serve注解是加在哪个类_使用基于注解方式的事务管理需要在使用事务的Spring Bean类或者Bean类的方法上添加注解【】。...

【计算题】11-22 在利用牛顿环测未知单色光波长的实验中,当用波长为589.3 nm 的钠黄光垂直照射时,测得第1和第4个暗环的距离为△r=4. 00x10^-3 m;当用波长未知的单色光垂直照射时,测得第 1 和第4个暗环的距离为Δr' = 3. 85 x10^-3 m,求该単色光的波长.

【判断题】In Mintzberg's view, the roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison are all interpersonal roles.

【填空题】Windows Server 2003 中超级用户的名字是 _____

【判断题】The four contemporary management processes are planning, organizing, leading, and commanding.

【判断题】Effectiveness refers to the attainment of the organization's goals.

【填空题】Windows Server 2003 中新建的用户默认属于 _____ 组。

【计算题】11-28 单缝的宽度 b=0.40 mm,以波长 λ=589 nm的单色光垂直照射,设透镜的焦距f= 1. 0 m.求:: (1)第一级暗纹距中心的距离; (2) 第二级明纹距中心的距离.

【计算题】11-10 在双缝干涉实验中,两缝间距为 0. 30 mm,用单色光垂直照射双缝,在离缝1. 20 m的屏上测得中央明纹一侧第5条暗纹与另一侧第5条暗纹间的距离为22.78 mm.问所用光的波长为多少?是什么颜色的光?

【判断题】Most people who study management think that Fayol's categories are more useful than Mintzberg's.

【判断题】Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.

【计算题】11-24 如图所示,折射率 n2=1.2的油滴落在 n3= 1.50的平板玻璃上,形成一上表面近似于球面的油膜,测得油膜中心最高处的高度 = 1.1 μm,用λ =600 nm的单色光垂直照射油膜.问: (1)油膜周边是暗环还是明环? (2)整个油膜可看到几个完整暗环?

【判断题】Providing motivation is part of the controlling function of management.


【判断题】Defining goals is a key part of the organizing function of management.

【判断题】In order to be considered a manager, an individual must direct or oversee the work of others.

【判断题】A key difference between Fayol's and Mintzberg's view of management is that Fayol's view was based on empirical observations of managers in action.

【判断题】All organizations have a structure that in some ways serves to define and limit the behavior of members of the organization.

【判断题】Managers who are effective at meeting organizational goals always act efficiently.

【判断题】Deciding who will be assigned to which job is a part of the leading function of management.

【判断题】Studying management can be extremely useful even for those who don't plan to be managers themselves.

【计算题】11-17 如图所示,利用空气劈尖测细丝直径,已知 λ=589.3 nm,L=2.888×10^-2 m,测得30条条纹的总宽度为4.295×10^-3 m,求细丝直径 d.

【判断题】A manager in a large business generally will spend more of his or her time as a spokesperson and entrepreneur than his or her counterpart in a small business.

【判断题】A small business manager in many ways combines the roles of top manager and first-line manager in a large business.

【判断题】Disturbance handler is one of Mintzberg's interpersonal roles.



【填空题】The present Chinese Buddhist temples mainly consist of , Tianwang Hall, Daxiong Hall, Abbot’s Room, and the Sutra-Keeping Hall, etc..

【判断题】Management has an impact on all businesses, but there are almost no examples of businesses that have failed because of poor management.

【计算题】11-16 在折射率 =1.52 的照相机镜头表面涂有一层折射率 =1.38 的 的增透膜,若此膜仅适用于波长 λ=550 nm 的光,则此膜的最小厚度为多少?

【判断题】Supervisors and team leaders may both be considered first-line managers.

【计算题】11-34 用一毫米内有500条刻痕的平面透射光栅观察钠光谱( λ=589 nm) ,设透镜焦距f=1.00 m.问: (1)光线垂直入射时,最多能看到第几级光谱? (2)若用白光垂直照射光栅,第一级光谱的线宽度是多少?

【判断题】A goal of efficiency is to minimize output costs while maximizing input costs.

【判断题】Fayol's management processes are completely equivalent to Mintzberg's management roles.

【判断题】Because profit, or the "bottom line," is not the measure of success for not-for-profit organizations, managers of charitable organizations do not have to concern themselves with the financial aspects of their organizations.

【判断题】A typical first-level manager spends more of his or her time leading than planning.

【判断题】All managers devote at least some of their time to planning.

【判断题】The study of economics is useful only to top managers.

【简答题】Windows Server 2003 的版本有哪些?它们都有哪些特点?

【计算题】11-29 一单色平行光垂直照射于一单缝,若其第三级明纹位置正好和波长为600 nm的单色光垂直入射时的第二级明纹位置一样,求前一种単色光的波长.

【简答题】Windows Server 2003 有哪些特点?它优于 Windows 2000 Server 的地方有哪些?

【计算题】11-11 在双缝干涉实验中,用波长λ=546.1 nm的单色光照射,双缝与屏的距离d'=300 nm.测得中央明纹两侧的两个第五级明条纹的间距为12.2nm,求双缝间的距离.

【判断题】A manager does not work directly on tasks for the organization.

【判断题】Determining who reports to whom is part of the controlling function of management.

【判断题】Part of what defines an organization is its purpose.

【计算题】11-30 已知单缝宽度 b=1.0×10^-4 m,透镜焦距f=0.50 m,用 λ1=400 nm和 λ2 =760 nm的单色平行光分别垂直照射,求这两种光的第一级明纹离屏中心的距离,以及这两条明纹之间的距离.若用每厘米刻有1000条刻线的光栅代替这个单缝,则这两种单色光的第一级明纹分别距屏中心多远? 这两条明纹之间的距离又是多少?

【判断题】The political skills of a manager consist mainly of the ability to understand the workings of government and to present information effectively to others in the form of political speechmaking.

【单选题】Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding managers in today's world?

【判断题】A business can have 350 employees and still be considered a small business.

【判断题】Technical skills involve a manager's ability to think logically and effectively about abstract situations.

【计算题】11-23 在牛顿环实验中,当透镜与玻璃间充満某种液体时,第10个亮环的直径由1.40x10^-2 m变为1.27x10-2 m,试求这种液体的折射率.

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