


现在我得到这个-This program can run three different sub-programs-

1- Run the encryption and decryption sub-program specified in Unit A453- CAM 3.

2- Run a test which encrypts and decrypts each ascii character with each other ascii character.

3- Run a test which generates random inputs and keywords, before encrypting and decrypting them.

Please choose either 1, 2 or 3- 1

Running text based program-

Do you want to encrypt or decrypt? encrypt

Input a key- abc

Input a second key- 123

Input a string to encrypt- Theo

Your encrypted text is %vuA -it has been saved.

Do you wish to continue? Y/N- y

Do you want to encrypt or decrypt? encrypt

Input a key- 123

Input a second key- abc

Input a string to encrypt- Theo

Your encrypted text is %vuA -it has been saved.

Do you wish to continue? Y/N- y

Do you want to encrypt or decrypt?






最后还有一件事。与其说是个问题,倒不如说是一个“他妈的,为什么?!”是在“do you wish continue”中选择“Y”或“N”之前,文本不会写入文本文件。在

执行读写操作的特定代码是这个函数-def User_Text_Interface(Repeat):

while Repeat == True:

f = open("COT.txt", "a+")

ED, Key, Key2, Temp = input("Do you want to encrypt or decrypt? "), input("Input a key- "), input("Input a second key- "), 0

if ED.lower() =="encrypt" or ED.lower() == "e":

User_Input = input("Input a string to " + str(ED) + "- ")

Key, Key2 = Compatibility(Key, User_Input), Compatibility(Key2,User_Input)

if ED.lower() == "encrypt" or ED.lower() == "e":

ET = str(Encrypt((Encrypt(User_Input, Key)), Key2))


print("Your encrypted text is " + ET + " -it has been saved.")

elif ED.lower() == "decrypt" or ED.lower() == "d":

with open("COT.txt", "r+") as f:

for line in f:

print(str(Decrypt((Decrypt((Encrypt((Encrypt(User_Input, Key)), Key2)), Key2)), Key)))

Repeat = input("Do you wish to continue? Y/N- ")

if Repeat.lower() == "yes" or Repeat.lower() == "y":

Repeat = True


Repeat = False

我剩下的代码,大部分都可以忽略,因为它是多余的-import time, sys, random

Master_Key = "0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#£$%&'()*+,-./:;?@[\\]^_`{|}~"

def Encrypt(User_Input, Key):

Output = ""

for i in range(len(User_Input)):

Ref_For_Output = Master_Key.index(User_Input[i]) + Master_Key.index(Key[i])

if Ref_For_Output >= len(Master_Key):

Ref_For_Output -= len(Master_Key)

Output += Master_Key[Ref_For_Output]

return Output

def Decrypt(User_Input, Key):

Output = ""

for i in range(len(User_Input)):

Ref_For_Output = Master_Key.index(User_Input[i]) - Master_Key.index(Key[i])

if Ref_For_Output < 0:

Ref_For_Output += len(Master_Key)

Output += Master_Key[Ref_For_Output]

return Output

def Ordered_Test_Algorithm(Null):

for i in range(len(Master_Key)-1):

Input= Master_Key[i]

print("Input = " + Input)

for i in range(len(Master_Key)-1):

Key = Master_Key[i]

for i in range(len(Master_Key)-1):

Key2 = Master_Key[i]

Output = Decrypt(Encrypt(Input, Key, Key2), Key, Key2)

print("Encryption and decryption of Input- " + str(Input) + " with the Key- " + str(Key) + " and a second Key of " + str(Key2) + " results in an output of " + str(Output))

if Input == Output:





print("Testing complete- Pass")

def Random_Test_Algorithm(Input_Length, Repeat_times):

for i in range(Repeat_times):

User_Input, Key, Key2 = "", "", ""

for i in range(Input_Length):

Input_ref, Key_ref, Key_2_Ref = random.randint(0, len(Master_Key)-1), random.randint(0, (len(Master_Key)-1)), random.randint(0, (len(Master_Key)-1))

User_Input += Master_Key[Input_ref]

Key += Master_Key[Key_ref]

Key2 += Master_Key[Key_2_Ref]

print("The randomly generated " + str(Input_Length) + " character input key and second key are " + User_Input + ", " + Key + " and " + Key2 +" respectively.")

print("The result of encryption is- " + Encrypt(User_Input, Key, Key2) )

print("The result of decryption is- " + Decrypt(Encrypt(Input, Key, Key2), Key, Key2) )

if User_Input == Decrypt(Encrypt(Input, Key, Key2), Key, Key2):

print("The encryption and decryption of " + User_Input + " with " + Key + " and " + Key2 + " was successful")


print("The encryption and decryption of " + User_Input + " with " + Key + " and " + Key2 + " was un-successful")


def Compatibility(Key, User_Input):

Temp = 0

while Key == "":

print("Your key cannot be blank")

while len(Key) > len(User_Input):

Key = Key[:-1]

while len(Key) < len(User_Input):

Key += (Key[Temp])

Temp += 1

return Key

def User_Text_Interface(Repeat):

while Repeat == True:

f = open("COT.txt", "a+")

ED, Key, Key2, Temp = input("Do you want to encrypt or decrypt? "), input("Input a key- "), input("Input a second key- "), 0

if ED.lower() =="encrypt" or ED.lower() == "e":

User_Input = input("Input a string to " + str(ED) + "- ")

Key, Key2 = Compatibility(Key, User_Input), Compatibility(Key2,User_Input)

if ED.lower() == "encrypt" or ED.lower() == "e":

ET = str(Encrypt((Encrypt(User_Input, Key)), Key2))


print("Your encrypted text is " + ET + " -it has been saved.")

elif ED.lower() == "decrypt" or ED.lower() == "d":

with open("COT.txt", "r+") as f:

for line in f:

print(str(Decrypt((Decrypt((Encrypt((Encrypt(User_Input, Key)), Key2)), Key2)), Key)))

Repeat = input("Do you wish to continue? Y/N- ")

if Repeat.lower() == "yes" or Repeat.lower() == "y":

Repeat = True


Repeat = False

print("This program can run three different sub-programs-")

print("1- Run the encryption and decryption sub-program specified in Unit A453- CAM 3.")

print("2- Run a test which encrypts and decrypts each ascii character with each other ascii character.")

print("3- Run a test which generates random inputs and keywords, before encrypting and decrypting them.")

Option = input("Please choose either 1, 2 or 3- ")

if Option == "1":

print("Running text based program-")



elif Option == "2":

print("This test will encrypt and decrypt each keyboard character with every other keyboard character")

print("It will print around 1,860,000 lines of output, unless a decrypted value is not equal to its input, this will cause the test to stop")

print("Beginning test- ")



elif Option == "3":

print("This test will generate a random input and keyword of a specified length using the random.randint function in the random module.")

print("It will then encrypt and decrypt the input with the keyword before checking if the output is equal to the input.")

print("The test will repeat a specifieed number of times.")

Input_Length = int(input("Input a numerical length (Length in characters e.g. 'Python' is 6 characters)for the key and keyword- "))

Repeat_times = int(input("Input the number of times the test should be repeated- "))

print("Beginning test- ")


Random_Test_Algorithm(Input_Length, Repeat_times)





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


