Android Studio-Cannot Load Settings from file



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文件: import scrapy from demo1.items import Demo1Item import urllib from scrapy import log # BOSS直聘网站爬虫职位 class DemoSpider(scrapy.Spider): # 爬虫名, 启动爬虫时需要的参数*必填 name = 'demo' # 爬取域范围,允许爬虫在这个域名下进行爬取(可选) allowed_domains = [''] # 爬虫需要的url start_urls = ['测试'] def parse(self, response): node_list = response.xpath("//div[@class='job-primary']") # 用来存储所有的item字段 # items = [] for node in node_list: item = Demo1Item() # extract() 将xpath对象转换为Unicode字符串 href = node.xpath("./div[@class='info-primary']//a/@href").extract() job_title = node.xpath("./div[@class='info-primary']//a/div[@class='job-title']/text()").extract() salary = node.xpath("./div[@class='info-primary']//a/span/text()").extract() working_place = node.xpath("./div[@class='info-primary']/p/text()").extract() company_name = node.xpath("./div[@class='info-company']//a/text()").extract() item['href'] = href[0] item['job_title'] = job_title[0] item['sa 报错: C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe "C:\Users\xieqianyun\PyCharm Community Edition 2019.2.5\helpers\pydev\" --mode=client --port=55825 import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform)) sys.path.extend(['C:\\Users\\xieqianyun\\demo1', 'C:/Users/xieqianyun/demo1']) Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 17:00:18) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 7.10.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. PyDev console: using IPython 7.10.0 Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 17:00:18) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 runfile('C:/Users/xieqianyun/demo1/demo1/', wdir='C:/Users/xieqianyun/demo1/demo1') Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3319, in run_code exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns) File "<ipython-input-2-fc5979762143>", line 1, in <module> runfile('C:/Users/xieqianyun/demo1/demo1/', wdir='C:/Users/xieqianyun/demo1/demo1') File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\PyCharm Community Edition 2019.2.5\helpers\pydev\_pydev_bundle\", line 197, in runfile pydev_imports.execfile(filename, global_vars, local_vars) # execute the script File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\PyCharm Community Edition 2019.2.5\helpers\pydev\_pydev_imps\", line 18, in execfile exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc) File "C:/Users/xieqianyun/demo1/demo1/", line 3, in <module> cmdline.execute('scrapy crawl demo'.split()) File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\", line 145, in execute cmd.crawler_process = CrawlerProcess(settings) File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\", line 267, in __init__ super(CrawlerProcess, self).__init__(settings) File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\", line 145, in __init__ self.spider_loader = _get_spider_loader(settings) File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\", line 347, in _get_spider_loader return loader_cls.from_settings(settings.frozencopy()) File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\", line 61, in from_settings return cls(settings) File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\", line 25, in __init__ self._load_all_spiders() File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\", line 47, in _load_all_spiders for module in walk_modules(name): File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\scrapy\utils\", line 73, in walk_modules submod = import_module(fullpath) File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\importlib\", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 994, in _gcd_import File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 665, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 678, in exec_module File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "C:\Users\xieqianyun\demo1\demo1\spiders\", line 4, in <module> from scrapy import log ImportError: cannot import name 'log'
1 ,<br>This program shows the international settings of the country you select such as Format Currency, Date Format, Day Name, Month Name...<END><br>2 ,<br>This program queries the network and shows the Domains/Servers/Workstations structure. It also shows the users of each Server or Workstation and can send messages to the selected PC. This programs works only on a Windows NT 4.0 Machine!<END><br>3 ,<br>You may use this code as a learning tool only. The application may not be sold in any shape or form. So 下载 the code and get involved with the News Group, help us to help you.<END><br>4 ,<br>User control to launch web browser and jump to URL.<END><br>5 ,<br>Sample application that implements FTP connection, 下载, and upload using the WinInet FTP API from Visual Basic<END><br>6 ,<br>Simple web browser using the Microsoft Internet Control.<END><br>7 ,<br>Complete FTP application.<END><br>8 ,<br>Client side of an internet chat program<END><br>9 ,<br>Server side of an internet chat program<END><br>10 ,<br>Is a control that you can use to link your program to a web site.<END><br>11 ,<br>Checks your email!<END><br>12 ,<br>Telnet Application<END><br>13 ,<br>Validate an IP address<br>14 ,<br>This is a complete email sending client in Visual Basic<END><br>15 ,<br>This is a program that enables two people to chat across the internet. You must know each others IP address and have an understanding of ports<END><br>16 ,<br>program which communicates with each other and allows one computer to perform a task on the other<END><br>17 ,<br>Internet Timer. Also calculates the cost of the call. Can AutoDetect Phone call charges from the time and date.<END><br>18 ,<br>TILISOFT Internet ActiveX Controls - Retrieve HTML pages from the Net - Post data to HTTP server <END><br>19 ,<br>A ping monitor for the network administrator. Based on API code <END><br>20 ,<br>Easily build your very own custom web browser,using the web browser object<END><br>21 ,<br>StealthMail 2.1 - full SOURCECODE for the StealthMail 2.1 program. Uses only VB6 code, and NO API calls!<END><br>22 ,<br>This is the source code for a client and server chat program. <END><br>23 ,<br>This utility allows you to remotely reboot, log-off, 下载 files, delete files,luanch applications, auto navigate a web browser and view desktops via TCP/IP<END><br>24 ,<br>This Will Allow You To See A Visual Representation Of The Latency of Your Local Machines IP. A.k.a Lag Meter<END><br>25 ,<br>Mail Checker Sample Application. Create your own POP3 client to retrieve e-mails from mail server. Source code + tutorial.<END><br>26 ,<br>This code shows you how to creat a local network chat room so that you and your friends can have a chat room which nowone else can enter<END><br>27 ,<br>Demonstrates how to downlaod text from a webpage without a browser open. This could be used for what i used it for in the past for a news program<END><br>28 ,<br>Worldwide list of URL extensions by country<END><br>29 ,<br>This Application checks for unread email using outlook. MS Agent will popup to announce how many unread mails you got. This also checks sub-folders on your inbox. Configuration is added to choose which MS Agent to use and the Time interval use to check for mails<END><br>30 ,<br>FTP Client Sample Application. It was built with MS Winsock Control. It is a complete FTP client that allows you to browse FTP directories, 下载 and upload files, resume broken file transfer, create and remove directories, delete and rename files. All the operations execute in an asynchronous mode with the progress indication . <END><br>31 ,<br>This is real simple source code for a Multi-Client server, it allows upto 65535 users to connnect to your server,via winsock control- it can be customised to become any server, such as IRC, FTP. plus all the functions are in their to relay data and store information on each users accounts. <END><br>32 ,<br>Lets you create your very own Cyber Sitter or Net Nanny Type software- it blocks access to sites based on keywords such as "sex","hack" or "security" alternatively whatever you want ! - it's the long awaited project version of previously released WEB ADDRESS SPY! <END><br>33 ,<br>Complete LAN chat program<END><br>34 ,<br>Telnet Server. Allows multiple connections, uses Access DB to store Access Control Lists/Users<END><br>35 ,<br>Almost complete HTML editor with many functions. This is only a pre-released version so some stuff doesn't work.<END><br>36 ,<br>Its a fully functional web browser<END><br>37 ,<br>With the onslaught of the Love Bug virus in the last 24 hours, many of us had to provide solutions prior to the Virus Protection companies. This VB6 code cleans the ILOVEYOU virus from systems<END><br>38 ,<br>Custom Control, that lets you have full control of Dial Up Networking<END><br>39 ,<br>: This is A Complete Internet Browser Like IE With More Fuctions Like Bulk mail And Many more. Requires several third-party OCX files including Autocomplete.ocx.<END><br>40 ,<br>Web page maker <END><br>41 ,<br>Viru-Spy. Relays sytem information to your email account. Run on someone else machine to retrieve system info,dial up passwords, bookmarked urls etc etc<END><br>42 ,<br>Send ICQ messages from VB<END><br>43 ,<br>All new DeskMate2.0 with added new features like email checking, NT messaging system, movie screen, system tray alerts as well as the old features like, Online Weather, News headlines, Online Horoscopes, Movie Reviews etc.<END><br>44 ,<br>TelDialOut is a program that dials a phone number from an application using the modem. I had observed the large number of postings on various forums about this topic so I have included a well documented application to assist those who would be using this feature in their applications<END><br>45 ,<br>Great example program for programmers learning XML. This program shows you how to use the msxml.dll control, as well as the treeview control. Users must have msxml.dll version 2.0 for binary compatibility.<END><br>46 ,<br>Complete VB application that retrieves customer information from an XML script, allows you to make changes to the data, and saves the record using other XML scripts. This is a great example for learning MSXML.dll and TransactXML.dll procedures. <END><br>47 ,<br>Visual Basic code for Sending email using MAPI control.<END><br>48 ,<br>Dan's All purpose masterful program <END><br>49 ,<br>this vb code executes a request from and returns all links results in a TreeView.<END><br>50 ,<br>Sending Email using MAPI control.<END><br>51 ,<br>Checks your new mails from mutiple mail servers(yeah it works!!!!!). it switches tray icons on different states & displays the number of new messages (as msn messenger display messages) and plays a WAV file<END><br>52 ,<br>This sample demonstrates how to loop through the history folder of Internet Explorer.<END><br>53 ,<br>Advanced web browser..something like IE but less options really nice interface..code is very easy to understand..teaches you the basics of using vb.<END><br>54 ,<br>NO its not another internet usage monitor its different.Apart from calculating the cost and total time you spend on the net it even reminds you to switch of the net after a time interval which you specify.Check out this cool program.<END><br>55 ,<br>This is an exceptionally good piece of code. One program runs on a machine somewhere, and the other on your machine. You can then send commands to the other machine, take screen snapshots and more... It uses the INET control for all functionality, but you could do the same with the Winsock DLL.<END><br>56 ,<br>Following on from the original NetControl by Danny, this little ActiveX/OXC project contains some small modifications and the sourcecode for the control. You can send messages with a client/server type setup.<END><br>57 ,<br>Apparently, if you use AOL to connect to the Internet and you do not touch it for 45 minutes it will timeout and drop the connection. This little program will ensure that it keeps the connection active.<END><br>58 ,<br>Kenneth has developed this is a great little application which reads a Microsoft Exchange mailbox and lets you know via playing a .WAV file when you have mail.<END><br>59 ,<br>This little project is Dannys first attempt at an ActiveX control and its very good. There are two mini projects included here. The first is called SlotDemo and allows you to send messages or data in a client/server type role. Its uses some very clever programming.<END><br>60 ,<br>We found this bit of code somewhere on the Internet a few months ago and tidied it up a bit. I don't know the author's name so cannot give them credit. But basically this sample will return the Ethernet Address of the card in the current machine.<END><br>61 ,<br>This little demo will return, using Windows API calls, the following: IP Address, Network Username, WorkdstationID, Windows version, build version and service pack info, the windows directory, the PDC name if you are logged onto an NT server and the time <END><br>62 ,<br>If you want to check if there is a RAS/DUN conneciton activ, then this little routine will return true or false depending on whats going on. If RAS isn't installed on the machine, it will crash but otherwise its a great routine. For more information<END><br>63,<br>Using the Winsock Control to get IP Information <END><br>64,<br>Open a Blank Browser Window <END><br>65,<br>Display the Title of a Page in a Form's Caption Bar <END><br>66,<br>Disable Input to a WebBrowser Control <END><br>67,<br>Make a Label Act Like an Internet Link<END><br>68,<br>Link a ComboBox to a WebBrowser Control<END><br>69,<br>Navigation Buttons<END><br>70,<br>Show Browser Status<END><br>71,<br>Get Local IP and HostName using WinSock<END><br>72,<br>This is a sample from an XML implementation I created for my company's Intranet, giving the capability for user maintained content<END><br>73,<br>A Cellular Phone Application Uses MSCOMM, Modem and normal telephone lines to make calls. <END><br>74,<br>A Phone Dialing program that play both DTMF Tones and MF Tones using wav files. It does not use A real Phone.<END><br>75,<br>Easy DNS Lookup and Reverse Name lookup using qdns.dll (dll vb source is included in zip). For use see included sample ASP page.<END><br>76,<br>About myself, i am a computer pro experienced in creating dynamic data driven web sites. About the code, it demonstrates the usage of internet transfer control to 下载 the content from the web.<END><br>77,<br>A basic Instant Messenger. <END><br>78,<br>Just mention the site URL and easily Capture the desired Data, Tag's from that Web Site. Also <br>helps in understanding the use of DoEvents, Error traping and many more features. <END><br>79,<br>this code analyse DOM of a web document(Document Object Model).<br>Usefull in order to rettrieve all links, images, scripts informations like url, index, absolute index of all HTML objects. <END><br>80,<br>This is an Internet Public Chat Application, which is unique. This is for All. I have seen several Internet Chat systems developed but they were not good enough to encourage the Novice programmers understand the complexities of using the Winsock control. This is the Internet Chat System developed using Winsock Control only and no API calls, or any other DLLs. <END><br>81,<br>In this tutorial of 100+ pages, you can get every thing which is mainly related to build a complete web based email system. this artical will cover everthing of SMTP, POP3, MIME and HTTP. <END><br>82,<br>Inanny is a netnanny like clone,u can use inanny to block sites locally.The new version works with netscape(all versions) as well as ie(all versions). <END><br>83,<br>IRC Client that supports all basic needs of an IRC Client and a bit more. Uses Raw RTF code, so it's very fast displaying text. Also handles IDENTd properly. <END><br>84,<br>Blitz Chat System is a complete Chat Server and Client application for internet and intranet users. It has facilities like room selection, <END><br>85,<br>Q Navigator Ver 1.1 is an updated form of my Web Browser, which has the best features (and more) of all browsers. <END><br>86,<br>RJ Soft's AtomicClock (Atomic Clock.Exe) sets your computers Date and Time from an atomic clock via tcp/ip at 12:01 AM every day. Atomic Clock sits in the system tray so you can load it and forget it or click on the icon and tell it to reset the Date and Time. <END><br>86,<br>Send Text or HTML Mail(You can join an ONLINE photo). Retrieve all your input box mails and create a new folder. <END><br>87,<br>This is a grand application allowing you to get 10 day weather forecasts for almost every region of the world. Also gives you weather imagery maps. Must see. Kind of a big 下载, but I wanted to make sure everything was included. <END><br>88,下载<br>Website 下载er.Updated with many new features. <END><br>89,<br>OK folks.....this is a better version of the SurfMonitor code. Not only does it have the 'Autodetect' feature, it also manages the registry better and creates log files. The administrator can also apply time and date restrictions on users.... <END><br>90,<br>This is an anti-hacker tool I've created. It's much like Lockdown 2000. It sits on your system tray listening for incoming connections on various ports. <END><br>91,<br>Allows an individual to restrict multiple users to access the users only for a certain amount of time. It also has an 'Autodetect' feature to automatically detect an internet connection and disconnect in case <END><br>92,下载<br>Just enter the URL of a webspage you want to 下载 and all the links in the webpage will be 下载ed including any image files . The program is still in the development stage . <END><br>93,<br>This software for bulk email for personal and corporate use. The enclosed zip conatains all the codes and readme text. This software uses MAPI and CDO for Windows 9x. <END><br>94,<br>Application demonstrates the use of the VB Winsock control and some of its properties. <END><br>95,<br>A simple HTML editor written in Visual Basic. <END><br>96,emailnotifier.rar<br>This is an application that monitors the local host for IP address changes and notifies a list of people by e-mail if the IP address changes. Both the IP address and the e-mail list are stored between sessions <END><br>97,<br>A Full Advanced ASP/Html Editer with Database, Cookies, includes, sounds, forms, body, Tables wizards and more. (Wizards do html & responce.write) Color coding html. tag inserts, Plugins, Templates, Java codebase, vbscript codebases, full asp codebase Asp Preview on localhost and normal preview and LOTS MORE MUST SEE <END><br>98,<br>You must have Access 2000 installed in order to print. Other than that you should be fine. This will anonymously query an exchange 5.5 or higher exchange server and retrieve The names and email addresses and place them into an access database. This code has many useful examples. <END><br>99,<br>UPDATED 11/10/2000 Now With even more options!! This application allows you to check for an updated version of a file or a program via FTP, then 下载 that update if it is available. <END><br>100,<br>Ping(s) a computer and returns the results. <END><br>101,<br>HotmailBox - Alternative Hotmail client that accesses your inbox. Includes support for multiple accounts, synchronizes your account, has a built-in address book and support for attachments (with the exception of images, so far). <END><br>102,<br>Hyper_Map allows you to define areas on a webpage graphic for jumping to different URLs. Image mapping is a neat way to create links. Also, the program demonstrates Picture1 draw properties and some HTML creation. <END><br>103,<br>ICQ Control Center, The worlds most complete icq api example freely availble on the net, this revised edition contains protocol information sample code and much much more ! <END><br>104,<br>This application allows to send HTML mails ! Now you can send images, formatted text in your mails, put some really cool effects ! <END><br>105,<br>Synchronize Your System Time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server. <END><br>106,<br>This code allows you to transfer files from one pc to another using winsock. <END><br>107,Winsock下载.zip<br>Winsock 下载er - Lets you 下载 any file from the internet (Binary, ASCII, Text) any size. <END><br>108,<br>An FTP application with complete VB source code included. <END><br>109,<br>AOL instant messenger client written in VB. <END><br>110,<br>Version 2.02 of the popular Idoru Ping Monitor. Includes a Password Hacker, and shows important info on your machine <END><br>111,<br>A full avtive browser, with all IE's trimings, i have left out the exe and some of the ocx. but ppl who have vb60 should have these ocx. <END><br>112,<br>VB application which uses winsock control to send mail to your mail server! <END><br>113,<br>Simple file transfer (FTP) application. Contains both the client and server VB source code .vbp applications. Destination filename is set to "Temp". <END><br>114,<br>Detects if the user is connected to the internet. <END><br>115,<br>Started to program a remote tool FTP program. Give some feedback otherwise i'm going to code it in Delphi. <END><br>116,<br>Live wire winsock file transfer program which retreives remote drives/directories and working on files and enables upload/下载 of files with progressbar. <END><br>117,<br>I have tried to develop a very good browser. Now I myself can't rate it... so i am leaving to you guys out there to rate it.. <END><br>118,<br>It is an interesting Internet Browser. Add your favorites, URLs, Home Page, and History to Windows 95/98 Registry. Must see. <END><br>119,<br>[UPDATED]:Complete Internet Browser. Must see. <END><br>120,<br>This code sample enables users to 下载 and display HTML, RTF, or Text files in a RichTextBox Control, using the Microsoft Internet Transfer Control included in Visual Basic 5.0. <END><br>121,<br>Retrieve Web page or file (including all HTTP headers and message body) througn HTTP protocol directly from VB program which utilize the MS WinSock Control. <END><br>122,<br>This application checks for incoming mail (POP3 client). <END><br>123,<br>A Simple Application to Send Messages Without using a COMMAND Prompt. <END><br>124,<br>This application provides seamless interaction between users of an intranet. The database acts as a Server and it has to be loaded on the server of your local intranet and each .exe serves as <br>a client. <END><br>125,<br>This is a simple one-to-one chat program using Winsock. It includes a text based chat, a messaging feature and also a secure communication feature, much like SSL. I use the RSA 64 bit encryption for the secure channel. <END><br>126,<br>The program can be used in your desktop, as is. You will find dialing much more confortable and fast than the original Windows Dialer.exe. <END><br>127,<br>A messages Client / Server application (compile and source code).You can send messages from a client to another and server remote all users activity and distribute the messages to client who request that <END><br>128,<br>E-MAIL PROGRAM. ALLOWS USER TO LOG INTO ISP SERVICE AND SEND MESSAGES AND FILES. <END><br>129,<br>Very simple application which shows how to get your PC's IP address using the VB Winsock control. <END><br>130,<br>This program can save you days to weeks of work on a huge domain with hundreds to thousands of users with its "Bulk Administration" and remote feature. Features Bulk Administration Allows you to administer the login path, profile path, home directory, and more with one click of a button for all users! Alternate Credentials Allows you to specify a different username and password to complete your tasks. <END> <br>131,<br>Application which gets all network information from the system. <END><br>132,<br>This example uses the Inet control to 下载 the HTML source from any webpage. This could easily be used in conjunction with the Get Web Links example to make a full fledged web-spider and search engine program...<END><br>133,<br>This example uses the WebBrowser control to load a web page then enumerate and display all of the links on that page. This example could be easily expanded to be used as a web-spider with a little bit of effort. <END><br>134,<br>This example is a very simple solution to sending and receiving data to and from a Parallax Basic Stamp. This example requires a Basic Stamp and the MSComm control. Also included is an example Basic Stamp II program to work with the example... <END><br>135,<br>A Peer-to-Peer chatting program with a very easy user interface. <END><br>136,<br>A basic example on how to transfer files across the network using the WinSock Control(18KB)<END><br>137,<br>A simple example of exchanging data across a network using the WinSock control(4KB)<END><br>138,<br>A simple web browser built using the Web Browser control(2KB)<END><br>
OutlookAttachView v2.73 Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Nir Sofer Web site: Related Utilities ================= * NK2Edit - Edit, merge and fix the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook. Description =========== OutlookAttachView scans all messages stored in your Outlook, and displays the list of all attached files that it finds. You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the desired folder, as well as you can delete unwanted large attachments that take too much disk space in your mailbox. You can also save the list of attachments into xml/html/text/csv file. System Requirements =================== * Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/2003/2008. * Microsoft Outlook 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2010, or Microsoft Outlook 2013. For the 64-bit version of Outlook 2010/2013, you should use the x64 version of OutlookAttachView. Be aware that OutlookAttachView doesn't work with Outlook Express. Versions History ================ * Version 2.73 o OutlookAttachView now also scans the root folder of the .pst file. * Version 2.72 o Added %from_email% and %to_email% variables to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.71 o Added %localmsgtime% and %localmsgdate% variables to the attachment filename format. o Fixed a crash problem occurred on some systems after version 2.70 update. * Version 2.70 o Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings. * Version 2.69 o Fixed bug: OutlookAttachView crashed on some systems. * Version 2.68 o Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key. * Version 2.67 o Fixed bug: when turning on the 'Image Preview' option, OutlookAttachView displayed empty image or incorrect image. * Version 2.66 o Added more accelerator keys (in the menus). * Version 2.65 o Added 'Image Preview' option (Under the View menu). If you turn on this option, a preview of selected gif/png/jpg file will be displayed in the lower pane. Be aware that this feature is quite slow... * Version 2.63 o The number of attachments is now displayed in the status bar while scanning the mailbox of Outlook. * Version 2.62 o Added 'Recent Config Files' menu, which allows you to easily open the last 10 configuration files that you used. * Version 2.61 o Added GB and Automatic to the 'File Size Unit' option. * Version 2.60 o Added option to save and load the entire configuration of OutlookAttachView ('Save Configuration' and 'Load Configuration' under the File menu). * Version 2.56 o OutlookAttachView now remembers the last size and position of the 'Copy Selected Files To...' window. * Version 2.55 o You can now specify wildcards (For example: nir*.doc, abc???.txt) in the include/exclude filename option. * Version 2.51 o Added option to choose the file size display unit: Bytes, KB, or MB. * Version 2.50 o OutlookAttachView now remembers that last 20 strings you typed in the Extensions List, Excluded Extensions List, Subject contains string..., From string, and To string, and you can easily select a string again from a Combo-Box. * Version 2.47 o Added option to choose another font (font name and size) to display the attachments list. (Options -> Select Another Font) * Version 2.46 o Fixed the flickering occurred while scrolling the attachments list. * Version 2.45 o You can now resize the scan options dialog-box. Also, the last size and position of this dialog-box is saved to the config file. * Version 2.43 o Added %attach_id% variable to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.42 o Added option to change the maximum number of characters in every variable of formatted filename. (The default is 64 characters) * Version 2.41 o Added option to filter by the message direction (incoming or outgoing) in the Scan Options window. * Version 2.40 o Added %message_direction% and %message_entryid% variables to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.38 o The 'Show Inline Attachments' option is now turned on by default (In previous versions it was turned off). The reason for this changed: I found out that many users think that there is a bug in OutlookAttachView because they can't find some of the attachments, without understanding that they have to turn on the 'Show Inline Attachments' option. * Version 2.37 o Fixed issue: The properties and the options windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system. * Version 2.36 o Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers. * Version 2.35 o Added 'Message EntryID' column, which displays the ID string of the Outlook message. * Version 2.32 o Added %domain% variable to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.31 o Added /SaveDirect command line option, for using with the other save command-line options (/scomma, /stab, /sxml, and so on...) When you use the SaveDirect mode, the attachments list is saved directly to the disk, without loading them into the memory first. This means that you can save a list with large amount of attachment lines into your disk without any memory problem, as long as you have enough disk space to store the saved file. The drawback of this mode: You cannot sort the attachments according to the column you choose with /sort command-line option. * Version 2.30 o Added 'Domain' column, which displays the domain of the from/to email address. * Version 2.25 o Added 'Message Direction' column (Incoming or Outgoing). * Version 2.20 o Added 'From Email' and 'To Email' columns, which displays the From/To email addresses. (The existing To/From columns shows the 'Display Name') * Version 2.15 o Added 'Put Icon On Tray' option. * Version 2.11 o When trying to connect to Outlook 2010 with the wrong build of OutlookAttachView (OutlookAttachView 32-bit with Outlook x64 or OutlookAttachView x64 with Outlook 32-bit), OutlookAttachView now displays informative error message about the problem. * Version 2.10 o Changed the user interface of the Main Scan Options window, to make it useable for lower screen resolutions and to give more space to the folders/subjects/from/to include/exclude lists. * Version 2.05 o Added 'Skip Exchange public folders' option. * Version 2.00 o Added command-line options to change any configuration value. * Version 1.95 o Added /extractall command-line option, which allows you to extract all Outlook attachments from command-line, according to your saved settings. * Version 1.90 o Added option to scan only emails in the last xx days (alternative to the date/time range). * Version 1.85 o Added option to scan only emails with the specified 'From' and 'To' strings. * Version 1.82 o When adding a folder to scan (with the Add button), the folder path in now delimited with quotes, to ensure that it'll be scanned properly if the folder name contains a comma character. * Version 1.81 o Fixed a crash problem when trying to save outlook attachment. * Version 1.80 o Added 'Add' buttons, which allows you to easily add folders to scan or skip by choosing them from the list of Outlook folders. * Version 1.75 o Added the ability to choose the desired Outlook profile inside the 'Mailbox Scan Options' window. * Version 1.72 o You can now specify a folder with all its subfolders (to include or to skip) by adding * character to the folder string, for example: Personal Folders\Inbox* * Version 1.71 o Fixed OutlookAttachView to be able to scan the public folders of Exchange server. * Version 1.70 o Added option to specify a custom date/time format for the filename in the 'Copy Selected Files To...' option, for example: %msgdate:yyyyMMdd% , %msgtime:HHmmss% * Version 1.67 o OutlookAttachView now displays (in the status bar) the current copied filename while copying the attachments. It also allows you to stop the copying process by clicking the stop menu. * Version 1.66 o In the 'Copy Selected Files To...' window, you can now specify a subfolder in the attach filename format. For example, if the filename format is %folder_name%\%subject%_%attach_name%.%extension% - All attachments from the inbox will be saved under the Inbox subfolder, All attachments from Sent Items will be saved under the Sent Items subfolder, and so on... o You can also choose the 'Create subfolders automatically' option if you want that OutlookAttachView will automatically create the subfolders for you. * Version 1.65 o Added time fields for the scanning date range. o The date range is now saved in the .cfg file. * Version 1.63 o Added 2 actions to 'Double-Click Action': 'Open Selected Attachment With' and 'Copy Selected Attachment To' * Version 1.62 o Fixed bug: OutlookAttachView crashed when trying to extract a special type of attachment. * Version 1.61 o Added 'Mark Inline Attachments' option. When it's turned on, inline attachments are marked with blue background color. * Version 1.60 o Added /start command-line option, which instructs OutlookAttachView to start the mailbox scan immediately with the loaded configuraion, without displaying the Scan Options dialog-box. o Decreased the memory consumption when the list of found attachments is very large. * Version 1.57 o Added new option to specify the list of folders that you wish to skip (comma-delimited list). * Version 1.56 o Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line. * Version 1.55 o Added new option to specify the list of folders that you wish to scan (comma-delimited list), instead of scanning the entire mailbox. * Version 1.51 o Added 'Open Selected Attachment With...' option, which allows you to quickly view the content of the attachment with another application, instead of the default one. * Version 1.50 o Added 'Open Selected Attachment' option (F7), which allows you to quickly view the content of the attachment, without the need to extract the file and then open it from Explorer. Be aware that when you use this option, OutlookAttachView extracts the attachment into a temporary folder, and then opens it with the default application, according to the file extension. When you close OutlookAttachView, all temporary attachment files are automatically deleted. o Added to option to choose what to do when you double-click on a single attachment: Open Properties Window, Open Outlook Message, or Open Attachment File. * Version 1.47 o The status bar now displays the total size of selected attachments in KB/MB. * Version 1.46 o You can now send the attachments list to stdout by specifying an empty filename ("") in the command-line. (For example: OutlookAttachView.exe /stab "" > c:\temp\att.txt) * Version 1.45 o Add new filter: Scan only emails that their subject contains the specified string. * Version 1.41 o Added option to exclude one or more file extensions from the attachments list (in comma-delimited list). * Version 1.40 o Added Extension column, so now you can easily sort the list by the file extension of the attachments. o Added option to filter the attachments list by file extension - you can now specify the list of file extensions (in comma-delimited list) that you want to find. All attachments with file extensions that are not in the list won't be displayed. * Version 1.37 o Added /cfg command-line option for loading the configuration from another .cfg file. * Version 1.36 o Added %message_size% and %folder_path% (full folder path) variables to the attachment filename format. * Version 1.35 o Added an option to control the filename format for extracting the attachments. (In the 'Copy Selected Files To...' window) You can include the following fields in the created filename: Subject, From, To, Attachment Name, Folder Name, Message Date, and Message Time. o Added 'Set the modified time of the file to the time of the message' option. When it's turned on, the extracted attachment file will get the same modified time of the message that contains the attachment. * Version 1.30 o Added 'Email Software' column, which displays the email software that was used to send the message. The value is taken from x-mailer header line. This column is only relevant for received messages (Inbox). o Added 'Computer Address' column, which displays the computer name or IP addresses that sent the message. This column is only relevant for received messages (Inbox). * Version 1.25 o Added a new option to 'Mailbox Scan Options', which allows you to scan another profile of Outlook, instead of the default one. o Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option. When this option is turned on, the column names are added as the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file. * Version 1.21 o Added support for embedded message attachments (attachments of another message). These attachments are saved as .msg files. * Version 1.20 o Added option to filter by attachment size. o Fixed issue: removed the wrong encoding from the xml string, which caused problems to some xml viewers. * Version 1.15 o Added 'MailBox Scan Options' window, which allows you to choose the dates range to scan. o Fixed bug: The 'Created On' column displayed wrong dates in some Outlook configurations. * Version 1.13 o Added 'Copy Selected Attachments To...' into the right-click context menu. Also, changed the 'Save Selected Items' to 'Export Attachments Information', to avoid the confusion between saving the attachment files and exporting the attachments details. o Added separated x64 version - for using only with x64 version of Outlook 2010. * Version 1.12 o Fixed a crash problem when using this utility with IMAP accounts. * Version 1.11 o Added sorting command-line options. * Version 1.10 o Added 'Open Message In Outlook' option. * Version 1.06 o Added 'Clean Selected Attachments' option - clean the content of attachment, but without removing the attachment entry. * Version 1.05 o Fixed bug: OutlookAttachView failed to scan sub-folders under main Outlook folders. o Added 'Folder Path' column. * Version 1.00 - First release. Using OutlookAttachView ======================= OutlookAttachView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - OutlookAttachView.exe If you have only one profile in your Outlook, and this profile doesn't require any password, you can run OutlookAttachView even without starting Outlook, and it'll automatically scan the mailbox of your current Outlook profile. Otherwise, it's recommended to open Outlook in the right profile before starting OutlookAttachView. After running OutlookAttachView, the 'MailBox Scan Options' window will be displayed. This window allows to choose to scan your mailbox only in specific dates range. After choosing 'Ok' in the options window, OutlookAttachView starts to scan your Outlook messages and display the found attachments in the main window of OutlookAttachView. If you want to stop the scan process, simply choose the 'Stop' menu. After the scanning process is finished, you can select one or more of your attached files, and copy them into the desired folder, by using the 'Copy Selected Files To' option. If have large attachments that you want to delete, you can use the 'Delete Selected Attachments' option. Be aware that when you use the delete option, only the attachment file is deleted. The message itself remains on your mailbox. You can also use the 'Clean Selected Attachments' option to clean most of the attachment content, but without removing the attachment entry. If you use this option, you'll still see the attachment listed in your email message with small file size, but saving this attachment to a file will create a corrupted file. Inline Attachments ================== Attachments embedded as a part of the message body are detected as 'Inline Attachments'. By default, OutlookAttachView doesn't displays these inline attachments. If you can't find the attachments you're looking for, you should try to turn on the 'Show Inline Attachments' option, located under the Options menu. Control The Filename Format of Extracted Attachment =================================================== When you extract one or more attachments from your Outlook mailbox, you can control the way that the attach filename is generated. By default, OutlookAttachView use the following format: %attach_name%.%extension%, which means that the generated filename will only contain the original attachment name and the file extension. However, you can also use the following special variables to format the filename according to your needs: * %attach_name% - The original name of the attachment. * %extension% - The original file extension of the attachment. * %subject% - The subject of the email contains this attachment. * %folder_name% - The folder name of this email (Inbox, Sent Items, and so on) * %from% - The sender of the email. * %to% - The 'To' field of the email. * %message_date% - Message creation date in yyyymmdd format. * %message_time% - Message creation time in HHmmss format. * %message_size% - Attachment size, in bytes. * %folder_path% - Full folder path of this email. (For example: Personal Folder-Inbox) * %msgdate:[format]% - Message creation date (GMT), in any format you need, for example: %msgdate:yyyyMMdd% , %msgdate:ddMMyy% * %msgtime:[format]% - Message creation time (GMT), in any format you need, for example: %msgtime:HHmmss% * %localmsgdate:[format]% - Message creation date (local time), in any format you need, for example: %localmsgdate:yyyyMMdd% , %localmsgdate:ddMMyy% * %localmsgtime:[format]% - Message creation time (local time), in any format you need, for example: %localmsgtime:HHmmss% For example: If you want to generate the attachment filename with the subject, folder name, and attach name: %folder_name%_%subject%_%attach_name%.%extension% Be aware that some of the values are automatically truncated after 64 characters, in order to avoid from over-sized filenames. Scanning Outlook Attachments of External PST Files ================================================== If you want to search an attachment in one or more PST files that are not loaded in your Outlook profile, you can use the following trick: 1. Go to Control Panel -> Mail and choose 'Show Profiles' 2. Click 'Add' to create a new profile. 3. Fill the email account information with faked details (You can delete it afterwards) 4. After the profile is created, double click on the profile, and in the profile properties, click 'Data Files' and add the desired PST files that you wish to scan. 5. Also, you can click the 'E-mail Accounts' button, and remove the faked account that you previously created. 6. In the Mailbox Scan Options of OutlookAttachView, choose 'Allow me to choose the profile' in the Outlook Profile option. 7. When you are asked to choose the profile, you should choose the profile that you created, and OutlookAttachView will scan the PST files that you added into it. Command-Line Options ==================== /stext Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a regular text file. /stab Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a tab-delimited text file. /scomma Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a comma-delimited text file. /stabular Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a tabular text file. /shtml Save the list of all Outlook attachments into HTML file (Horizontal). /sverhtml Save the list of all Outlook attachments into HTML file (Vertical). /sxml Save the list of all Outlook attachments to XML file. /SaveDirect Save the Outlook attachments in SaveDirect mode. For using with the other save command-line options ( /scomma, /stab, /sxml, and so on...) When you use the SaveDirect mode, the attachments list is saved directly to the disk, without loading them into the memory first. This means that you can save a list with large amount of attachment lines into your disk without any memory problem, as long as you have enough disk space to store the saved file. The drawback of this mode: You cannot sort the attachments according to the column you choose with /sort command-line option. /sort This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column. If you don't specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface. The parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or the name of the column, like "Filename" and "Subject". You can specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: "~Subject") if you want to sort in descending order. You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns. Examples: OutlookAttachView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\attach.html" /sort 2 /sort ~1 OutlookAttachView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\attach.html" /sort "From" /sort "To" /sort "Subject" /nosort When you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting. /cfg Starts OutlookAttachView with the specified configuration file instead of the default OutlookAttachView.cfg /start Starts the mailbox scan immediately with the loaded configuraion, without displaying the Scan Options dialog-box. /extractall Extracts all Outlook attachments from command-line, according to your last settings saved in the default .cfg file, or according to other configuration file that you load with /cfg command-line option. You can also use the following command-line options to change any configuarion value you wish: /CopyFilesFolder /NewNameIfExist /UpdateModifiedTimeMessage /FilenameFormat /ScanOptions.TimeZone /ScanOptions.OutlookProfile /ScanOptions.UseExtensionsList /ScanOptions.ExtensionsList /ScanOptions.UseExcludeExtensionsList /ScanOptions.ExcludeExtensionsList /ScanOptions.UseSubjectContains /ScanOptions.SubjectContains /ScanOptions.ScanOnlyFolders /ScanOptions.ScanFoldersList /ScanOptions.SkipFolders /ScanOptions.SkipFoldersList /ScanOptions.DateFrom /ScanOptions.DateTo /ScanOptions.UseDateRange /ScanOptions.OutlookProfileString /ScanOptions.UseFromList /ScanOptions.FromList /ScanOptions.UseToList /ScanOptions.ToList /ScanOptions.UseOnlyLastDays /ScanOptions.OnlyLastDays For example, if you want to extract all attachments into c:\myattach instead of using the folder specified in the config file: OutlookAttachView.exe /CopyFilesFolder "c:\myattach" /extractall Translating OutlookAttachView to other languages ================================================ In order to translate OutlookAttachView to other language, follow the instructions below: 1. Run OutlookAttachView with /savelangfile parameter: OutlookAttachView.exe /savelangfile A file named OutlookAttachView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of OutlookAttachView utility. 2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor. 3. Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be used in the 'About' window. 4. After you finish the translation, Run OutlookAttachView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file. If you want to run OutlookAttachView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder. License ======= This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification ! Disclaimer ========== The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. Feedback ======== If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to [email protected]
ak2新版内核 AceKard All-In-One (AK-AIO) v1.5 ---------------------------------- Credits ------- AKAIO: By Normmatt (, normmatt234 \AT/ gmail \DOT/ com By Smiths of Emuholic (, smiths \AT/ emuholic \DOT/ com By gelu ( Based off of AKBBS' source contributions from the above and following authors: Moogle bliss ( kzat3 ( Special Thanks: bd2rae ( What is This? -------------- AKBBS has been usurped thanks to amazing efforts of Normmatt in merging firmwares! AK-AIO is custom system software for *BOTH* the AceKard RPG and AK2 (and preliminary AK+ support), using all the features from the latest release of AKBBS(1.99) as a base. One file, two cards... with hopefully a third fully supported soon enough. Base features ------------- For those unfamiliar with all the additions the AKBBS (now AIO) software has in comparison to the stock firmware, here's a sampling of the bigger changes: * Cheat Improvements - R4/XML Cheat File processing, online updating * Plug-ins for TXT/MP3/etc. * "Future Adaptable" Multi-loader support (AK2) * Multiple Save Slots per title - with copying between slots * Slot-2 Integration - EZ3in1 (w/GBA Patching) and older FlashAdvance Pro carts * Shortcut tweaks * Multi-page Start Menu * Filetype-based external icon support * Per-Rom settings for soft-reset/download play/cheats * Copying/Cutting/Deleting SAV files along with NDS files * Several improvements to 2byte language support * SAV backup/restore from within GUI (.SAV.BAK) * Wifi updating of Cheat Database and Loaders Version History --------------- AK-AIO 1.5 + Fixed issue with the hiddenFileNames globalsettings option not accepting non lowercase filenames. + Optimizations to the AK2 dldi should be a little quicker now. + Update Dutch translation (Thanks MarioWaza). + Update Spanish translation (Thanks Pendor). + AK2/AK2i clones are now officially unsupported. + Gba icon has been removed from main selection screen on DSi. + Removed outdated plugin system. + Per rom GBA frame support (256x192x15bpp) - Place BMP with internal game id of gba rom in __aio/frames. + Added support for save sizes up to 256Mbit (32Megabyte). + .sav is now default save extension. + Reverse Alphabetical List sorting (set sortListAlpha=0 in globalsettings.ini). + Auto-Anti-Piracy Patcher updated. + ARGV support for homebrew. + New DSi detection (Shouldn't show slot2 icon after softreset on ak2i now). + Disable start menu by adding "LockStartMenu = 1" to your globalsettings.ini + Fixed Trainer Toolkit support. Please refer to LoaderChangelog.txt for compatibility fixes. AK-AIO 1.4.1 NOTE: It's recommended you delete your optionlist.bin file in the __aio folder when updating to this release as the file structure has changed. + Soft reset Improvements. + Fixed corrupt Language files (Italian, German and Japanese). + Added missing font needed for chinese. + Added setting for Hide Extensions to the settings window. + Fix optionlist.bin corruption. + Spin boxes wrap around. + Game Fixes (DMA-Save Mode): - Princess Maker 4 - Club House Games - Mario and Luigi RPG 3 - Rune Factory A Fantasy Harvest Moon - Animal Crossing (Currently cannot be run in this mode, force usage of DMA mode). - Hidamari Sketch Dokodemo Sugoroku x 365 + Game Fixes: - Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars (U) Thanks gelu. - Mario and Luigi RPG 3 (J) (new patch, thanks gelu). - Layton 3 (J) (new patch, thanks gelu). - Animal Crossing. + Updated French language (jp33). + Fix backlight always enabled on DS Phat. + Fix the Per-File icon problem if you have similar games (e.g. - Golden Sun.gba and Golden Sun 2.gba) - In blissland, GOLDEN~1 is the same as GOLDEN~5 + Wifi Updater has lots of fixes relating to GBATemp's new, crappy, server and its timeouts - We appreciate the hosting, but seriously... everything needed to be rewritten to adapt to the crap speeds NOTE: DMA-Save mode is now default so DMA mode (red loading text) is now enabled by holding X during loading. AK-AIO 1.4 + Settings window uses tabs now, merging Settings, Advanced Settings, and Patches options (Thanks Gelu) - Use L/R to cycle through tabs + Misc cleanup of the gui. + 3in1 options now have FAS1 settings merged (detects 3in1/FA at selection, displays options accordingly) + Language files have some addition "title" additions/changes + Leapyear code fixed because the DS sucks at reporting variables nicely. + Updated German language (moviecut). + Reset more of arm7 before runing a game (Thanks Gelu). + 3in1+ Fix for Opera (Untested, Thanks cory1492). + Game fixes: - 3369 Mario and Luigi RPG 3 (J) fixed. AK-AIO 1.3.5 (Unreleased) + Game fixes: - 0645/0777 Star Trek Tactical Assault - General save fixes. (Thanks Gelu for noticing a silly bug). + New Patching Mode hold X while launching a rom. - Fixes video and sound glitches which occur in old patching modes. - NOTE: This is still experiental so it isn't default. + Folders now show their size in the Info window. + Soft Reset fixes. AK-AIO 1.3.1 (Unreleased) + Game fixes: - 1752/2314 My Spanish Coach fixed. - 2243/2412 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness fixed. - 2385 Daigasso Band Brothers DX fixed. - 2906/2971 Star Wars The Clone Wars Jedi Alliance fixed. + Unnecessary Guru Meditation screens on the AKRPG is fixed. + Soft Reset fixes. + Copying files should work better. + Game icons that rely on the nds firmware's background will display properly (Thanks Gelu). + Misc cleanup. AK-AIO 1.3 + AK2i support (options that could potentially harm AK2i are disabled) + Loaders are now external and can be updated separately to the GUI. - Updated Wirelessly! (choose Loader Update in Wifi Update option of Start Menu) - Small changelog, download, update all possible - Loaders only updated for card being used (e.g. - AK2 users only download ak2loader) - Resume supported - Many loaders are beta, know this and shut up - Manual download page @ + Wifi Cheat Update has resume support! - Prompts after confirming you wish to "Try Again" + Files are now sorted alphabetically (Forced at the moment, sorry). + Added Some of Gelu's patches: - Faster Directory Listing. - New List mode - Internal nds names. - Lots of Soft Reset Fixes for the AKRPG. - new DMA mode and BBDX save fix for the AKRPG. - font system (fully supports unicode now :D). - New FIFO IPC System (Behind the scenes stuff). - Massive amount of soft reset fixes mainly for the AKRPG. - Game fixes (Brain Age 2 (K), Chrono Trigger (U/J),...). - Added a few game related fixes (Think Kids, Tropix, Bleach 2). NOTE: because of new font system, language files now need to be utf8. Some have been converted such as English and Japanese but others will need to be saved as utf8 to work properly. + Japanese games now show Japanese characters in rom info window when language isnt set to Japanese + Added a few game related fixes (Yoshi's Island, Star Trek, NSMB). + Files are now sorted alphabetically (Forced at the moment, sorry). + Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum can now read saves for R/S/E/FR/LG from ewin and 3in1 (AK2 Only for now). + Cheat engine fixes. (AK2 and AKRPG only for now). + Optimizations all round (Shouldn't have any lag in GUI anymore, also shouldn't experience any lag while saving). + Italian language added, language updates for English + New 3in1 options window. + Show GBA internal name in Internal view mode. + 3in1 internal GBA rom header stuff and work on Save/Load prompts in 3in1 options window. - Enable/Disable saving 3in1 SRAM on startup (Enabled by default) - Enable/Disable prompting before saving/loading SAVSRAM (recommended!) - Enable/Disable the Universal Sleep Hack for GBA games - Blank NOR button added for quick erase - Dump SRAM button will manually dump the SRAM to a timestamped .sav file in the root - 3in1+ support (untested, but routines and discovery are in, Opera and Rumble sources not available yet) - Thanks to all donators! + Fixed some issues with the cheat window. - Folders that only allow one cheat selected now function properly - Separate icon for skinners for single-select folders (see included skins) + Animal Crossing cheats on AK2. (Use the v1.1 rom as v1.0 will not work anymore). + Unicode font loads on a per-ROM basis - Default font is "kochi-mincho-subst.pcf" in /__aio/fonts directory, old unicode font removed (was 2x the size) - Skinners may add their own custom font to their ui's directory - New line in uisettings.ini "customUnicodeFont = xxxxxx.pcf" will load that font instead of default + Ability to hide extensions by manually adding "hideExtension = 1" to globalsettings.ini + DMA mode on AK2 (Hold A while loading a game to use non-DMA mode: Red text = DMA / Blue text = non-DMA). + New Super Mario Brothers Minigames on AK2: If they don't work, set Download Play to "Disabled" and boot in non-DMA mode (hold down A while loading) + Misc bug fixes (Too many to list). AK-AIO 1.2 + New AKRPG/AK2 Detection Routine which has proven to be much better + Cheat Update functions run from plugin, giving full memory access to it and allowing updates without full AKAIO updates - Can choose to download USRCHEAT.DAT or CHEATS.XML and whether or not to display "Whats New" before launching - Should be much more stable, perhaps a teeny bit faster - Third option in "which cheat file to download" box displays the setting window at plugin launch, can be used for future expansion + Uses gelu's latest fixes for BBDX on the RPG (only works from MicroSD) - excellent work, gelu! - Also has some other fixes gelu's put in for 3in1 NOR erasing, etc. - gelu = the AKRPG master. + Preliminary AK+ Support. Very preliminary. As in, no help offered but know it's still being worked on (See: AK+ SUPPORT) + New Experimental Cheat engine for AK2 and AKRPG, please report any bugs + EZIV compatiblity fixed without need for special line in globalsettings.ini + Scrolling Non-unicode Cheats/Notes, toggle in Advanced Options (default: on) - Can also call cheat window in ROM Properties with SELECT (if button is visible) + Simple Internal Text Reader - System Settings -> TXT Viewer - Parses text, add bookmarks with X, scroll between bookmarks with L/R Buttons - Not as fast as native TXT plugin due to pre-processing of text files, perhaps if we had the TXT Plugin source things could be done, but that would make sense. + Per ROM rumble settings, ROM Options window + Listview mode remembered + 3in1 Support should be fixed, with thanks to cory1492 for testing + GBA Frame issue with Slot-2 booting from main list fixed + Asian languages should be better supported, since we're compiling the menu with DevKitARM 21 + Variable Height Scrollbars and clickable arrows in cheat window/internal TXT viewer. 3 new BMPs for skinning: scrollbar_t.bmp/scrollbar_m.bmp/scrollbar_b.bmp + Super awesome hidden poweroff button in help window, add your own "poweroff.bmp" to "__aio" for fun AK-AIO 1.1 + USRCHEAT.DAT wifi updating support from within shell - Connects to Narin's GBATemp site, displays WhatsNew.txt, downloads, unzips, replaces in one step - UpdateDB option in Start Menu -> More -> UpdateDB - zlib thanks to GPF ( - Download speed limited by DS routine IPStack + (AK2) Alternate loader support, place loader(s) in "__aio/ak2loader/" - ROM options window, select the AK2 loader to use to launch ROM - Compatible with AceKard official loaders + (RPG) uses gelu's latest 4.09e13 softreset routines - Updated 3in1 routines to all of gelu's latest + Fixed Dragon Quest 5 (AK2/AKRPG) - Can now get off the ship and save file wont be rolled back + Can change save file extension (.nds.sav or .sav) - Extension conversion: .SAV file Info Window, press "Save Ext." button - Will convert all Save Slot SAV files as well + Scans for cheats on ROM Info Window (.DAT only), if exist "Cheat" button displays + Per file icon support (32x32x15bpp) - place BMP with same name in same dir as file (eg: nesDS.bmp for nesDS.nds) + (Source) Variable spinbox width/General cheatlist cleanups/Scrolling Messageboxes + (Source) Minor changes to the cheat window + Fixed save size problems - Shouldn't have any more problems with save sizes + Misc Skinning fixes - Fixed problem with Adv.Evo skin - Form titles moved up 1 pixel + SAVBAK routines now use native AK functions AK-AIO 1.0 + Runs on both AK2 and AKRPG + Uses gelu's latest AKRPG rom loader + Uses latest AK2 4.07a16 rom loader + Contains everything from AKBBS1.99 + Future support for larger than 4mbit save types (only supports 64mbit at the moment) + Applied Bliss' AR Engine fixes to the AKRPG + Hopefully fixed most of the soft reset issues with the AKRPG Special Notes ------------- Seeing as this release has experimental support for saves ranging all then way up to 128mbit, please err on the side of caution and backup your saves before using this firmware. The "__RPG" and "__AK2" directory is now simply called "__AIO" Existing users should make sure to rename their system directory, and update globalsettings.ini to reflect the new hidden directory. AK+ SUPPORT --------- AK+ support is very experimental. It has been reported you need to download the software from the following URL: and extract the "akmenu2_fat.nds" to the root of your SD card to even attempt to get things to load. AK+ support is constantly being worked on, but know it's not really "supported" yet. Known Bugs ---------- There are no known bugs ToDo ---- * Keep working on Acekard+ support * Fix any bugs that crop up Also ---- Cheats included are from Rayder's awesome compilation at GBATemp, now maintained by Narin, and are current as of the date of this release. For the most up-to-date files, check GBATemp's release site (, either via PC or by using the "UpdateDB" option in the start menu.
STG (SNMP Traffic Grapher) version 1.4.5 Copyright (C) 2000 Leonid Mikhailov This freeware utility allows monitoring of supporting SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c devices including Cisco, Livingstone, Riverstone etc. Intended as fast aid for network administrators who need prompt access to current information about state of network equipment. Copyright In brief: You may use STG for any commercial and non commercial purpose. You may distribute STG for free. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy only. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Use it at your own risk. I cannot guarantee accuracy of displayed data. I am not liable to you for any possible damages etc... Source code is not available. Features: Single graph displays changes of two configurable SNMP variables with display of Current, Average, Maximum values. Screen snapshot: Could be downloaded from: Newer versions will be there too. STG was written as an add-on for MRTG application by Tobias Oetiker. MRTG ( is absolutely necessary for every network and system administrator. It provides SNMP monitoring of any number devices simultaneously. However during my duties I often have to check state of ports on different routers that are not always in my domain and setting MRTG configuration takes some time. And does not allow to see last second changes in traffic. That's why STG was written. It allows monitoring of SNMP devices with different update periods starting from 0.01s so you could see what's happening right now. Also STG could be useful during network problems troubleshooting. It runs on MS Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98 and Windows Millenium. To run it on WinNT 4.0 you may need mgmtapi.dll and mib.bin (see below) To run it on Win98 and Millenium you will need mg


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