
  • Basemap: Toolkit     module for making geographic basemaps:
  • bokeh: From the website: “Bokeh is a Python     interactive visualization library for large datasets that natively uses     the latest web technologies. Its goal is to provide elegant, concise     construction of novel graphics in the style of Protovis/D3, while delivering     high-performance interactivity over large data to thin clients.”
  • Cartopy: “A library providing cartographic tools for     python.”
  • Ccplot : is an open source command-line program for plotting profile, layer and earth view data sets from CloudSat, CALIPSO and Aqua MODIS products.
  • Chaco: 2-D graphing for static as well as  interactive plots.
  • ChartDirector: Charting for desktops and web  applications. License requires purchase.
  • DISLIN: Scientific data plotting.
  • D3py : is a thin Python wrapper for D3.js.
  • Freeseer: An application, written in  Python, used for recording   conference presentations and other streaming video.
  • gmt: Python package for     making Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) plots.
  • GracePlot: A line plot     plotting package designed for interactive sessions.
  • Iris seeks to provide a powerful, easy to use, and community-driven Python library for analysing and visualising meteorological and oceanographic data sets.
  • MayaVi: Scripted and     interactive 3-D plotting.
  • MkMov: Make a movie from a netCDF file with a single command.
  • Mplleafletis a Python library that converts a matplotlib plot into a webpage containing a pannable, zoomable Leaflet map.
  • ParaView: Analysis and visualization package for     very large datasets.
  • Plotly: “Plotly is a     complete suite of data visualization and collaboration tools for engineers     and data scientists.”
  • pv_atmos: “Python scripting for scientific     visualization software ParaView. Applied to atmospheric netCDF data.”
  • PyNGL: Python NCAR Graphics Library package.配合PyNIO
  • PyWPS is a WPS implementation written in the Python language. The current version is  4.0.0.
  • pyWRF  is designed to read, process, and plot data from the Weather Research and Forecasting model.
  • Seaborn: “Seaborn is a Python     visualization library based on matplotlib. It provides a high-level     interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics.”
    • VAPOR: “Visualization and Analysis Platform for     Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers.” An interactive 3-D     visualization tool with Python integration.
    • VisAD: McIDAS-V is built on VisAD. While  VisAD is written in Java, Python accessibility is provided via Jython.
    • VisTrails: Visualization  tool that provides workflow management that tracks the provenance of the     visualization and data.
    • VPython: Easy-to-use 3-D visualization and     animation environment.
    • WxMAP2: Create weather maps from numerical     weather prediction models. Based on GrADS.
    • WRF-python A collection of diagnostic and interpolation routines for use with output from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model.






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