将一下3个脚本放到一个目录里,做成一个 python 的包即可使用
#!/usr/bin/env python # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ # Author: "Edward.Liu" # Author-Email: lonnyliu@126.compile """ process hanlde files incloud 1.process status use request get Url returncode 2.process Stop use psutil kill process 3.process start use subprocess run shell start process 4.process log use process logs 5.process restart """ # Improt Libary import psutil from subprocess import PIPE, Popen, STDOUT import os import sys import requests import datetime # Set vars process_name = "/software/apache-tomcat-jenkins" url = "" def process_id(): # use process name get process pid process_base_str = "-Dcatalina.base=%s" % process_name pid = {} for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name', 'cmdline']) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: if process_base_str in pinfo.get('cmdline'): pid[process_name] = pinfo.get('pid') return pid def process_judgment(): # 判断 URL 的状态码 messages = "" try: jenkins_r = requests.get(url, timeout=None) return jenkins_r.status_code except requests.ConnectTimeout: messges = "Timeout" return messges except requests.ConnectionError: messages = "connection" return messages except requests.HTTPError: messages = "httperror" return messages else: return messages def process_status(): # judgment process status if not process_id().get(process_name) is None: if process_judgment() == 200: print "\033[32mProcess %s normal\033[0m" \ % process_name.split('/')[2] else: print "\033[31mProcess Dont Access By:%s\033[0m" % url + "\n"\ "\033[31mMesages:%s" % process_judgment() else: print "\033[31mProcess %s does not exist" % process_name.split('/')[2] def process_log_info(): process_log = "tail -f %s/logs/catalina.out " % process_name process_logs = Popen(process_log, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) returncode = process_logs.poll() try: while returncode is None: line = process_logs.stdout.readline() returncode = process_logs.poll() line = line.strip() print line print returncode except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'ctrl+d or z' def process_kill(): # judgment process exist if process_id().get(process_name) is None: print "\033[31mProcess %s is Not Started" % process_name.split('/')[2] sys.exit(0) elif not process_id().get(process_name) is None \ and process_judgment() != 200: print "\033[31mProcess %s is Started But Process access Failed \ Messages:" % (process_name, process_judgment()) sys.exit(0) # stop process PROCESSID = process_id().get(process_name) p = psutil.Process(pid=PROCESSID) p.kill() if process_id().get(process_name) is None: print "\033[32mprocess %s stop OK!!!\033[0m" \ % process_name.split('/')[2] else: print "\033[31mProcess %s Stop Failed\!!![033[0m" \ % process_name.split('/')[2] def process_init(): # start process os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "/software/java_1.7" start_time = datetime.datetime.now() process_init_command = "%s/bin/startup.sh" % process_name start = Popen(process_init_command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = start.communicate() print stderr print "\033[32mWaitting Process %s Start OK !!!\033[0m" \ % process_name.split('/')[2] while process_judgment() != 200: pass end_time = datetime.datetime.now() print "\033[32mprocess start time(s):%s\033[0m" \ % (end_time - start_time).seconds
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ 3 # Author: "Edward.Liu" 4 # Author-Email: lonnyliu@126.compile 5 6 7 import os 8 import zipfile 9 import datetime 10 11 # set process directory vars 12 DEPLOY_ENV = "mobile" 13 DEPLOY_WAR = "cybershop-%s-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war" % DEPLOY_ENV 14 UPLOAD_WAR_DIRECTORY = "/software/source_files" 15 DEPLOY_TMP = "/software/deploy_tmp/" 16 DEPLOY_REALY = "/software/deploy_%s/" % DEPLOY_ENV 17 STATIC_DIRECTORY = "/data/www" 18 PICTURE_DIRECTORY = "/software/picture" 19 # Set process Diectory Vars end 20 # Set Process Used dir 21 Source_Path = "%s/%s" % (UPLOAD_WAR_DIRECTORY, DEPLOY_WAR) 22 now_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") 23 Last_File = "%s%s-%s" % (DEPLOY_TMP, DEPLOY_WAR.split('.war')[0], now_time) 24 # Set process Used End 25 26 27 def process_judgment_dir(): 28 # 判断目录是否存在 29 if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_WAR_DIRECTORY): 30 os.makedirs(UPLOAD_WAR_DIRECTORY) 31 elif not os.path.exists(DEPLOY_TMP): 32 os.makedirs(DEPLOY_TMP) 33 elif not os.path.exists(DEPLOY_REALY): 34 os.makedirs(DEPLOY_REALY) 35 else: 36 print "\033[32mUsed Dir Is exists\033[0m" 37 38 39 def process_source(): 40 """ 41 1.解压部署文件 42 2.创建图片存放目录 43 """ 44 ret = 0 45 # 图片目录创建 46 Last_File_Pic = "%s/assets" % Last_File 47 if not os.path.exists(Last_File): 48 # 创建程序目录 49 os.makedirs(Last_File) 50 # 创建图片目录 51 os.makedirs(Last_File_Pic) 52 try: 53 zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(Source_Path, 'r') 54 zip_ref.extractall(Last_File) 55 zip_ref.close() 56 ret = 1 57 return ret 58 except IOError: 59 print "\033[31m%s Is Not Exists Please send Files\033[0m" \ 60 % DEPLOY_WAR.split('.war')[0] 61 return ret 62 63 64 def process_link(): 65 if process_source() == 1: 66 # 创建项目启动所需链接 67 dest_pic = "%s/assets/upload" % Last_File 68 dest_static = "%s/www" % Last_File 69 os.symlink(PICTURE_DIRECTORY, dest_pic) 70 os.symlink(STATIC_DIRECTORY, dest_static) 71 # 创建项目启动所需链接----END 72 # 创建启动程序链接 73 dest_deploy_path = "%s%s" % (DEPLOY_REALY, DEPLOY_WAR.split('.war')[0]) 74 os.symlink(Last_File, dest_deploy_path) 75 if os.path.islink(dest_deploy_path): 76 print "\033[32mCrate Link Process Is Scueeful\033[0m" 77 # 创建启动程序链接----END
#!/usr/bin/env python # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ # Author: "Edward.Liu" # Author-Email: lonnyliu@126.compile import handle_files import handle_process import argparse import sys import time import datetime def check_arg(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="EG: '%(prog)s' -p start|stop") parser.add_argument('-p', '--process', default='log', help='Input One of the {start|stop|status|log}') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.1') if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) return parser.parse_args(args) def main(): args = check_arg(sys.argv[1:]) if args.process == "start": handle_process.process_init() elif args.process == "stop": handle_process.process_kill() elif args.process == "status": handle_process.process_status() elif args.process == "log": handle_process.process_log_info() elif args.process == "restart": handle_process.process_kill() time.sleep(10) handle_process.process_init() elif args.process == "deploy": handle_files.process_judgment_dir() print "\033[32mWaitting Unzip project\033[0m" + "." * 10 start_time = datetime.datetime.now() handle_files.process_source() end_time = datetime.datetime.now() print "\033[32mPorject Unzip End-time(s):%s\033[0m" \ % (end_time - start_time).seconds handle_process.process_kill() handle_files.process_link() handle_process.process_init() if __name__ == '__main__': main()