这个教程,我们将展示如何用python创建一个井字游戏。 其中我们将使用函数、数组、if条件语句、while循环语句和错误捕获等。
首先我们需要创建两个函数,第一个函数用来显示游戏板: def print_board():
for i in range(0,3):
for j in range(0,3):
print map[2-i][j],
if j != 2:
print "|",
print ""
游戏板看起来是这样的: | |
| |
| |
X | X |
O | X | O
| O | X
X | X | X
X | X | X
X | X | X
下面我们需要一个函数check_done()来检查游戏是否结束。如果结束,则返回True并打印消息。 def check_done():
for i in range(0,3):
if map[i][0] == map[i][1] == map[i][2] != " " \
or map[0][i] == map[1][i] == map[2][i] != " ":
print turn, "won!!!"
return True
if map[0][0] == map[1][1] == map[2][2] != " " \
or map[0][2] == map[1][1] == map[2][0] != " ":
print turn, "won!!!"
return True
if " " not in map[0] and " " not in map[1] and " " not in map[2]:
print "Draw"
return True
return False
有了上面的两个函数,下面我们创建3个变量: turn = "X"
map = [[" "," "," "],
[" "," "," "],
[" "," "," "]]
done = False
turn : 轮到谁
map : 游戏板
done : 游戏是否结束
现在启动游戏: while done != True:
print turn, "'s turn"
moved = False
while moved != True:
下一步告诉玩家怎么玩: print "Please select position by typing in a number between 1 and 9, see below for which number that is which position..."
print "7|8|9"
print "4|5|6"
print "1|2|3"
pos = input("Select: ")
if pos <=9 and pos >=1:
我们期望玩家输入一个数字,检查该数字是否是在1到9之间。另外,我们这里需要一段错误处理逻辑,我们还需要需要检查玩家是否能移动到一个位置: Y = pos/3
X = pos%3
if X != 0:
X -=1
X = 2
Y -=1
以下是全部的代码: def print_board():
for i in range(0,3):
for j in range(0,3):
print map[2-i][j],
if j != 2:
print "|",
print ""
def check_done():
for i in range(0,3):
if map[i][0] == map[i][1] == map[i][2] != " " \
or map[0][i] == map[1][i] == map[2][i] != " ":
print turn, "won!!!"
return True
if map[0][0] == map[1][1] == map[2][2] != " " \
or map[0][2] == map[1][1] == map[2][0] != " ":
print turn, "won!!!"
return True
if " " not in map[0] and " " not in map[1] and " " not in map[2]:
print "Draw"
return True
return False
turn = "X"
map = [[" "," "," "],
[" "," "," "],
[" "," "," "]]
done = False
while done != True:
print turn, "'s turn"
moved = False
while moved != True:
print "Please select position by typing in a number between 1 and 9,\
see below for which number that is which position..."
print "7|8|9"
print "4|5|6"
print "1|2|3"
pos = input("Select: ")
if pos <=9 and pos >=1:
Y = pos/3
X = pos%3
if X != 0:
X -=1
X = 2
Y -=1
if map[Y][X] == " ":
map[Y][X] = turn
moved = True
done = check_done()
if done == False:
if turn == "X":
turn = "O"
turn = "X"
print "You need to add a numeric value"