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iPhone Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide


Book Description
Based on Big Nerd Ranch’s popular iPhone Bootcamp class, iPhone Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide leads you through the essential tools and techniques for developing applications for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. In each chapter, you will learn programming concepts and apply them immediately as you build an application or enhance one from a previous chapter. These applications have been carefully designed and tested to teach the associated concepts and to provide practice working with the standard development tools Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments. The guide’s learn-while-doing approach delivers the practical knowledge and experience you need to design and build real-world applications. Here are some of the topics covered:

  • Dynamic interfaces with animation
  • Using the camera and photo library
  • User location and mapping services
  • Accessing accelerometer data
  • Handling multi-touch gestures
  • Navigation and tabbed applications
  • Tables and creating custom rows
  • Multiple ways of storing and loading data: archiving, Core Data, SQLite 
  • Communicating with web services
  • ALocalization/Internationalization

“After many ‘false starts’ with other iPhone development books, these clear and concise tutorials made the concepts gel for me. This book is a definite must have for any budding iPhone developer.” –Peter Watling, New Zealand, Developer of BubbleWrap

About the Author
Joe Conway, iPhone instructor for The Big Nerd Ranch, has been writing software on the Mac platform since he was a teenager, and began consulting and training for The Big Nerd Ranch shortly after graduating from the University of Wisconsin.

Aaron Hillegass, CEO of Big Nerd Ranch, has more than 18 years of experience as a software engineer and developer trainer. He wrote the Big Nerd Ranch course on Cocoa, drawing from his experiences working at Apple and NeXT as senior trainer and curriculum developer. He is author of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (Addison-Wesley), the definitive guide to Cocoa programming.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 480 pages
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (April, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321706242
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321706249
  • File Size: 20.5 MiB



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Title: Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3rd Edition Author: Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart Length: 624 pages Edition: 3 Language: English Publisher: Big Nerd Ranch Guides Publication Date: 2017-02-09 ISBN-10: 0134706056 ISBN-13: 9780134706054 Table of Contents Chapter 1. Your First Android Application Chapter 2. Android and Model-View-Controller Chapter 3. The Activity Lifecycle Chapter 4. Debugging Android Apps Chapter 5. Your Second Activity Chapter 6. Android SDK Versions and Compatibility Chapter 7. UI Fragments and the Fragment Manager Chapter 8. Displaying Lists with RecyclerView Chapter 9. Creating User Interfaces with Layouts and Widgets Chapter 10. Using Fragment Arguments Chapter 11. Using ViewPager Chapter 12. Dialogs Chapter 13. The Toolbar Chapter 14. SQLite Databases Chapter 15. Implicit Intents Chapter 16. Taking Pictures with Intents Chapter 17. Two-Pane Master-Detail Interfaces Chapter 18. Localization Chapter 19. Accessibility Chapter 20. Data Binding and MVVM Chapter 21. Unit Testing and Audio Playback Chapter 22. Styles and Themes Chapter 23. XML Drawables Chapter 24. More About Intents and Tasks Chapter 25. HTTP and Background Tasks Chapter 26. Loopers, Handlers, and HandlerThread Chapter 27. Search Chapter 28. Background Services Chapter 29. Broadcast Intents Chapter 30. Browsing the Web and WebView Chapter 31. Custom Views and Touch Events Chapter 32. Property Animation Chapter 33. Locations and Play Services Chapter 34. Maps Chapter 35. Material Design Chapter 36. Afterword
Android编程:The Big Nerd Ranch指南(第5版)》是一本针对Android编程的权威指南。这本书由Phillips、Stewart和Marsicano三位经验丰富的作者撰写,并由Big Nerd Ranch出版,对于想要学习和掌握Android编程的读者来说是一本必备的参考书。 这本书的第5版是一本全面更新和改进的指南,以帮助读者掌握最新的Android编程技术。它深入介绍了Android的核心概念和最佳实践,从而帮助读者全面了解Android应用的开发过程。 这本书以互动式的方式逐步引导读者进行Android应用开发,从创建一个简单的"Hello World"应用开始,逐渐深入介绍不同方面的开发技术,包括界面设计、数据存储和管理、网络通信、多媒体和设备功能等。 它采用了清晰明了的语言和丰富的示例代码,帮助读者理解和实践各种概念和技术。此外,这本书还通过挑战性练习和应用案例来培养读者的实际编程能力和解决问题的能力。 该书还引入了与现代开发实践相关的最新主题,例如响应式编程、单元测试和持续集成等。这些主题使读者能够更好地开发和维护高质量的Android应用。 总的来说,《Android编程:The Big Nerd Ranch指南(第5版)》是一本重要的Android编程指南,对于想要学习和应用这一技术的读者来说具有很高的实用价值。无论是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都可以通过这本书提供的深入理论和实践指导,加强他们的Android编程技能。




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