
Rating: PG

Summary: Mikey A.K.A Dr. Prankenstien, has struck once again! Though maybe... Just maybe.. He went a bit too far this time...

Type: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort



Leo sighed through his nose and shook his head slightly upon hearing the following loud crashes and curses coming from his little brothers who were probably running around the lair like complete lunatics. Someday those two idiots were probably going to be the death of him, and they probably knew that. "AHHH!!! Awe come on dude! I didn't mean for- HEY!!! Don't throw that! R-Raph hey! Take it easy!" Mikey squeaked out to his brother.

Correction... Those two numskulls would most DEFINITELY be the cause of his untimely demise someday.

Snapping his bright sea blue eyes open he swiftly sheathed his Twin Katana's and stalked to the door extremely aggravated that his brothers were making such a ruckus while he was trying to focus and train (something he thought they ALL should be doing right now). "OW OW OW OW!!! UNCLE!!! MERCY!!!" Mikey yelped loudly in pain. "You like that you little punk?!" Raph's husky voice growled out clearly out of irritation. The sound of something pretty hollow being hit rather hard, and then another shrill cry from the youngest turtle made Leonardo pick up his pace slightly. Okay, yeah sure, Mikey may get on his and everyone else's nerves and Leo may even feel like bashing the idiot's shell open sometimes, but that was still his youngest brother and he was HIGHLY protective of him no matter how obnoxious he was.

Even though no one really liked to admit it they all cared deeply for the little orange masked turtle. "I'M GOING TO CRUSH THAT HOLLOW HEAD OF YOURS!!!!" the same husky voice yelled. Some care for him more than others. "Whoa whoa whoa!! What in Kami's name is going on here?!" Leo hissed going into full protective brother mode once he saw the scene in front of him. Raphael had Michelangelo pinned under him with his arms under the older turtle's knees and he was completely helpless as the hot head continued to bash his poor light green head into the thinly carpeted ground. Although, Leo didn't miss the dark blush spreading across the youngest males cheeks which he'd have to investigate later once Mikey wasn't in harms way.

"Raphael get off of Mikey now!" the leader practically barked. He didn't wait for a reaction from his brother before he yanked his arm roughly pulling him up and pushed his shoulder just as hard to gain a decent distance between him and Mikey. "That little insect poured cockroaches into my bed, and he painted my shell pink while I was sleeping!" Raph seethed pacing back and forth like a caged animal in the zoo. His bright emerald orbs held so much venom in them that it made Leo slightly uneasy as to what he may do at any given moment.

Donnie frowned softly and emerged from his lab having heard the commotion in the make-shift living room, and felt as if something bad was about to happen. "What's going on in here?" he asked the trio. "THAT LITTLE BRAT PRANKED ME AGAIN AND I'M SICK OF IT!" Raph screamed at the top of his lungs. It was then that Leo was silently grateful that Master Splinter took April out of the lair to go train somewhere else for the evening. Donnie, being curious, walked over to Mikey, and scooped his little brother up helping him actually stand on his own two feet. The doctor side of him kicked in as soon as he saw the light bruising to his baby brother's skull and he turned towards Raph with a glare. "Geeze Raph it was a prank! You didn't have to hurt him!" Donnie scolded. After a minute or so of sharing icy gazes with the red clad turtle Donnie turned back to his patient and grumbled while he began to patch Mikey up as gently as possible.

Mikey, who was still a little bit sour from being brutally attacked by his other brother, scowled deeply. This was a look Leo had never seen on the younger males face before. "Gosh Raph it was a joke! A J-O-K-E! It was harmless as a butterfly! You didn't have to get all angry about it!" Mikey stated in his usual childish manner. Raph sneered at his little brother and nearly pounced on him again if only Leo wasn't blocking his target. "Harmless?! HARMLESS!? You know I have a fear of roaches yet you still dumped them on me while I was sleeping!" he growled his anger flaring again. His voice cracked a bit as he said this however and it was then that Mikey's crystal blue eyes widened largely in shock.

Raphael was truly scared of cockroaches and he just traumatized his older brother further with his latest prank. "R-raph... I... I didn't mean to... Okay w-well I did but I didn't think-" Mikey started to apologize, cautiously walking towards Raphael. He honestly didn't mean to hurt Raph he just wanted to have a little fun. It was just suppose to be a simple joke. Something for Raph to yell at him for and then smirk that mischievous smirk, saying he'll get his sweet revenge soon enough. The dark green turtle hissed at his brother and stood ridgedly seeing him move closer. "OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T THINK!!! YOU NEVER DO!!! All you do is mess things up for us! Why the hell do you have to be such a fucking screw up Mikey?!" Raph said leaving no survivors in his words.

Mikey looked at his brother with tears stinging his eyes relentlessly, and Leo growled dangerously low stepping closer to Raph. "Take that back, Raphael!" Leo ordered through clenched teeth. "D-do... You... M-mean that?" The orange banded ninja whispered weakly as if he was afraid of the answer he'd receive. "Yes! I do mean it! If your not messin' up missions with your stupid ideas and brainless thoughts you're hurting us! I don't even think it's accidental anymore to be frank! That's how many times you've messed up! You're completely useless and you have no place on this team what-so-ever!" Raph thundered out. His chest tightened and puffed as he struggled to remain calm~ish, and he tried to gather his thoughts or at least catch his breath, but when he heard a silent sob he stopped dead in his tracks. Glancing up slowly he met Donatello's horrified gaze that went from him to his other brothers and then he moved on to see Leonardo's disappointed look.

Lastly, he turned to his little brother and stared at his broken figure. Mikey's shoulders were slumped and his face was downcast, and it didn't take a super genius to figure out he was crying. 'Psh it's not like I really give a damn. What I said was the damned truth...' Raph thought bitterly. He continued to stare at his brother impassively, but when Mikey looked up at him Raph's jaw nearly dropped and hit the ground. His brother looked... Utterly broken. His bright blue eyes that were normally full of life and happiness was filled with... Nothing. He was hurt and betrayed and worst of all he looked absolutely dead. "M-Mikey...I..." Raph started. "Save it....You've said all you needed to...." Mikey murmured. With that being said he walked out of the living room and to his room without another word. All that was heard in the musty silence was the soft clicking of a door closing and locking.


Three agonizingly long days. Three days Raphael had to deal with the lack of unnecessary noise coming from the little ball of energy that usually ran-a-muck. Three long days he had to deal with Donnie shaking his fat green head at him in disappointment. Three agonizing days he had to listen to Master Splinter and Leo rant on and on about how much he messed things up with the young turtle. Three.Agonizingly.Long.Fucking.Days he had to live with the fact that he was the sole reason that Michelangelo wouldn't eat pizza, play videogames, tell stupid jokes, talk obnoxiously loud, or even come out of the dark hole known as his room.

The little one had been avoiding him since he blew-up, and quite frankly he was more sick of that than 'Doctor Prankenstein'! Raph finally got fed up with it, and slammed his fists on the table surprising a reading Donnie and an eating Leo, but before they had a chance to say anything Raph had walked to the doorway and stopped to stare at the deep dark tunnel that lead to the lost brother. "I messed up bad... I shouldn't have said what I said and you have... No idea how much I regret it... Now I'm gunna make this right!" Raph said in determination. With a rather loud roar, he charged up the stairs and down the hall not noticing the small smiles that sprouted behind his back. He was feeling pretty damn good. Amazing in fact. He was going to make this right no matter what it took.

So charging at the door he didn't even bother to open it, and instead barreled through it and shocked the blue eyed teen so bad that he fell from his spot on his bed. "OPH!! R-ra-raph? Wha-" Mikey was cut short by his intruder. "I'M SORRY!!! I'm sorry okay? I blew up at you because my fear got the better of me... I never meant any of the stupid, idiotic things I said about you and trust me I'm kicking myself over them... You mean everything to me... To us... Your place on this team is the glue! You're the sticky stuff that holds us together! Your the stuff that always stands strong when we don't or when we just can't, and every time I talk about hating you... I-I DON'T!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! I-" it was Raph's turn to be cut off in the middle of his sentence.

Before he could say anymore, Mikey had giggled softly and pressed his lips to the older males gently. Raph didn't pull away from him or complain like Mikey had expected, but instead he looped his muscular arms around Mikey and pulled him flush against his chest. Mikey was thrown off by the gesture, and blushed darkly looking away from his brother. "So... Do you forgive me?" Raph asked him softly. Mikey smiled brightly and nodded his head curtly. Truth be told he was never really mad at Raphael but more at himself for what he had done. He deserved everything Raph had said but he also felt like he deserved the apology that was sweetly given to him. "Man dude I've never seen you so... Mushy before!" Mikey exclaimed with glee.

Raph smirked his typical smirk and nipped at his mate's neck playfully before nuzzling his face into the spot he bit. "Yeah yeah shell-for-brains... Tell anyone and I will skin you alive and eat you." he whispered huskily against his skin almost in a seductive way. The younger boy shuttered slightly, and blushed so darkly he felt like his cheeks were on fire. "Awe don't you think this is a Kodak moment Donnie boy?" a familiar cocky voice asked. "You read my mind Leo!" Donnie stated matter-of-fact.


"OH YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!!!" Raph growled out loudly at the two. In The meditation room Splinters ears perked up at the cheerful sounds of laughter which was something he hadn't heard in in three very long days. All was back to normal again in his family.


Sighing softly through his nose he stood up slowly and looked at the beloved picture he always had by his side on its shelf. "Our sons... What will we ever do?"

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