
一、Changing the minimum word length allowed for searching

When using the flexicontent search view, you may want to change the minimum search word length allowed.

Note that both FLEXIcontent and MySql pose a limit to this

  1. Set a minimum characters in the menu item pointing to search view
  2. Edit mysql.ini (or mysql.cnf, or my.ini) file and change variable "ft_min_word_len" to put a lower limit, e.g.:
    # The MySQL server [mysqld] ft_min_word_len=2

ΝΟΤΕ 1: if you do not have access mysql.ini file to change this variable, then you will have to contact you web host provider

ΝΟΤΕ 2: If using FLEXIcontent Search module, you will need to create a joomla menu item pointing to search view (if you don't have one already).

ΝΟΤΕ 3: If you don't want the menu item to appear you can create it, inside the FLEXIcontent hidden menu (if it doesnot exist there already), this way the menu item will be activated, and the parameters defined in there will be used (e.g. the minimum characters parameter will be used) !!!


二、How to use an FC category as Homepage / Frontpage

It is possible to create a FLEXIcontent category to replace the frontpage (com_frontpage).

Like this:

  1. Create a category e.g. called "Frontpage Items".
  2. Go the the (SYSTEM) FLEXIcontent advanced route plugin and select to exclude this category from routing (=meaning no links will be created to it, e.g. when displaying the categories of an item this category will not be listed)
  3. Duplicate a template (e.g. the blog template and call it called "frontpageblog") and assign it to the category "Frontpage Items"
  4. If needed, edit the files of this new template (particularly the category*.php files) to customize them.
  5. Assign the items you wish to appear in the frontpage to this category. Of course the items will be assigned to both the "Frontpage Items" category and their normal category(-ies) (use CTRL-click to select)
  6. Create a --new-- menu item that points to the category "Frontpage Items" and set it as --default-- so that it becomes your home page.

You are done !!

三、How to use content plugins in Flexicontent item?


There is no limitation on which content plugins you can use inside FLEXIcontent fields (e.g. in description field, text field, textarea field)

-- Many will work just fine without any alterations.

  1. First, plug-ins must be enabled for the particular field, or they will not work, this is parameter "Trigger content plugins"
  2. You can trigger plugins selectively per field, parameter "Specific plugins only"


Check  the field parameters settings.

Relevant link for third-party extensions working with Flexicontent:

Why my content plugin don't work? Here is relevant forum thread:

-- Some  plug-ins limit themselves to particular components, options, views,  etc. -- Some of these plug-ins may easily be modified to work with other  components (e.g. FLEXIcontent). --Some of these plug-ins may not be  easily modified.
--Some have required minor changes to  remove their limitations. --Some will not work without major  modifications.

These all depends on the particular plug-in. -- Many  content plug-ins do not work in Sobi2  for the same reasons. -- Many content  plug-ins do not work in VirtueMart for the same reasons

四、Resolving failed installation, because of server limitations


The following applies to installing FLEXIcontent and other relative large Joomla components

(a). PHP (web server) limitations -- regarding upload FLEXIcontent installation file 2-4 MBs -- executing times of the installation script

Please go to Joomla's System Information, and then inside TAB PHP information, and make sure that you have at least the following in your .htaccess (may require restart web server), or ask your WebHost Provider to do it:

  1. php_value upload_max_filesize 15M
  2. php_value post_max_size 15M
  3. php_value max_input_time 300
  4. php_value max_execution_time 300

ALSO consider disabling FTP layer in Joomla configuration if you have it enabled

(b) MySQL server Limitations

Please check that you have at least the following in the mysql.ini of your MySQL Server or ask your WebHost Provider to do it:


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