
本文详细介绍了如何通过2Captcha服务解决各种类型的验证码,包括正常验证码、文本验证码、点击图片验证码、ReCaptcha V2、旋转验证码、ReCaptcha V2 Callback、ReCaptcha V3、Key Captcha、GeeTest Captcha等,展示了相应的获取流程和输入答案步骤。


The process of solving an normal captcha is as follows: we take the image of the captcha from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha


The process of solving text captcha is as follows: we take the text question of the captcha from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where it is solved by the employee, after which the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha


The solution process is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page of its placement and the instructions on which pictures to click on and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of three sets of image placement coordinates, which must be entered into the corresponding field for solving the captcha


The process of solving ReCaptcha V2 is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page of its placement in the form of the data-sitekey parameter and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field for the solution captcha


The process of solving Rotate Captcha is as follows: we take an image or several images of a captcha from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of the value of the image rotation angle, which must be entered into the corresponding field to solve captcha


The process of solving ReCaptcha V2 Callback does not differ from the similar process of solving ReCaptcha V2: we take the captcha image from the page of its placement in the form of the data-sitekey parameter and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which we need enter in the appropriate field to solve the captcha. Sometimes you won't find a button submitting a form. A callback function can be used instead. This function is executed when the captcha is recognized. Usually the callback function is defined in the data-callback parameter or as the callback parameter of the grecaptcha.render function


The process of solving ReCaptcha V2 Callback does not differ from the similar process of solving ReCaptcha V2: we take the captcha image from the page of its placement in the form of the data-sitekey parameter and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which we need enter in the appropriate field to solve the captcha. Sometimes you won't find a button submitting a form. A callback function can be used instead. This function is executed when the captcha is recognized. Usually the callback function is defined in the data-callback parameter or as the callback parameter of the grecaptcha.render function


The process for solving ReCaptcha V3 is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where it is solved by an employee with the appropriate “humanity” rating, after which the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field to solve the captcha. In many ways, the new type of captcha is similar to ReCaptcha V2, i.e. the basic principle remains the same - the user receives a token from the 2captcha API, which is sent in a POST request to the site, and the site verifies the token through the 2captcha API


The process of solving KeyCaptcha is as follows: we take a set of necessary parameters from the page of its placement and pass it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of a set of other parameters, which must be passed to the appropriate fields to solve the captcha


The process of solving GeeTest Captcha is as follows: we take a set of necessary parameters from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of a set of already other parameters, which must be passed to the appropriate fields to solve the captcha


The solution process is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field to solve the captcha





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