越狱Season 1-Episode 14: The Rat

Season 1, Episode 14: The Rat



-Michael: 24 hours from now, 


my brother is scheduled to die, 

schedule: 预定,计划


but the way I see it, 


24 hours from now we'll be out of the country. 

24小时后, 我们会逃出美国 

It's there. 


It can't be done. 


We're not getting out of here. 


-T-Bag: Unfortunately, Pretty, 

unfortunately: 不幸地 pretty: 漂亮的人

真不走运, 帅哥 

that is not an option. 

option: 选择


You are gonna get us out of here. 

gonna=going to: 将要


-Michael: Unless you're gonna use your shank to take out the pipe, 

unless: 除非 shank: 刀柄 pipe: 管道


put it away. 


-T-Bag: I'll put it in your neck, you don't get us out of here. 

neck: 脖子


-Fernando: Bring it down a peg, T-Bag. 

peg: 桩钉

把它拿开 T-bag 

-T-Bag: Shut your mouth! 

 shut: 关闭


Remember, Pretty, I am serving life plus one. 

remember: 记得 serve: 服役 plus: 另外还有

记着, 帅哥我是终生监禁 

So if I get busted for attempted escape, 

bust:逮捕,拘捕  attempt: 企图 escape: 逃跑


I'm gonna throw in a homicide, no problem. That's like a parking ticket to me. 

homicide: 杀人罪


-Sarah: You okay? 


-Burrows: Felt sick again. 

sick: 恶心的


-Sarah: Yeah, you took your I.V. s out. 

I.V =intravenous: 静脉注射


-Burrows: Yeah, I didn't want to throw up on the floor, so I just came to the drain. 

drain: 排水沟


Just let me walk this off. I'll be fine. 


-Sarah: Lincoln, there is no reason for you to be here if your I.V. isn't in. 


-prison guard: Everything all right in here 


-Sarah: It's fine. 


-prison guard: Why isn't he cuffed to the table? 

cuff: 给…戴上手铐


-Sarah: What's he gonna do, steal a cotton ball? 

steal: 偷 cotton: 棉花 ball: 球

他能怎么样? 偷棉球吗? 

-prison guard: Can't have him walking around Doc. You know that 

 医生, 不能让他乱走 

-T-Bag: shh! 


-Fernando: What was that? 


-prison guard: Put your wrist out. 

wrist: 手腕


You gonna turn this into something? I'm not gonna say it again. 


Put your wrist out. 


Hey, Keith, come check this out! 

 嘿, Keith 过来看下 



-Westmoreland: We got to go. 




Give me the rope. 

rope: 绳子


Give me the rope now! 


Tie that off. 

tie: 绑


Okay, I'm down. 


-Fernando: We got to go, Michael. 

 我们要走了, Michael 

It's done. Let's go. 


-prison guard: Did it break off or did someone break it? 

自己断了, 还是有人干的? 

- Keith: I don't know. 


-prison guard: Here's the other half. 


-Berwick: Hey, hey. 


-Sharkey: What's up, Brad? 


-Berwick: Heading over to Sharkey's. It's twofer Tuesday. Want to hoist a few? 

twofer: 买二赠一   hoist: 起重机 形容像起重机一般去吃东西


-Sharkey: Man, I would love to, 


but my wife is cooking dinner, and I told her I would be home. 

 cook: 做饭,烹饪 

但我老婆做晚饭, 我说了要回去 

-Berwick: Wuss. Anybody else 

wuss: 懦弱的人,胆小鬼


Suit yourselves. 

suit: 满足


Hey, none of the Sheetrock in front of the break room's been touched. 

sheetrock: 石膏灰胶纸夹板  break: 休息


-prison guard: Ah, the P.I. 's letting it dry out. 

P.I=prison industry: 监狱工厂 


-Berwick: Still? 


-Fernando: Westmoreland! 


-Westmoreland: I'm caught on something. 


-Fernando: Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! 

 快点, 快点 

-Michael: Stay there. Stay down there. 

 不要上来, 等一会 

-Berwick: Why was this door locked? 

 lock: 上锁


-T-Bag: Wasn't locked, boss. 

 boss: 老板,头儿

 没锁啊, 老大 

The fan kept pushing it open, 

 fan: 风扇


so we just had to wedge it closed.

wedge: 把…楔住 closed: 关着的


-Berwick: You've been in here all night not doing a damn thing. 

 damn: 该死的


-Fernando: Room is still wet, boss. Nothing we could do. 

 屋子还是湿的, 我们做不了什么 

It's not like we were having a picnic.

picnic: 野餐


-Berwick: Bunch of shiftless, nogood convicts. 

shiftless: 懒惰的 nogood: 毫无用处的 convict: 犯人

偷懒是不行的, 犯人们 

You got something to say, Scofield? 

 你有意见, Scofield? 

Wrap it up. And all four of you, get your asses back to the block. 

ass: 屁股  block: 隔离(单独监禁)

收拾下, 你们四个再滚回牢里 

Get these nitwits back to the cell block. 

nitwit: 傻子 cell: 牢房 block: 地区


You seem to be one light. 

light: 人手不足的


-Westmoreland: Right here, boss. 

 在这呢, 老大 

-Franklin: Oh, no. No way! 

 不! 不! 

I should be halfway to seeing my family right now! 

halfway: 半路上


-prison guard: Let's go. 




Keep it moving. 




-Fernando: You think he knows? 




-Journalist: I'm here with Henry Pope, who is the warden of Fox River Penitentiary, 

warden: 监狱长 penitentiary: 监狱

这位是Henry Pope 狐狸河监狱的典狱长 

where Lincoln Burrows is scheduled to die 

 scheduled: 预定的

 Lincoln Burrows将在这里被送上电椅 

by electrocution at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow. 

electrocution: 以电刑处死


Warden Pope, can you tell me 

 Pope狱长, 能否告诉我们 

what's going to happen in the next few hours? 


-Pope: There are strict Department of Corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of anexecution. 

strict: 严格的 department: 部门 correction: 惩戒,惩罚 guidelines: 指导方针

govern: 决定  aspect: 方面 execution: 行刑


Measures taken to make sure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. 

measure: 措施 process: 过程 smoothly: 顺利地


-Journalist:Such as? 


-Pope: The correctional officers will do a walkthrough. We'll review the list of witnesses. 

correctional: 改正的 officer: 警官 walkthrough: 演练 review: 检核 witness: 目击者


The chair will be checked and rechecked to make sure there's no problem. 

 check: 检查,核实


-Journalist:And Mr. Burrows himself? 


Have you spoken with him? 


What are his thoughts in these final hours? 

 thought: 想法 final: 最后的


-Pope: I would say that's between him and his God. 


-Journalist:And maybe the governor. 

governor: 州长


I understand Burrows' attorneys are going to request a stay. 

understand: 听说,闻知 attorney: 律师 request: 请求 stay: [法律]延期执行,缓期执行


-Pope: I wish them the best of luck. 

 wish: 愿望,希望


-Journalist: Does that mean you believe he's innocent? 

innocent: 无罪的


-Pope: It means... I believe in the process, 

process: 程序


but I don't relish the prospect of taking another man's life. 

relish: 欣赏,喜好 prospect: 期望的事物;将要发生的事


Whether it's just or not, 

just: 正义


there's no joy that lies before us today. 

 joy: 欢乐 lie: 说谎


-Journalist: Okay, thank you very much Warden. 

 warden: 监狱长


And we will be here with you throughout the night 

 throughout: 自始至终


watching and waiting to see if Lincoln Burrows does, in fact, 

见证Lincoln Burrows成为 

become only the 13th person to be executed in the State of Illinois since 1976. 

execute: 将…处死

伊利诺伊州 1976年以来的第13名死刑犯 

-Fernando: Just so you got one less thing to worry about, 


I want you to know 


I am not mad at you. 

 mad: 生气的


-Michael: Thank you. 


-Fernando: How long until... 


-Michael: 16 hours. 


Are his lawyers making any progress?

lawyer: 律师 progress: 进展


-Fernando: Is there still a chance with that? 

 chance: 机会


-Michael: No.


There's only one person who can really stop this execution. 


I need to see my brother. 


Just to talk, 


for five minutes. 


-Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, I'll try. 

 好, 好的, 我试试看 



I'm sorry. 


I'm told that you have to wait until final visitation. 

visitation: 探望


-Michael: Would you talk to your father for me? 

 你会向你父亲求情吗? 为了我? 



-Sarah: Believe me, my father knows where I stand on the death penalty, 

penalty: 处罚,惩罚

相信我, 我父亲知道我对死刑的立场 

and I'm just as clear on his stance... 

stance: 态度,立场


-Michael: Sara, uh, Dr. Tancredi, I'm sorry. 

 Sara...对不起 Tancredi医生 

This is not about the morality of the death penalty. 

morality: 道德观


This is... 


This is about killing an innocent 

 innocent: 无辜的


my brother. 


And, surely, your father can't be in favor of that. 

surely: 的确地 


Just talk to Lincoln's attorneys, 

 attorney: 律师


just for an hour, 


and I swear to God, you'll be convinced of his innocence. 

swear: 发誓 convince: 说服  innocence: 无罪


-Sarah: Michael, 


I would pick up the phone right now if I thought there was any chance that I could make adifference. 

difference: (情况的)重要变化;明显效果


But you have to understand. 


I'm the last person in the world that my father listens to. 


He hates what I do, he hates what I believe in. 

 hate: 讨厌

他讨厌我的工作, 讨厌我的信念 

And if I'm the one asking for clemency for your brother, 

clemency: 宽恕,宽容


your brother won't get it. 


I'm sorry! 


-Nike: Look, if Terrence Steadman is still alive, Lyle, then it can't be Terrence Steadman buriedin the ground. 

 alive: 活着的 bury: 埋葬

如果Terrence Stedman还活着他不可能埋在地里 

- Lyle: Yeah, but a secret informant claims that Steadman is still alive? 

secret: 秘密的 informant: 告密者 claim: 声称 alive: 活着的


I don't know, Nick, it all sounds pretty farfetched. 

sound: 听起来 pretty: 相当地 farfetched: 牵强的  

在我看来, Nick, 这很不可靠 

-Nike: You're his clerk, just get us on the docket.

clerk: 文书 docket: 备审案件目录表;诉讼名册

你是法官的文书, 给我们个机会 

- Lyle: Nick, you're asking him to commit political suicide 

commit: 做…事 political: 政治的 suicide: 自杀


by granting a stay of execution to Illinois' most notorious death row inmate. 

grant: 批准 notorious: 臭名昭著的 inmate: 囚犯


-Veronica: Officially, all we're asking is for an exhumation order. 

officially: 官方地 exhumation: 尸体挖掘 order: 命令,许可


If he grants it, he can order a stay until the tests are come in. 

 test: 测验

看看Terrence Stedman是否下葬了 

- Lyle: An exhumation order? 


Well that's better digging up the vice president's brother. 

dig: 挖 vice: 副 president: 总统


No way. 


-Nike: Lyle, Lyle, look, we took Intro to Civ Pro together, remember? 

Intro to Civ Pro=Introduction to Civil Procedure: 民事诉讼的介绍(书名)

不不, 我们过去关系不错 

We studied for the bar, day and night, in that crappy little apartment of yours, 

bar: 律师职业 crappy: 蹩脚的  apartment: 公寓


talking about how we're going to make a difference. 


- Lyle: Nick, you filed an eleventh hour motion, 

motion: 动议 file: 提出 

Nick, 你的动议11小时内有效 

and Judge Kessler's docket is full this afternoon... 

judge: 法官 docket: 诉讼事件表


-Nike: Come on, Lyle, everyone knows you run that courtroom. 

run: 管理  courtroom: 法庭

 得了Lyle, 我知道法庭听你安排 

You can't adjust things around a bit? 

adjust: 调整 a bit: 多少


-Veronica: The informant that was killed yesterday I was there. 

 告密者昨天被杀了, 我在场 

I know firsthand these people will do whatever they can to frame Lincoln for Steadman'smurder. 

firsthand: 直接的 whatever: 无论什么事 frame: 陷害  murder: 谋杀


All we're asking is to be heard. 


- Lyle: I'll give you 15 minutes this afternoon that's it! 


-Nike: Thank you. 


-Veronica: Thank you. 


- Lyle: Yeah, you're welcome.


-Michael: He doesn't even know what happened. 


-Fernando: He knows you tried. 


-Michael: Do you think so? 


-Fernando: He's your brother; he knows you, 


so yes. 


-Michael: I promised I would get him out of here. 

promise: 保证

我向他保证过, 救他出去 

-T-Bag: You promised a lot of people, Pretty. 

 pretty: 漂亮的人

你向很多人保证过, 小帅 

-Fernando: Enough, man, all right? 

 enough: 行了!够了!别再说了!

走开点, 好吧? 

-T-Bag: This don't concern you, boy. 

concern: 关系到

不关你事, 小子 

You don't get a man's hopes up like that, and then just... 


-Fernando: Back up or I'll beat your skinny ass into the ground. 

beat: 打 skinny: 皮包骨的  ass: 屁股

滚开, 否则我揍扁你这把瘦骨头 

And it wouldn't take much to do it. 


-prison guard: All right, ladies, Rec time's over; back on the block! 

rec=recreation: 娱乐休息 block: 地区,牢区

 放风结束, 回监仓 

-T-Bag: You owe me a ticket out of here, Pretty. 

owe: 欠

你欠我一张出去的票, 小帅 

And I will collect. 

 collect: 收集


-Westmoreland: I'm really am sorry about your brother. 


-Michael: Thanks. 


Look, I know you were counting on this, so... 


-Westmoreland: Let me worry about my problems. 


I know you've got enough on your mind right now. 


For what it's worse, 


over the years ,I've known... 


...a few men who have sat on that chair, 


and as the day gets near, 


all you can really do is pray it goes quick. 

 pray: 起到


Once, about ten years ago, there was a man 


caught a few sparks, 

spark: 火花


not enough to do the job. 


Had to wait another three weeks while they reset the whole process

reset: 重新设置 process: 程序

要等3个星期, 重新制定程序 

It may sound crazy, 

 crazy: 异常的,古怪的


but he said it was the worst three weeks of his life, 


cause it not the lightning that kills you... it's the wait. 

 lightning: 闪电,放电

杀死你的不是电流, 是等待 

So take solace in the fact that you brother's wait is over. 

solace: 安慰  over: 结束的

 静下心来, 让你哥哥的等待早日结束吧 

-Michael: So if something happens to the chair, 

 这么说, 如果电椅出问题 

he's got three me weeks? 


-Westmoreland: There's a lot of protocol in killing a man. 

protocol: 协议


A new death warrant, another medical clearance... 

warrant: 批准,授权令 medical: 医疗的 clearance: 清空

 新的死刑令, 一份死亡通知书 

-Michael: A lot can happen in three weeks. 


-David: Yo, what the grapes, yo? 

 grape: 葡萄


-Michael: Thanks. 


-David: What y'all talking about? 


-David: Nothing.


-prison guard: Keep it together, come on! 

 跟紧, 走, 跟紧 

-Michael: I'm going in. 


-Fernando: It's daytime. 

daytime: 白天


I'll hang a sheet. 

hang: 悬挂 sheet: 床单


-Sarah: Do you have any questions about... 

 有什么要问的? 关于... 

what's going to happen tonight? 


-Burrows: When I get to eat, where I'm supposed to walk, 


how it's gonna feel when they tighten the belts... 

gonna=going to: 将会 tighten: 拉紧 belt: 带


Any of that gonna help come midnight? 


-Sarah: Some feel it's best to be prepared. 

prepared: 有准备的


-Burrows: How's Michael? 


-Sarah: He's anxious to see you. 

anxious: 急切的


Unfortunately, we've been told that that's not possible until final visitation. 

 unfortunately: 不幸地 possible: 可能的

但是不可以, 只能等最后探访 

-Burrows: You've been through this before? 

 through: 经过


-Sarah: No. 


Just so you know, a doctor needs to be present, so, 

present: 在场的


for what it's worth, I'll be there tonight. 

 worth: 值得的


-Burrows: Can I ask a favor? 

 favor: 帮忙,好意


-Sarah: Yeah. What?


-Burrows: When I'm gone, can you... 


Will you look out for my brother? 


-Fernando: What were you doing back there? 


-Berwick: So you like doing that, too? 


-David: Dipping the fry in a shake? Hells yeah. 

dip: 蘸 fry: (美)法式炸薯条 shake: 摇晃;摇荡 hell: [作加强语气词]究竟,到底

在奶昔里蘸? 当然喜欢 

-Berwick: Good times. Good times 


So what's going on out there? 


-David: Nothing, you know? Just staying out of trouble. 


-Berwick: I meant in terms of any... "office gossip" you might have for me. 

gossip: 小道消息,内幕新闻


-David: So check it. This one fool has been trying to cop a joint. So I'll keep ear hustling for that. 

check: 查看 fool: 蠢蛋 cop:偷窃,小偷小摸 joint: 大麻烟卷 hustle: 卖力做


-Berwick: We had an agreement. You were supposed to birddog Scofield and get back to me. 

agreement: 协定 birddog: 细心观察



corner: 困境,绝境 trust: 相信


-Berwick: I seen you talking to him in the yard and the geezer. 

geezer: 老头


-David: Yeah, I talked to Scofield but he is not told me nothing. 


-Berwick: Then it's a hundred bucks for the burger and fries. 

buck: 美金 burger: 汉堡包 fries: 薯条


-David: Boss, you know I do not get no money. 

 boss: 老板,老大,头子


-Berwick: Then you better start selling your ass. A hundred bucks by the end of this shift, 

 ass: 屁股 shift: 轮班,班次


or there's gonna be a bidding war to see who gets you as their new cellie. 

bid: 投标 cellie=cellmate: 狱友


Beat it. 


-David: In the yard today, 

 yard: 院子


I did hear Scofield say something. 


He said if something goes wrong with the chair, 


his brother gets three more weeks to live. 


-Berwick:  We're square. Get out of here. 

square: 扯平了


How's it going in here? 


-Geary: Ready for liftoff

liftoff: 发射


-Berwick: Chair's working? 

 work: 起作用,有效


-Geary: Yeah. Why? 


-Berwick: Run a test. 

run: 进行 test: 测试


-Geary: Already did. The electrical contractor signed off on the diagnostic this morning. We'regood to go. 

 already: 已经 electrical: 电的 contractor: 定约人 diagnostic: 诊断的


 -Berwick: Run it again. 


-Geary: Why?


-Berwick: Run it. 


Is not working


-Geary: Son of a bitch 

 bitch: 母狗,婊子


I don't know what could have happened. 


-Fernando: So once they redo all the paperwork, 

once: 一旦 redo: 重做 paperwork: 文书工作


 your brother gets three more weeks. 


-Michael: Right.


-Fernando: So we got time. 


-Michael: Not a lot, but some.


-Fernando: Are we still going through the infirmary?

infirmary: 医务室


-Michael: If I corrode that pipe again, they'll know something's up. 

corrode: 腐蚀 pipe: 管道


-Fernando: You got another way? 


-Michael: Right now, I'm just worried about getting through tonight. 


-Geary: Careful, there's 2,000 volts running through that thing. 

volt: 伏特  


Oh, God. 


-Burrows: I want to see my brother. 


-prison guard: When we move you to Final Visitation 


-Burrows: When's that? 


-prison guard: Right after we do this 




It's your last day, Linc. 


I would prefer to keep you out of cuffs as much as possible, but... 

prefer: 更喜欢,宁可 cuff: 手铐  


I need some assurances. 

assurance: 保证


-Burrows: You have always been straightup with me, Stolte. You have my word. 

你对我一直都很坦诚  我不会食言 

-Veronica: Your Honor, from the outset, Mr. Burrows' case has been tainted by a conspiracy 

honor=honour: [常作H](前与his, your等连用)阁下;大人 outset: 开始 case: 案子 taint: 玷污 conspiracy: 阴谋


characterized by destruction of evidence, distortion of the truth, and witness intimidation. 

characterized: 赋予 destruction: 毁灭 evidence: 证据 distortion: 歪曲 

witness : 证人,目击者 intimidation: 恐吓


-Tucci: Again, Judge, I have to object. 

object: 反对


These are some serious accusations 

serious: 严重的 accusation: 控告


with absolutely no proof. 

absolutely: 完全地 proof: 证据


-Veronica: No proof? What have I been arguing for the past 20 minutes? 

past: 过去的 argue: 辩论,论证


-Tucci: You got me. 


-Nike: Judge Kessler, Mr. Tucci might not appreciate the weight of what we've just presented, 

appreciate: 理解,领会 weight: 重量,分量 present: 提出,陈述


but surely you must. 

 surely: 的确地


As Ms. Donovan stated, a top... 

 state: 陈述


video forensic analyst has disputed the authenticity of a surveillance tape 

forensic: 法医的 analyst: 分析者 dispute: 对…提出质疑 authenticity: 真实性surveillance: 监控

一位顶尖视频鉴定分析师对Lincoln Burrows案 

that was the key piece of evidence in convicting Lincoln Burrows. 

key: 关键的 convict:证明…有罪


-Tucci:That's the tape that no longer exists, right? 

tape: 录像带;磁带 exist: 存在 


-Veronica: Because your client had it destroyed. 

client: 委托人 destroy: 销毁


-Tucci: Unless my client is a rusted water pipe in the County Records office, I'm afraid you'remistaken. 

unless: 除非 rusted: 生锈的 pipe: 管道 County: 县 afraid: 恐怕 mistake: 搞错


-Nike: Judge, Ms. Donovan's apartment was blown up in an attempt to silence both her and me. 

apartment: 公寓 blown up: 爆炸 silence: 使安静


-Tucci: That was independently corroborated as a gas leak, Your Honor. 

 independently: 无关的;独立的 corroborate: 确证,证实 leak: 泄露


-Veronica: Judge, a month ago, a Secret Service agent named Paul Kellerman visited my office. 

agent: 特工  name: 名叫 

法官大人,大概一个月前一个名叫 Paul Kellerman的特工来过我的办公室 

I saw Kellerman last night, when he shot and killed another agent, Daniel Hale 

 shoot: 射击

我看见他在昨晚杀了另一名特工 Daniel Hill 

right after Hale told me that Terrence Steadman was alive and well. 


-Tucci: Your Honor, I'm presenting to the clerk 

present: 呈现 clerk: 书记员


an affidavit from the Director of the Secret Service agency. 

affidavit: (经陈述者宣誓在法律上可采作证据的)书面陈述 director: 主管 agency: 机关


It states that at no time has there ever been 

state: 陈述  


an agent of that organization by the name of Paul Kellerman, or Daniel Hale. 

organization: 组织 

Paul Kellerman和Daniel Hill 这两个人 

In addition, there were no other witnesses to this shooting. 

shooting: 枪击


No bullets were found, 

bullet: 子弹


no blood, no shell casings. 

casing: 壳 shell: 弹壳


The only witness to this alleged murder is Veronica Donovan, 

alleged: (尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控的;被指称的 murder: 谋杀


Lincoln Burrows' exgirlfriend 

ex: 以前的


Now, Your Honor, I feel for Ms. Donovan. 


-Veronica: Save it. 


-Tucci: I do. But desperation causes desperate acts.  

desperation: 绝望 cause: 导致  act: 行为


And that's what we're seeing here today, Your Honor. 


My client, the Vice President of the United States... 

 vice: 副的 President: 总统


-Nike: Judge Kessler... 


- Judge: Do either of you have any evidence that is admissible? 

either: (两者之中)任一的 admissible: [法律](证据)容许提出的;可接受的,可信的


Even just tangible 

tangible: 不含糊的,明白的


Your claims, if true, are terrifying. 

 claim: 主张 terrifying: 使人害怕的


But anything, or anyone, that could verify 

verify: 证明


your story is either gone, missing or dead. 

 missing: 失踪的


I know time is of the essence. 

essence: 本质,精髓


I'll reserve judgment for now. 

reserve: 保留 judgment: 宣判


I'll take your arguments into consideration, 

argument: 证言,论点 consideration: 考虑


and I'll have a decision within a few hours. 

decision: 判决 within: 不超过 


-mechanic: These little bastards are the bane of my existence, I swear to God. 

bastard: 杂种 bane: 灾星 existence: 生存 swear: 发誓


-Geary: You get this a lot? 


-mechanic: Yeah, they're attracted to the heat when they're cold, plus, they got collapsible 

attract: 吸引 heat: 热 plus: 加上  collapsible: 可收缩的


vertebrae or some deal, so they can squeez 

vertebrae: 椎骨 deal: 事情 squeez: 变薄


-Geary: And he shorted the wire just by biting on it? 

short: 使(电路等)短路 wire: 电线 bite: 咬


-mechanic: Not by chewing on the wire alone, but if the tail touches metal, 

chew: 咬,嚼  tail: 尾巴 touch: 接触   metal: 金属

光是咬电线不会, 一旦尾巴碰到金属 

it acts as a ground, and boom, fuse pops. Along with the rat. 

act:起作用 boom: 发出隆隆声 fuse: 保险丝 pop: 突然爆开

就等于接上了地端保险丝就爆了, 老鼠也是 

-Geary: I'll be damned. 

 damned: 可恶的


-Berwick: So, can you change the fuse? 


-mechanic: Yeah, there's another one right here in the box. 


-Berwick: Can do it now? 


-mechanic: Right after I notify the State and fill out the paperwork

notify: 报告 state: 政府 paperwork: 文书工作


-Berwick: Now, hold up a minute, you two. Both of you 


We're gonna give more time 


to a guy who killed the Vice President's brother? 


This guy's a terrorist. 

terrorist: 恐怖分子


-mechanic: Forget about losing our jobs, 

 lose: 失去


we could all face charges. 

charge: 控诉,指责 face: 面对


-Berwick: Only the three of us know. 


Real easy to keep it that way 

 keep: 保密


-mechanic: It's your guys' call. 

 call: 判定


-Fernando: How much longer? 


-Michael: Six hours. 


-Berwick: Open on 40! 


Scofield, your brother's gonna be transported to Final Visitation soon. You can meet himthere. 

transport: 运送  


You look surprised. 

surprised: 感到惊讶的


You knew it was scheduled today. 

 scheduled: 预定的,事先安排的


-Michael: NO I... 


-Berwick: You were saying? 


-prison guard: They'll be transporting you to Final Visitation in a minute. 

transport: 运送


Thanks for keeping your word, Linc. 


- Louis: Linc, you're gonna have to change into these. 


-Burrows: What's that? 


- Louis: At the moment of death, the body becomes incontinent, so... 

incontinent: [医学](大小便等)失禁的

死的那刻, 你会失禁 

-Burrows: It's a diaper? 

diaper: 尿布


- Louis: Yeah. 


You need to wear it. 


-Burrows: Make me. 


- Louis: It's a good luck, huh? 


-Burrows: for the electricity. Hair gets in the way or something. 

electricity: 电

为了导电, 头发有电阻 

-Michael: I did everything I could. 


-Burrows: I know you did. 


Last time I had my head shaved was 

 shave: 刮,剃


when I was running with Derek. 


Remember Derek? 


-Michael: yeah. 


-Michael: Bet me 40 bucks I wouldn't shave it. 

bet: 打赌 buck: 钱 shave: 刮

他打赌40块, 我不愿刮头 

I said, make it 100. 


Still owes me. 

 owe: 欠


-Michael: Have you heard from Veronica? 


-Burrows: She's supposed to be coming. 


-Michael: is there any news on the appeal? 

appeal: 上诉


-Burrows: No 


-Michael: Cause there could still be a chance... 

 chance: 机会


-Burrows: Stop it. Michael, please.

Michael, 不要说了 

This thing's gonna happen. 


I got to get my head straight. 


Let's just share memories, swap stories 

share: 分享 memory: 记忆 swap: 交换  

我们可以分享记忆, 讲故事 

talk about the damn weather, 

 damn: 该死的


anything but torturing myself with the idea of hope. 

torture: 折磨

任何事, 但求不要用希望来折磨我 

I can't take it anymore. 

anymore: 再也(不)


-Michael: All right. 


-Veronica: You can't go, LJ. 

 你不能去, LJ 

- L.J: I don't care. 

 care: 在乎


I have to see him. 


-Nike: You can't go to the prison. 


You'll never make it through the gate. 


There will be cops everywhere. 

 cop: 警察


-Veronica: Look, you got to wait until we get all this cleared up, all right? 


-Nike: It's the judge's clerk. 

 clerk: 办事员;文书


Lyle, what do you got? 

 Lyle, 有什么消息 



Thanks, man. 

 谢谢, 兄弟 

-Veronica: They ruled against us. 

rule: 裁决;裁定


-Nike: Yeah. 


-Veronica: I'm going to go and see him. 


-Nike: I'm going to stay here with LJ. 


You gonna be okay going alone? 


-Veronica: Yeah, I'm going to be fine. 


-Nike: Tell Lincoln... 


you know, just, we tried. 


-Nike: Go to the back room. Go! 

 到后面的房间, 走 

-Sarah: You're the attorneys for Lincoln Burrows? 

 attorney: 律师

你们是Lincoln Burrows的律师? 

-Burrows: You letting me win, Michael? 

 你要故意让我赢? Michael? 

-Michael: No. 


-Burrows: Show me your cards. 

 card: 纸牌


-Michael: I'm not going to show you my cards. 


 -Burrows: Show me your cards. 


-Michael: I'm not going to show you my cards.


-Burrows: Give me your cards. 


-Michael: Gin. 

gin: [美国英语](在玩金罗美牌戏中)赢牌,得分


-Burrows: Funny, that. 

 funny: 有趣的


-Michael: Three out of five


How often would you make those for LJ? 


-Burrows: Whenever I had him on weekends

weekend: 周末


Maybe the only decent thing I ever did for him. 

decent: 相当好的,像样的


-Michael: No. You were there for him. 

 不, 你一直在他身边 

-Burrows: Not enough. 


I don't know how they can stomach stuff before... 

stomach: 能吃下 stuff: 东西


-Veronica: We lost the appeal. 


Your friend Sara came by, though. 


-Michael: Did she hear you out? 


-Veronica: She did. 


-Michael: Is she going to talk to her father? 


-Veronica: I sure as hell hope so. 


-Burrows: It doesn't matter any more, guys.


You have done more than enough for me. 


That's the most important thing. 


-Veronica: I couldn't bring LJ. 


-Burrows: I know. 


-Veronica: I can get him on the phone, though. 


-Burrows: What do I say? 


-Nike: LJ... it's your dad. 

 LJ, 你爸爸 

- L.J: Hey, Dad. 

 嘿, 爸爸

-Burrows: LJ.


So, this is it. 


I want you to, uh... stick with Veronica and Nick and clear your name. You'll be all right. 

clear: 澄清


- L.J: I wish I could be there, Dad. 


-Burrows: Me, too. 


- L.J: Cause there's something I want to tell you. 


-Burrows: What's that? 


- L.J: I had a dream last night. You and me were working on a house, 

dream: 梦


pounding nails. 

pound: 敲打 nail: 钉子


And in the dream... it felt like we were older. 

 在梦里, 我感觉我们的年纪大都一些 

It was so clear. The whole dream. 


And when I woke...I knew that today wasn't going to be the end. 

wake: 醒来 end: 终点

当我醒来, 我知道今天不会是终点 

That we'll see each other again, Dad

 我们会再次见面, 爸爸 

I know it. 


I love you, Dad. 

 我爱你, 爸爸 

-Sarah: Those numbers support Burrows' claim about Terrence Steadman's pending indictment. 

support: 支持 claim: 声称,主张 pending: 悬而未决的 indictment: 控告

这些数字支持了burrows提出的Terrence Stedman的经济问题 

Now, with the related murders, 

related: 有关联的  murder: 谋杀


and then the confidential informant, 

confidential: 机密的  informant: 告密者


I just wanted to make sure that you were fully aware of the circumstances. 

fully: 完全地 circumstance: 情况


-Sarah’s father: I'm fully acquainted with the Burrows case, Sara, 

acquainted: 知晓的 case: 案子


but I never heard about any of this. 


-Sarah: Well, I hadn't either until I spoke with Burrows' attorneys this afternoon. 


And I understand that most of this evidence is technically considered circumstantial, 

technically: 严格依据法律的 considered: 被考虑的 circumstantial: 非本质的,不重要的

 我知道, 这些在法理上是非直接证据 

but I think you'll agree it's hard to ignore. 

ignore: 忽视

但应该承认, 很难忽视 

-Sarah’s father: How did you get involved with all this? 

involve: 牵连


-Sarah: These men are my patients. 

patient: 病人


It's my job advocate for them. 

advocate: 拥护


-Sarah’s father: Come on, Sara, 

 行了, Sara 

how many of these guys say that they are innocent? 80,90 percent? 

percent: 百分之… innocent: 无辜的

 他们有多少人声称无辜? 80%90%? 

I mean, it's not like you're asking me for a new bike here, kid. 


Being tough on crime, capital punishment—

tough: 强硬的 crime: 犯罪 capital: 致命的   punishment: 惩罚


it's all part of a philosophy that I believe in. 

philosophy: 哲学  


Part of a philosophy that I campaigned on, was elected for. 

campaign: 参加竞选 


-Sarah: I have to go back to Fox River. 


I have to be there when they kill this man. 


The least you could do is review his case. 

least: 至少 review: 检验;审核


And, Dad, if it helps... pretend it didn't come from me. 

pretend: 假装

爸爸, 如果可以不要当是我来求你 

-Burrows: I've never given a damn about what people thought of me. 




The last couple of days... I gotta admit, you know... 

admit: 承认

过去几天, 我得承认 

Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth... 

 Lee Harvey Oswald

 刺杀肯尼迪的人 John L Spooks 

Lincoln Burrows. I'm gonna go down in history with these freaks. 

freak: 疯子

Lincoln Burrows 我要和这些变态遗臭万年 

Bitch of it all is I didn't do it. 

 bitch: 母狗,泼妇

我就是这样, 我没做过 

I didn't do it! 


I didn't do it. 


-Pope: It's time. 


-prison guard: Warden! 

 warden: 监狱长


-Pope: What is it? 


-prison guard: It's the governor. 


-Pope: Yes, Governor. 

 是, 州长 



I understand. 


The governor has reviewed your case fully. 


He's not granting clemency. 

 grant: 准许;准予 clemency: 宽恕


Let's proceed. 

proceed: 继续进行


-Caroline: You did your country and your party a great service. 

service: 贡献,功劳 party: 党派

你为你的国家, 你的党做了贡献 

It won't go unnoticed. 

unnoticed: 不被注意的


Thank you, Madame Vice President. 

 谢谢, 副总统女士 

-Sarah’s father: Thank you, Governor. 

 谢谢, 州长先生 

-Berwick: Can't go past here


Once he's in the death chamber, you'll be escorted to the viewing room. 

chamber: 房间  escort: 陪同  view: 看


-Veronica: Can I... 


-Berwick: Yeah. 


-Veronica: I have loved you since the first time I saw you. 

 第一眼见到你, 我就爱上了你 

-Pope: Uncuff him. 

 uncuff: 解开手铐,cuff的反义词


Let's go, son. 


-Burrows:  I didn't kill that man, Michael. 

 swear: 发誓

我没杀人, Michael 

-Michael: Swear to me.


-Burrows:  I swear to you. 

 我向你发誓, Michael 

-Michael: Preparation can only take you so far. 

preparation: 准备工作


After that, you got to take a few leaps of faith. 

leap: 激增,剧增 faith: 信念


-Veronica: Don't give up on me. 


-Michael: what if something's happened to you? 


-Burrows: You just have a little faith. 


-Michael: Just have a little faith. 


-Burrows: How about every Sunday, we have our own special breakfast? 

own: 自己的 special: 特别的


 Just you and me


- L.J: Yeah.


-Burrows: Give me your hand. 


You got to have faith, LJ. 

 要有信念, LJ 

- L.J: I love you, Dad. 

 我爱你, 爸爸 

-Burrows: I came in here a man. Give me the strength to walk out of here a man. 

 strength: 力量

赐我力量, 让我走出这里... 







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