matlab fillts,Fill missing values in time series


Fill missing values in time series


newfts = fillts(oldfts,fill_method)

newfts = fillts(oldfts,fill_method,newdates)

newfts = fillts(oldfts,fill_method,newdates,{'T1','T2',...})

newfts = fillts(oldfts,fill_method,newdates,'SPAN',{'TS','TE'},delta)

newfts = fillts(... sortmode)


oldftsFinancial time series object.

fill_method(Optional) Replaces missing values (NaN)

in oldfts using an interpolation process, a

constant, or a zero-order hold.

Valid fill methods

(interpolation methods) are:

linear - 'linear ' -

'l' (default)

linear with extrapolation -'linearExtrap' -


cubic -

'cubic' -


cubic with extrapolation -

'cubicExtrap' -


spline -

'spline' -


spline with extrapolation -



nearest -

'nearest' -


nearest with extrapolation -



pchip -

'pchip' -


pchip with extrapolation -



(See interp1 for a

discussion of extrapolation.)

To fill with a

constant, enter that constant.

A zero-order hold

('zero') fills a missing value with the

value immediately preceding it. If the first value in the time

series is missing, it remains a


newdates(Optional) Column vector of serial dates, a date character

vector, or a column cell array of character vector dates. If

oldfts contains time of day information,

newdates must be accompanied by a time

vector (newtimes). Otherwise,

newdates is assumed to have times of


T1, T2, TS, TEFirst time, second time, start time, end


deltaTime interval in minutes to span between the start time and

end time

sortmode(Optional) Default = 0 (unsorted).

1 = sorted.


newfts = fillts(oldfts,fill_method)

replaces missing values (represented by NaN) in the financial time

series object oldfts with real values, using either a constant or the

interpolation process indicated by fill_method.

newfts =

fillts(oldfts,fill_method,newdates) replaces

all the missing values on the specified dates newdates added to the

financial time series oldfts with new values. The values can be a

single constant or values obtained through the interpolation process designated by

fill_method. If any of the dates in newdates

exists in oldfts, the existing one has precedence.

newfts = fillts(oldfts,fill_method,

newdates,{'T1','T2',...}) additionally allows the designation of specific

times of day for addition or replacement of data.

newfts =


is similar to the previous format except that you designate only a start time and an end

time. You follow these times with a spanning time interval,


If you specify only one date for newdates, specifying a start and

end time generates only times for that specific date.

newfts = fillts(... sortmode) additionally denotes whether you want

the order of the dates in the output object to stay the same as in the input object or

to be sorted chronologically.

sortmode = 0 (unsorted) appends any new dates to the end. The

interpolation and zero-order processes that calculate the values for the new dates work

on a sorted object. Upon completion, the existing dates are reordered as they were

originally, and the new dates are appended to the end.

sortmode = 1 sorts the output. After interpolation, no reordering

of the date sequence occurs.


Example 1. Create a financial time series object with

missing data in the fourth and fifth rows.

dates = ['01-Jan-2001';'01-Jan-2001'; '02-Jan-2001';...

'02-Jan-2001'; '03-Jan-2001';'03-Jan-2001'];

times = ['11:00';'12:00';'11:00';'12:00';'11:00';'12:00'];

dates_times = cellstr([dates, repmat(' ',size(dates,1),1),...


OpenFts = fints(dates_times,[(1:3)'; nan; nan; 6],{'Data1'},1,...

'Open Financial Time Series')

OpenFts looks like this:

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints (line 165)

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/display (line 66)

OpenFts =

desc: Open Financial Time Series

freq: Daily (1)

'dates: (6)' 'times: (6)' 'Data1: (6)'

'01-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 1]

' " ' '12:00' [ 2]

'02-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 3]

' " ' '12:00' [ NaN]

'03-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ NaN]

' " ' '12:00' [ 6]

Example 2. Fill the missing data in

OpenFts using cubic interpolation.

FilledFts = fillts(OpenFts,'cubic')

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/fillts (line 213)

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/display (line 66)

FilledFts =

desc: Filled Open Financial Time Series

freq: Unknown (0)

'dates: (6)' 'times: (6)' 'Data1: (6)'

'01-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 1]

' " ' '12:00' [ 2]

'02-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 3]

' " ' '12:00' [ 3.0663]

'03-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 5.8411]

' " ' '12:00' [ 6.0000]

Example 3. Fill the missing data in

OpenFts with a constant value.

FilledFts = fillts(OpenFts,0.3)

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/fillts (line 213)

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/display (line 66)

FilledFts =

desc: Filled Open Financial Time Series

freq: Unknown (0)

'dates: (6)' 'times: (6)' 'Data1: (6)'

'01-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 1]

' " ' '12:00' [ 2]

'02-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 3]

' " ' '12:00' [ 0.3000]

'03-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 0.3000]

' " ' '12:00' [ 6]

Example 4. You can use fillts to

identify a specific time on a specific day for the replacement of missing data. This

example shows how to replace missing data at 12:00 on January 2 and 11:00 on January


FilltimeFts = fillts(OpenFts,'c',...

{'02-Jan-2001';'03-Jan-2001'}, {'12:00';'11:00'},0)

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/fillts (line 213)

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/display (line 66)

FilltimeFts =

desc: Filled Open Financial Time Series

freq: Unknown (0)

'dates: (6)' 'times: (6)' 'Data1: (6)'

'01-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 1]

' " ' '12:00' [ 2]

'02-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 3]

' " ' '12:00' [ 3.0663]

'03-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 5.8411]

' " ' '12:00' [ 6.0000]

Example 5. Use a spanning time interval to add an

additional day to OpenFts.

SpanFts = fillts(OpenFts,'c','04-Jan-2001','span',...


Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/fillts (line 213)

Warning: FINTS will be removed in a future release. Use TIMETABLE instead.

> In fints/display (line 66)

SpanFts =

desc: Filled Open Financial Time Series

freq: Unknown (0)

'dates: (8)' 'times: (8)' 'Data1: (8)'

'01-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 1]

' " ' '12:00' [ 2]

'02-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 3]

' " ' '12:00' [ 3.0663]

'03-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 5.8411]

' " ' '12:00' [ 6.0000]

'04-Jan-2001' '11:00' [ 9.8404]

' " ' '12:00' [ 9.9994]

Introduced before R2006a





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