景观分析工具:arcgis中patch analysis模块

本文介绍了ArcGIS的扩展模块Patch Analysis,用于景观斑块的空间分析和属性建模。该工具适用于多边形层和栅格层,支持空间格局分析、栖息地建模、生物多样性保护和森林管理。文章详细阐述了模块的安装、使用方法,以及斑块模式、属性分配、空间统计等功能,并提供了批量分析和区域分析的选项。此外,还讨论了不同操作在多边形和栅格层上的差异,以及对景观形状分析的应用。

关键字:景观分析arcgis patch analysis 地理信息系统 




1. First uninstall any existing versions of Patch Analyst and then run the setup program (e.g., pa_Setup_v93.exe).

2. Open ArcMap, but note that on Windows 7 and Vista you must right click on the ArcMap icon, and "Run as Admin " in order to see the dlls and finish the final install steps, even if you are logged on to the computer as Admin. You probably also need to be logged on as Admin on Win XP.

3. Click on "Tools and select "Customize".

4. Click on the "Commands" tab.

5. Find "Menus" in the 'Categories' column and click on it.

6. - Click the "Add from file" button at the bottom.
- Navigate to the directory where Patch Analyst is stored (usually C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\extensions\PatchAnalyst).
- Select "PatchAnalystv93.dll".
- A window will appear showing the objects added. Click "OK".
- Repeat for PatchGridv93.dll

7. In the 'Commands' column (right hand side) click and drag and drop "Patch" (or "Patch Grid") onto the menu bar.
- When you move the item to an acceptable location (e.g. between Windows and Help menu items, a vertical bar will appear)

8. Open the tutoria data set map. Under File...Open, navigate to C:\Patch Analyst\Samplesand select Patch Analyst Sample Datav93.mxd

(按:大概由于现在所分析的数据空间尺度过大,导致fragstats运行无法分配内存,提示"cannot allocate memory",尝试使用arcgis的景观分析模块,正在探索中……)



什么是ARCGIS ® 斑块分析师?

斑块分析师是ArcGIS ®软件系统扩展模块,有利于景观斑块的空间分析与建模与修补程序相关的属性。它是用来进行空间格局分析,常栖息地建模,生物多样性保护和森林管理的支持。该方案包括能力的特点补丁模式和分配能力补丁的价值观基础上的补丁属性(例如立场年龄,林冠组成和冠封闭组合)的组合。它有两个版本,斑块和栅格斑块;后者是栅格分析,而前者是用于多边形层。

Patch analyst is an extension to the ArcGIS®software system that facilitates the spatial analysis of landscape patches and the modeling of attributes associated with patches. It is used for spatial pattern analysis, often in support of habitat modeling, biodiversity conservation and forest management. The program includes capabilities to characterize patch pattern and the ability to assign patch values based on combinations of patch attributes (e.g. combinations of stand age, overstory composition and crown closure). It is available in two versions, Patch and Patch grid; the former is used with polygon layers while the latter is for raster (grid) layers.



•一旦程序下载,并添加到ArcGIS工具栏,用户只需点击修补或修补网格显示下拉菜单一拉。如果相关数据(例如,栅格文件对应于Patch Grid)不是当前地图的一部分,有关数据类型的属性选项将不可用,并且在菜单上显示为灰色。

Once the program is downloaded and added to the ArcGIS toolbar the user simply clicks on Patch or
Patch Grid to reveal a pull down menu. If relevant data (e.g. a raster file for Patch Grid) is not a part of the current map, options pertaining to that data type will be unavailable and appear faded on the menu.


A variety of available operations allow the user to: dissolve (clump) and re-class polygons or rasters by fields, intersect (combine) layers, create core areas, make hexagon regions, add or refresh area and perimeter fields, make variables from FRI string fields as well as calculate a variety of spatial statistics on the data in the layers.

•栅格和多边形图层的空间的的计算是不同的,因此是一个"空间统计"的实现要涉及patch analyst 和 patch grid两个模块。

The Spatial Analysis statistics for raster and polygon layers are calculated differently and therefore there is a 'Spatial Statistics' selection on both the Patch Analyst and Patch Grid menus.

•某些功能有所不同,取决于是否多边形或栅格文件。例如,patch模块的Dissolve功能直接使用了ArcGIS ®的Dissolve工具,而在栅格模块中是将相邻类似像元合并在一起。。

Some functions differ depending on whether the layer is a polygon or raster file. For example, the dissolve function in Patch Analyst uses the Dissolve tool in ArcGIS®, while in Patch Grid the tool clumps adjacent like pixels together.

两个模块中相交 Intersect(合并combine)命令也以不同的方式工作。在多边形斑块分析模块进行多边形相交分析时,使用ArcGIS ®的Intersect工具,在栅格斑块分析模块使用另一种针对栅格图层的算法。

The Intersect (combine) command also works differently in Patch Analyst and Patch Grid. When intersecting polygons in Patch Analyst, the ArcGIS® Intersect tool is used and Patch Grid uses a different method for raster layers.





Analysis can be automated by using either batch analysis or regions analysis. Batch analysis will run separate analyses on pre-selected shapefiles. Regions analysis is used where a single large analysis layer is subdivided into regions, and analysis is desired on each of these maller analysis units. Regions can be administrative, ecological or arbitrary, and can include such things as administrative districts, watersheds, or a hexagon grid overlay. Patch Analyst provides a facility to generate a hexagon overlay, and this overlay can be intersected with the original analysis layer.





Create Patch Theme from Grid creates a new layer (theme), where each clump of like-classified pixels is assigned its own area and perimeter. This is a necessary step for patch analysis.


聚集栅格(网格)(与shiape文件的dissolve类似)很复杂,需要对运行过程多加注意。对栅格数据执行景观形状分析经常比对shape文件执行该过程要快。聚集栅格(网格)并不是必要步骤,因为这是Fragstats的常规任务。但是,聚簇需要同一类型的每个斑块信息(即制作斑块直方图)。当从shape file 或 coverage文件创建栅格(网格)时,将提示用户输入要素字段,并用它来创建栅格(网格),聚簇的方法(见下文)以及存储栅格(网格)文件的位置。其结果是输出了带有要素属性表的栅格(网格)数据。属性表中每种类型一行。为了绘制斑块直方图,计算斑块数量,一个类型中的每一斑块都需要用一行进行表示(邻接的像素簇)。解散栅格(网格)将简化表,并对每个斑块创建行。


Clumping rasters (grids) (analogous with dissolve for shape files) is complex and requires that careful attention be paid to the process. Performing a landscape pattern analysis on a raster (grid) file is often faster than on a shape file. Clumping rasters (grids) is not necessary when performing a spatial analysis in Patch Grid because this is done by the Fragstats routine. However, clumping is required when information for each patch within the same class is needed (i.e., producing patch histograms). When creating a raster (grid) from a shape file or coverage, the user is prompted for the feature field to use to create the raster (grid), the clumping method (see below), and the location to store the raster (grid). The result is a raster (grid) with a table of feature attributes. The table contains one row for each class. To produce patch histograms, calculate the number of patches etc., a row is needed for each patch (contiguous clump of pixels) within each class. Dissolving a raster (grid) will simplify the table and create a row for each patch.



Note: When dissolving a raster (grid) you will be asked to select a Clumping Method.


4N和8N之间的区别是聚簇邻接像素的邻居(N)数量。例如,在下面的例子中有两个斑块A和B(白色像元)。如果4N - 使用直角方法被选中,每个像素周围搜索将包括每个像素的四边。任何临边的具有相同值的像素被发现,两个像素将被聚簇在一起。在下面的例子是使用4N-直角方法产生的两个不同的斑块(斑块A和斑块B)。相反,如果8N - 使用对角线被选中的搜索将包括每个像素的四边和对角线上的每个像素,或每个周围的像素,因此八个邻居。在这个例子中,如使用8N - 使用对角线法定义则将只有一个包括所有白色像素的单独斑块。

 The difference between 4N and 8N is the number of neighbours (N) used in clumping contiguous pixels. For instance, in the example below, two patches are present, A and B





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