priority queue java_PriorityQueue的Java实现

1 //PriorityQueue.java2 //Java Spatial Index Library3 //Copyright (C) 2008 aled@users.sourceforge.net4 //

5 //This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or6 //modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public7 //License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either8 //version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.9 //

10 //This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,11 //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of12 //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU13 //Lesser General Public License for more details.14 //

15 //You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public16 //License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software17 //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA




23 importgnu.trove.list.array.TFloatArrayList;24 importgnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;25

26 /**

27 *

28 * Priority Queue that stores values as ints and priorities as floats. Uses a29 * Heap to sort the priorities; the values are sorted "in step" with the30 * priorities.31 *

32 *

33 * A Heap is simply an array that is kept semi sorted; in particular if the34 * elements of the array are arranged in a tree structure; ie35 *

36 *37 *
38 *                                   0039 *                                 /     \40 *                             01          0241 *                            /  \        /  \42 *                          03    04    05    0643 *                          /\    /\    /\    /\44 *                        07 08 09 10 11 12 13 1445 * 
46 *

47 * then each parent is kept sorted with respect to it's immediate children. E.g.48 * 00 < 01, 00 < 02, 02 < 05, 02 < 0649 *

50 *

51 * This means that the array appears to be sorted, as long as we only ever look52 * at element 0.53 *

54 *

55 * Inserting new elements is much faster than if the entire array was kept56 * sorted; a new element is appended to the array, and then recursively swapped57 * with each parent to maintain the "parent is sorted w.r.t it's children"58 * property.59 *

60 *

61 * To return the "next" value it is necessary to remove the root element. The62 * last element in the array is placed in the root of the tree, and is63 * recursively swapped with one of it's children until the "parent is sorted64 * w.r.t it's children" property is restored.65 *

66 *

67 * Random access is slow (eg for deleting a particular value), and is not68 * implemented here - if this functionality is required, then a heap probably69 * isn't the right data structure.70 *

71 */

72 public class PriorityQueue implementsSerializable {73 private static final long serialVersionUID = -5653506138757217673L;74 public static final boolean SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING = true;75 public static final boolean SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING = false;76

77 private TIntArrayList values = null;78 private TFloatArrayList priorities = null;79 private boolean sortOrder =SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING;80

81 private static boolean INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY_CHECKING = false;82

83 public PriorityQueue(booleansortOrder) {84 this(sortOrder, 10);85 }86

87 public PriorityQueue(boolean sortOrder, intinitialCapacity) {88 this.sortOrder =sortOrder;89 values = newTIntArrayList(initialCapacity);90 priorities = newTFloatArrayList(initialCapacity);91 }92

93 /**

94 *@paramp195 *@paramp296 *@returntrue if p1 has an earlier sort order than p2.97 */

98 private boolean sortsEarlierThan(float p1, floatp2) {99 if (sortOrder ==SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING) {100 return p1

105 //to insert a value, append it to the arrays, then106 //reheapify by promoting it to the correct place.

107 public void insert(int value, floatpriority) {108 values.add(value);109 priorities.add(priority);110

111 promote(values.size() - 1, value, priority);112 }113

114 private void promote(int index, int value, floatpriority) {115 //Consider the index to be a "hole"; i.e. don't swap priorities/values116 //when moving up the tree, simply copy the parent into the hole and117 //then consider the parent to be the hole.118 //Finally, copy the value/priority into the hole.

119 while (index > 0) {120 int parentIndex = (index - 1) / 2;121 float parentPriority =priorities.get(parentIndex);122

123 if(sortsEarlierThan(parentPriority, priority)) {124 break;125 }126

127 //copy the parent entry into the current index.

128 values.set(index, values.get(parentIndex));129 priorities.set(index, parentPriority);130 index =parentIndex;131 }132

133 values.set(index, value);134 priorities.set(index, priority);135

136 if(INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY_CHECKING) {137 check();138 }139 }140

141 public intsize() {142 returnvalues.size();143 }144

145 public voidclear() {146 values.clear();147 priorities.clear();148 }149

150 public voidreset() {151 values.reset();152 priorities.reset();153 }154

155 public intgetValue() {156 return values.get(0);157 }158

159 public floatgetPriority() {160 return priorities.get(0);161 }162

163 private void demote(int index, int value, floatpriority) {164 int childIndex = (index * 2) + 1; //left child


166 while (childIndex

169 if (childIndex + 1

174 }175 }176

177 if(sortsEarlierThan(childPriority, priority)) {178 priorities.set(index, childPriority);179 values.set(index, values.get(childIndex));180 index =childIndex;181 childIndex = (index * 2) + 1;182 } else{183 break;184 }185 }186

187 values.set(index, value);188 priorities.set(index, priority);189 }190

191 //get the value with the lowest priority192 //creates a "hole" at the root of the tree.193 //The algorithm swaps the hole with the appropriate child, until194 //the last entry will fit correctly into the hole (ie is lower195 //priority than its children)

196 public intpop() {197 int ret = values.get(0);198

199 //record the value/priority of the last entry

200 int lastIndex = values.size() - 1;201 int tempValue =values.get(lastIndex);202 float tempPriority =priorities.get(lastIndex);203

204 values.removeAt(lastIndex);205 priorities.removeAt(lastIndex);206

207 if (lastIndex > 0) {208 demote(0, tempValue, tempPriority);209 }210

211 if(INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY_CHECKING) {212 check();213 }214

215 returnret;216 }217

218 public void setSortOrder(booleansortOrder) {219 if (this.sortOrder !=sortOrder) {220 this.sortOrder =sortOrder;221 //reheapify the arrays

222 for (int i = (values.size() / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {223 demote(i, values.get(i), priorities.get(i));224 }225 }226 if(INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY_CHECKING) {227 check();228 }229 }230

231 private voidcheck() {232 //for each entry, check that the child entries have a lower or equal233 //priority

234 int lastIndex = values.size() - 1;235

236 for (int i = 0; i < values.size() / 2; i++) {237 float currentPriority =priorities.get(i);238

239 int leftIndex = (i * 2) + 1;240 if (leftIndex <=lastIndex) {241 float leftPriority =priorities.get(leftIndex);242 if(sortsEarlierThan(leftPriority, currentPriority)) {243 System.err.println("Internal error in PriorityQueue");244 }245 }246

247 int rightIndex = (i * 2) + 2;248 if (rightIndex <=lastIndex) {249 float rightPriority =priorities.get(rightIndex);250 if(sortsEarlierThan(rightPriority, currentPriority)) {251 System.err.println("Internal error in PriorityQueue");252 }253 }254 }255 }256 }





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


