Oracle Application Development Framework Essentials (1Z1-554)

Introduction to Fusion and ADF
[  ]Describe Fusion Architecture
[  ]Explain how ADF fits into the Fusion architecture
[  ]Describe the ADF technology stack (MVC)
[  ]Identify sources of additional information about ADF and ADF Business Components

Getting Started with JDeveloper
[  ]Describe benefits that JDeveloper provides for application development
[  ]Utilize common IDE mechanisms when developing and testing components
[  ]Set IDE preferences based on user requirements
[  ]Initiate the creation of empty applications, projects, and connections in JDeveloper

Building a Data Model with ADF Business Components
[  ]Describe the role of ADF Business Components in building a business service
[  ]Explain the architecture of ADF BC
[  ]Identify the types of components that cooperate to provide the business service implementation
[  ]Explain how ADF BC components are used in a Web Application

Querying and Persisting Data
[  ]Describe the characteristics of an ADF BC view object
[  ]Create a view object that can be used for performing a query in a Web application
[  ]Define a SQL statement on which to base a query for a view object
[  ]Explain how entity objects relate to database tables
[  ]Describe the persistence mechanism of entity objects
[  ]Use the Create Entity Object wizard to generate entity objects from database tables
[  ]Create associations between entity objects to represent business relationships
[  ]Create updatable view objects based on entity objects
[  ]Link view objects to one another in a master-detail hierarchy
[  ]Refactor objects in an application

Exposing Data to Clients
[  ]Explain the role of application modules
[  ]Describe the characteristics of application modules
[  ]Use the Create Application Module wizard to define the data model for an application module
[  ]Explain how application modules can manage business components transactions
[  ]Explain how application modules can manage application stateE
[  ]Explain the role of the ADF Model

Declaratively Customizing Data Services
[  ]Declaratively change data behaviour
[  ]Declaratively modify the default behavior of view objects, entity objects, and application modules
[  ]Define a view accessor for a list of values(LOV)
[  ]Define a list of values (LOV) for an attribute

Programmatically Customizing Data Services
[  ]Generate Java classes for business components to modify default behavior programmatically
[  ]Override class methods to change or augment default behavior
[  ]Modify the WHERE clause of a view object at run time
[  ]Explain the benefits of adding service methods at the application module level (rather than at the view level)
[  ]Create a test client for testing your custom code
[  ]Modify a view object's client code to add a new employee to the employees view object

Validating User Input
[  ]Describe the types of validation available for ADF applications
[  ]Evaluate which validation options are appropriate for different validations
[  ]Add declarative validation for an entity object
[  ]Identify the other non-declarative validation options and when they might be used
[  ]Describe the benefits of using domains for validation

Troubleshooting ADF BC Applications
[  ]Identify the JDeveloper tools for logging and diagnostics
[  ]Use Java code auditing tools
[  ]Make use of FileMon and Junit to debug an application
[  ]Use the JDeveloper profiler
[  ]Use the JDeveloper debugger
[  ]Identify sources of Help

Understanding UI Technologies
[  ]Describe the use of Web browsers and HTML
[  ]Explain how Java has come into widespread use as a language for developing Web applications
[  ]Describe the function of Servlets and JSPs
[  ]Define JavaServer Faces
[  ]Explain the JSF component architecture
[  ]Expalin some JSF component types included in the standard implementation
[  ]Describe the purpose of backing beans
[  ]Describe the JSF life cycle
[  ]Explain how ADF Faces augments the JSF life cycle
Binding UI Components to Data
[  ]Create an empty JSF page
[  ]Use three different ways to add ADF Faces UI components to a page
[  ]Describe the types of data-bound components that can be added to a JSF page
[  ]Describe the structure of an EL (Expression Language) expression
Planning the User Interface
[  ]Describe the Model-View-Controller design pattern
[  ]Differentiate between bounded and unbounded task flows
[  ]Create task flows to define control flow in an application
[  ]Specify control flow rules
[  ]Define global navigation
[  ]Use routers to declaratively route control flow to activities based on an EL expression
[  ]Define the role of managed beans in task flows
[  ]Explain the types of validation available in the user interface

Adding Functionality to Pages
[  ]Internationalize the user interface so that the application can be used in multiple locales
[  ]Use component facets to specify subordinate elements such as toolbars, headers and footers
[  ]Implement a list of values (LOV) to enable users to select a value from a list
[  ]Add a calendar component to an input date field to make it easy for users to select a date
[  ]Use the table component to display structured data as a formatted table
[  ]Employ the tree component to display hierarchical data
[  ]Add icons and images to an application with ADF Faces output componentsE
[  ]Create Search forms using the ADF query component
[  ]Use ADF Data Visualization components to add charts, graphs, map etc to your JSF pages
Implementing Navigation on Pages
[  ]Implement command buttons and links
[  ]Create menus - Menu bar
[  ]Create menus - Popup
[  ]Create menus - Context
[  ]Use a navigation page
[  ]Use breadcrumbs
[  ]Create trains

Achieving the Required Layout
[  ]Build complex page layouts with layout components
[  ]Explain the role of ADF Faces skins
[  ]Use dynamic page layout
Ensuring Reusability
[  ]Identify the benefits of reusing components
[  ]Create a resource catalog to enable sharing of resources within and across teams and applications
[  ]Create ADF libraries to share components within and across teams and applications
[  ]Create a task flow template for reuse across different bounded task flows
[  ]Create a page template for reuse across the JSF pages in an application to enable a consistent look and feel
[  ]Create a declarative component for reuse in different pages of an application
[  ]Create a page fragment to use in multiple pages of the application
[  ]Employ a bounded task flow as a region in a JSF page

Passing Values between UI Elements
[  ]Evaluate whether the data model contains opportunities to reduce the need for passing values between pages
[  ]Use a managed bean to pass values between JSF pages
[  ]Store values in memory-scoped attributes to hold and pass information between pages and life cycle phases
[  ]Use parameters to pass information to different parts of the application
Responding to Application Events
[  ]Configure managed beans to contain code to respond to events
[  ]Explain the different types of events
[  ]Use phase listeners to listen for and respond to events
[  ]Explain the role of an event listener
[  ]Use action listeners
[  ]Describe the sequence in which events and listeners are executed
[  ]Describe the features of JDeveloper that support ADF Faces enhanced event handling
[  ]Identify the server events fired by ADF Faces components/span>
[  ]Use the contextual events framework to co-ordinate regions on a JSF page

Implementing Transactional Capabilities
[  ]Explain ADF BC transaction handling
[  ]Enable an ADF bounded task flow to run as a transaction
[  ]Manage transaction exceptions on ADF bounded or unbounded task flows
[  ]Define the response to the browser's Back button (for an ADF task flow that was already exited)
[  ]Implement Save for Later functionality

Implementing Security in ADF BC Applications
[  ]Explain the need to secure applications
[  ]Describe security aspects of an ADF BC application
[  ]Add ADF Security Authentication to an application
[  ]Add ADF Security Authorization to an application
[  ]Use two approaches for granting users access to resources
[  ]Prevent unauthorised access to the ADF BC Model
[  ]Explain the types of application authentication at run time
[  ]Use Expression Language to extend the default security capabilities of the framework
Explore the Project Structure and Core File Architecture
[  ]Define File Structure of a Project
[  ]Examine how Metadata files are used to specify paramters, methods, and return values to a data control
[  ]Define ADF Data Control and Databinding Files
[  ]Explore the ADF Faces and Web Configuration Files to know where task flows, pages and code are created
[  ]Define Hierarchical Relationship of the XML Metadata files in a Web Application

Extend the ADF Business Components Framework
[  ]Examine some general considerations when using ADF Business Components
[  ]Extend the ADF Business Components (ADF BC) Framework to customize your application
[  ]Override the standard way data is committed to the database using a PL/SQL procedure
[  ]Design ADF Business comonents to avoid database contraint

Use ADF Business Components for Validation, Calculations and List of Values
[  ]Build Cascading List of Values
[  ]Enhance the Application with Calculations and Validation
[  ]Create Validation for Foreign Keys
[  ]Employ Groovy Expressions in Validations

Use Inheritance in the Business Domain Layer
[  ]Reuse existing Bussiness Component designs by extending components
[  ]Implement Supertype/Subtype designs using Entity Objects
[  ]Create View Objects to access more than one table

ADF as a part of a Service Oriented Architecture
[  ]Expose ADF Business Components as SDO for use in a SOA Process (BPEL)
[  ]Create Rich User Interfaces that access data from a composite application
[  ]Create events for ADF Business Components to trigger Enterprise Service Bus
[  ]Use Service Data Objects to access heterogeneous data in a uniform way

Implement Data Binding Controls
[  ]Define and Recognize ADF Model binding types
[  ]Define ADF Model executables and how to use them
[  ]Customize data-bound components within the page definition file to support application requirements
[  ]Use Expression Language to connect page items to model components
[  ]Determine how model components get transformed into Data Control Palette items

Practical Data Binding in Action
[  ]Describe how data binding and the JavaServer Faces (JSF) page life cycle
[  ]Define listeners and custom controllers to augment the ADFm life cycle
[  ]Explain how the Application Development Framework (ADF) life cycle works

Work with Managed Beans and JavaServer Faces
[  ]Define key JavaServer Faces (JSF) terms
[  ]Describe the JSF Architecture with Application Development Framework (ADF)
[  ]Differentiate between Managed and Backing Beans
[  ]In a JSF page, create and reference a Managed Bean to perform a custom method
[  ]Set and use Managed Properties to store and retrieve user login information
[  ]Use context object classes to access application messages, work with the Servlet API or ADF specific funcationality

ADF Faces Advanced Features
[  ]Examine AJAX and ADF
[  ]Employ Partial Page Rendering (PPR) on a JSF Page
[  ]Enhance a page by creating input and output items using ADF Components
[  ]Use page, panel and splitter componentss to design and build a JSF page
[  ]Develop UI shell templates to incorporate company standard behavours, look and feel
[  ]Display numerical data using Data Visualization components and Active Data Services

Integrate with WebCenter
[  ]Allow end users to perform runtime customization to their application pages
[  ]Integrate ADF pages with Content Management systems to access file systems
[  ]Add Web Center Services, like social networking and collaboration, to JSF/ADF pages
[  ]Add reusable Portlets that provide dynamic view of data, into a JSF/ADF page

Customize the Application Look and Feel with Skins
[  ]Use Firebug and Mozilla Developer Toolbar to build skins
[  ]Explain how skin selectors work
[  ]Build instance specific skins
[  ]Develop a managed bean to change skin at runtime







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