sapnco3 接收IDOC准备工作:安装sapcon3.0_X64.rar 或 Setup_ntintel_301_32位安装包.rar。并将安装目录下的dll引用到工程项目中

1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using SAP.Middleware.Connector; 6 7 8 9 namespace Sapnoc30Demo_Yan 10 { 11 12 public class SapncoClient 13 { 14 private RfcDestination _rfcDestination = null; 15 16 /// <summary> 17 /// Register Client 18 /// </summary> 19 public void RegisterRfcDestination() 20 { 21 try 22 { 23 if (_rfcDestination == null) 24 _rfcDestination = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination("NCO_Destination"); //获取 config配置中NCO_Destination节点参数,并注册RfcClient 25 } 26 catch (Exception ex) 27 { 28 throw ex; 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 }

1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using SAP.Middleware.Connector; 6 7 namespace Sapnoc30Demo_Yan 8 { 9 public class SapncoServer 10 { 11 private RfcServer _rfcServer = null; 12 13 public void RegisterRfcServer() 14 { 15 try 16 { 17 Type[] handlers = new Type[1] { typeof(SAPServerHandler) }; 18 if (_rfcServer == null) 19 _rfcServer = RfcServerManager.GetServer("NCO_Server", handlers); //获取 config配置中NCO_Server节点参数,并注册RfcServer 20 _rfcServer.RfcServerError += OnRfcServerError; 21 _rfcServer.RfcServerApplicationError += OnRfcServerError; 22 _rfcServer.TransactionIDHandler = new SapncoTidHandler(); 23 SAPServerHandler.IDocEndReceiveCompleteEvent+= new SAPServerHandler.IDocReceiveEventHandler(SAPServerHandler_IDocEndReceiveCompleteEvent); 24 _rfcServer.Start(); 25 } 26 catch (Exception ex) 27 { 28 throw ex; 29 } 30 } 31 //函数调用执行完成 32 private void SAPServerHandler_IDocEndReceiveCompleteEvent(Dictionary<string, List<string>> diclist) 33 { 34 //处理 diclist 35 //根据IDOC各个字段长度,从SDATA字符串中截取对应的字段值 36 } 37 38 private static void OnRfcServerError(Object server, RfcServerErrorEventArgs errorEventData) 39 { 40 string exMsg = String.Empty; 41 RfcServer rfcServer = server as RfcServer; 42 RfcServerApplicationException appEx = errorEventData.Error as RfcServerApplicationException; 43 if (appEx != null) 44 exMsg += string.Format("RfcServerApplicationError occured in RFC server {0} :", rfcServer.Name); 45 else 46 exMsg += string.Format("RfcServerError occured in RFC server {0} :", rfcServer.Name); 47 48 if (errorEventData.ServerContextInfo != null) 49 { 50 exMsg += string.Format("RFC Caller System ID: {0} ", errorEventData.ServerContextInfo.SystemAttributes.SystemID); 51 exMsg += string.Format("RFC function Name: {0} ", errorEventData.ServerContextInfo.FunctionName); 52 } 53 exMsg += string.Format("Error type: {0}", errorEventData.Error.GetType().Name); 54 exMsg += string.Format("Error message: {0}", errorEventData.Error.Message); 55 if (appEx != null) 56 { 57 exMsg += string.Format("Inner exception type: {0}", appEx.InnerException.GetType().Name); 58 exMsg += string.Format("Inner exception message: {0}", appEx.InnerException.Message); 59 } 60 61 Exception ex = new Exception(exMsg); 62 throw ex; 63 } 64 } 65 66 public class SAPServerHandler 67 { 68 public delegate void IDocReceiveEventHandler(Dictionary<string, List<string>> diclist); 69 public static event IDocReceiveEventHandler IDocEndReceiveCompleteEvent; 70 //public static event IDocReceiveEventHandler IDocBeginReceiveCompleteEvent; 71 72 /// <summary> 73 /// Call back handler method,invoked by RFC Server. 74 /// </summary> 75 /// <param name="context">RfcServerContext</param> 76 /// <param name="function">Rfc Function passed by Rfc Server manager</param> 77 [RfcServerFunction(Name = "IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS", Default = false)] 78 public static void IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS(RfcServerContext context, IRfcFunction function) 79 { 80 Dictionary<string, List<string>> diclist = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); 81 string docnum = String.Empty; 82 83 IRfcTable RfcTb = function.GetTable("EDI_DC40"); //获取 EDI_DC40 结构 84 foreach (IRfcStructure rfcControlRecord in RfcTb) 85 { 86 docnum = rfcControlRecord.GetValue("DOCNUM").ToString(); //从 EDI_DC40 结构中获取 DOCNUM 字段值 87 } 88 89 90 IRfcTable RfcDtTable = function.GetTable("EDI_DD40"); //获取 EDI_DD40 结构 91 List<string> list = new List<string>(); 92 foreach (IRfcStructure rfcDataRecord in RfcDtTable) 93 { 94 string sdataStr = rfcDataRecord.GetValue("SDATA").ToString(); //获取IDOC_DATA_REC_40 结构中SDATA字段值(IDOC值) 95 list.Add(sdataStr); 96 } 97 diclist.Add(docnum, list); 98 if (IDocEndReceiveCompleteEvent != null) 99 IDocEndReceiveCompleteEvent(diclist); 100 } 101 102 #region 含IDOC 的RfcTable结构 103 //function.GetTable(0) 104 //{TABLE [STRUCTURE EDI_DC40 { FIELD TABNAM=EDI_DC40 FIELD MANDT=777 FIELD DOCNUM=0000000009241610 FIELD DOCREL=700 FIELD STATUS=30 FIELD DIRECT=1 FIELD OUTMOD=2 FIELD EXPRSS= FIELD TEST= FIELD IDOCTYP=ZTZECODE_IDOC FIELD CIMTYP= FIELD MESTYP=ZECODE_MSG FIELD MESCOD= FIELD MESFCT= FIELD STD= FIELD STDVRS= FIELD STDMES= FIELD SNDPOR=SAPASB FIELD SNDPRT=LS FIELD SNDPFC= FIELD SNDPRN=AZASB01777 FIELD SNDSAD= FIELD SNDLAD= FIELD RCVPOR=A000000017 FIELD RCVPRT=LS FIELD RCVPFC= FIELD RCVPRN=CN_ECODING FIELD RCVSAD= FIELD RCVLAD= FIELD CREDAT=2013-06-18 FIELD CRETIM=10:35:40 FIELD REFINT= FIELD REFGRP= FIELD REFMES= FIELD ARCKEY= FIELD SERIAL=20130618103540 }]} SAP.Middleware.Connector.IRfcTable {SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcTable} 105 //function.GetTable(1) 106 //{TABLE [STRUCTURE EDI_DD40 { FIELD SEGNAM=ZTZECODE000 FIELD MANDT=777 FIELD DOCNUM=0000000009241610 FIELD SEGNUM=000001 FIELD PSGNUM=000000 FIELD HLEVEL=02 FIELD SDATA=0003575897008500006600000010251 CNIT00006 9000001001 10010 2 1 }]} 107 //SAP.Middleware.Connector.IRfcTable {SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcTable} 108 #endregion 109 110 } 111 112 public class SapncoTidHandler : ITransactionIDHandler 113 { 114 //ONLY for tests. Use a database to store the TID state! 115 static List<string> tids = new List<string>(); 116 117 //If DB is down, throw an exception at this point. .Net Connector will then abort 118 //the tRFC and the R/3 backend will try again later. 119 public bool CheckTransactionID(RfcServerContextInfo serverContext, RfcTID tid) 120 { 121 //TextBox.Text += ("Check transaction ID " + tid); 122 lock (tids) 123 { 124 if (tids.Contains(tid.TID)) 125 return false; 126 else 127 { 128 tids.Add(tid.TID); 129 return true; 130 } 131 } 132 // "true" means that NCo will now execute the transaction, "false" means 133 // that we have already executed this transaction previously, so NCo will 134 // skip the function execution step and will immediately return an OK code to R/3. 135 } 136 137 // clean up the resources 138 public void ConfirmTransactionID(RfcServerContextInfo serverContext, RfcTID tid) 139 { 140 //TextBox.Text += ("Confirm transaction ID " + tid); 141 try 142 { 143 //clean up the resources 144 //partner won't react on an exception at this point 145 } 146 finally 147 { 148 lock (tids) 149 { 150 tids.Remove(tid.TID); 151 } 152 } 153 } 154 155 156 // react on commit e.g. commit on the database 157 // if necessary throw an exception, if the commit was not possible 158 public void Commit(RfcServerContextInfo serverContext, RfcTID tid) 159 { 160 //TextBox.Text += ("Commit transaction ID " + tid); 161 lock (tids) 162 { 163 if (!tids.Contains(tid.TID)) 164 throw new Exception("tid " + tid.TID + " doesn't exist, hence it cannot be committed"); 165 166 } 167 } 168 169 // react on rollback e.g. rollback on the database 170 public void Rollback(RfcServerContextInfo serverContext, RfcTID tid) 171 { 172 //TextBox.Text += ("Rollback transaction ID " + tid); 173 /* Make sure the TID is removed from the list, otherwise CheckTransactionID will 174 * return false the next time the backend retries this failed transaction, and then 175 * it will never be executed... 176 */ 177 tids.Remove(tid.TID); 178 } 179 } 180 }

1 <?xml version="1.0"?> 2 <configuration> 3 <configSections> 4 <sectionGroup name="SAP.Middleware.Connector"> 5 <sectionGroup name="ClientSettings"> 6 <section name="DestinationConfiguration" type="SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcDestinationConfiguration,sapnco"/> 7 </sectionGroup> 8 <sectionGroup name="ServerSettings"> 9 <section name="ServerConfiguration" type="SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcServerConfiguration, sapnco"/> 10 </sectionGroup> 11 </sectionGroup> 12 </configSections> 13 <SAP.Middleware.Connector> 14 <ClientSettings> 15 <DestinationConfiguration> 16 <destinations> 17 <add NAME="NCO_Destination" USER="CX_HANM" PASSWD="hg113" CLIENT="300" SYSNR="00" ASHOST="" LANG="EN" GROUP="PUBLIC" MAX_POOL_SIZE="5"></add> 18 </destinations> 19 </DestinationConfiguration> 20 </ClientSettings> 21 <ServerSettings> 22 <ServerConfiguration> 23 <servers> 24 <add NAME="NCO_Server" GWHOST="hostsys1" GWSERV="sapgw00" PROGRAM_ID="NCoServer" REPOSITORY_DESTINATION="NCO_TESTS" REG_COUNT="1"/> 25 </servers> 26 </ServerConfiguration> 27 </ServerSettings> 28 </SAP.Middleware.Connector> 29 </configuration>

1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.ComponentModel; 4 using System.Data; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Linq; 7 using System.Text; 8 using System.Windows.Forms; 9 10 namespace Sapnoc30Demo_Yan 11 { 12 public partial class ServerTest : Form 13 { 14 public ServerTest() 15 { 16 InitializeComponent(); 17 } 18 19 private void ServerTest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 20 { 21 SapncoClient client = new SapncoClient(); 22 SapncoServer server = new SapncoServer(); 23 client.RegisterRfcDestination(); 24 server.RegisterRfcServer(); 25 } 26 } 27 }