select bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode from fts_voucher_b, bd_accsubj, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where fts_voucher_b.pk_subject = bd_accsubj.pk_accsubj and fts_voucher_b.pk_ass = gl_freevalue.freevalueid and fts_voucher_b.dr = '0' and fts_voucher_b.pk_corp = '1162' and fts_voucher_b.pk_account = bd_accid.pk_accid and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0' and bd_accid.accidcode != gl_freevalue.valuecode
create or replace trigger CHECK_VOUCHER before insert or update on fts_voucher for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); accode char(6); vcode char(6); cursor basjob(id char) is select fts_voucher_b.pk_voucher,bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode from fts_voucher_b,bd_accid, gl_freevalue where fts_voucher_b.pk_voucher = id and fts_voucher_b.pk_ass = gl_freevalue.freevalueid and fts_voucher_b.pk_account = bd_accid.pk_accid and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; begin open basjob(:new.pk_voucher); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas, accode , vcode; exit when basjob%notfound; --raise_application_error(-20001,pk_accidcode||'hhh'); end loop; close basjob; if pk_bas is not null then if accode<>vcode then begin raise_application_error(-20001,'结算凭证号'||:new.cent_typeid||'账户和客商不一致,请修改!'); end; end if; end if; end CHECK_VOUCHER;
解释:触发器是写在了表结算凭证fts_voucher上而不是写在结算分录fts_voucher_b上,因为上面提到凭证没有保存的时候是不会相应游标里面的sql。 这里借用了fts_voucher和fts_voucher_b共同有一个同样的值pk_voucher。触发器是在审核结算凭证的时候引起触发(审核的时候fts_voucher会有新值传入)
create or replace trigger fts_v_b before insert or update on fts_voucher_b for each row declare -- local variables here accode char(6); vcode char(6); vRowsCount number; begin select nvl(count(*),0) into vRowsCount from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; if vRowsCount > 0 then select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode,vcode from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; else return; end if; if accode<>vcode then raise_application_error(-20001,'结算凭证账户'||accode||'和客商'||vcode|| '不一致!'); end if; end fts_v_b;
create or replace trigger CHECK_VOUCHER before insert or update on fts_voucher for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_voucher from fts_voucher_b where pk_voucher = id and pk_voucher in (select fts_voucher_b.pk_voucher from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where fts_voucher_b.pk_ass = gl_freevalue.freevalueid and fts_voucher_b.pk_account = bd_accid.pk_accid and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0' and bd_accid.accidcode <> gl_freevalue.valuecode); begin open basjob(:new.pk_voucher); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; --raise_application_error(-20001,pk_accidcode||'hhh'); end loop; close basjob; if pk_bas is not null then begin raise_application_error(-20001, '结算凭证'|| :new.cent_typeid ||'账户和客商不一致,请删除,之后重新填写结算凭证!'); end; end if; end CHECK_VOUCHER;
但是奇怪啊,我明明写的是before insert or update on fts_voucher ,修改结算凭证是针对fts_voucher_b的,为什么这里会触发呢
4.1 23:13更新:after触发器试一下
4.3 1:34 update:
create or replace trigger CHECK_VOUCHER before insert or update on fts_voucher for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); accode char(6); vcode char(6); cursor basjob(id char) is select fts_voucher_b.pk_voucher,bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode from fts_voucher_b,bd_accid, gl_freevalue where fts_voucher_b.pk_voucher = id and fts_voucher_b.pk_ass = gl_freevalue.freevalueid and fts_voucher_b.pk_account = bd_accid.pk_accid and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; begin open basjob(:new.pk_voucher); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas, accode , vcode; exit when basjob%notfound; --raise_application_error(-20001,pk_accidcode||'hhh'); end loop; close basjob; if pk_bas is not null then if accode<>vcode then begin raise_application_error(-20001,:new.pk_voucher||:old.pk_voucher||'结算凭证号:'||:new.cent_typeid||'的账户'||accode|| '和客商辅助'||vcode||'不一致,请修改!'); update fts_voucher set pk_voucher='1162N51000000001'||substr(:new.pk_voucher,17,4) where pk_voucher=:old.pk_voucher; update fts_voucher_b set pk_voucher='1162N51000000001'||substr(:new.pk_voucher,17,4) where pk_voucher=:old.pk_voucher; end; end if; end if; end CHECK_VOUCHER;
4.6 0:34 更新 ,明天继续问一路
create or replace trigger fts_v_b before insert OR update on fts_voucher_b for each row begin select bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where :new.pk_ass = gl_freevalue.freevalueid and :new.pk_account= bd_accid.pk_accid and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0' if bd_accid.accidcode<>gl_freevalue.valuecode then aise_application_error(-20001, '结算凭证'||'账户和客商不一致,请删除,之后重新填写结算凭证!'); end; end if; end fts_v_b;
更新4.6 13:38
create or replace trigger fts_v_b before insert or update on fts_voucher_b for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); begin select distinct :new.pk_voucher into pk_bas from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0' and bd_accid.accidcode != gl_freevalue.valuecode; if pk_bas is not null then raise_application_error(-20001,'结算凭证账户和客商不一致!'); end if; end fts_v_b;
create or replace trigger fts_v_b before insert or update on fts_voucher_b for each row declare -- local variables here accode char(6); vcode char(6); begin select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode,vcode from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode)='6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode,0,1)='0'; if nvl(accode,'')<>nvl(vcode,'') then raise_application_error(-20001,'结算凭证账户'||accode||'和客商'||vcode|| '不一致!'); end if; end fts_v_b;
2012.4.6 14:15更新:
create or replace trigger fts_v_b before insert or update on fts_voucher_b for each row declare -- local variables here accode char(6); vcode char(6); vRowsCount number; begin select nvl(count(*),0) into vRowsCount from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; if vRowsCount > 0 then select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode,vcode from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; else return; end if; if accode<>vcode then raise_application_error(-20001,'次结算凭证账户'||accode||'和客商'||vcode|| '不一致,请修改!'); end if; end fts_v_b;
上面的vRowsCount > 0是判断数据存在的。
4.6 18:28更新,这样也行。在accode<>vocde之前先增加 if accode=vcode (实测前后没有影响)
1 create or replace trigger FTS2 2 before insert or update on fts_voucher_b 3 for each row 4 declare 5 -- local variables here 6 accode char(6); 7 vcode char(6); 8 begin 9 10 select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode,vcode 11 from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid 12 where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass 13 and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account 14 and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode)='6' 15 and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode,0,1)='0'; 16 17 if accode=vcode then 18 RETURN; 19 END IF; 20 21 if accode<>vcode then 22 raise_application_error(-20001,'此结算凭证账户:'||accode||'和客商辅助:'||vcode|| '不一致,请修改!'); 23 end if; 24 25 end FTS2;
18:43 更新,使用 else if
create or replace trigger FTS2
before insert or update on fts_voucher_b
for each row
-- local variables here
accode char(6);
vcode char(6);
select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode,vcode
from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid
where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass
and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account
and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode)='6'
and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode,0,1)='0';
if accode=vcode then
else if accode<>vcode then
raise_application_error(-20001,'此结算凭证账户:'||accode||'和客商辅助:'||vcode|| '不一致,请修改!');
end if;
end if;
end FTS2;
4.9 9:09更新
改用eric hu的触发器之后解决。
4.9 14:23更新:中午测试了一下,发现不使用count*数量变量的触发器下面,如果结算凭证分录里面都是涉及到1003,也就是有客商和账户的,没有问题,但是只要有一行是其他科目,没有账户和客商辅助,就不能保存,触发器提示没有数据。
更新了一下eric hu的sql,更容易看懂(可以看出accode<>vcode受到前面 vRowsCount > 0的影响,否则accode和vcode就没有传值)
1 create or replace trigger fts_v_b 2 before insert or update on fts_voucher_b 3 for each row 4 declare 5 -- local variables here 6 accode char(6); 7 vcode char(6); 8 vRowsCount number; 9 begin 10 select nvl(count(*),0) into vRowsCount from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid 11 where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass 12 and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account 13 and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' 14 and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; 15 16 if vRowsCount > 0 then 17 select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode,vcode 18 from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid 19 where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass 20 and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account 21 and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' 22 and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; 23 24 if accode<>vcode then 25 raise_application_error(-20001,'此结算凭证账户:'||accode||'和客商辅助:'||vcode|| '不一致,请修改!'); 26 27 end if; 28 else 29 return; 30 end if; 31 end fts_v_b;
2012.4.13 14:42 更新exception用法,这样可以不用那个数量变量了(exception必须要放在最后)
create or replace trigger FTS2 before insert or update on fts_voucher_b for each row declare -- local variables here accode char(6); vcode char(6); begin select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode, vcode from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid = :new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid = :new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; if accode = vcode then return; end if; if accode <> vcode then raise_application_error(-20001,'次结算凭证账户'||accode||'和客商'||vcode|| '不一致,请修改!'); end if; exception when no_data_found then return; end FTS2;
下面是if else的用法,简化了一些sql
1 create or replace trigger FTS2 2 before insert or update on fts_voucher_b 3 for each row 4 declare 5 -- local variables here 6 accode char(6); 7 vcode char(6); 8 begin 9 10 select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode 11 into accode, vcode 12 from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid 13 where gl_freevalue.freevalueid = :new.pk_ass 14 and bd_accid.pk_accid = :new.pk_account 15 and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' 16 and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; 17 18 19 if accode = vcode then 20 return; 21 else 22 raise_application_error(-20001,'次结算凭证账户'||accode||'和客商'||vcode|| '不一致,请修改!'); 23 end if; 24 25 exception 26 when no_data_found then 27 return; 28 end FTS2;
更新4.14 22:50,看看一周前略显幼稚的写法,不过思路已经成型:
1 create or replace trigger fts_v_b 2 3 before insert OR update on fts_voucher_b 4 5 for each row 6 7 8 9 begin 10 11 select bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid 12 13 where :new.pk_ass = gl_freevalue.freevalueid 14 15 and :new.pk_account= bd_accid.pk_accid 16 17 and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' 18 19 and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0' 20 21 if bd_accid.accidcode<>gl_freevalue.valuecode 22 23 then aise_application_error(-20001, 24 25 '结算凭证'||'账户和客商不一致,请删除,之后重新填写结算凭证!'); 26 27 end; 28 29 end if; 30 31 end fts_v_b;