
本帖最后由 victor666 于 2020-9-13 20:48 编辑

如题,一个作业要完成在周二之前, 写4个function补充这个游戏,主题程序已完成,function程序里都有注释(英文)可以百度翻译一下,运行效果要求如下

[B1 = newBoard(3, ' ');

playerP = input('Do you want to be: O or X ?', 's');

status = 0;

%Print empty board


while (true)


pmove = input('Enter Move: ', 's');

result = playHumanMove(B1, pmove, playerP);

if (result ~= -1)

%Player made a valid move so update board.

B1 = result;


%Player made an error so skip rest of loop and try again ...



%SHow players move


% See if player's  move has changed status

status = checkVictory(B1, playerP);

if (status == 1)

fprintf('You have won the game !!!\n');


elseif (status == 2)

fprintf('The computer has beaten you !!!\n');


elseif (status == 3)

fprintf('It''s a Draw....\n');



%Now let computer make its move...

B1 = computerMove(B1, playerP);

fprintf('Computers move:   \n\n');


% See if computers  move has changed status

status = checkVictory(B1, playerP);

if (status == 1)

fprintf('You have won the game !!!\n');


elseif (status == 2)

fprintf('The computer has beaten you !!!\n');


elseif (status == 3)

fprintf('It''s a Draw....\n');




][function R = newBoard(N, char)%   Creates a new NxN playing board.  A new board is an NxN matrix of ' '.

%Params: char - specifies the character to place into new board.  Normally,

%this would be a ' '.  But we can specify other parameters to make testing


%This function is already fully implemented.

for i=1:N

for j = 1:N

R(i, j) = char;




[function printBoard(B)

%This function prints out the board as shown in the specification.

%Params: B - a playing board which is an NxN martix of characters.  Valid

%characters are: ' ', 'X' and 'O';

N = length(B);

% Not implemented yet so we just dump B 'as is'. Note that since the board

% is blank initially, it won't be visible !!


% Heres a hint to get started ....

fprintf( ' %c  %c  %c \n', B(1,1), B(1, 2), B(1, 3)  );


[function R = playHumanMove(B, Move, Piece)


%   B - Board depicting current state of game (NxN matrix of characters)

%   Move - Move by player. (2 character string)

%   Piece - which symbol player is using: 'X' or 'O'




%   R - Updated Board taking into account player's move.



% This function applies the move specified by Move to the board B and then

% returns the resultant board in R. Note that B must be unaltered.


% Move is a two character string consisting of: 'M' where n is an integer

% specifying a square starting at the top-left (1) through to

% bottom-right(9).


% If the Move is valid, the board is updated with either an 'X' or an 'O'

% (as specified by Piece)  and returned in R.  If the move is invalid,

% an error message is printed  to the screen and -1 is returned.


% Some examples of valid moves: M1, M4, M9


% Some examples of invaluid moves: M01, M10, m1, h1, 5




N = length(B);

% Copy board to result.

R = B;

fprintf('playHumanMove not implemented yet!!\n');


[function R = computerMove(B, Piece)


%   B - Board depicting current state of game (NxN matrix of characters)

%   Piece - which symbol player is using: 'X' or 'O'.  Computer will

%   obviously use the opposite symbol to Piece !!


%   R - Updated Board taking into account computers's move.


% This function will apply the computers move.  A very basic strategy would

% be to scan for the first vacant square and place the computr's piece

% there.  You might be able to come up with a better strategy ...

N = length(B);

R = B;

if (Piece == 'X' )

Comp = 'O';


Comp = 'X';


for i = 1:3

for j = 1:3

if ( R(i, j)      ) % Check if this space is empty ( empty is a ' ')

R(i,j) = Comp;

%something here ....





[function R = checkVictory(B, Piece)


%   B - board

%   Piece - the piece that human player is using: 'X' or 'O'

% Returns:

%   R -  0 No winners yet

%        1 Human has won

%        2 Computer has won

%        3 Draw.

% This function will scan and determine if a victory has occured.  There are four possibilities:

% 1. There are three consecutive squares with the players Piece - player (return 1)

% 2. There are three consecutive squares with the computers piece - computer wins. (return 2)

% 3. No one has won but all sqaure have a piece (board is full) - draw  (return 3)

% 4. If none of the above, then there is no change (return 0).


if ( B(1,1) == B(1,2) && B(1,2) == B(1,3) && B(1,1) ~= ' '  )  % winner row 1

disp('Someone won the game in row 1!!');

%Workout who won using Piece

%if ( Piece       )

% then R = 1 (human won)


% or R =2  (computer won)



%elseif( .......)


% There are no winners because we're still here !!

% check for a draw  (no spaces left in board)

%    R=3


%  if we get to here there are no winners and NOT a draw so

R=0;  % game continues


players take turns putting their

pieces (a naught or a cross) in a blank square on a 3x3 grid. The first player to get three pieces in a

row is the winner. If the board becomes full before someone wins, it's a draw.

In this section, I'll provide a run through showing you how yourfinished gameshould look. Here is

the first round of a game:

>> nac

Do you want to be: O or X ?X

| |


| |


| |

Enter Move: M1

X | |


| |


| |

Computers move:

X | O |


| |


| |The game begins by asking the play whether they want to be Naughts 'O' or Crosses 'X'. In this

example, I selected 'X' so the computer will play with 'O'.

The game then asks the user to enter a move. A move is specified as a two characters: 'M' followed

by a number between 1 and 9 which specifies which square to place the piece. The square are

numbered starting with 1 at the top-left corner through to 9 at the bottom-right. In this example, my

first move was 'M1': the state of the board is then printed with my X placed in square 1. After the

players move, the computer makes its move and the board is printed again – in this cases, the

computer placed a 'O' in sqaure 2.

The cycle then continues until one of the players wins or its a draw. Following is the rest of the

example game:

Enter Move: M5

X | O |


| X |


| |

Computers move:

X | O | O


| X |


| |

Enter Move: M1

Invalid move - Square occupied!

Enter Move: m7

Invalid Move - Bad format!

Enter Move: M7

X | O | O


| X |


X | |Computers move:

X | O | O


O | X |


X | |

Enter Move: M9

X | O | O


O | X |


X | | X

You have won the game !!!

Notice that when the player entered invalid moves, no change was made to the board and they were

asked to re-enter the move.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


