Akka源码分析-Remote-Creating Actors Remotely



def startRemoteCreationSystem(): Unit = {
    val system =
      ActorSystem("CreationSystem", ConfigFactory.load("remotecreation"))
    val actor = system.actorOf(Props[CreationActor],
      name = "creationActor")

    println("Started CreationSystem")
    import system.dispatcher
    system.scheduler.schedule(1.second, 1.second) {
      if (Random.nextInt(100) % 2 == 0)
        actor ! Multiply(Random.nextInt(20), Random.nextInt(20))
        actor ! Divide(Random.nextInt(10000), (Random.nextInt(99) + 1))



include "common"

akka {
  actor {
    deployment {
      "/creationActor/*" {
        remote = "akka.tcp://CalculatorWorkerSystem@"

  remote.netty.tcp.port = 2554


    val ref = system.actorOf(Props[SampleActor].
      withDeploy(Deploy(scope = RemoteScope(address))))


   * Returns a new Props with the specified deployment configuration.
  def withDeploy(d: Deploy): Props = copy(deploy = d withFallback deploy)



def actorOf(props: Props, name: String): ActorRef =
    if (guardianProps.isEmpty) guardian.underlying.attachChild(props, name, systemService = false)
    else throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
      s"cannot create top-level actor [$name] from the outside on ActorSystem with custom user guardian")


  override val deployer: Deployer = createDeployer

   * Factory method to make it possible to override deployer in subclass
   * Creates a new instance every time
  protected def createDeployer: RemoteDeployer = new RemoteDeployer(settings, dynamicAccess)

  private val local = new LocalActorRefProvider(systemName, settings, eventStream, dynamicAccess, deployer,
    Some(deadLettersPath ⇒ new RemoteDeadLetterActorRef(this, deadLettersPath, eventStream)))
override def guardian: LocalActorRef = local.guardian


  private[akka] def attachChild(props: Props, name: String, systemService: Boolean): ActorRef =
    makeChild(this, props, checkName(name), async = true, systemService = systemService)
private def makeChild(cell: ActorCell, props: Props, name: String, async: Boolean, systemService: Boolean): ActorRef = { if (cell.system.settings.SerializeAllCreators && !systemService && props.deploy.scope != LocalScope) { val oldInfo = Serialization.currentTransportInformation.value try { val ser = SerializationExtension(cell.system) if (oldInfo eq null) Serialization.currentTransportInformation.value = system.provider.serializationInformation props.args forall (arg ⇒ arg == null || arg.isInstanceOf[NoSerializationVerificationNeeded] || { val o = arg.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] val serializer = ser.findSerializerFor(o) val bytes = serializer.toBinary(o) val ms = Serializers.manifestFor(serializer, o) ser.deserialize(bytes, serializer.identifier, ms).get != null }) } catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"pre-creation serialization check failed at [${cell.self.path}/$name]", e) } finally Serialization.currentTransportInformation.value = oldInfo } /* * in case we are currently terminating, fail external attachChild requests * (internal calls cannot happen anyway because we are suspended) */ if (cell.childrenRefs.isTerminating) throw new IllegalStateException("cannot create children while terminating or terminated") else { reserveChild(name) // this name will either be unreserved or overwritten with a real child below val actor = try { val childPath = new ChildActorPath(cell.self.path, name, ActorCell.newUid()) cell.provider.actorOf(cell.systemImpl, props, cell.self, childPath, systemService = systemService, deploy = None, lookupDeploy = true, async = async) } catch { case e: InterruptedException ⇒ unreserveChild(name) Thread.interrupted() // clear interrupted flag before throwing according to java convention throw e case NonFatal(e) ⇒ unreserveChild(name) throw e } // mailbox==null during RoutedActorCell constructor, where suspends are queued otherwise if (mailbox ne null) for (_ ← 1 to mailbox.suspendCount) actor.suspend() initChild(actor) actor.start() actor } }

   而且默认配置下cell.system.settings.SerializeAllCreators是false,所以最终会调用cell.provider.actorOf(cell.systemImpl, props, cell.self, childPath,systemService = systemService, deploy = None, lookupDeploy = true, async = async),其中systemService是false,deploy是None,lookupDeploy是true,async是true。


def actorOf(system: ActorSystemImpl, props: Props, supervisor: InternalActorRef, path: ActorPath,
              systemService: Boolean, deploy: Option[Deploy], lookupDeploy: Boolean, async: Boolean): InternalActorRef =
    if (systemService) local.actorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, systemService, deploy, lookupDeploy, async)
    else {

      if (!system.dispatchers.hasDispatcher(props.dispatcher))
        throw new ConfigurationException(s"Dispatcher [${props.dispatcher}] not configured for path $path")

       * This needs to deal with “mangled” paths, which are created by remote
       * deployment, also in this method. The scheme is the following:
       * Whenever a remote deployment is found, create a path on that remote
       * address below “remote”, including the current system’s identification
       * as “sys@host:port” (typically; it will use whatever the remote
       * transport uses). This means that on a path up an actor tree each node
       * change introduces one layer or “remote/scheme/sys@host:port/” within the URI.
       * Example:
       * akka.tcp://sys@home:1234/remote/akka/sys@remote:6667/remote/akka/sys@other:3333/user/a/b/c
       * means that the logical parent originates from “akka.tcp://sys@other:3333” with
       * one child (may be “a” or “b”) being deployed on “akka.tcp://sys@remote:6667” and
       * finally either “b” or “c” being created on “akka.tcp://sys@home:1234”, where
       * this whole thing actually resides. Thus, the logical path is
       * “/user/a/b/c” and the physical path contains all remote placement
       * information.
       * Deployments are always looked up using the logical path, which is the
       * purpose of the lookupRemotes internal method.

      def lookupRemotes(p: Iterable[String]): Option[Deploy] = {
        p.headOption match {
          case None           ⇒ None
          case Some("remote") ⇒ lookupRemotes(p.drop(3))
          case Some("user")   ⇒ deployer.lookup(p.drop(1))
          case Some(_)        ⇒ None

      val elems = path.elements
      val lookup =
        if (lookupDeploy)
          elems.head match {
            case "user" | "system" ⇒ deployer.lookup(elems.drop(1))
            case "remote"          ⇒ lookupRemotes(elems)
            case _                 ⇒ None
        else None

      val deployment = {
        deploy.toList ::: lookup.toList match {
          case Nil ⇒ Nil
          case l   ⇒ List(l reduce ((a, b) ⇒ b withFallback a))

      Iterator(props.deploy) ++ deployment.iterator reduce ((a, b) ⇒ b withFallback a) match {
        case d @ Deploy(_, _, _, RemoteScope(address), _, _) ⇒
          if (hasAddress(address)) {
            local.actorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, false, deployment.headOption, false, async)
          } else if (props.deploy.scope == LocalScope) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(s"configuration requested remote deployment for local-only Props at [$path]")
          } else try {
            try {
              // for consistency we check configuration of dispatcher and mailbox locally
              val dispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(props.dispatcher)
              system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(props, dispatcher.configurator.config)
            } catch {
              case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException(
                s"configuration problem while creating [$path] with dispatcher [${props.dispatcher}] and mailbox [${props.mailbox}]", e)
            val localAddress = transport.localAddressForRemote(address)
            val rpath = (RootActorPath(address) / "remote" / localAddress.protocol / localAddress.hostPort / path.elements).
            new RemoteActorRef(transport, localAddress, rpath, supervisor, Some(props), Some(d))
          } catch {
            case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"remote deployment failed for [$path]", e)

        case _ ⇒
          local.actorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, systemService, deployment.headOption, false, async)


override def parseConfig(path: String, config: Config): Option[Deploy] = {

    super.parseConfig(path, config) match {
      case d @ Some(deploy) ⇒
        deploy.config.getString("remote") match {
          case AddressFromURIString(r) ⇒ Some(deploy.copy(scope = RemoteScope(r)))
          case str if !str.isEmpty     ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException(s"unparseable remote node name [${str}]")
          case _ ⇒
            val nodes = immutableSeq(deploy.config.getStringList("target.nodes")).map(AddressFromURIString(_))
            if (nodes.isEmpty || deploy.routerConfig == NoRouter) d
            else deploy.routerConfig match {
              case r: Pool ⇒ Some(deploy.copy(routerConfig = RemoteRouterConfig(r, nodes)))
              case _       ⇒ d
      case None ⇒ None

   从这里可以看出,配置文件的优先级要高于编程传入的参数。配置读取并设置完成后,会执行以下Iterator(props.deploy) ++ deployment.iterator reduce ((a, b) ⇒ b withFallback a),其实就是将配置文件和编程指定的参数进行合并,可以看出配置文件的优先级更高。但无论哪个配置生效对应deploy的scope都是RemoteScope。由于我们指定的address不是在本地,所以hasAddress(address)返回false,这样最终就创建了一个new RemoteActorRef(transport, localAddress, rpath, supervisor, Some(props), Some(d))实例。



 def start(): Unit =
    if (props.isDefined && deploy.isDefined) remote.provider.useActorOnNode(this, props.get, deploy.get, getParent)


   * Using (checking out) actor on a specific node.
  def useActorOnNode(ref: ActorRef, props: Props, deploy: Deploy, supervisor: ActorRef): Unit = {
    log.debug("[{}] Instantiating Remote Actor [{}]", rootPath, ref.path)

    // we don’t wait for the ACK, because the remote end will process this command before any other message to the new actor
    // actorSelection can't be used here because then it is not guaranteed that the actor is created
    // before someone can send messages to it
    resolveActorRef(RootActorPath(ref.path.address) / "remote") !
      DaemonMsgCreate(props, deploy, ref.path.toSerializationFormat, supervisor)

    remoteDeploymentWatcher ! RemoteDeploymentWatcher.WatchRemote(ref, supervisor)


  def resolveActorRef(path: ActorPath): ActorRef = {
    if (hasAddress(path.address)) local.resolveActorRef(rootGuardian, path.elements)
    else try {
      new RemoteActorRef(transport, transport.localAddressForRemote(path.address),
        path, Nobody, props = None, deploy = None)
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) ⇒
        log.warning("Error while resolving ActorRef [{}] due to [{}]", path, e.getMessage)
        new EmptyLocalActorRef(this, path, eventStream)

   它通过RootActorPath(ref.path.address) / "remote"这个路径创建了又一个RemoteActorRef,然后给他发送了一个DaemonMsgCreate(props, deploy, ref.path.toSerializationFormat, supervisor)消息。那么这个RootActorPath(ref.path.address) / "remote"路径对应的actor应该是什么呢?其实这应该是一个位于目标actor所在节点且名字是remote的actor,那么这个actor什么时候创建的呢?

  其实远程部署有一个前提,就是目标节点的ActorSystem已经启动,那么就意味着RootActorPath(ref.path.address) / "remote"这个actor在远程节点已经启动,我们只需要找到是如何启动、在哪里启动、启动了哪个Actor,就知道是如何处理DaemonMsgCreate消息了。还记得RemoteActorRefProvider的init函数吗,其中有一段代码如下。

 val internals = Internals(
      remoteDaemon = {
        val d = new RemoteSystemDaemon(
          local.rootPath / "remote",
          untrustedMode = remoteSettings.UntrustedMode)
        local.registerExtraNames(Map(("remote", d)))
      transport =
        if (remoteSettings.Artery.Enabled) remoteSettings.Artery.Transport match {
          case ArterySettings.AeronUpd ⇒ new ArteryAeronUdpTransport(system, this)
          case ArterySettings.Tcp      ⇒ new ArteryTcpTransport(system, this, tlsEnabled = false)
          case ArterySettings.TlsTcp   ⇒ new ArteryTcpTransport(system, this, tlsEnabled = true)
        else new Remoting(system, this))

   这段代码中创建了一个RemoteSystemDaemon,这个daemon第二个参数是local.rootPath / "remote",这个值其实是与上文中的RootActorPath(ref.path.address) / "remote"相对应的。

private[akka] final case class DaemonMsgCreate(props: Props, deploy: Deploy, path: String, supervisor: ActorRef) extends DaemonMsg

 * Internal system "daemon" actor for remote internal communication.
 * It acts as the brain of the remote that responds to system remote events (messages) and undertakes action.
private[akka] class RemoteSystemDaemon(
  system:            ActorSystemImpl,
  _path:             ActorPath,
  _parent:           InternalActorRef,
  terminator:        ActorRef,
  _log:              MarkerLoggingAdapter,
  val untrustedMode: Boolean)
  extends VirtualPathContainer(system.provider, _path, _parent, _log) 


  其实在RemoteSystemDaemon创建之后还调用了local.registerExtraNames(Map(("remote", d))),这段代码又是用来做什么的呢?

   * Higher-level providers (or extensions) might want to register new synthetic
   * top-level paths for doing special stuff. This is the way to do just that.
   * Just be careful to complete all this before ActorSystem.start() finishes,
   * or before you start your own auto-spawned actors.
  def registerExtraNames(_extras: Map[String, InternalActorRef]): Unit = extraNames ++= _extras



   * INTERNAL API: This is used by the `ActorRefResolveCache` via the
   * public `resolveActorRef(path: String)`.
  private[akka] def internalResolveActorRef(path: String): ActorRef = path match {
    case ActorPathExtractor(address, elems) ⇒
      if (hasAddress(address)) local.resolveActorRef(rootGuardian, elems)
      else {
        val rootPath = RootActorPath(address) / elems
        try {
          new RemoteActorRef(transport, transport.localAddressForRemote(address),
            rootPath, Nobody, props = None, deploy = None)
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) ⇒
            log.warning("Error while resolving ActorRef [{}] due to [{}]", path, e.getMessage)
            new EmptyLocalActorRef(this, rootPath, eventStream)
    case _ ⇒
      log.debug("Resolve (deserialization) of unknown (invalid) path [{}], using deadLetters.", path)

   很显然,远程ActorSystem收到的path中的address是属于该远程节点的,也就是说最终会调用local.resolveActorRef(rootGuardian, elems)

  private[akka] def resolveActorRef(ref: InternalActorRef, pathElements: Iterable[String]): InternalActorRef =
    if (pathElements.isEmpty) {
      log.debug("Resolve (deserialization) of empty path doesn't match an active actor, using deadLetters.")
    } else ref.getChild(pathElements.iterator) match {
      case Nobody ⇒
        if (log.isDebugEnabled)
            "Resolve (deserialization) of path [{}] doesn't match an active actor. " +
              "It has probably been stopped, using deadLetters.",
        new EmptyLocalActorRef(system.provider, ref.path / pathElements, eventStream)
      case x ⇒ x


override lazy val rootGuardian: LocalActorRef =
    new LocalActorRef(
      Props(classOf[LocalActorRefProvider.Guardian], rootGuardianStrategy),
      rootPath) {
      override def getParent: InternalActorRef = this
      override def getSingleChild(name: String): InternalActorRef = name match {
        case "temp"        ⇒ tempContainer
        case "deadLetters" ⇒ deadLetters
        case other         ⇒ extraNames.get(other).getOrElse(super.getSingleChild(other))


override def getChild(names: Iterator[String]): InternalActorRef = {
     * The idea is to recursively descend as far as possible with LocalActor
     * Refs and hand over to that “foreign” child when we encounter it.
    def rec(ref: InternalActorRef, name: Iterator[String]): InternalActorRef =
      ref match {
        case l: LocalActorRef ⇒
          val next = name.next() match {
            case ".." ⇒ l.getParent
            case ""   ⇒ l
            case any  ⇒ l.getSingleChild(any)
          if (next == Nobody || name.isEmpty) next else rec(next, name)
        case _ ⇒

    if (names.isEmpty) this
    else rec(this, names)

   names不为空,而且就是“remote”,会去调用rec,rec函数中ref就是this,也就是LocalActorRef,所以会根据name依次查找,由于name就是“remote”,所以会调用getSingleChild,而getSingleChild的实现已经被覆盖。由于name是“remote”,所以会命中覆盖后的getSingleChild函数中case other分支。这个分支的逻辑就是,先去extraNames取值,如果没有查找到则调用super.getSingleChild。很明显在extraNames有"remote"对应的InternalActorRef,那就是RemoteSystemDaemon。

  所以,本地actor给远程RootActorPath(ref.path.address) / "remote"路径下的actor发送的DaemonMsgCreate消息,就会被远程的RemoteSystemDaemon处理。

override def !(msg: Any)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Unit = try msg match {
    case message: DaemonMsg ⇒
      log.debug("Received command [{}] to RemoteSystemDaemon on [{}]", message, path.address)
      message match {
        case DaemonMsgCreate(_, _, path, _) if untrustedMode ⇒
          log.debug("does not accept deployments (untrusted) for [{}]", path) // TODO add security marker?

        case DaemonMsgCreate(props, deploy, path, supervisor) if whitelistEnabled ⇒
          val name = props.clazz.getCanonicalName
          if (remoteDeploymentWhitelist.contains(name))
            doCreateActor(message, props, deploy, path, supervisor)
          else {
            val ex = new NotWhitelistedClassRemoteDeploymentAttemptException(props.actorClass, remoteDeploymentWhitelist)
            log.error(LogMarker.Security, ex,
              "Received command to create remote Actor, but class [{}] is not white-listed! " +
                "Target path: [{}]", props.actorClass, path)
        case DaemonMsgCreate(props, deploy, path, supervisor) ⇒
          doCreateActor(message, props, deploy, path, supervisor)

    case sel: ActorSelectionMessage ⇒
      val (concatenatedChildNames, m) = {
        val iter = sel.elements.iterator
        // find child elements, and the message to send, which is a remaining ActorSelectionMessage
        // in case of SelectChildPattern, otherwise the actual message of the selection
        @tailrec def rec(acc: List[String]): (List[String], Any) =
          if (iter.isEmpty)
            (acc.reverse, sel.msg)
          else {
            iter.next() match {
              case SelectChildName(name)       ⇒ rec(name :: acc)
              case SelectParent if acc.isEmpty ⇒ rec(acc)
              case SelectParent                ⇒ rec(acc.tail)
              case pat: SelectChildPattern     ⇒ (acc.reverse, sel.copy(elements = pat +: iter.toVector))
      getChild(concatenatedChildNames.iterator) match {
        case Nobody ⇒
          val emptyRef = new EmptyLocalActorRef(system.provider, path / sel.elements.map(_.toString),
          emptyRef.tell(sel, sender)
        case child ⇒
          child.tell(m, sender)

    case Identify(messageId) ⇒ sender ! ActorIdentity(messageId, Some(this))

    case TerminationHook ⇒
      terminating.switchOn {
        foreachChild { system.stop }

    case AddressTerminated(address) ⇒
      foreachChild {
        case a: InternalActorRef if a.getParent.path.address == address ⇒ system.stop(a)
        case _ ⇒ // skip, this child doesn't belong to the terminated address

    case unknown ⇒ log.warning(LogMarker.Security, "Unknown message [{}] received by [{}]", unknown, this)

  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) ⇒ log.error(e, "exception while processing remote command [{}] from [{}]", msg, sender)


private def doCreateActor(message: DaemonMsg, props: Props, deploy: Deploy, path: String, supervisor: ActorRef) = {
    path match {
      case ActorPathExtractor(address, elems) if elems.nonEmpty && elems.head == "remote" ⇒
        // TODO RK currently the extracted “address” is just ignored, is that okay?
        // TODO RK canonicalize path so as not to duplicate it always #1446
        val subpath = elems.drop(1)
        val p = this.path / subpath
        val childName = {
          val s = subpath.mkString("/")
          val i = s.indexOf('#')
          if (i < 0) s
          else s.substring(0, i)
        val isTerminating = !terminating.whileOff {
          val parent = supervisor.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef]
          val actor = system.provider.actorOf(system, props, parent,
            p, systemService = false, Some(deploy), lookupDeploy = true, async = false)
          addChild(childName, actor)
          actor.sendSystemMessage(Watch(actor, this))
          if (addChildParentNeedsWatch(parent, actor)) parent.sendSystemMessage(Watch(parent, this))
        if (isTerminating) log.error("Skipping [{}] to RemoteSystemDaemon on [{}] while terminating", message, p.address)
      case _ ⇒
        log.debug("remote path does not match path from message [{}]", message)


DaemonMsgCreate(props, deploy, ref.path.toSerializationFormat, supervisor)




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