 'S'

) m

left join (

select u.PARENTPROJECTID,u.v_filldate,u.parentname ,u.v_tjxcode ,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),u.n_monthvalue,null)) as n_monthvalue,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate,N,N) ='S',u.n_yearvalue,null)) as n_yearvalue,

sum(u.n_totalvalue) as n_totalvalue,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),u.n_monthplan,null)) as n_monthplan,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate,N,N) ='S',u.n_yearplan,null)) as n_yearplan,

sum(u.n_totalplan) as n_totalplan

from (

select pro.*,report.v_unitid,report.v_projectid,report.v_depttype,report.v_filldate,detail.v_tjxcode,detail.v_tjxmc,detail.v_jldw,

detail.n_monthvalue ,detail.n_yearvalue,detail.n_totalvalue,detail.n_monthplan,detail.n_yearplan,detail.n_totalplan from (

select id,v_unitid,v_projectid,v_depttype,v_filldate from (


id, v_unitid, v_projectid,v_depttype, v_filldate


bp_projectreport bp


bp.v_depttype = 'S' and

bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

ORDER BY bp.v_projectid , bp.v_filldate DESC )

p group by v_unitid ,v_projectid , v_depttype

) report

join (

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,pi.FPROJECTID,pi.FPROJECTNAME,pi.funitid,pi.funit,pi.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

join project_info pi on v.FPROJECTID=pi.PARENTPROJECTID

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE='S' and (

v.FUNITID like concat('S','S' ) or v.forgid = 'S') and v.projectcat='S' and pi.pro_type ='S'

union ALL

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid ,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.FPROJECTID,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.funitid,v.funit,v.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE in ('S') and ( v.FUNITID like concat('S','S') or v.forgid = 'S')and v.projectcat='S'

) pro on report.v_depttype ='S' and report.v_projectid = pro.FPROJECTID

JOIN bp_projectreportdetail detail ON detail.v_reportid =

JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S' ) u group by u.parentprojectid , u.v_tjxcode

) n on n.PARENTPROJECTID = m.fprojectid

group by m.deptid ,n.v_tjxcode ) k

union all

-- 项目

select deptid ,orgid,fprojectname,pro_type,v_tjxcode,n_monthvalue,n_yearvalue,n_totalvalue,

n_monthplan,n_yearplan,n_totalplan,type from (

select o.deptid,o.fprojectid as orgid,g.fprojectname,pro_type,g.v_tjxcode,g.n_monthvalue,

g.n_yearvalue,g.n_totalvalue,g.n_monthplan,g.n_yearplan,g.n_totalplan ,N as type from (

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select v.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid = i.fprojectid

join eadept ea on ea.depttype = N

and v.funitid like concat(ea.deptid,'S')

where i.pro_type = N and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and ea.enabled = 'S'

union all

select i1.fprojectid ,ea.deptid from eadept ea

join project_view v on ea.deptid = v.funitid

join project_info i on i.fprojectid = v.fprojectid and i.pro_type = 'S'

join project_info i1 on i1.PARENTPROJECTID = i.fprojectid and i1.pro_type = 'S'

where ea.deptid like concat('S','S') and 'S' in (N,N) and ea.depttype = N and ea.enabled = 'S'

) o left join (

-- 局指项目 (汇总自己跟工区的数据)

select t1.parentprojectid as fprojectid,pro_view.FPROJECTNAME,pro_view.funitid ,N as pro_type,t1.v_tjxcode , t1.n_monthvalue ,t1.n_yearvalue,

t1.n_totalvalue,t1.n_monthplan,t1.n_yearplan,t1.n_totalplan from (

select parentprojectid ,v_tjxcode,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),n_monthvalue,null)) as n_monthvalue,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate ,N,N)= 'S',n_yearvalue,null)) as n_yearvalue,

sum(n_totalvalue) as n_totalvalue,

sum(if(v_filldate = CONCAT('S', 'S','S'),n_monthplan,null)) as n_monthplan,

sum(if(substr(v_filldate ,N,N)= 'S',n_yearplan,null)) as n_yearplan,

sum(n_totalplan) as n_totalplan,

N as type from (

select pro.parentprojectid ,pro.parentname,





( select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,pi.FPROJECTID,pi.FPROJECTNAME,pi.funitid,pi.funit,pi.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

join project_info pi on v.FPROJECTID=pi.PARENTPROJECTID

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE='S' and (

v.FUNITID like concat('S','S' ) or v.forgid = 'S') and v.projectcat='S' and pi.pro_type ='S'

union ALL

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid ,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.FPROJECTID,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.funitid,v.funit,v.fprojecttypecode

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE in ('S') and ( v.FUNITID like concat('S','S') or v.forgid = 'S')and v.projectcat='S'

) pro

left join (

select report1.* from

(select * from bp_projectreport bp

where bp.v_depttype = 'S'

and bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

order by bp.v_projectid, bp.v_filldate desc ) report1 group by report1.v_projectid

) report on pro.fprojectid = report.v_projectid

left join bp_projectreportdetail detail on detail.v_reportid =

left JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S' ) p group by PARENTPROJECTID,v_tjxcode

) t1

join project_view pro_view on pro_view.fprojectid = t1.parentprojectid

union all

-- 工区 跟 标准项目数据




if(report.v_filldate = concat('S','S','S') ,detail.n_monthvalue,null ) as n_monthvalue,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S',detail.n_yearvalue,null) as n_yearvalue,


if(report.v_filldate = concat('S','S','S') ,detail.n_monthplan,null ) as n_monthplan,

if(substr(report.v_filldate,N,N) = 'S',detail.n_yearplan,null) as n_yearplan,



( select

v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,pi.FPROJECTID,pi.FPROJECTNAME,pi.funitid,pi.funit,pi.pro_type

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

join project_info pi on v.FPROJECTID=pi.PARENTPROJECTID

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE='S' and (

case when 'S' in('S') then pi.FUNITID else v.FUNITID end like concat('S','S' ) or v.forgid = 'S') and v.projectcat='S' and pi.pro_type ='S'

union all

select v.FPROJECTID as parentprojectid ,v.FPROJECTNAME as parentname,v.FPROJECTID,v.FPROJECTNAME,v.funitid,v.funit,i.pro_type

from project_view v join project_info i on v.fprojectid=i.fprojectid

where v.`status`='S' and i.PRO_TYPE in ('S') and ( v.FUNITID like concat('S','S') or v.forgid = 'S')and v.projectcat='S'

) pro

left join (

select report1.* from

(select * from bp_projectreport bp

where bp.v_depttype = 'S'

and bp.v_status = 'S'

and bp.v_filldate <= concat('S','S','S')

order by bp.v_projectid, bp.v_filldate desc ) report1 group by report1.v_projectid

) report on pro.fprojectid = report.v_projectid

left join bp_projectreportdetail detail on detail.v_reportid =

left JOIN bp_report_tjx ret ON INSTR(CONCAT('S', ret.v_tjxcode, 'S'), CONCAT('S', detail.v_tjxcode, 'S')) > N

AND ret.v_userid ='S'

AND ret.v_report_code = 'S'

) g on g.fprojectid = o.fprojectid ) k where N= N

order by deptid,type,pro_type,orgid

Count: 1 Time=7.92s (7s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=195551.0 (195551), myq[myq]@[]

select d.n_monthvalue,main.v_reporttype,main.v_filldate,d.v_tjxcode from (

select,r.v_reporttype,r.v_filldate from bp_projectreport r

where r.v_filldate<='S' and r.v_depttype='S' and r.v_unitid like 'S'

and r.v_status='S') main

join bp_projectreportdetail d on -- group by main.v_reporttype,d.v_tjxcode

Count: 1 Time=4.13s (4s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=195551.0 (195551), myq[myq]@[]

select if(main.v_filldate='S',d.n_monthvalue,null),main.v_reporttype,main.v_filldate from (

select,r.v_reporttype,r.v_filldate from bp_projectreport r

where r.v_filldate<='S' and r.v_depttype='S' and r.v_unitid like 'S'

and r.v_status='S') main

join bp_projectreportdetail d on -- group by main.v_reporttype,d.v_tjxcode

Count: 1 Time=3.88s (3s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=195551.0 (195551), myq[myq]@[172XX]

select d.n_monthvalue,main.v_reporttype,main.v_filldate from (

select,r.v_reporttype,r.v_filldate from bp_projectreport r

where r.v_filldate<='S' and r.v_depttype='S' and r.v_unitid like 'S'

and r.v_status='S') main

join bp_projectreportdetail d on -- group by main.v_reporttype,d.v_tjxcode

Count: 4 Time=9.47s (37s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=40517.0 (162068), myq[myq]@[172XX]

SELECT * FROM `bp_chartdata`

Count: 1 Time=11.38s (11s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=82505.0 (82505), myq[myq]@[172XX]

SELECT * FROM `bp_projectreportdetail`

Count: 1 Time=233.77s (233s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=79618.0 (79618), myq[myq]@[172XX]

select *

from bp_projectreport r

order by r.v_filldate

Count: 1 Time=20.99s (20s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=71584.0 (71584), myq[myq]@[172XX]


from bp_projectreport r

where r.v_status='S' and r.v_filldate<= concat('S','S','S')

and r.v_unitid like CONCAT('S','S')

and r.v_DEPTTYPE='S'

order by r.v_unitid,r.v_filldate desc

Count: 1 Time=10.51s (10s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=69214.0 (69214), myq[myq]@[172XX]

select * from bp_projectreportdetail d

where d.n_monthvalue*N - floor(d.n_monthvalue)*N = N and d.v_tjxcode='S'

Count: 1 Time=58.11s (58s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=62586.0 (62586), myq[myq]@[172XX]

SELECT * FROM `bp_stat_design_detail`

Count: 1 Time=13.81s (13s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=40099.0 (40099), myq[myq]@[172XX]

select *

from bp_projectreport r

where r.v_depttype='S' and r.bistype is not null

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