在开发过程中rebar自带模板建立项目,或多或少不能满足自己的开发需求。本人又是那种懒人,所以就要想办法偷懒。查看了priv模板 打造适合自己的项目模板。下面我简单的介绍整个模板的打造过程。
1.创建对应的template 目录
2.ctrl+h 查看当前用户目录下是否有一个 .rebar 的文件目录 或者 shell 查看
thinkpad@thinkpad:~$ ll -ps | grep .rebar 4 drwxr-xr-x 10 thinkpad thinkpad 4096 6月 24 22:18 rebar/ 4 drwxrwxr-x 3 thinkpad thinkpad 4096 6月 24 22:22 .rebar/
文中 . rebar 就是rebar 存放自定义template 文件的地方
3 .在.reabr 文件中有一个template的文件夹,如果没有没有请创建一个
4.进入template文件夹中创建一个 simple_game 文件夹 和一个simple_game.template的文件
到此为止,创建rebar tempalte 的准备工作我们就做完了。
3.代码更新,编译后自动重新加载。方便调试 这也是erlang热更新的一个特性
1.准备模板文件 下面是我准备好的模板文件
1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 350 7月 3 12:01 app.config 2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 1120 12月 5 2013 erl.script 3 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 371 7月 3 11:43 game_app.erl 4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 230 7月 3 11:41 game.app.src 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 1564 7月 3 11:43 game.erl 6 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 1439 7月 3 11:43 game_server.erl 7 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 773 7月 3 11:44 game_sup.erl 8 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 63 12月 5 2013 gitignore 9 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 271 12月 5 2013 Makefile 10 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 4819 12月 5 2013 nodetool 11 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 249 6月 16 11:11 README.md 12 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 830 7月 3 11:51 rebar.config 13 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 4829 6月 14 18:57 reloader.erl 14 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 1185 6月 30 16:33 reltool.config 15 -rwxrwxr-x 1 thinkpad thinkpad 4371 12月 5 2013 runner* 16 -rwxrw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 142 7月 3 11:55 start-dev.sh* 17 -rw-rw-r-- 1 thinkpad thinkpad 431 12月 5 2013 vm.args
1 %% -*- erlang -*- 2 3 %% 4 %% project template 5 %% 6 %% Sets up boilerplate for a distributed erlang application that 7 %% supports hot upgrades. 8 %% 9 %% Example: 10 %% 11 %% rebar create template=project projectid=superfly 12 %% 13 % App Files 14 {variables, [{projectid, "myproj"}]}. 15 16 %readme 17 {template, "simple_game/README.md", "{{projectid}}/README.md"}. 18 % Build Files 19 {template, "simple_game/Makefile", "{{projectid}}/Makefile"}. 20 {template, "simple_game/gitignore", "{{projectid}}/.gitignore"}. 21 {template, "simple_game/rebar.config", "{{projectid}}/rebar.config"}. 22 {template, "simple_game/start-dev.sh", "{{projectid}}/start-dev.sh"}. 23 {chmod, 8#744, "{{projectid}}/start-dev.sh"}. 24 25 % App Files 26 {template, "simple_game/game.app.src", "{{projectid}}/apps/{{projectid}}/src/{{projectid}}.app.src"}. 27 {template, "simple_game/reloader.erl", "{{projectid}}/apps/{{projectid}}/src/reloader.erl"}. 28 {template, "simple_game/game.erl", "{{projectid}}/apps/{{projectid}}/src/{{projectid}}.erl"}. 29 {template, "simple_game/game_app.erl", "{{projectid}}/apps/{{projectid}}/src/{{projectid}}_app.erl"}. 30 {template, "simple_game/game_sup.erl", "{{projectid}}/apps/{{projectid}}/src/{{projectid}}_sup.erl"}. 31 {template, "simple_game/game_server.erl", "{{projectid}}/apps/{{projectid}}/src/{{projectid}}_server.erl"}. 32 33 34 % Release files 35 {template, "simple_game/README.md", "{{projectid}}/deps/README.md"}. 36 {template, "simple_game/vm.args", "{{projectid}}/rel/files/vm.args"}. 37 {template, "simple_game/reltool.config", "{{projectid}}/rel/reltool.config"}. 38 {template, "simple_game/app.config", "{{ projectid}}/rel/files/app.config"}. 39 40 {file, "simple_game/erl.script", "{{projectid}}/rel/files/erl"}. 41 {chmod, 8#744, "{{projectid}}/rel/files/erl"}. 42 43 {file, "simple_game/nodetool", "{{projectid}}/rel/files/nodetool"}. 44 {chmod, 8#744, "{{projectid}}/rel/files/nodetool"}. 45 46 {file, "simple_game/runner", "{{projectid}}/rel/files/{{projectid}}"}. 47 {chmod, 8#744, "{{projectid}}/rel/files/{{projectid}}"}.
在rebar文件模板中我们可以看到 这一行 {variables, [{projectid, "myproj"}]}. projectid 就是在rebar中我们传入的参数。在准备好的文件中 我们需要替换或者插入我们参数的地方 使用 {{projectid}} rebar 就会给予替换为我们传入的参数。
4. 模板文件说明
app.config 整个系统启动配置参数,可覆盖app.src 参数 erl.script erlang 发布后启动脚本 game_app.erl application game.app.src app.src game.erl 调试启动文件 不用每次 application:start(game). game_server.erl server game_sup.erl sup gitignore Makefile make 模板 nodetool README.md rebar.config rebar对应配置文件 reloader.erl 开发中重新加载编译代码文件来自mochiweb reltool.config 发布打包构建项目配置 runner* start-dev.sh* 开发启动文件 vm.args erl erlang 启动参数文件
1 .创建项目 rebar create template=simple_game projectid=game_demo
thinkpad@thinkpad:~/demo$ rebar create template=simple_game projectid=game_demo ==> demo (create) Writing game_demo/README.md Writing game_demo/Makefile Writing game_demo/.gitignore Writing game_demo/rebar.config Writing game_demo/start-dev.sh Writing game_demo/apps/game_demo/src/game_demo.app.src Writing game_demo/apps/game_demo/src/reloader.erl Writing game_demo/apps/game_demo/src/game_demo.erl Writing game_demo/apps/game_demo/src/game_demo_app.erl Writing game_demo/apps/game_demo/src/game_demo_sup.erl Writing game_demo/apps/game_demo/src/game_demo_server.erl Writing game_demo/deps/README.md Writing game_demo/rel/files/vm.args Writing game_demo/rel/reltool.config Writing game_demo/rel/files/app.config Writing game_demo/rel/files/erl Writing game_demo/rel/files/nodetool Writing game_demo/rel/files/game_demo
2 . 发布项目 make
thinkpad@thinkpad:~/demo/game_demo$ make rebar clean ==> game_demo (clean) rebar compile ==> game_demo (compile) Compiled src/game_demo.erl Compiled src/game_demo_sup.erl Compiled src/game_demo_server.erl Compiled src/game_demo_app.erl Compiled src/reloader.erl ==> rel (compile) ==> game_demo (compile) rebar generate -f ==> rel (generate)
3 . 调试发布项目 make console
thinkpad@thinkpad:~/demo/game_demo$ make console rebar compile ==> game_demo (compile) ==> rel (compile) ==> game_demo (compile) rebar generate -f ==> rel (generate) WARN: 'generate' command does not apply to directory /home/thinkpad/demo/game_demo rel/game_demo/bin/game_demo console Exec: /home/thinkpad/demo/game_demo/rel/game_demo/erts-6.1/bin/erlexec -boot /home/thinkpad/demo/game_demo/rel/game_demo/releases/0.1.0/game_demo -embedded -config /home/thinkpad/demo/game_demo/rel/game_demo/etc/app.config -args_file /home/thinkpad/demo/game_demo/rel/game_demo/etc/vm.args -- console Root: /home/thinkpad/demo/game_demo/rel/game_demo Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:5] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true] Eshell V6.1 (abort with ^G) (game_demo@>
4. 开发项目 ./start-dev.sh
thinkpad@thinkpad:~/demo/game_demo$ ./start-dev.sh ==> game_demo (clean) ==> game_demo (compile) ==> rel (compile) ==> game_demo (compile) Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
制作好的文件在这 猛点下载 放入 .rebar template 下即可