java 农历_JAVA 农历转公历的类,挺好使的!

public class ff {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//     调用农历日期转换阳历日期方法

System.out.println(ChineseCalendar.sCalendarSolarToLundar(2009, 1, 26));



//     自定义日历类

class ChineseCalendar {

//     Array lIntLunarDay is stored in the monthly day information in every year from 1901     to 2100 of the lunar calendar,

//     The lunar calendar can only be 29 or 30 days every month, express with     12(or 13) pieces of binary bit in one year,

//     it is 30 days for 1 form in the corresponding location , otherwise it is 29 days

private static final int[] iLunarMonthDaysTable = {

0x4ae0, 0xa570, 0x5268, 0xd260, 0xd950, 0x6aa8, 0x56a0, 0x9ad0, 0x4ae8, 0x4ae0, // 1910

0xa4d8, 0xa4d0, 0xd250, 0xd548, 0xb550, 0x56a0, 0x96d0, 0x95b0, 0x49b8, 0x49b0, // 1920

0xa4b0, 0xb258, 0x6a50, 0x6d40, 0xada8, 0x2b60, 0x9570, 0x4978, 0x4970, 0x64b0, // 1930

0xd4a0, 0xea50, 0x6d48, 0x5ad0, 0x2b60, 0x9370, 0x92e0, 0xc968, 0xc950, 0xd4a0, // 1940

0xda50, 0xb550, 0x56a0, 0xaad8, 0x25d0, 0x92d0, 0xc958, 0xa950, 0xb4a8, 0x6ca0, // 1950

0xb550, 0x55a8, 0x4da0, 0xa5b0, 0x52b8, 0x52b0, 0xa950, 0xe950, 0x6aa0, 0xad50, // 1960

0xab50, 0x4b60, 0xa570, 0xa570, 0x5260, 0xe930, 0xd950, 0x5aa8, 0x56a0, 0x96d0, // 1970

0x4ae8, 0x4ad0, 0xa4d0, 0xd268, 0xd250, 0xd528, 0xb540, 0xb6a0, 0x96d0, 0x95b0, // 1980

0x49b0, 0xa4b8, 0xa4b0, 0xb258, 0x6a50, 0x6d40, 0xada0, 0xab60, 0x9370, 0x4978, // 1990

0x4970, 0x64b0, 0x6a50, 0xea50, 0x6b28, 0x5ac0, 0xab60, 0x9368, 0x92e0, 0xc960, // 2000

0xd4a8, 0xd4a0, 0xda50, 0x5aa8, 0x56a0, 0xaad8, 0x25d0, 0x92d0, 0xc958, 0xa950, // 2010

0xb4a0, 0xb550, 0xb550, 0x55a8, 0x4ba0, 0xa5b0, 0x52b8, 0x52b0, 0xa930, 0x74a8, // 2020

0x6aa0, 0xad50, 0x4da8, 0x4b60, 0x9570, 0xa4e0, 0xd260, 0xe930, 0xd530, 0x5aa0, // 2030

0x6b50, 0x96d0, 0x4ae8, 0x4ad0, 0xa4d0, 0xd258, 0xd250, 0xd520, 0xdaa0, 0xb5a0, // 2040

0x56d0, 0x4ad8, 0x49b0, 0xa4b8, 0xa4b0, 0xaa50, 0xb528, 0x6d20, 0xada0, 0x55b0 // 2050


//     Array iLunarLeapMonthTable preserves the lunar calendar leap month from 1901 to 2050,

//     if it is 0 express not to have , every byte was stored for two years

private static final char[] iLunarLeapMonthTable = { 0x00, 0x50, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20, // 1910

0x60, 0x05, 0x00, 0x20, 0x70, // 1920

0x05, 0x00, 0x40, 0x02, 0x06, // 1930

0x00, 0x50, 0x03, 0x07, 0x00, // 1940

0x60, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20, 0x70, // 1950

0x05, 0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x06, // 1960

0x00, 0x40, 0x03, 0x07, 0x00, // 1970

0x50, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, 0x60, // 1980

0x04, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x60, 0x05, // 1990

0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00, // 2000

0x40, 0x02, 0x07, 0x00, 0x50, // 2010

0x04, 0x09, 0x00, 0x60, 0x04, // 2020

0x00, 0x20, 0x60, 0x05, 0x00, // 2030

0x30, 0xb0, 0x06, 0x00, 0x50, // 2040

0x02, 0x07, 0x00, 0x50, 0x03 // 2050


//     Array iSolarLunarTable stored the offset days

//     in New Year of solar calendar and lunar calendar from 1901 to 2050;

private static final char[] iSolarLunarOffsetTable = { 49, 38, 28, 46, 34,

24, 43, 32, 21, 40, // 1910

29, 48, 36, 25, 44, 34, 22, 41, 31, 50, // 1920

38, 27, 46, 35, 23, 43, 32, 22, 40, 29, // 1930

47, 36, 25, 44, 34, 23, 41, 30, 49, 38, // 1940

26, 45, 35, 24, 43, 32, 21, 40, 28, 47, // 1950

36, 26, 44, 33, 23, 42, 30, 48, 38, 27, // 1960

45, 35, 24, 43, 32, 20, 39, 29, 47, 36, // 1970

26, 45, 33, 22, 41, 30, 48, 37, 27, 46, // 1980

35, 24, 43, 32, 50, 39, 28, 47, 36, 26, // 1990

45, 34, 22, 40, 30, 49, 37, 27, 46, 35, // 2000

23, 42, 31, 21, 39, 28, 48, 37, 25, 44, // 2010

33, 23, 41, 31, 50, 39, 28, 47, 35, 24, // 2020

42, 30, 21, 40, 28, 47, 36, 25, 43, 33, // 2030

22, 41, 30, 49, 37, 26, 44, 33, 23, 42, // 2040

31, 21, 40, 29, 47, 36, 25, 44, 32, 22, // 2050


static boolean bIsSolarLeapYear(int iYear) {

return ((iYear % 4 == 0) && (iYear % 100 != 0) || iYear % 400 == 0);


//     The days in the month of solar calendar

static int iGetSYearMonthDays(int iYear, int iMonth) {

if ((iMonth == 1) || (iMonth == 3) || (iMonth == 5) || (iMonth == 7) || (iMonth == 8)

|| (iMonth == 10) || (iMonth == 12))

return 31;

else if ((iMonth == 4) || (iMonth == 6) || (iMonth == 9) || (iMonth == 11))

return 30;

else if (iMonth == 2) {

if (bIsSolarLeapYear(iYear))

return 29;


return 28;

} else

return 0;


//     The offset days from New Year and the day when point out in solar calendar

static int iGetSNewYearOffsetDays(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {

int iOffsetDays = 0;

for (int i = 1; i < iMonth; i++) {

iOffsetDays += iGetSYearMonthDays(iYear, i);


iOffsetDays += iDay - 1;

return iOffsetDays;


static int iGetLLeapMonth(int iYear) {

char iMonth = iLunarLeapMonthTable[(iYear - 1901) / 2];

if (iYear % 2 == 0)

return (iMonth & 0x0f);


return (iMonth & 0xf0) >> 4;


static int iGetLMonthDays(int iYear, int iMonth) {

int iLeapMonth = iGetLLeapMonth(iYear);

if ((iMonth > 12) && (iMonth - 12 != iLeapMonth) || (iMonth < 0)) {

System.out.println("Wrong month, ^_^ , i think you are want a -1, go to death!");

return -1;


if (iMonth - 12 == iLeapMonth) {

if ((iLunarMonthDaysTable[iYear - 1901] & (0x8000 >> iLeapMonth)) == 0)

return 29;


return 30;


if ((iLeapMonth > 0) && (iMonth > iLeapMonth))


if ((iLunarMonthDaysTable[iYear - 1901] & (0x8000 >> (iMonth - 1))) == 0)

return 29;


return 30;


//     Days in this year of lunar calendar

static int iGetLYearDays(int iYear) {

int iYearDays = 0;

int iLeapMonth = iGetLLeapMonth(iYear);

for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)

iYearDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, i);

if (iLeapMonth > 0)

iYearDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, iLeapMonth + 12);

return iYearDays;


static int iGetLNewYearOffsetDays(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {

int iOffsetDays = 0;

int iLeapMonth = iGetLLeapMonth(iYear);

if ((iLeapMonth > 0) && (iLeapMonth == iMonth - 12)) {

iMonth = iLeapMonth;

iOffsetDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, iMonth);


for (int i = 1; i < iMonth; i++) {

iOffsetDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, i);

if (i == iLeapMonth)

iOffsetDays += iGetLMonthDays(iYear, iLeapMonth + 12);


iOffsetDays += iDay - 1;

return iOffsetDays;


//     The solar calendar is turned into the lunar calendar

static String sCalendarSolarToLundar(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {

int iLDay, iLMonth, iLYear;

int iOffsetDays = iGetSNewYearOffsetDays(iYear, iMonth, iDay);

int iLeapMonth = iGetLLeapMonth(iYear);

if (iOffsetDays < iSolarLunarOffsetTable[iYear - 1901]) {

iLYear = iYear - 1;

iOffsetDays = iSolarLunarOffsetTable[iYear - 1901] - iOffsetDays;

iLDay = iOffsetDays;

for (iLMonth = 12; iOffsetDays > iGetLMonthDays(iLYear, iLMonth); iLMonth--) {

iLDay = iOffsetDays;

iOffsetDays -= iGetLMonthDays(iLYear, iLMonth);


if (0 == iLDay)

iLDay = 1;


iLDay = iGetLMonthDays(iLYear, iLMonth) - iOffsetDays + 1;

} else {

iLYear = iYear;

iOffsetDays -= iSolarLunarOffsetTable[iYear - 1901];

iLDay = iOffsetDays + 1;

for (iLMonth = 1; iOffsetDays >= 0; iLMonth++) {

iLDay = iOffsetDays + 1;

iOffsetDays -= iGetLMonthDays(iLYear, iLMonth);

if ((iLeapMonth == iLMonth) && (iOffsetDays > 0)) {

iLDay = iOffsetDays;

iOffsetDays -= iGetLMonthDays(iLYear, iLMonth + 12);

if (iOffsetDays <= 0) {

iLMonth += 12 + 1;







return "" + iLYear + (iLMonth > 9 ? "" + iLMonth : "0" + iLMonth) +

(iLDay > 9 ? "" + iLDay : "0" + iLDay);


//     The lunar calendar is turned into the Solar calendar

static String sCalendarLundarToSolar(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {

int iSYear, iSMonth, iSDay;

int iOffsetDays = iGetLNewYearOffsetDays(iYear, iMonth, iDay) +

iSolarLunarOffsetTable[iYear - 1901];

int iYearDays = bIsSolarLeapYear(iYear) ? 366 : 365;

if (iOffsetDays >= iYearDays) {

iSYear = iYear + 1;

iOffsetDays -= iYearDays;

} else {

iSYear = iYear;


iSDay = iOffsetDays + 1;

for (iSMonth = 1; iOffsetDays >= 0; iSMonth++) {

iSDay = iOffsetDays + 1;

iOffsetDays -= iGetSYearMonthDays(iSYear, iSMonth);



return "" + iSYear + (iSMonth > 9 ? iSMonth + "" : "0" + iSMonth) +

(iSDay > 9 ? iSDay + "" : "0" + iSDay);



//     自定义星期类

class Week {

int iWeek;

private String sWeek[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",

"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };

public Week() {

iWeek = 0;


public Week(int w) {

if ((w > 6) || (w < 0)) {

System.out.println("Week out of range, I think you want Sunday");

this.iWeek = 0;

} else

this.iWeek = w;


public String toString() {

return sWeek[iWeek];



//     自定义日期类

class MyDate {

public int iYear;

public int iMonth;

public int iDay;

private static int checkYear(int iYear) {

if ((iYear > 1901) && (iYear < 2050))

return iYear;

else {

System.out.println("The Year out of range, I think you want 1981");

return 1981;



public MyDate(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {

this.iYear = checkYear(iYear);

this.iMonth = iMonth;

this.iDay = iDay;


public MyDate(int iYear, int iMonth) {

this.iYear = checkYear(iYear);

this.iMonth = iMonth;

this.iDay = 1;


public MyDate(int iYear) {

this.iYear = checkYear(iYear);

this.iMonth = 1;

this.iDay = 1;


public MyDate() {

this.iYear = 1981;

this.iMonth = 1;

this.iDay = 1;


public String toString() {

return "" + this.iYear + (this.iMonth > 9 ? "" + this.iMonth : "0" + this.iMonth)

+ (this.iDay > 9 ? "" + this.iDay : "0" + this.iDay);


public boolean equals(MyDate md) {

return ((md.iDay == this.iDay) && (md.iMonth == this.iMonth) &&

(md.iYear == this.iYear));



//     阳历日期类,继承自定义日期

class SolarDate extends MyDate {

private static int checkMonth(int iMonth) {

if (iMonth > 12) {

System.out.println("Month out of range, I think you want 12 ");

return 12;

} else if (iMonth < 1) {

System.out.println("Month out of range, I think you want 1 ");

return 1;

} else

return iMonth;


private static int checkDay(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {

int iMonthDays = ChineseCalendar.iGetSYearMonthDays(iYear, iMonth);

if (iDay > iMonthDays) {

System.out.println("Day out of range, I think you want " + iMonthDays + " ");

return iMonthDays;

} else if (iDay < 1) {

System.out.println("Day out of range, I think you want 1 ");

return 1;

} else

return iDay;


public SolarDate(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {


this.iMonth = checkMonth(iMonth);

this.iDay = checkDay(this.iYear, this.iMonth, iDay);


public SolarDate(int iYear, int iMonth) {


this.iMonth = checkMonth(iMonth);


public SolarDate(int iYear) {



public SolarDate() {



public String toString() {

return "" + this.iYear + (this.iMonth > 9 ? "-" + this.iMonth : "-0" + this.iMonth)

+ (this.iDay > 9 ? "-" + this.iDay : "-0" + this.iDay);


public Week toWeek() {

int iOffsetDays = 0;

for (int i = 1901; i < iYear; i++) {

if (ChineseCalendar.bIsSolarLeapYear(i))

iOffsetDays += 366;


iOffsetDays += 365;


iOffsetDays += ChineseCalendar.iGetSNewYearOffsetDays(iYear, iMonth, iDay);

return new Week((iOffsetDays + 2) % 7);


public LunarDate toLunarDate() {

int iYear, iMonth, iDay, iDate;

LunarDate ld;

iDate = Integer.parseInt(ChineseCalendar.sCalendarSolarToLundar(this.iYear,

this.iMonth, this.iDay));

iYear = iDate / 10000;

iMonth = iDate % 10000 / 100;

iDay = iDate % 100;

ld = new LunarDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay);

return ld;



//     阴历日期类,继承自定义日期类

class LunarDate extends MyDate {

private String sChineseNum[] = { "零", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五",

"六", "七", "八", "九", "十" };

private static int checkMonth(int iYear, int iMonth) {

if ((iMonth > 12) && (iMonth == ChineseCalendar.iGetLLeapMonth(iYear) + 12)) {

return iMonth;

} else if (iMonth > 12) {

System.out.println("Month out of range, I think you want 12 ");

return 12;

} else if (iMonth < 1) {

System.out.println("Month out of range, I think you want 1 ");

return 1;

} else

return iMonth;


private static int checkDay(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {

int iMonthDays = ChineseCalendar.iGetLMonthDays(iYear, iMonth);

if (iDay > iMonthDays) {

System.out.println("Day out of range, I think you want " + iMonthDays + " ");

return iMonthDays;

} else if (iDay < 1) {

System.out.println("Day out of range, I think you want 1 ");

return 1;

} else

return iDay;


public LunarDate(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay) {


this.iMonth = checkMonth(this.iYear, iMonth);

this.iDay = checkDay(this.iYear, this.iMonth, iDay);


public LunarDate(int iYear, int iMonth) {


this.iMonth = checkMonth(this.iYear, iMonth);


public LunarDate(int iYear) {



public LunarDate() {



public String toString() {

String sCalendar = "农历";

sCalendar += sChineseNum[iYear / 1000] + sChineseNum[iYear % 1000 / 100] +

sChineseNum[iYear % 100 / 10]

+ sChineseNum[iYear % 10] + "(" + toChineseEra() + ")年";

if (iMonth > 12) {

iMonth -= 12;

sCalendar += "闰";


if (iMonth == 12)

sCalendar += "腊月";

else if (iMonth == 11)

sCalendar += "冬月";

else if (iMonth == 1)

sCalendar += "正月";


sCalendar += sChineseNum[iMonth] + "月";

if (iDay > 29)

sCalendar += "三十";

else if (iDay > 20)

sCalendar += "二十" + sChineseNum[iDay % 20];

else if (iDay == 20)

sCalendar += "二十";

else if (iDay > 10)

sCalendar += "十" + sChineseNum[iDay % 10];


sCalendar += "初" + sChineseNum[iDay];

return sCalendar;


public CnWeek toWeek() {

int iOffsetDays = 0;

for (int i = 1901; i < iYear; i++)

iOffsetDays += ChineseCalendar.iGetLYearDays(i);

iOffsetDays += ChineseCalendar.iGetLNewYearOffsetDays(iYear, iMonth, iDay);

return new CnWeek((iOffsetDays + 2) % 7);


public ChineseEra toChineseEra() {

return new ChineseEra(iYear);


public SolarDate toSolarDate() {

int iYear, iMonth, iDay, iDate;

SolarDate sd;

iDate = Integer.parseInt(ChineseCalendar.sCalendarLundarToSolar(this.iYear,

this.iMonth, this.iDay));

iYear = iDate / 10000;

iMonth = iDate % 10000 / 100;

iDay = iDate % 100;

sd = new SolarDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay);

return sd;



class CnWeek extends Week {

private String sCnWeek[] = { "日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六" };

public CnWeek() {



public CnWeek(int iWeek) {



public String toString() {

return "星期" + sCnWeek[this.iWeek];



class ChineseEra {

int iYear;

String[] sHeavenlyStems = { "甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚",

"辛", "壬", "癸" };

String[] sEarthlyBranches = { "子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午",

"未", "申", "酉", "戌", "亥" };

public ChineseEra() {

int iYear = 1981;


public ChineseEra(int iYear) {

if ((iYear < 2050) && (iYear > 1901))

this.iYear = iYear;


this.iYear = 1981;


public String toString() {

int temp;

temp = Math.abs(iYear - 1924);

return sHeavenlyStems[temp % 10] + sEarthlyBranches[temp % 12];



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# 農曆 Class **農曆** class is in the *org.magiclen.農曆* package. ### Initialize You can't create a **農曆** instance by using **new** operator directly. You have to use the **建立** static method provided by **農曆** class to create a **農曆** instance. You can pass the year, month and the days of the month in Gregorian calendar as parameters to **建立** method. For example, we want to create a **農曆** object instance with the date 2015-12-16 in Gregorian calendar. The code will be, 農曆.建立(2015, 12, 12); For example, we want to create a **農曆** object instance with the date 2015-12-16 in Chinese calendar and we know that date is not in a leap month. The code will be, 農曆 date = 農曆.建立(2015, 12, false, 12); ### Get the date in Gregorian calendar Use **取得西曆** method to get the date in Gregorian calendar. String gregorianDate = date.取得西曆(); ### Get the date in Chinese calendar Use **取得農曆** method to get the date in Chinese calendar. String chineseDate = date.取得農曆(); ### Compute the weight of Ba Zi(八字) Use **計算八字有幾兩重** method to compute the weight of Ba Zi. Because **農曆** object has no hour information, if you want to compute the weight of Ba Zi, you have to provide the hour information in the form of the twelve Earthly Branches. float BaZiWeight = date.計算八字有幾兩重(農曆.地支.子); # Run **Java Chinese Calendar** as a program You can also use the two commands below to run **Java Chinese Calendar**: java -jar JavaChineseCalendar.jar It will show today's date in Gregorian calendar and Chinese calendar. The result just likes 西曆:2015-12-16 農曆:2015(乙未、羊年) 冬月 初六 Yo




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