// 鼠标滑词
mouseSlipGetWords() {
const getSelectionText = () => {
let selectedTextWithTrim = ``;
if (window.getSelection){
// all modern browsers and IE9+
selectedTextWithTrim = window.getSelection().toString().trim();
// console.log(`you selected text with trim() =`, selectedTextWithTrim);
} else {
console.error(`鼠标滑词 selectedText is empty!`);
return selectedTextWithTrim;
let textarea = document.querySelector(`#audit-common-handle-text`);
let that = this;
if (document.addEventListener) {
// IE >= 9; other browsers
textarea.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
let value = getSelectionText() || "";
if (value) {
that.$hMessage.success(`滑动选取的单词: ${value}`);
// that.isNewAddLabel = true;
// that.tableLoading = true;
that.commonHandleModalTableData = [];
that.searchValue = value;
// update value with auto click
that.getLabelCategories(``, ``);
setTimeout(() => {
// show modal with delay
that.modalNew.showModal = true;
}, 0);
} else {
console.log(`selected text is empty!`);
// this.$hMessage.info(`滑动选取的单词不可为空`);
}, false);
} else {
// IE < 9
document.attachEvent('oncontextmenu', function() {
// alert("You've tried to open context menu");
window.event.returnValue = false;