

     * Sets the directory that stores vendor files.
   * 设置存储厂商文件的目录。 * @param string $path the directory that stores vendor files.
*/ public function setVendorPath($path) { // 获取vendor的路径,并存到_vendorPath中 $this->_vendorPath = Yii::getAlias($path); // 设置@vendor的alias Yii::setAlias('@vendor', $this->_vendorPath); // 设置@bower的alias Yii::setAlias('@bower', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bower'); // 设置@npm的alias Yii::setAlias('@npm', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'npm'); } /** * Returns the time zone used by this application.
   *返回此应用程序使用的时间。 * This is a simple wrapper of PHP function date_default_timezone_get().
   *这是PHP函数date_default_timezone_set()的一个简单的包装。 * If time zone is not configured in php.ini or application config,
   * 如果时间时区不在php.ini或者application confg里面配置, * it will be set to UTC by default.
   *它将被默认设置为UTC。 * @return string the time zone used by this application. * @see
http://php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-get.php */ public function getTimeZone() { // date_default_timezone_get — 取得一个脚本中所有日期时间函数所使用的默认时区 return date_default_timezone_get(); } /** * Sets the time zone used by this application.
   *设置此应用程序使用的时区。 * This is a simple wrapper of PHP function date_default_timezone_set().
   *这是PHP函数date_default_timezone_set()的一个简单的包装。 * Refer to the [php manual](
http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php) for available timezones. * @param string $value the time zone used by this application. * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-set.php */ public function setTimeZone($value) { // date_default_timezone_set — 设定用于一个脚本中所有日期时间函数的默认时区 date_default_timezone_set($value); }


 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\base;
use Yii;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\web\Link;
use yii\web\Linkable;
 * ArrayableTrait provides a common implementation of the [[Arrayable]] interface.
 * ArrayableTrait implements [[toArray()]] by respecting the field definitions as declared
 * in [[fields()]] and [[extraFields()]].
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @since 2.0
trait ArrayableTrait

    /** In this method, you may also want to return different lists of fields based on some context
     * information. For example, depending on the privilege of the current application user,
     * you may return different sets of visible fields or filter out some fields.
* The default implementation of this method returns the public object member variables indexed by themselves. *此方法的默认实现返回自己索引的公众对象的成员变量 * @return array the list of field names or field definitions. * @see toArray() */ public function fields() { // 获取该对象的 public 成员变量的名列表,赋给 $fields $fields = array_keys(Yii::getObjectVars($this)); // array_combine — 创建一个数组,用一个数组的值作为其键名,另一个数组的值作为其值 // 返回数组, keys 和 values 都是 $fields return array_combine($fields, $fields); } /** * Converts the model into an array. *该模型转换成一个数组。 * * If the model implements the [[Linkable]] interface, the resulting array will also have a `_link` element * which refers to a list of links as specified by the interface. *如果模型实现了[可链接]界面,由此产生的阵列也将有一个`link`元素,它由接口指定指链接列表。 * @param array $fields the fields being requested. If empty, all fields as specified by [[fields()]] will be returned. * @param array $expand the additional fields being requested for exporting. Only fields declared in [[extraFields()]] * will be considered. * @param boolean $recursive whether to recursively return array representation of embedded objects. * @return array the array representation of the object */ public function toArray(array $fields = [], array $expand = [], $recursive = true) { $data = []; foreach ($this->resolveFields($fields, $expand) as $field => $definition) { // 如果是 string, 就返回当前对象的该属性, 否则调用 call_user_func 去执行 $definition 函数 $data[$field] = is_string($definition) ? $this->$definition : call_user_func($definition, $this, $field); } if ($this instanceof Linkable) { $data['_links'] = Link::serialize($this->getLinks()); } return $recursive ? ArrayHelper::toArray($data) : $data; } /** * Determines which fields can be returned by [[toArray()]]. * 决定哪些 fields 会通过 toArray() 返回 * This method will check the requested fields against those declared in [[fields()]] and [[extraFields()]] * to determine which fields can be returned.
   * 此方法将检查对那些在[[fields()],并宣布必填字段[extraFields()]] 以确定哪些领域可以退换。 * @param array $fields the fields being requested for exporting * @param array $expand the additional fields being requested for exporting * @return array the list of fields to be exported. The array keys are the field names, and the array values * are the corresponding object property names or PHP callables returning the field values.
*/ protected function resolveFields(array $fields, array $expand) { $result = []; // 循环 $this->fields() 中取得的 fields foreach ($this->fields() as $field => $definition) { if (is_integer($field)) { // 如果 $field 是 int, 就将 $definition 赋值给 $field $field = $definition; } if (empty($fields) || in_array($field, $fields, true)) { // 如果 $fields 为空, 或者 $field 在 $fields 中, 就将 $definition 赋到 $result 中 // 即 $fields 为空,就将所有的对象的属性都放入到结果中 // 不为空时,如果当前对象的属性在 $fields 中存在, 就将对象中定义的该属性的值放入到结果中 $result[$field] = $definition; } } if (empty($expand)) { return $result; } // 循环 $this->extraFields() 中取得的 fields foreach ($this->extraFields() as $field => $definition) { if (is_integer($field)) { // 如果 $field 是 int, 就将 $definition 赋值给 $field $field = $definition; } if (in_array($field, $expand, true)) { // 如果$field 在 $expand 中, 就将 $definition 赋到 $result 中 // 即当前对象的扩展属性在 $fields 中存在, 就将对象中定义的该扩展属性的值放入到结果中 $result[$field] = $definition; } } return $result; } }



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