function name { commands }
name() {
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test1.sh #!/bin/bash #using a function in a script function func1 { echo "This is an example of a function" } count=1 while [ $count -le 3 ] ;do func1 count=$[ $count + 1 ] done echo "This is the end of the loop" func1 echo "This is script end" [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test1.sh This is an example of a function This is an example of a function This is an example of a function This is the end of the loop This is an example of a function This is script end [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
使用return 返回 函数
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test2.sh #!/bin/bash #using the return command in a function function db1 { read -p "Enter a value:" value echo "doubling the value" return $[ $value * 2 ] } db1 echo "The new value $?" [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test2.sh Enter a value:2 doubling the value The new value 4 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test2.sh #注意$? 返回函数值必须小于256 ,因此需要另外一种方法 Enter a value:200 doubling the value The new value 144 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test3.sh #!/bin/bash #using the return command in a function function db1 { read -p "Enter a value:" value #echo "doubling the value" echo $[ $value * 2 ] #新函数会用echo语句来显示计算的结果。该脚本会获取dbl函数的输出,而不是查看退出状态码
} value1=$(db1) echo "The new value $value1" [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test3.sh Enter a value:200 The new value 400 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test4.sh #!/bin/bash #passing parameters to a function function addem { if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ];then echo -1 elif [ $# -eq 1 ];then echo $[ $1 * $1 ] else echo $[ $1 + $2 ] fi } echo -n "Adding 20 and 30:" value=$(addem 20 30) echo $value echo -n "30 *:" value=$( addem 30) echo $value echo -n "10 20 30:" value=$(addem 10 20 30) echo $value [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test4.sh Adding 20 and 30:50 30 *:900 10 20 30:-1 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test5.sh #/bin/bash #trying to access script parameters inside a function function func1 { echo $[ $1 * $2 ] } if [ $# -eq 2 ];then value=$(func1 $1 $2) echo "The result is $value" else echo "Usage:badtest1 a b" fi [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test5.sh Usage:badtest1 a b [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test5.sh 2 3 The result is 6 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
1. 全局变量 全局变量是在shell脚本中任何地方都有效的变量。如果你在脚本的主体部分定义了一个全局变量,那么可以在函数内读取它的值。类似地,如果你在函数内定义了一个全局变量,可以在脚本的主体部分读取它的值。
13 2. 局部变量 无需在函数中使用全局变量,函数内部使用的任何变量都可以被声明成局部变量。要实现这一点,只要在变量声明的前面加上local关键字就可以了。
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test6.sh #!/bin/bash #demonstrating the local keyword function func1 { local test1=$[ $test2 * 2 ] test3=$[ test2 * 2 ] } test3=100 test1=10 test2=5 func1 echo "$test1 $test2 $test3 " [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# vim test6.sh [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test6.sh #局部变量的值 test1 在函数执行后没有被修改,test3 的值在函数执行后,被修改为函数执行的结果 1223340 5 10 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test8.sh #!/bin/bash # array variable to function test function test1 { #在向函数传递数组变量的时候,需要将数据变量当做一个整体进行传递,通过$@ 方式
#$@ 将给定的多个参数定义为同一字符串的多个单独的单词,类似 "A" "B" "C" local newarray newarray=($(echo $@)) echo "The new array value is: ${newarray[*]}" } function test2 { #在向函数传递数组变量时,如果使用 $1 参数,会识别为数组变量的第一个参数。无法完整的传递整个参数。默认不会将传递给函数的数组变量看成一个参数 local newarray newarray=$1 echo "The test2 function valueis: ${newarray[*]}" } myarray=(1 2 3 4 5) echo "The original array is ${myarray[*]}" test1 ${myarray[*]} test2 ${myarray[*]} [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test8.sh The original array is 1 2 3 4 5 The new array value is: 1 2 3 4 5 The test2 function valueis: 1 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
函数递归的使用,使用bash -x 跟踪递归的处理步骤很有效
root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test11.sh #!/bin/bash #using recursion function factorial { if [ $1 -eq 1 ];then echo 1 else local temp=$[ $1 - 1 ] local result=`factorial $temp` #return $1 echo $[ $result * $1 ] fi } value=5 result=$(factorial $value) echo "$result" [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# bash -x test11.sh + value=5 ++ factorial 5 ++ '[' 5 -eq 1 ']' ++ local temp=4 +++ factorial 4 +++ '[' 4 -eq 1 ']' +++ local temp=3 ++++ factorial 3 ++++ '[' 3 -eq 1 ']' ++++ local temp=2 +++++ factorial 2 +++++ '[' 2 -eq 1 ']' +++++ local temp=1 ++++++ factorial 1 ++++++ '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' ++++++ echo 1 +++++ local result=1 +++++ echo 2 ++++ local result=2 ++++ echo 6 +++ local result=6 +++ echo 24 ++ local result=24 ++ echo 120 + result=120 + echo 120 120 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat myfuncs #创建的库文件需要有执行权限 #my script functions function addem { echo $[ $1 + $2 ] } function multem { echo $[ $1 * $2 ] } function divem { if [ $2 -ne 0 ];then echo $[ $1 / $2 ] else echo 1 fi } [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test12.sh #!/bin/bash # using functions defined in a library file source ./myfuncs #两种方式调用库文件 ,source 和 .. ,这是让库文件在当前shell 调用。如果使用 ./mufuncs 相当于在子shell 调用了。会找不到命令
# ../myfuncs
value1=10 value2=5 result1=$(addem $value1 $value2) result2=$(multem $value1 $value2) result3=$(divem $value1 $value2) echo "The result of adding them is: $result1" echo "The result of multiplying them is: $result2" echo "The result of dividing them is: $result3" # [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# ./test12.sh The result of adding them is: 15 The result of multiplying them is: 50 The result of dividing them is: 2 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
[root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# function funcs { #当在命令行上定义函数时,你必须记得在每个命令后面加个分号,这样shell就能知道在哪里是命令的起止了
> echo $[ $1 + $2 ];} [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# funcs 1 2 3 [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#
在 .bashrc 中定义函数
[root@localhost ~]# cat /root/.bashrc # .bashrc 是函数的最佳定义位置 # .bashrc # User specific aliases and functions alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi function add { echo $[ $1 + $2 ] } [root@localhost ~]#
在script 中使用在.bashrc 中定义的函数
root@localhost advanced_shell_script]# cat test13.sh #!/bin/bash source /root/.bashrc #通过source 命令将函数调用进来,否则命令找不到 result=$(add 2 3) echo "$result" [root@localhost advanced_shell_script]#