sql server教程sql存储过程和算法

sql 2005分页存储过程实例

------------ QQ:81868164 ----------
--- email:hanbing81868164@163.com --
--- 由sql 2000的分页存储过来改造 ---
---- 加入sql 2005里新分页技术 ----
-- 如有更好的实现方法可以自行修改 --
----------- 2006.7.11 --------------
- 版权共享 给我留言号记号就行 ^o^ -
@tblName varchar(255), -- 表名
@fldName varchar(255), -- 字段名
@OrderType bit = 0, -- 设置排序类型, 非 0 值则降序
@IsCount bit=0, -- 设置排序类型, 非 0 值则降序
@strWhere varchar(3000) ='', -- 查询条件 (注意: 不要加 where)
@StartIndex varchar(255),
@maxRows varchar(255)

declare @strSQL varchar(3000) -- 主语句
declare @strCount varchar(3000) -- 返回数据的总条数语句
declare @strOrder varchar(3000) -- 排序类型语句

if @OrderType != 0
set @strOrder = ' order by ' + @fldName +' desc'
set @strOrder = ' order by ' + @fldName +' asc'

set @strSQL ='select * from (select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ('+ @strOrder +') as Pos from ' + @tblName + ') as T where T.Pos > ('+ @StartIndex +') and T.Pos <'+ @maxRows
set @strCount ='select count(*) as Total from ' + @tblName + ' as count'

if @strWhere !=''
set @strSQL ='select * from (select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ('+ @strOrder +') as Pos from ' + @tblName + ' where ' + @strWhere + ') as T where T.Pos > ('+ @StartIndex +') and T.Pos <'+ @maxRows
set @strCount ='select count(*) as Total from ' + @tblName + ' as count where ' + @strWhere

if @IsCount!=0 ----按需要返回数据的总条数
exec (@strCount)

exec (@strSQL)




if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[t]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)

drop table [dbo].[t]


create table [dbo].[t] (

[id] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,

[lid] [nvarchar] (50) ,

[name] [nvarchar] (50) ,

[type] [int] not null



insert into t (lid,[name],[type])

select "11","城站火车站",0

union all select "11","葵巷建国路口",0

union all select "11","菜市桥",0

union all select "11","潮鸣寺巷",0

union all select "11","宝善桥建国路口",0

union all select "11","宝善桥",0

union all select "11","市体育馆",0

union all select "11","武林广场",0

union all select "11","武林门",0

union all select "11","武林们马塍路口",0

union all select "11","八字桥",0

union all select "11","浙大西溪校区",0

union all select "11","庆丰村",0

union all select "11","教工路口",0

union all select "11","花园新村",0

union all select "11","浙江工商大学",0

union all select "11","电子科技大学",0

union all select "11","翠苑新村",0

union all select "57","大关小区",0

union all select "57","通信市场",0

union all select "57","德胜新村",0

union all select "57","潮王路口",0

union all select "57","朝晖五区",0

union all select "57","朝晖三区",0

union all select "57","西湖文化广场东",0

union all select "57","武林广场",0

union all select "57","武林小广场",0

union all select "57","半道红",0

union all select "57","文三路口",0

union all select "57","上宁桥",0

union all select "57","花园新村",0

union all select "57","浙江工商大学",0

union all select "57","文一路口",0

union all select "57","教工路北口",0

union all select "57","大关桥西",0

union all select "57","上塘路口",0

union all select "57","大关西六苑",0

union all select "57","香积寺路口",0

union all select "57","大关小区",0

union all select "14","武林小广场",0

union all select "14","昌化新村",0

union all select "14","长寿桥",0

union all select "14","延安路口",0

union all select "14","中大广场",0

union all select "14","众安桥",0

union all select "14","浙一医院",0

union all select "14","大学路北口",0

union all select "14","庆春门",0

union all select "14","金衙庄",0

union all select "14","总管塘",0

union all select "14","华东家具市场",0

union all select "14","近江村",0

union all select "14","汽车南站",0

union all select "14","汽车南站",1

union all select "14","近江村",1

union all select "14","华东家具市场",1

union all select "14","总管塘",1

union all select "14","金衙庄",1

union all select "14","庆春门",1

union all select "14","大学路北口",1

union all select "14","浙一医院",1

union all select "14","众安桥",1

union all select "14","中大广场",1

union all select "14","延安路口",1

union all select "14","长寿桥",1

union all select "14","昌化新村",1

union all select "14","武林小广场",1

union all select "k105","火车东站",0

union all select "k105","汽车东站",0

union all select "k105","严家弄",0

union all select "k105","景芳五区",0

union all select "k105","景御路口",0

union all select "k105","庆春东路",0

union all select "k105","采荷新村",0

union all select "k105","观音塘小区",0

union all select "k105","总管塘",0

union all select "k105","章家桥",0

union all select "k105","浙二医院",0

union all select "k105","官巷口",0

union all select "k105","湖滨",0

union all select "k105","胜利剧院",0

union all select "k105","孩儿巷",0

union all select "k105","延安新村",0

union all select "k105","武林小广场",0

union all select "k105","杭州大厦",0

union all select "k105","中北桥",0

union all select "k105","施家桥",0

union all select "k105","建国北路文晖路口",0

union all select "k105","文晖大桥东",0

union all select "k105","机神村",0

union all select "k105","天城路口",0

union all select "k105","新塘路口",0

union all select "k105","火车东站",0

union all select "39","闸口",0

union all select "39","水澄桥",0

union all select "39","海月桥",0

union all select "39","美政桥",0

union all select "39","复兴路北口",0

union all select "39","三廊庙",0

union all select "39","木材新村",0

union all select "39","二凉亭",0

union all select "39","望江门外",0

union all select "39","汽车南站",0

union all select "39","近江村",0

union all select "39","华东家具市场",0

union all select "39","总管塘",0

union all select "39","城站火车站",0

union all select "k101","城站火车站",0

union all select "k101","总管塘",0

union all select "k101","观音塘小区",0

union all select "k101","采荷新村",0

union all select "k101","红菱新村",0

union all select "k101","凤起东路口",0

union all select "k101","双菱路北口",0

union all select "k101","市红会医院",0

union all select "k101","建国路口",0

union all select "k101","新华路口",0

union all select "k101","中北路口",0

union all select "k101","延安路口",0

union all select "k101","浙大湖滨校区",0

union all select "k101","昌化新村",0

union all select "k101","市府大楼",0

union all select "k101","武林门马塍路口",0

union all select "k101","八字桥",0

union all select "k101","浙大西溪校区",0

union all select "k101","庆丰村",0

union all select "k101","玉古路天目山路口",0

union all select "k101","西湖体育馆",0

union all select "21/k21","城站火车站",0

union all select "21/k21","章家桥",0

union all select "21/k21","新城隧道东口",0

union all select "21/k21","解放路秋涛路口",0

union all select "21/k21","采荷新村",0

union all select "21/k21","红菱新村",0

union all select "21/k21","双菱路北口",0

union all select "21/k21","市红会医院",0

union all select "21/k21","建国路口",0

union all select "21/k21","新华路口",0

union all select "21/k21","中北路口",0

union all select "21/k21","延安路口",0

union all select "21/k21","浙大湖滨校区",0

union all select "21/k21","昌化新村",0

union all select "21/k21","市府大楼",0

union all select "21/k21","武林门马塍路口",0

union all select "21/k21","八字桥",0

union all select "21/k21","浙大西溪校区",0

union all select "21/k21","庆丰村",0

union all select "21/k21","跑马场",0

union all select "21/k21","黄龙体育中心",0

union all select "21/k21","浙大附中",0

union all select "21/k21","求是路",0

union all select "21/k21","西湖体育馆",0

union all select "58/k58","大关小区",0

union all select "58/k58","上塘路香积寺路口",0

union all select "58/k58","大关西六苑",0

union all select "58/k58","上塘路口",0

union all select "58/k58","大关桥西",0

union all select "58/k58","教工路北口",0

union all select "58/k58","文一路口",0

union all select "58/k58","浙江工商大学",0

union all select "58/k58","花园新村",0

union all select "58/k58","上宁桥",0

union all select "58/k58","文三新村",0

union all select "58/k58","八字桥",0

union all select "58/k58","武林门马塍路口",0

union all select "58/k58","武林小广场",0

union all select "58/k58","武林广场",0

union all select "58/k58","中北桥",0

union all select "58/k58","朝晖一区",0

union all select "58/k58","朝晖三区",0

union all select "58/k58","朝晖五区",0

union all select "58/k58","潮王路口",0

union all select "58/k58","德胜新村",0

union all select "58/k58","通信市场",0

union all select "58/k58","大关小区",0

union all select "k101","西湖体育馆",1

union all select "k101","玉古路天目山路口",1

union all select "k101","庆丰村",1

union all select "k101","浙大西溪校区",1

union all select "k101","八字桥",1

union all select "k101","武林门马塍路口",1

union all select "k101","市府大楼",1

union all select "k101","昌化新村",1

union all select "k101","浙大湖滨校区",1

union all select "k101","延安路口",1

union all select "k101","中北路口",1

union all select "k101","新华路口",1

union all select "k101","建国路口",1

union all select "k101","市红会医院",1

union all select "k101","双菱路北口",1

union all select "k101","凤起东路口",1

union all select "k101","红菱新村",1

union all select "k101","采荷新村",1

union all select "k101","观音塘小区",1

union all select "k101","总管塘",1

union all select "k101","城站火车站",1

/****** object: stored procedure dbo.search script date: 2005-9-8 10:28:35 ******/

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[search]') and objectproperty(id, n'isprocedure') = 1)

drop procedure [dbo].[search]


set quoted_identifier off


set ansi_nulls on


/****** object: stored procedure dbo.search script date: 2005-9-8 10:28:35 ******/

create proc search

@name1 nvarchar(50),

@name2 nvarchar(50)



create table #tmp


tmp_id int identity(1,1),

tmp_name nvarchar(50)



create table #tmp1


tmp1_id int identity(1,1),

tmp1_name nvarchar(50)



create table #result


r_id int,

r_lid nvarchar(50),

r_name nvarchar(50),

r_type int



insert into #result

select c.* from t a,t b,t c where

a.lid=b.lid and a.[type]=b.[type] and a.idand a.[name] = @name1 and b.[name] = @name2

and c.id>=a.id and c.id<=b.id order by c.id

if @@rowcount>0 begin

select * from #result


else begin


declare @currenname nvarchar(50)

set @currenname = @name1




insert into #tmp (tmp_lid)

select distinct lid from t where [name] = @currenname

declare @currenbus nvarchar(50)

select top 1 @currenbus = tmp_lid from #tmp


insert into #tmp1 (tmp1_name)

select distinct b.[name] from t a,t b where a.[name] = @currenname and b.lid = a.lid and b.[name] <> @currenname

insert into #tmp (tmp_name)

select d.[tmp1_name] from t a,t b,t c, #tmp1 d where

a.lid=b.lid and a.[type]=b.[type] and a.id and a.[name] = d.[tmp1_name] and b.[name] = @name2

and c.id>=a.id and c.id<=b.id

if @@rowcount>0 begin

select distinct c.* from t a,t b,t c,#tmp d where

a.lid=b.lid and a.[type]=b.[type] and a.id and a.[name] = @name1 and b.[name] = d.tmp_name

and c.id>=a.id and c.id<=b.id order by c.id

select distinct c.* from t a,t b,t c,#tmp d where

a.lid=b.lid and a.[type]=b.[type] and a.id and a.[name] = d.tmp_name and b.[name] = @name2

and c.id>=a.id and c.id<=b.id order by c.id


--select * from #tmp


drop table #result

drop table #tmp1

drop table #tmp


set quoted_identifier off


set ansi_nulls on


exec search '文一路口','总管塘'






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


