
 * author:李朴
 * company:上海沐雪网络科技有限公司
 * website:http://uweixin.cn
 * createDate:2013-11-1
 * update:2014-12-30
 * remark:本代码为微商城模板的核心处理逻辑;
 * html模板页面上的所有的方法,属性都在这个类里处理。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using MxWeiXinPF.Common;
using VTemplate.Engine;
using MxWeiXinPF.Model;

namespace MxWeiXinPF.Templates
 * author:李朴
 * company:上海沐雪网络科技有限公司
 * qq:23002807
 * website:http://uweixin.cn
 * taobao:http://uweixin.cn/portalpage/weixin_news_detail.aspx?id=2102
 * createDate:2013-11-1
 * update:2014-12-30

    public class ShopTemplateMgr
        MxWeiXinPF.DAL.templatesDal tDal = new DAL.templatesDal();

        #region 属性
        protected internal string ccRight = "(c)2014 沐雪 技术提供";
        /// <summary>
        /// 当前页面的模板文档对象
        /// </summary>
        protected TemplateDocument Document
            private set;

        /// <summary>
        /// 当前页面的模板文档的配置参数
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual TemplateDocumentConfig DocumentConfig
                return TemplateDocumentConfig.Default;

        /// <summary>
        /// 微帐号
        /// </summary>
        public int wid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 微信用户openid
        /// </summary>
        public string openid { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版类型
        /// </summary>
        public TemplateType tType { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版文件名称
        /// </summary>
        public string templateFileName { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版文件的文件夹名称
        /// </summary>
        public string templateDictoryName { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版的物理路径(全完)
        /// </summary>
        public string serverPath { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版的虚拟路径,比如/shop/templates/default
        /// </summary>
        public string tPath { get; set; }

        #region 构造函数

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tPath">模版文件的虚拟路径</param>
        /// <param name="serverPath">模版文件的完全路径</param>
        /// <param name="wid"></param>
        public ShopTemplateMgr(string tPath, string serverPath, int wid)

            this.serverPath = serverPath;
            this.tPath = tPath;
            this.Document = new TemplateDocument(serverPath, Encoding.UTF8, this.DocumentConfig);
            this.wid = wid;

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templateDictoryName">模版文件的文件夹名称</param>
        /// <param name="tPath">模版文件的虚拟路径</param>
        /// <param name="serverPath">模版文件的完全路径</param>
        /// <param name="wid"></param>
        public ShopTemplateMgr(string templateDictoryName, string tPath, string serverPath, int wid)

            this.templateDictoryName = templateDictoryName;
            this.serverPath = serverPath;
            this.tPath = tPath;
            this.Document = new TemplateDocument(serverPath, Encoding.UTF8, this.DocumentConfig);
            this.wid = wid;

        /// <summary>
        /// 模版初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templateFileName">模版文件的名称</param>
        /// <param name="templateDictoryName">模版文件的文件夹名称</param>
        /// <param name="tPath">模版文件的虚拟路径</param>
        /// <param name="serverPath">模版文件的完全路径</param>
        /// <param name="wid"></param>
        public ShopTemplateMgr(string templateFileName, string templateDictoryName, string tPath, string serverPath, int wid)
            this.templateFileName = templateFileName;
            this.templateDictoryName = templateDictoryName;
            this.serverPath = serverPath;
            this.tPath = tPath;
            this.Document = new TemplateDocument(serverPath, Encoding.UTF8, this.DocumentConfig);
            this.wid = wid;


        /// <summary>
        /// 输出最终的html
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templateFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="tPath"></param>
        /// <param name="wid"></param>
        public void OutPutHtml(int wid)

            Model.wxcodeconfig wxconfig = tDal.GetModelByWid(wid, tPath);
            if (wxconfig.wxstatus == 0)
            this.Document.Variables.SetValue("config", wxconfig);

            BLL.wx_shop_setting setBll = new BLL.wx_shop_setting();
            if (!setBll.ExistsWid(wid))
            Model.wx_shop_setting setting = setBll.GetModelList("wid=" + wid)[0];

            this.Document.Variables.SetValue("shopconfig", setting);

            this.Document.SetValue("wid", wid);
            this.Document.SetValue("ccright", ccRight);
            this.Document.SetValue("yuming", MyCommFun.getWebSite());
            this.Document.SetValue("thisurl", MyCommFun.getTotalUrl());
            this.Document.SetValue("indexurl", indexUrl());
            this.Document.SetValue("categoryurl", MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("/shop/category.aspx?wid=" + wid, openid));
            this.Document.SetValue("carturl", MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("/shop/cart.aspx?wid=" + wid, openid));//upd
            this.Document.SetValue("userurl", "/shop/userinfo.aspx?wid=" + wid);
            this.Document.SetValue("openid", openid);
            this.Document.Variables.SetValue("this", this);
            if (tType == TemplateType.Class)
            else if (tType == TemplateType.News)
            else if (tType == TemplateType.Cart)
            else if (tType == TemplateType.confirmOrder)
            else if (tType == TemplateType.editaddr)
            else if (tType == TemplateType.orderSuccess)
            else if (tType == TemplateType.userinfo)
            else if (tType == TemplateType.orderDetail)
            {  //订单详情页面



        #region 方法集合:注册到模版或者供模版调用

        public void ProductClassPage()
            int category_id = MyCommFun.RequestInt("cid");
            //--=====begin: 将这个列表(文章类别)的基本信息展示出来 ====--
            DAL.wx_shop_category cateBll = new DAL.wx_shop_category();
            Model.wx_shop_category category = cateBll.GetCategoryByWid(wid, category_id);
            this.Document.SetValue("category", category);
            this.Document.SetValue("wid", wid);
            this.Document.SetValue("cid", category_id);
            //--=====end: 将这个列表(文章类别)的基本信息展示出来 ====--

            Tag orderByTag = this.Document.GetChildTagById("norderby");
            string orderby = orderByTag.Attributes["value"].Value.ToString();

            Tag pagesizeTag = this.Document.GetChildTagById("npagesize");
            string pagesizeStr = pagesizeTag.Attributes["value"].Value.ToString();

            int currPage = 1;//当前页面
            int recordCount = 0;//总记录数
            int totPage = 1;//总页数
            int pageSize = MyCommFun.Str2Int(pagesizeStr);//每页的记录数
            if (pageSize <= 0)
                pageSize = 10;
            if (MyCommFun.RequestInt("page") > 0)
                currPage = MyCommFun.RequestInt("page");

            DataSet productlist = new DataSet();
            //category_id = 3;
            //wid = 5;
            if (category_id != 0)//根据类别查询
                DAL.wx_shop_product artDal = new DAL.wx_shop_product();
                productlist = artDal.GetList(wid, category_id, pageSize, currPage, "upselling=1", orderby, out recordCount);
                if (productlist != null && productlist.Tables.Count > 0 && productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow dr;
                    for (int i = 0; i < productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        dr = productlist.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                        if (dr["link_url"] != null && dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                            dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim(), openid);
                            dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + dr["id"].ToString(), openid);

                    totPage = recordCount / pageSize;
                    int yushu = recordCount % pageSize;
                    if (yushu > 0)
                        totPage += 1;
                    if (totPage < 1)
                        totPage = 1;
                if (currPage > totPage)
                    currPage = totPage;
            else if (MyCommFun.QueryString("type") == "new")//得到最新产品
                DAL.wx_shop_product artDal = new DAL.wx_shop_product();
                productlist = artDal.GetList(wid, pageSize, "upselling=1 order by addDate desc," + orderby);
                if (productlist != null && productlist.Tables.Count > 0 && productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow dr;
                    for (int i = 0; i < productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        dr = productlist.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                        if (dr["link_url"] != null && dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                            dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim(), openid);
                            dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + dr["id"].ToString(), openid);

                    totPage = recordCount / pageSize;
                    int yushu = recordCount % pageSize;
                    if (yushu > 0)
                        totPage += 1;
                    if (totPage < 1)
                        totPage = 1;
                if (currPage > totPage)
                    currPage = totPage;
                currPage = 1;
                recordCount = 0;
                totPage = 1;

            this.Document.SetValue("totPage", totPage);//总页数
            this.Document.SetValue("currPage", currPage);//当前页
            this.Document.SetValue("productlist", productlist);//文章列表

            string beforePageStr = ""; //上一页
            string nextPageStr = ""; //下一页
            string bgrey = "c-p-grey";
            string ngrey = "c-p-grey";
            if (currPage <= 1)
                beforePageStr = "";
                bgrey = "c-p-grey";
                beforePageStr = MyCommFun.ChangePageNum(MyCommFun.getTotalUrl(), (currPage - 1));
                beforePageStr = "href=\"" + beforePageStr + "\"";
                bgrey = "";

            if (currPage >= totPage)
                nextPageStr = "";
                ngrey = " c-p-grey";
                nextPageStr = MyCommFun.ChangePageNum(MyCommFun.getTotalUrl(), (currPage + 1));
                nextPageStr = "href=\"" + nextPageStr + "\"";
                ngrey = "";
            this.Document.SetValue("bpage", beforePageStr);//上一页
            this.Document.SetValue("npage", nextPageStr);//下一页
            this.Document.SetValue("bgrey", bgrey);//上一页灰色的样式
            this.Document.SetValue("ngrey", ngrey);//下一页灰色的样式


        public void ShopDetailPage()
            BLL.wx_shop_product artDal = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            int pid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("pid");
            Model.wx_shop_product product = artDal.GetModel(pid, wid);
            if (product != null)
                string skuStr = "[";
                string availSkuStr = "{";
                if (product.skulist != null && product.skulist.Count > 0)
                    // string skuStr = "[{ \"pList\": [\"H\", \"H/VVS/32分/14号\"], \"pName\": \"戒指手寸\" }]";
                    // string   availSku = "{ \"戒指手寸:F-G/VVS/33分/12号\": { \"pid\": 12700, \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"1000\", \"maketPrice\": \"0\" },  }";

                    skuStr += "{ \"pList\": [";
                    for (int i = 0; i < product.skulist.Count; i++)
                        product.skulist[i].price += product.salePrice;
                        product.skulist[i].price *= 100;
                        if (i != (product.skulist.Count - 1))
                            skuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\",";
                            availSkuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + ":" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\": { \"pid\": " + product.skulist[i].id + ", \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.skulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice + "\" }, ";
                            skuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\"";
                            availSkuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + ":" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\": { \"pid\": " + product.skulist[i].id + ", \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.skulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice + "\" }";
                    skuStr += "], \"pName\": \"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + "\" }";

                    //MxWeiXinPF.DAL.ShopSKUDal skuDal = new DAL.ShopSKUDal();
                    //IList<Model.ShopSKU> skulist = skuDal.SKUConvert(product.skulist);
                    //this.Document.SetValue("skulist", skulist[0]);
                skuStr += "]";
                availSkuStr += "}";
                if (availSkuStr == "{}")
                    availSkuStr = "{ \"\": { \"pid\": 0, \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.salePrice + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice + "\" } }";
                this.Document.SetValue("skuStr", skuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("availSkuStr", availSkuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("model", product);


        /// <summary>
        /// 获得幻灯片列表二:优点:(1)使用function标签与foreach结合,可以从模版页面控制记录数量;(2)不需要实现注册到模版里
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList<Model.wx_shop_indexbanner> getHdp()
            Tag tag = this.Document.CurrentRenderingTag;

            var attribute = tag.Attributes["rows"];
            IList<Model.wx_shop_indexbanner> artlist = new List<Model.wx_shop_indexbanner>();

            int rows = -1;//若为-1,则不做限制条件
            if (attribute != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(attribute.Value.GetValue()))
                rows = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(attribute.Value.GetValue());
            MxWeiXinPF.DAL.wx_shop_indexbanner sibDal = new DAL.wx_shop_indexbanner();
            artlist = sibDal.GetHDPByWid(wid, rows);

            if (artlist != null && artlist.Count > 0)
                Model.wx_shop_indexbanner cat = new Model.wx_shop_indexbanner();
                for (int i = 0; i < artlist.Count; i++)
                    cat = artlist[i];

                    if (cat.bannerLinkUrl == null || cat.bannerLinkUrl.Trim() == "")
                    {  //如果link_url为空,则直接调用本系统的信息
                        cat.bannerLinkUrl = "javascript:;";

                        cat.bannerLinkUrl = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(cat.bannerLinkUrl, openid);

            return artlist;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获得最新
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable getLatest()
            Tag tag = this.Document.CurrentRenderingTag;
            var attribute = tag.Attributes["rows"];

            int rows = -1;//若为-1,则不做限制条件
            if (attribute != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(attribute.Value.GetValue()))
                rows = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(attribute.Value.GetValue());
            DAL.wx_shop_product artDal = new DAL.wx_shop_product();
            productlist = artDal.GetList(wid, rows, "latest=" + 1);
            DataTable dt = productlist.Tables[0];
            if (productlist != null && productlist.Tables.Count > 0 && productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr;
                for (int i = 0; i < productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    dr = productlist.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                    if (dr["link_url"] != null && dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim(), openid);
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + dr["id"].ToString(), openid);

            return dt;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获得热卖
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable getHotsalet()
            Tag tag = this.Document.CurrentRenderingTag;

            var attribute = tag.Attributes["rows"];
            int cid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("cid");
            int rows = -1;//若为-1,则不做限制条件
            if (attribute != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(attribute.Value.GetValue()))
                rows = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(attribute.Value.GetValue());
            DAL.wx_shop_product artDal = new DAL.wx_shop_product();
            if (cid != 0)
                productlist = artDal.GetList(wid, rows, "   categoryId=" + cid + " order by hotsale desc");
                productlist = artDal.GetList(wid, rows, " 1=1 order by hotsale desc");
            DataTable dt = productlist.Tables[0];
            if (productlist != null && productlist.Tables.Count > 0 && productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr;
                for (int i = 0; i < productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    dr = productlist.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                    if (dr["link_url"] != null && dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim(), openid);
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + dr["id"].ToString(), openid);

            return dt;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获得推荐
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable getRecommended()
            Tag tag = this.Document.CurrentRenderingTag;

            var attribute = tag.Attributes["rows"];
            int rows = -1;//若为-1,则不做限制条件
            if (attribute != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(attribute.Value.GetValue()))
                rows = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(attribute.Value.GetValue());
            DAL.wx_shop_product artDal = new DAL.wx_shop_product();
            productlist = artDal.GetList(wid, rows, "recommended=" + 1);
            DataTable dt = productlist.Tables[0];
            if (productlist != null && productlist.Tables.Count > 0 && productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr;
                for (int i = 0; i < productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    dr = productlist.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                    if (dr["link_url"] != null && dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim(), openid);
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + dr["id"].ToString(), openid);

            return dt;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获得特价
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable getSpecialOffer()
            Tag tag = this.Document.CurrentRenderingTag;

            var attribute = tag.Attributes["rows"];
            int rows = -1;//若为-1,则不做限制条件
            if (attribute != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(attribute.Value.GetValue()))
                rows = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(attribute.Value.GetValue());
            DAL.wx_shop_product artDal = new DAL.wx_shop_product();
            productlist = artDal.GetList(wid, rows, "specialOffer=" + 1);
            DataTable dt = productlist.Tables[0];
            if (productlist != null && productlist.Tables.Count > 0 && productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr;
                for (int i = 0; i < productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    dr = productlist.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                    if (dr["link_url"] != null && dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim(), openid);
                        dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + dr["id"].ToString(), openid);

            return dt;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获得wid的用户分类信息 
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList<Model.wx_shop_category> getCategory()
            Tag tag = this.Document.CurrentRenderingTag;

            var classlayer = tag.Attributes["classlayer"];
            var parentidObj = tag.Attributes["parentid"];
            var attribute = tag.Attributes["rows"];
            int rows = -1;//若为-1,则不做限制条件
            IList<Model.wx_shop_category> categorylist = null;
            int parentid = -1;
            if (parentidObj != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(parentidObj.Value.GetValue()))
                parentid = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(parentidObj.Value.GetValue());
            int class_layer = -1;
            if (classlayer != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(classlayer.Value.GetValue()))
                class_layer = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(classlayer.Value.GetValue());
            DAL.wx_shop_category cateBll = new DAL.wx_shop_category();
            if (attribute != null && MyCommFun.isNumber(attribute.Value.GetValue()))
                rows = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(attribute.Value.GetValue());
                categorylist = cateBll.GetCategoryListByWid(wid, rows, parentid, class_layer);

                categorylist = cateBll.GetCategoryListByWid(wid, -1, parentid, class_layer);
            if (categorylist != null && categorylist.Count > 0)
                Model.wx_shop_category cat = new Model.wx_shop_category();

                for (int i = 0; i < categorylist.Count; i++)
                    cat = categorylist[i];
                    if (cat.link_url == null || cat.link_url.Trim() == "")
                    {  //如果link_url为空,则直接调用本系统的信息
                        cat.link_url = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("/shop/list.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&cid=" + cat.id + "", openid);

                        cat.link_url = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(cat.link_url, openid);

            return categorylist;

        /// <summary>
        /// 购物车页面
        /// </summary>
        public void CartDetailPage()
            BLL.wx_shop_cart cartBll = new BLL.wx_shop_cart();
            IList<Model.cartProduct> cartList = cartBll.GetCartList(openid, wid);
            int jiage = 0;
            string cartStr = "{";
            if (cartList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = cartList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (i != 0)
                        cartStr += "\"" + i + "\": { \"ic\": \"" + cartList[i].id + "\", \"attr\": \"\", \"bc\": \"" + cartList[i].productNum + "\", \"mid\": " + cartList[i].skuId + " },";
                        cartStr += "\"" + i + "\": { \"ic\": \"" + cartList[i].id + "\", \"attr\": \"\", \"bc\": \"" + cartList[i].productNum + "\", \"mid\": " + cartList[i].skuId + " }";

            cartStr += "}";
            decimal alltotPrice = cartList.Sum(item => item.totPrice);
            this.Document.SetValue("cartlist", cartList);
            this.Document.SetValue("alltot", alltotPrice);
            this.Document.SetValue("cartStr", cartStr);
            this.Document.SetValue("zongjia", jiage);

        /// <summary>
        /// 修改地址的页面
        /// </summary>
        public void editAddrPage()
            string frompage = MyCommFun.QueryString("frompage");
            this.Document.SetValue("frompage", frompage);
            BLL.wx_shop_user_addr uAddrBll = new BLL.wx_shop_user_addr();
            IList<Model.wx_shop_user_addr> uaddrList = uAddrBll.GetOpenidAddr(openid, wid);
            if (uaddrList == null || uaddrList.Count <= 0 || uaddrList[0].id <= 0)

                this.Document.SetValue("addrinfo", uaddrList[0]);

        /// <summary>
        /// 确认订单页面
        /// </summary>
        public void confirmOrder()
            BLL.wx_shop_user_addr uAddrBll = new BLL.wx_shop_user_addr();
            IList<Model.wx_shop_user_addr> uaddrList = uAddrBll.GetOpenidAddrName(openid, wid);
            if (uaddrList == null || uaddrList.Count <= 0 || uaddrList[0].id <= 0)
            { }
                this.Document.SetValue("addrinfo", uaddrList[0]);

            BLL.express expressBll = new BLL.express();
            DataSet dsExpress = expressBll.GetExpressList100(wid);
            this.Document.SetValue("express", dsExpress);

            BLL.payment pbll = new BLL.payment();
            DataSet dsPay = pbll.GetList(0, "  is_lock=0 and wid=" + wid, "  sort_id asc");
            this.Document.SetValue("payment", dsPay);

            BLL.wx_shop_cart cartBll = new BLL.wx_shop_cart();
            IList<Model.cartProduct> cartList = cartBll.GetCartList(openid, wid);
            this.Document.SetValue("cartlist", cartList);

            string cartStr = "[";
            if (cartList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = cartList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (i != 0)
                        cartStr += "{ \"ic\": \"" + cartList[i].id + "\", \"attr\": \"\", \"bc\": \"" + cartList[i].productNum + "\", \"mid\": " + cartList[i].skuId + " },";
                        cartStr += "{ \"ic\": \"" + cartList[i].id + "\", \"attr\": \"\", \"bc\": \"" + cartList[i].productNum + "\", \"mid\": " + cartList[i].skuId + " }";
            cartStr += "]";
            decimal alltotPrice = cartList.Sum(item => item.totPrice);

            this.Document.SetValue("alltot", alltotPrice * 100);
            this.Document.SetValue("alltot_y", alltotPrice);
            this.Document.SetValue("cartStr", cartStr);


        /// <summary>
        /// 下单成功页面
        /// </summary>
        public void OrderSuccessPage()
            BLL.orders oBll = new BLL.orders();
            int orderid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("orderid");
            Model.orders order = oBll.GetModel(orderid);
            if (order != null)
                this.Document.SetValue("order", order);

        /// <summary>
        /// 用户中心
        /// </summary>
        public void userinfoPage()
            BLL.orders oBll = new BLL.orders();
            int wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");

            IList<Model.orders> orderlist_dfu = oBll.GetModelList(" wid=" + wid + " and openid='" + openid + "' and payment_id in (2,3) and   payment_status=1 and status=1 order by id desc");
            if (orderlist_dfu != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < orderlist_dfu.Count; i++)
                    orderlist_dfu[i].status = GetOrderStatus_int(orderlist_dfu[i].status, orderlist_dfu[i].payment_status, orderlist_dfu[i].express_status);
                this.Document.SetValue("o_dfu", orderlist_dfu);
                this.Document.SetValue("dfk_num", orderlist_dfu.Count);

            IList<Model.orders> orderlist_dsh = oBll.GetModelList(" wid=" + wid + " and openid='" + openid + "' and  (payment_status=2 or payment_id=1) and status not in(3,4,5) order by id desc");
            if (orderlist_dsh != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < orderlist_dsh.Count; i++)
                    orderlist_dsh[i].status = GetOrderStatus_int(orderlist_dsh[i].status, orderlist_dsh[i].payment_status, orderlist_dsh[i].express_status);

                this.Document.SetValue("o_dsh", orderlist_dsh);
                this.Document.SetValue("dsh_num", orderlist_dsh.Count);

            IList<Model.orders> orderlist_yjs = oBll.GetModelList(" wid=" + wid + " and openid='" + openid + "' and  payment_status=2 and status in (3,4,5) order by id desc");
            if (orderlist_yjs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < orderlist_yjs.Count; i++)
                    orderlist_yjs[i].status = GetOrderStatus_int(orderlist_yjs[i].status, orderlist_yjs[i].payment_status, orderlist_yjs[i].express_status);

                this.Document.SetValue("o_yjs", orderlist_yjs);
                this.Document.SetValue("yjs_num", orderlist_yjs.Count);


        /// <summary>
        /// 订单详情页面
        /// </summary>
        public void orderDetail()
            int wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");

            int orderId = MyCommFun.RequestInt("orderid");
            BLL.orders oBll = new BLL.orders();
            //Model.orders order = oBll.GetModel(orderId);
            IList<Model.orders> orderlist_detail = oBll.GetModelList(" id=" + orderId);
            if (orderlist_detail != null)
                Model.orders order = orderlist_detail[0];
                this.Document.SetValue("order", order);
                string statusName = GetOrderStatus(order.status, order.payment_status, order.express_status);
                this.Document.SetValue("statusName", statusName);

                string paymentName = new MxWeiXinPF.BLL.payment().GetTitle(wid, order.payment_id);
                this.Document.SetValue("paymentName", paymentName);
                string expressName = new MxWeiXinPF.BLL.express().GetTitle(order.express_id);
                this.Document.SetValue("expressName", expressName);



        #region 返回订单状态=============================
        protected string GetOrderStatus(int status, int payment_status, int express_status)
            string _title = string.Empty;
            // Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(_id);
            switch (status)
                case 1: //如果是线下支付,支付状态为0,如果是线上支付,支付成功后会自动改变订单状态为已确认
                    if (payment_status > 0)
                        _title = "待付款";
                        _title = "待确认";
                case 2: //如果订单为已确认状态,则进入发货状态
                    if (express_status > 1)
                        _title = "已发货";
                        _title = "待发货";
                case 3:
                    _title = "交易完成";
                case 4:
                    _title = "已取消";
                case 5:
                    _title = "已作废";

            return _title;

        /// <summary>
        /// 订单状态,转化成与zepto.min.js里一致的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        /// <param name="payment_status"></param>
        /// <param name="express_status"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected int GetOrderStatus_int(int status, int payment_status, int express_status)
            int ret = 0;

            switch (status)
                case 1: //如果是线下支付,支付状态为0,如果是线上支付,支付成功后会自动改变订单状态为已确认
                    if (payment_status > 0)
                        ret = 1;
                        ret = 14;
                case 2: //如果订单为已确认状态,则进入发货状态
                    if (express_status > 1)
                        ret = 25;
                        ret = 2;
                case 3:
                    ret = 6;
                case 4:
                    ret = 4;
                case 5:
                    ret = 26;

            return ret;


        /// <summary>
        /// 单位 元*100
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="news"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object ComputeMoney(object[] news)
            if (news.Length > 0 && news[0] != null)
                decimal yuan = MyCommFun.Str2Decimal(news[0].ToString());
                yuan *= 100;
                return yuan;
                return string.Empty;

        /// <summary>
        /// 商城首页的url
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string indexUrl()
            string url = "";
            // url = MyCommFun.getWebSite() + "/shop/index.aspx?wid=" + wid;
            url = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("/shop/index.aspx?wid=" + wid, openid);
            return url;


        public DataSet productlist { get; set; }



概述 本平台主要功能是针对信商家公众号提供与众不同的、有针对性的营销推广服务。通过沐雪信平台,用户可以轻松管理自己的信各类信息,对信公众账号进行维护、开展智能机器人、在线发优惠劵、抽奖、刮奖、派发会员卡、打造官网、开启团购等多种活动,对信营销实现有效监控,极大扩展潜在客户群和实现企业的运营目标。沐雪信平台很好的弥补了信公众平台本身功能不足、针对性不强、交互不便利的问题,为商家公众账号提供更为贴心的、且是核心需求的功能和服务。在线优惠劵、转盘抽奖、信会员卡等推广服务更是让信成为商家推广的利器。智能客服的可调教功能让用户真正从信繁琐的日常客服工作中解脱出来,真正成为商家便利的新营销渠道。 二、源码特点 1、信公众平台开发,对于公众平台所有功能进行完整开发。 2、多用户:可同时进行多公众号的管理和配置。 3、直接性:购买者可直接购买细修改即是成品的平台商品。 4、开发语言:asp.net,C# ,webform,数据库sqlserver 2005 三、功能介绍 1、菜单回复:关注时回复、默认回复、文本回复、图文回复、语音回复、请求回复、LBS回复。 2、自定义菜单:公众号自定义菜单设置 3、用户列表管理:获取关注公众号的账户信息进行管理 4、官网:各种官网模板可自行配置,头部幻灯片,底部,分类模块配置,内容配置 5、商城商城模板配置、产品分类管理、商品信息管理、商品录入、客户资源管理、订单管 理、物流配送方式设置 6、支付方式:信支付,货到付款。 7、汽车[大模块]、酒店、点餐系统 8、会员卡:会员卡商家、会员卡商城、会员卡头部广告设计 9、用户管理:信用户管理、系统角色管理、系统操作日志 10、后台菜单:后台导航菜单管理 11、系统设置:网站基本信息设置、功能权限设置、短信平台设置、邮件发送设置、文件上传设 置 12、代理商管理:代理商发展下线。 四、环境要求 开发环境: 操作系统:windows7,8 软件:vs2012+sqlserver2005 发布环境: 操作系统:windows server 2003,2008 软件:.netframework4.0,iis6+,sqlserver 2005 后续会更新vs2017+sql2012 ,新功能的开发




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