java jnt_JNTA

The Bouncy Castle Crypto Package For Java


The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms, it was developed by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle, a registered Australian Charity, with a little help! The Legion, and the latest goings on with this package, can be found at

The Legion also gratefully acknowledges the contributions made to this package by others (see here for the current list). If you would like to contribute to our efforts please feel free to get in touch with us or visit our donations page, sponsor some specific work, or purchase a support contract through Crypto Workshop.

The package is organised so that it contains a light-weight API suitable for use in any environment (including the newly released J2ME) with the additional infrastructure to conform the algorithms to the JCE framework.

Except where otherwise stated, this software is distributed under a license based on the MIT X Consortium license. To view the license, see here. The OpenPGP library also includes a modified BZIP2 library which is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0.

Note: this source tree is not the FIPS version of the APIs - if you are interested in our FIPS version please contact us directly at

Code Organisation

The clean room JCE, for use with JDK 1.1 to JDK 1.3 is in the jce/src/main/java directory. From JDK 1.4 and later the JCE ships with the JVM, the source for later JDKs follows the progress that was made in the later versions of the JCE. If you are using a later version of the JDK which comes with a JCE install please do not include the jce directory as a source file as it will clash with the JCE API installed with your JDK.

The core module provides all the functionality in the ligthweight APIs.

The prov module provides all the JCA/JCE provider functionality.

The pkix module is the home for code for X.509 certificate generation and the APIs for standards that rely on ASN.1 such

as CMS, TSP, PKCS#12, OCSP, CRMF, and CMP.

The mail module provides an S/MIME API built on top of CMS.

The pg module is the home for code used to support OpenPGP.

The tls module is the home for code used to a general TLS API and JSSE Provider.

The build scripts that come with the full distribution allow creation of the different releases by using the different source trees while excluding classes that are not appropriate and copying in the required compatibility classes from the directories containing compatibility classes appropriate for the distribution.

If you want to try create a build for yourself, using your own environment, the best way to do it is to start with the build for the distribution you are interested in, make sure that builds, and then modify your build scripts to do the required exclusions and file copies for your setup, otherwise you are likely to get class not found exceptions. The final caveat to this is that as the j2me distribution includes some compatibility classes starting in the java package, you need to use an obfuscator to change the package names before attempting to import a midlet using the BC API.

Examples and Tests

To view some examples, look at the test programs in the packages:







There are also some specific example programs for dealing with SMIME and OpenPGP. They can be found in:



Mailing Lists

For those who are interested, there are 2 mailing lists for participation in this project. To subscribe use the links below and include the word subscribe in the message body. (To unsubscribe, replace subscribe with unsubscribe in the message body)

This mailing list is for new release announcements only, general subscribers cannot post to it.

This mailing list is for discussion of development of the package. This includes bugs, comments, requests for enhancements, questions about use or operation.

NOTE: You need to be subscribed to send mail to the above mailing list.

Feedback and Contributions

If you want to provide feedback directly to the members of The Legion then please use, if you want to help this project survive please consider donating.

For bug reporting/requests you can report issues here on github, or via feedback-crypto if required. We will accept pull requests based on this repository as well, but only on the basis that any code included may be distributed under the Bouncy Castle License.



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智慧校园整体解决方案是响应国家教育信息化政策,结合教育改革和技术创新的产物。该方案以物联网、大数据、人工智能和移动互联技术为基础,旨在打造一个安全、高效、互动且环保的教育环境。方案强调从数字化校园向智慧校园的转变,通过自动数据采集、智能分析和按需服务,实现校园业务的智能化管理。 方案的总体设计原则包括应用至上、分层设计和互联互通,确保系统能够满足不同用户角色的需求,并实现数据和资源的整合与共享。框架设计涵盖了校园安全、管理、教学、环境等多个方面,构建了一个全面的校园应用生态系统。这包括智慧安全系统、校园身份识别、智能排课及选课系统、智慧学习系统、精品录播教室方案等,以支持个性化学习和教学评估。 建设内容突出了智慧安全和智慧管理的重要性。智慧安全管理通过分布式录播系统和紧急预案一键启动功能,增强校园安全预警和事件响应能力。智慧管理系统则利用物联网技术,实现人员和设备的智能管理,提高校园运营效率。 智慧教学部分,方案提供了智慧学习系统和精品录播教室方案,支持专业级学习硬件和智能化网络管理,促进个性化学习和教学资源的高效利用。同时,教学质量评估中心和资源应用平台的建设,旨在提升教学评估的科学性和教育资源的共享性。 智慧环境建设则侧重于基于物联网的设备管理,通过智慧教室管理系统实现教室环境的智能控制和能效管理,打造绿色、节能的校园环境。电子班牌和校园信息发布系统的建设,将作为智慧校园的核心和入口,提供教务、一卡通、图书馆等系统的集成信息。 总体而言,智慧校园整体解决方案通过集成先进技术,不仅提升了校园的信息化水平,而且优化了教学和管理流程,为学生、教师和家长提供了更加便捷、个性化的教育体验。




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