Interface Collector

compact1, compact2, compact3
Interface Collector<T,A,R>

Type Parameters:

T - the type of input elements to the reduction operation

A - the mutable accumulation type of the reduction operation (often hidden as an implementation detail)

R - the result type of the reduction operation

public interface Collector<T,A,R>
A mutable reduction operation that accumulates input elements into a mutable result container, optionally transforming the accumulated result into a final representation after all input elements have been processed. Reduction operations can be performed either sequentially or in parallel.

Examples of mutable reduction operations include: accumulating elements into a Collection; concatenating strings using a StringBuilder; computing summary information about elements such as sum, min, max, or average; computing "pivot table" summaries such as "maximum valued transaction by seller", etc. The class Collectors provides implementations of many common mutable reductions.

A Collector is specified(描述,说明) by four functions that work together to accumulate entries into a mutable result container, and optionally perform a final transform on the result. They are:

  • creation of a new result container (supplier())
  • incorporating(合并) a new data element into a result container (accumulator())
  • combining two result containers into one (combiner())
  • performing an optional final transform on the container (finisher())

Collectors also have a set of characteristics, such as Collector.Characteristics.CONCURRENT, that provide hints(暗示) that can be used by a reduction implementation to provide better performance.

A sequential implementation of a reduction using a collector would create a single result container using the supplier function, and invoke the accumulator function once for each input element. A parallel implementation would partition(分割) the input, create a result container for each partition, accumulate the contents of each partition into a subresult for that partition, and then use the combiner function to merge the subresults into a combined result.

To ensure that sequential and parallel executions produce equivalent results, the collector functions must satisfy an identity and an associativity constraints.

The identity constraint says that for any partially accumulated result, combining it with an empty result container must produce an equivalent result. That is, for a partially accumulated result a that is the result of any series of accumulator and combiner invocations(装置), a must be equivalent to combiner.apply(a, supplier.get()).

The associativity constraint says that splitting the computation must produce an equivalent result. That is, for any input elements t1 and t2, the results r1 and r2 in the computation below must be equivalent:

    A a1 = supplier.get();
    accumulator.accept(a1, t1);
    accumulator.accept(a1, t2);
    R r1 = finisher.apply(a1);  // result without splitting

    A a2 = supplier.get();
    accumulator.accept(a2, t1);
    A a3 = supplier.get();
    accumulator.accept(a3, t2);
    R r2 = finisher.apply(combiner.apply(a2, a3));  // result with splitting

For collectors that do not have the UNORDERED characteristic, two accumulated results a1 and a2 are equivalent if finisher.apply(a1).equals(finisher.apply(a2)). For unordered collectors, equivalence is relaxed to allow for non-equality related to differences in order. (For example, an unordered collector that accumulated elements to a List would consider two lists equivalent if they contained the same elements, ignoring order.)

Libraries that implement reduction based on Collector, such as Stream.collect(Collector), must adhere(坚持,受限) to the following constraints:

  • The first argument passed to the accumulator function, both arguments passed to the combiner function, and the argument passed to the finisher function must be the result of a previous invocation of the result supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions.
  • The implementation should not do anything with the result of any of the result supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions other than to pass them again to the accumulator, combiner, or finisher functions, or return them to the caller of the reduction operation.
  • If a result is passed to the combiner or finisher function, and the same object is not returned from that function, it is never used again. 啥意思?
  • Once a result is passed to the combiner or finisher function, it is never passed to the accumulator function again.
  • For non-concurrent collectors, any result returned from the result supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions must be serially thread-confined. This enables collection to occur in parallel without the Collector needing to implement any additional synchronization. The reduction implementation must manage that the input is properly partitioned, that partitions are processed in isolation, and combining happens only after accumulation is complete.
  • For concurrent collectors, an implementation is free to (but not required to) implement reduction concurrently. A concurrent reduction is one where the accumulator function is called concurrently from multiple threads, using the same concurrently-modifiable result container, rather than keeping the result isolated during accumulation. A concurrent reduction should only be applied if the collector has theCollector.Characteristics.UNORDERED characteristics or if the originating(原始) data is unordered.

In addition to(除了) the predefined implementations in Collectors, the static factory methods of(Supplier, BiConsumer, BinaryOperator, Characteristics...) can be used to construct collectors. For example, you could create a collector that accumulates widgets into a TreeSet with:

 Collector<Widget, ?, TreeSet<Widget>> intoSet =
     Collector.of(TreeSet::new, TreeSet::add,
                  (left, right) -> { left.addAll(right); return left; });

(This behavior is also implemented by the predefined collector Collectors.toCollection(Supplier)).

API Note:

Performing a reduction operation with a Collector should produce a result equivalent to:
R container = collector.supplier().get();
for (T t : data)
collector.accumulator().accept(container, t);
return collector.finisher().apply(container);

However, the library is free(可选的) to partition the input, perform the reduction on the partitions, and then use the combiner function to combine the partial results to achieve a parallel reduction. (Depending on the specific reduction operation, this may perform better or worse, depending on the relative cost of the accumulator and combiner functions.)
Collectors are designed to be composed(组合); many of the methods in Collectors are functions that take a collector and produce a new collector. For example, given the following collector that computes the sum of the salaries of a stream of employees:
Collector<Employee, ?, Integer> summingSalaries
= Collectors.summingInt(Employee::getSalary))

If we wanted to create a collector to tabulate(制表) the sum of salaries by department, we could reuse the "sum of salaries" logic using Collectors.groupingBy(Function, Collector):
Collector<Employee, ?, Map<Department, Integer>> summingSalariesByDept
= Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment, summingSalaries);

See Also:
Stream.collect(Collector), Collectors

Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes

• Modifier and Type • Interface and Description
• static class • Collector.CharacteristicsCharacteristics indicating properties of a Collector, which can be used to optimize reduction implementations.
• Method Summary
All Methods
Static Methods
Instance Methods
Abstract Methods
Default Methods

• Modifier and Type • Method and Description
• BiConsumer<A,T> • accumulator()A function that folds a value into a mutable result container.
• Set<Collector.Characteristics> • characteristics()Returns a Set of Collector.Characteristics indicating the characteristics of this Collector.
• BinaryOperator • combiner()A function that accepts two partial results and merges them.
• Function<A,R> • finisher()Perform the final transformation from the intermediate accumulation type A to the final result type R.
• static <T,A,R> Collector<T,A,R> • of(Supplier supplier, BiConsumer<A,T> accumulator, BinaryOperator combiner, Function<A,R> finisher,Collector.Characteristics... characteristics)Returns a new Collector described by the given supplier, accumulator, combiner, and finisher functions.
• static <T,R> Collector<T,R,R> • of(Supplier supplier, BiConsumer<R,T> accumulator, BinaryOperator combiner, Collector.Characteristics... characteristics)Returns a new Collector described by the given supplier, accumulator, and combiner functions.
• Supplier


Java中编写一个采集数据的接口程序通常涉及创建一个抽象类或接口来定义数据采集的行为规范,然后提供一些通用的方法声明,具体的实现留给实现了该接口的类去完成。下面是一个简单的例子,假设我们正在构建一个用于网络数据采集的接口: ```java // 定义一个名为DataCollector的接口 public interface DataCollector { // 创建一个获取数据的方法,这里只是一个示例,实际采集过程会更复杂 String fetchData(); // 可选的处理数据的方法 void processData(String data); } // 实现这个接口的一个类,比如WebDataCollector public class WebDataCollector implements DataCollector { @Override public String fetchData() { // 这里模拟从网络上抓取数据的过程 return "Example data from web"; } @Override public void processData(String data) { System.out.println("Processing received data: " + data); } } // 主程序部分 public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建并使用实现接口的对象 DataCollector collector = new WebDataCollector(); String collectedData = collector.fetchData(); collector.processData(collectedData); // 如果还有其他实现了DataCollector接口的类,可以替换此处的WebDataCollector } } ``` 在这个例子中,`DataCollector`接口定义了基本的操作逻辑,而`WebDataCollector`实现了这些操作的具体步骤。通过这种方式,我们可以创建多种类型的`DataCollector`实例,每个实例都有自己的采集和处理数据的方式。




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