SSD5_Optional Exercise6分析

Exam2下来就是Optional Exercise6,这是一个以树和StL map组合的数据结构,并要求递归来求解问题




hospital 10 floor
floor 4 wing
wing 2 long_corridor
wing 1 connecting_corridor
long_corridor 21 patient_room
connecting_corridor 5 supply_room
patient_room 2 bed
patient_room 4 outlet
patient_room 1 bathroom
outlet 1 face_plate
outlet 2 socket
bathroom 1 sink
sink 2 small_rubber_washer
sink 1 large_rubber_washer
floor 1 central_lobby
central_lobby 2 couch
central_lobby 1 television

In this assessment, you will construct a representation of a complex structure, a hospital that is composed of many parts. There are too many parts for a human to keep track of, which is why we want the computer to do it for us. The description of the hospital is contained in the file definitions.txt.

Figure 1 Layout of a floor in the hospital

The building has ten floors. Each floor has four wings emanating from a central core.

Each wing contains two long corridors joined at the end by a short connecting corridor.

Each long corridor contains twenty-one patient rooms. Each connecting corridor contains five supply rooms.

The hospital is described by a labeled tree, whose nodes are of type Part. A node contains children nodes corresponding to its subparts, as shown in the figure below. Each edge is labeled by the number of subparts the node contains. For example, the label 10 on the edge from hospital to floor indicates that the hospital has ten floors. You can assume there are no duplicate edges, that is, there is at most one edge between any two nodes.



The driver program main.cpp first loads the file definitions.txt, which contains the subpart relationships that define the hospital. It then processes queries from the file queries.txt, which contains two kinds of queries about the hospital. The whatis query requests the description of a Part. The howmany query is the heart of the exercise. It asks how many instances of a Part are contained in another Part.


You are provided with main.cpp and a skeleton version of parts.h as a starting point. Your job is to complete the parts.h file (and write parts.cpp, if you deem necessary). The steps below point the way toward a solution, but they do not cover every detail, so if you find you need to create additional functions or member items, feel free to do so.



// main.cpp -- driver program for "Sum of Its Parts"

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

#include "parts.h"

void load_definitions(char* filename) {
    ifstream inf(filename);
    string part, subpart;

    int quantity;

    while ( inf.good() ) {
        inf >> part >> quantity >> subpart;
        if ( !inf.good() ) return ;
        add_part(part, quantity, subpart);

void whatis_query(string const &x) {
    Part* xp = partContainer.lookup(x);
    cout << endl;

void howmany_query(string const &x, string const &y) {
    Part* xp = partContainer.lookup(x);
    Part* yp = partContainer.lookup(y);
    cout << endl << y << " has " << yp->count_howmany(xp) << " " << x << endl;

void process_queries(char* filename) {

    ifstream inf(filename);
    string query, x, y;

    while ( inf.good() ) {

        inf >> query >> x;
        if ( query == "howmany" )
            inf >> y;
        if ( !inf.good() ) return ;

        if ( query == "howmany" )
            howmany_query(x, y);
        else if ( query == "whatis" )
        else {
            cerr << "*** Illegal query: " << query << endl;
            return ;

int main(void) {
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


// parts.h

#ifndef _PARTS_H_
#define _PARTS_H_

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

//**************** Part ****************
class Part {

    string name;
    /*Begin by adding to class Part an additional member named subparts that is a container of type map.
    Your container should map a pointer (of type Part) to an integer.
    So, for example, the Part named hospital will have among its subparts an entry mapping a pointer to the Part named floor to the int 10,
    since a hospital contains 10 floors.
    map <Part*,int> subparts;

    Part(string const &n) : name(n) {};
    void describe(void);
    int count_howmany(Part const *p);

//**************** NameContainer ****************
class NameContainer {

    map<string, Part*> name_map;


    NameContainer(void) {};

    Part* lookup(string const &name) {
        Next, complete the implementation of method lookup of class NameContainer,
        which maps a string to a pointer to an instance of type Part.
        Method lookup should automatically create an instance of class Part with the given name if one does not already exist in the map.
         The method should return a pointer to the instance.
        if (name_map.count(name) == 0) {
                    Part* newpart = new Part(name);
                    name_map[name] = newpart;
                return name_map[name];

NameContainer partContainer;

//**************** Part Member Functions ****************
void Part::describe(void) {
    /*Next, implement the describe method of class Part.
    It should list the part name and all of the subparts and their quantities.
    Use iterators to process the subparts.
    cout << "Part " << name << " There are subparts:" << endl;

     if (subparts.empty()) {
            cout << "No subparts." << endl;

        } else {
            map<Part*, int>::iterator it;
            for (it = subparts.begin(); it != subparts.end(); it++) {
                cout << it->second << " " << it->first->name << endl;



int Part::count_howmany(Part const *p) {
    Then, implement the recursive method count_howmany(Part const *p) of class Part
    that counts the number of instances of the part pointed to by p that occur in the invoking object.
    Counting proceeds by simple recursion on the subparts.
    For example, asking hospital how many wing subparts it contains, we see a hospital has 10 floors.
    Recursively asking floor how many wing subparts it contains, we see that a floor has four wings.
    Calling the recursive function again, we ask wing how many times it occurs in wing.
    The function returns the value 1 since this is the base case. The final answer is then 40 (10 * 4 * 1).
     if (this == p) {
            return 1;
        else {

            int total = 0;
            map<Part*, int>::iterator it;
            for (it = subparts.begin(); it != subparts.end(); it++) {
                total += (it->first->count_howmany(p) * it->second);
            return total;



//**************** Miscellaneous Functions ****************
void add_part(string const &x, int q, string const &y) {
    Finally, write the helper function add_part(string const &x, int quantity, string const &y)
    that adds the part named y as a new subpart of the Part named x.
    This function is called by load_definitions in main.cpp.
    To obtain pointers to the Part objects specified by the string parameters,
    use method lookup of object partContainer.
    Part* part = partContainer.lookup(x);
    Part* subpart = partContainer.lookup(y);
    part->subparts[subpart] = q;



whatis connecting_corridor
whatis patient_room
whatis small_rubber_washer
whatis bathroom
whatis floor
howmany floor hospital
howmany wing hospital
howmany patient_room hospital
howmany bed hospital
howmany couch floor
howmany couch hospital
howmany couch couch
howmany small_rubber_washer floor




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