The 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), Shenzhen, Chi...



Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) research is an interdisciplinary research field involving academic researchers in information technologies, computer science, public policy, bioinformatics, medical informatics, and social and behavior studies as well as local, state, and federal law enforcement and intelligence experts, and information technology industry consultants and practitioners to support counterterrorism and homeland security’s missions of anticipation, interdiction, prevention, preparedness and response to terrorist acts.

The annual IEEE International Conference on ISI (IEEE ISI) is a leading conference in security informatics domain, which was started in 2003 in Tucson, Arizona. Since then, the conference has been hosted in Atlanta, San Diego, New Brunswick, Taipei, Dallas, Vancouver, Beijing, Seattle, Washington DC, the Hague, Baltimore and Tucson. Over the past 16 years, the IEEE ISI Conference has evolved from its traditional orientation of intelligence and security domain towards a more integrated alignment of multiple domains, including technology, humans, organization, and security. The scientific community has increasingly recognized the need to address intelligence and security threats by understanding the interrelationships between these different components, and by integrating recent advances from different domains. This year, the IEEE ISI conference will be held in Shenzhen, China.


The conference theme is AI-Enabled Analytics. In addition to the main academic conference, multiple satellite events centered around the AI-enabled analytics theme will be organized as well.

We invite academic researchers in the field of Intelligence and Security Informatics and related areas as well as law enforcement and intelligence experts, and industry consultants and practitioners in the field to submit papers and workshop proposals.

ISI 2019 will be organized in four main tracks focusing on:

  • Security Analytics and Threat Intelligence
  • Data Science and Analytics in Security Informatics
  • Human Behavior and Factors in the Security Applications
  • Organizational, National, and International Issues in Counter-terrorism and other Security Applications

Submissions may include systems, methodology, test-bed, modeling, evaluation, and policy papers.  Research should be relevant to informatics, organization, public policy, or human behavior in applications of counter-terrorism or protection of local/ national/ international security in the physical world and/or cyberspace.  See specific topic suggestions below.


Security Analytics and Threat Intelligence

  • Threat pattern models and modeling tools
  • Real-time situational awareness
  • Intrusion and cybersecurity threat detection and analysis
  • Cyber-physical-social  system security and incident management
  • Computing and networking infrastructure protection
  • Crime analysis and prevention
  • Forecasting threats and measuring the impact of threats
  • Surveillance and intelligence through unconventional means
  • Information security management standards
  • Information systems security policies
  • Mobile and cloud computing security
  • Big data analytics for cybersecurity
  • Resilient cyber infrastructure design and protection

Data Science and Analytics in Security Informatics

  • Data representation and fusion for security informatics
  • Criminal/intelligence information extraction
  • Data sharing and information visualization for security informatics
  • Web-based intelligence monitoring and analysis
  • Spatial-temporal data analysis for crime analysis and security informatics
  • Criminal/intelligence machine learning and data mining
  • Bio-terrorism tracking, alerting, and analysis
  • Digital forensics and computational criminology
  • Financial and accounting  fraud analysis
  • Consumer-generated content and security-related social media analytics
  • Security-related social network analysis (radicalization, recruitment, conducting  operations)
  • Authorship analysis and identification
  • Terrorism related analytical methodologies and software tools

Human Behavior and Factors in Security Applications

  • Behavior issues in information systems security
  • HCI and user interfaces of relevance to intelligence and security
  • Social impacts of crime and terrorism
  • Board activism and influence
  • Measuring the effectiveness of counter-terrorism campaigns
  • Citizen education and training
  • Understanding user behavior in that has potential security risks
  • Security risks about user behavior in information systems
  • Human behavior modeling, representation and prediction for security applications

Organizational, National, and International Issues in Counter-terrorism and other Security Applications

  • Best practices in counter-terrorism or security protection
  • Information sharing policy and governance
  • Privacy, security, and civil liberties issues
  • Emergency response and management
  • Disaster prevention, detection, and management
  • Protection of  transportation and communications infrastructure
  • Communication and decision support for research and rescue
  • Assisting citizens' responses to terrorism and catastrophic events
  • Border security
  • Accounting and IT auditing
  • Corporate governance and monitoring
  • Election fraud and political use and abuse


Honorary Chair:

       Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona & Tsinghua University

Conference Co-Chairs:

       Daniel Zeng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

       Chris Yang, Drexel University

Program Co-Chairs:

       Xiaolong Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

       Ahmed Abbasi, University of Virginia

       Michael Chau, University of Hong Kong

Publication Chairs:

        Alan Wang, Virginia Tech     

        Lina Zhou, UMBC

Local Arrangements Co-Chairs

        Xiaoyan Huang, Chinese Academy of Sciences

        Liang Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences


       Longhua District Government, Shenzhen, China

       Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation

       Tsinghua University

       The University of Hong Kong

       Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance, China


       Most submissions due: April 10, 2019

       Acceptance: April 30, 2019

       Camera ready copy:  May 14, 2019

       Author registration:  May 14, 2019

       Conference: July 1-3, 2019



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IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》是由IEEE工业电子学会(IEEIE)出版的一本学术期刊。该期刊旨在促进工业自动化和信息系统领域的研究和发展。它涵盖了工业领域的信息技术、自动化控制、人机交互等方面的最新研究成果。 《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》面向工业界和学术界的研究人员、工程师和决策者。它发布高质量的原创论文,这些论文通过严格的同行评审流程筛选而来。该期刊的作者来自世界各地的顶尖大学、研究机构和工业界,包括电气工程、计算机科学、工业工程等多个学科领域。 该期刊主要关注以下几个方面的研究:工业信息系统、工业网络、工业通信技术、智能制造系统、自动化控制、机器人技术、人机交互和人工智能在工业应用中的应用等。它提供了一个交流和分享最新研究成果的平台,有助于推动工业领域的创新和发展。 《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》的目标是提高工业领域的信息系统、自动化控制和智能制造等方面的效率和可持续性。该期刊的文章包括理论研究、实证研究、案例研究和技术开发等不同类型的研究成果。它的目标是推动工业领域的创新和进步,为工程师和决策者提供实用和可行的解决方案。 总而言之,《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》是一个专注于工业领域信息系统和自动化控制等方面研究的学术期刊,旨在促进工业领域的创新和进步。它提供了一个高质量的平台,让学术界和工业界的研究人员能够分享他们的最新研究成果,并为解决实际问题提供可行的解决方案。




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