
1. 客户端与NameNode接口 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol

public interface ClientProtocol extends VersionedProtocol {

  public int GET_STATS_CAPACITY_IDX = 0;

  public int GET_STATS_USED_IDX = 1;

  public int GET_STATS_REMAINING_IDX = 2;




  public LocatedBlocks  getBlockLocations(String src,

                                          long offset,

                                          long length) throws IOException;


  public void create(String src,

                     FsPermission masked,

                             String clientName,

                             boolean overwrite,

                             boolean createParent,

                             short replication,

                             long blockSize

                             ) throws IOException;



  public void create(String src,

                     FsPermission masked,

                             String clientName,

                             boolean overwrite,

                             short replication,

                             long blockSize

                             ) throws IOException;


  public LocatedBlock append(String src, String clientName) throws IOException;



  public boolean recoverLease(String src, String clientName) throws IOException;


  public booleansetReplication(String src,

                                short replication

                                ) throws IOException;



  public void setPermission(String src, FsPermission permission

      ) throws IOException;


  public void setOwner(String src, String username, String groupname

      ) throws IOException;


  public void abandonBlock(Block b, String src, String holder

      ) throws IOException;


  public LocatedBlock addBlock(String src, String clientName) throws IOException;



  public LocatedBlock addBlock(String src, String clientName,

                               DatanodeInfo[] excludedNodes) throws IOException;


  public boolean complete(String src, String clientName) throws IOException;


  public voidreportBadBlocks(LocatedBlock[] blocks) throws IOException;


  public boolean rename(String src, String dst) throws IOException;


  public boolean delete(String src) throws IOException;



  public boolean delete(String src, boolean recursive) throws IOException;


  public boolean mkdirs(String src, FsPermission masked) throws IOException;


  public DirectoryListing getListing(String src, byte[] startAfter)

  throws IOException;


  public void renewLease(String clientName) throws IOException;



  public long[] getStats() throws IOException;


  public DatanodeInfo[] getDatanodeReport(FSConstants.DatanodeReportType type)

  throws IOException;



  public longgetPreferredBlockSize(String filename) throws IOException;



  public booleansetSafeMode(FSConstants.SafeModeAction action) throws IOException;


  public void saveNamespace() throws IOException;


  public void refreshNodes() throws IOException;



  public void finalizeUpgrade() throws IOException;



  public UpgradeStatusReport distributedUpgradeProgress(UpgradeAction action)

  throws IOException;



  public void metaSave(String filename) throws IOException;



  public voidsetBalancerBandwidth(long bandwidth) throws IOException;


  public HdfsFileStatus getFileInfo(String src) throws IOException;



  public ContentSummary getContentSummary(String path) throws IOException;



  public void setQuota(String path, long namespaceQuota, long diskspaceQuota)

                      throws IOException;



  public void fsync(String src, String client) throws IOException;



  public void setTimes(String src, long mtime, long atime) throws IOException;



  public TokenDelegationTokenIdentifiergetDelegationToken(Text renewer) throws IOException;



  public longrenewDelegationToken(TokenDelegationTokenIdentifier token)

      throws IOException;


  public voidcancelDelegationToken(TokenDelegationTokenIdentifier token)




2.客户端与DataNode接口 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientDatanodeProtocol

public interface ClientDatanodeProtocol extends VersionedProtocol {

  public static final long versionID = 4L;


  LocatedBlock recoverBlock(Block block, boolean keepLength,

      DatanodeInfo[] targets) throws IOException;


  Block getBlockInfo(Block block) throws IOException;



  BlockLocalPathInfo getBlockLocalPathInfo(Block block,

      TokenBlockTokenIdentifiertoken) throws IOException; 


3. ClientProtocolClientDatanodeProtocol相关的类



public classBlock implements Writable, ComparableBlock {

  private long blockId;

  private long numBytes;

  private long generationStamp;


已经定位的数据块 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock

public class LocatedBlock implements Writable {

  private Block b;

  private long offset // offset of the first byte of the block in the file

  private DatanodeInfo[] locs;

  private TokenBlockTokenIdentifier blockToken = new   TokenBlockTokenIdentifier();



public class LocatedBlocks implements Writable {

  private long fileLength;

  private ListLocatedBlock blocks;  

  private boolean underConstruction;




public class BlockLocalPathInfo implements Writable {

  private Block block;

  private String localBlockPath = "" // local file storing the data

  privateString localMetaPath = "";   // local file storing the checksum


 DataNode信息 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo

public class DatanodeInfo extends DatanodeID implements Node {

  protected long capacity;

  protected long dfsUsed;

  protected long remaining;

  protected long lastUpdate;

  protected int xceiverCount;

  protected String location = NetworkTopology.DEFAULT_RACK;


  protected String hostName = null;


  // administrative states of a datanode


  protectedAdminStates adminState;




public class DatanodeID implements WritableComparableDatanodeID {

  public static final DatanodeID[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};


  public String name;      /// hostname:portNumber

  public String storageID; /// unique per cluster storageID

  protected int infoPort;     /// the port where the infoserver is running

  public int ipcPort;  



public class HdfsFileStatus implements Writable {

  private byte[] path // local name of the inode that's encoded in java UTF8

  private long length;

  private boolean isdir;

  private short block_replication;

  private long blocksize;

  private long modification_time;

  private long access_time;

  private FsPermission permission;

  private String owner;

  privateString group;


多个目录属性 apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DirectoryListing

public class DirectoryListing implements Writable {

  private HdfsFileStatus[] partialListing;

  private int remainingEntries;



4.DataNodeNameNode接口 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol. DatanodeProtocol

public interface DatanodeProtocol extends VersionedProtocol {


  public static final long versionID = 25L;


  // error code

  final static int NOTIFY = 0;

  final static int DISK_ERROR = 1; // there are still valid volumes on DN

  final static int INVALID_BLOCK = 2;

  final static int FATAL_DISK_ERROR = 3; // no valid volumes left on DN



  final static int DNA_UNKNOWN = 0;    // unknown action  

  final static int DNA_TRANSFER = 1;   // transfer blocks to another datanode

  final static int DNA_INVALIDATE = 2; // invalidate blocks

  final static int DNA_SHUTDOWN = 3;   // shutdown node

  final static int DNA_REGISTER = 4;   // re-register

  final static int DNA_FINALIZE = 5;   // finalize previous upgrade

  final static int DNA_RECOVERBLOCK = 6;  // request a block recovery

  final static int DNA_ACCESSKEYUPDATE = 7;  // update access key

  final static int DNA_BALANCERBANDWIDTHUPDATE = 8; // update balancer bandwidth


  public DatanodeRegistration register(DatanodeRegistration registration

                                       ) throws IOException;


  public DatanodeCommand[] sendHeartbeat(DatanodeRegistration registration,

                                       long capacity,

                                       long dfsUsed, long remaining,

                                       int xmitsInProgress,

                                       int xceiverCount) throws IOException;


  public DatanodeCommand blockReport(DatanodeRegistration registration,

                                     long[] blocks) throws IOException;


  public voidblocksBeingWrittenReport(DatanodeRegistration registration,

      long[] blocks) throws IOException;


  public voidblockReceived(DatanodeRegistration registration,

                            Block blocks[],

                            String[] delHints) throws IOException;


  public void errorReport(DatanodeRegistration registration,

                          int errorCode,

                          String msg) throws IOException;


  public NamespaceInfo versionRequest() throws IOException;


  UpgradeCommand processUpgradeCommand(UpgradeCommand comm) throws IOException;


  public voidreportBadBlocks(LocatedBlock[] blocks) throws IOException;


  public longnextGenerationStamp(Block block, boolean fromNN) throws IOException;


  public voidcommitBlockSynchronization(Block block,

      long newgenerationstamp, long newlength,

      boolean closeFile, boolean deleteblock, DatanodeID[] newtargets

      ) throws IOException;



.5DataNode之间接口org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol. InterDatanodeProtocol

public interfaceInterDatanodeProtocol extends VersionedProtocol {

  public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(InterDatanodeProtocol.class);


  public static final long versionID = 3L;


  BlockMetaDataInfo getBlockMetaDataInfo(Block block) throws IOException;


  BlockRecoveryInfo startBlockRecovery(Block block) throws IOException;


  void updateBlock(Block oldblock, Block newblock, boolean finalize) throws IOException;



6.SecondNameNodeNameNode接口 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol. NamenodeProtocol

public interface NamenodeProtocol extends VersionedProtocol {


  public static final long versionID = 3L;


  public BlocksWithLocations getBlocks(DatanodeInfo datanode, long size)

  throws IOException;


  public ExportedBlockKeys getBlockKeys() throws IOException;


  public long getEditLogSize() throws IOException;


  public CheckpointSignature rollEditLog() throws IOException;


  public void rollFsImage() throws IOException;


7. DatanodeProtocolInterDatanodeProtocolNamenodeProtocol相关的类

DataNode注册 : org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeRegistration

public class DatanodeRegistration extends DatanodeID implements Writable {


  public StorageInfo storageInfo;

  publicExportedBlockKeys exportedKeys;  //安全相关



public class StorageInfo {

  public int   layoutVersion // Version read from the stored file.

  public int   namespaceID;    // namespace id of the storage

  public long cTime;  



public class NamespaceInfo extends StorageInfo implements Writable {

  String  buildVersion;

  int distributedUpgradeVersion;



public interface DatanodeProtocol extends VersionedProtocol {

  final static int DNA_UNKNOWN = 0;    // unknown action  

  final static int DNA_TRANSFER = 1;   // transfer blocks to another datanode

  final static int DNA_INVALIDATE = 2; // invalidate blocks

  final static int DNA_SHUTDOWN = 3;   // shutdown node

  final static int DNA_REGISTER = 4;   // re-register

  final static int DNA_FINALIZE = 5;   // finalize previous upgrade

  final static int DNA_RECOVERBLOCK = 6;  // request a block recovery

  final static int DNA_ACCESSKEYUPDATE = 7;  // update access key

  final static int DNA_BALANCERBANDWIDTHUPDATE = 8; // update balancer bandwidth



public abstract class DatanodeCommand implements Writable {

  static class Register extends DatanodeCommand {

    private Register() {super(DatanodeProtocol.DNA_REGISTER);}

    public void readFields(DataInput in) {}

    public void write(DataOutput out) {}



  static class Finalize extends DatanodeCommand {

    private Finalize() {super(DatanodeProtocol.DNA_FINALIZE);}

    public void readFields(DataInput in) {}

    public void write(DataOutput out) {}


  public static final DatanodeCommand REGISTER = new Register();

  public static final DatanodeCommand FINALIZE = new Finalize();


  private int action;


8.DataNode间非IPC接口: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DataTransferProtocol


public interface DataTransferProtocol {

  public static final int DATA_TRANSFER_VERSION = 17;


  // Processed at datanode stream-handler

  public static final byte OP_WRITE_BLOCK = (byte) 80;

  public static final byte OP_READ_BLOCK = (byte) 81;


  @Deprecated public static final byte OP_READ_METADATA = (byte) 82;

  public static final byte OP_REPLACE_BLOCK = (byte) 83;

  public static final byte OP_COPY_BLOCK = (byte) 84;

  public static final byte OP_BLOCK_CHECKSUM = (byte) 85;


  public static final int OP_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; 

  public static final int OP_STATUS_ERROR = 1; 

  public static final int OP_STATUS_ERROR_CHECKSUM = 2; 

  public static final int OP_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID = 3; 

  public static final int OP_STATUS_ERROR_EXISTS = 4; 

  public static final int OP_STATUS_ERROR_ACCESS_TOKEN = 5;

  public static final int OP_STATUS_CHECKSUM_OK = 6;



  public static class PipelineAck implements Writable {

    private long seqno;

    private short replies[];

    final public static long UNKOWN_SEQNO = -2;



9.SecondaryNameNode NameNode 的非IPC接口




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